What are the benefits of a jade room?
Salt caves, or speleological chambers, have been well known to our compatriots since Soviet times, but previously they were available mainly in elite sanatoriums at the best resorts. Nowadays, such installations are available in any decent sanatorium or spa hotel. What is a salt cave? Those who have been to salt grottoes at least once in their lives know firsthand about their health benefits. A salt cave is a simple and enjoyable way to strengthen your immune system and prevent colds. They are also useful for chronic diseases of the ENT organs and allergies. Let’s figure out what it is. What kind of room is this? A salt room (also known as a halochamber or speleochamber) is a room completely covered with salt blocks, from floor to ceiling. In addition, a special saline solution containing tiny particles is constantly sprayed into the air, which have the main therapeutic effect. Interestingly, due to the high concentration of healing salt, there are absolutely no bacteria or viruses in the closed space of the halochamber. And the atmosphere in the salt room is a bonus to the healing effect. Coarse salt, like sand on the beach, tickles your feet, a darkened room with dim pleasant light, quiet music or sounds of nature from the speakers, sun loungers or comfortable chairs – an ideal place for relaxation. What are the benefits of halotherapy sessions?
- Staying in a salt cave has an extremely beneficial effect on the immune system and helps resist respiratory diseases. During the period of colds, you don’t have to worry about your health! A visit to the salt grotto is recommended for people with diseases of the respiratory system, as salt vapors have mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. After just a few sessions, the patient’s cough and even snoring weakens or disappears completely.
- Microparticles of salt in the air of the halochamber help cleanse the skin. Indications include acne, atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, not to mention teenage rashes. – As already mentioned, one of the main effects of a salt solution is to cleanse the lungs and respiratory tract. This makes the course of halotherapy mandatory for people who work with chemicals and harmful substances, live in places with polluted air, or smoke.
- Being in a salt room speeds up your metabolism, which promotes natural weight loss.
- This procedure is also recommended for hypertensive patients to improve blood circulation.
- The halochamber provides a remarkable therapeutic effect in the fight against prolonged depression, depression, and nervous excitability. – Saline solution helps speed up rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries.
- The benefits of halotherapy for children even exceed the benefits for adults! Firstly, it strengthens the immune system, and children’s resistance to viruses and infections increases from childhood. In addition, the course eliminates excessive excitability and solves sleep problems. As a rule, a separate space is equipped in the salt room for children, where they can play and have fun, combining business with pleasure.
To be fair, it should be noted that the desired effect cannot be achieved in one visit, which usually lasts about half an hour or a little more. Positive changes in well-being can be felt after 3-4 visits to the salt cave, and a full course consists of 10 sessions and is recommended to be repeated at least once a year during the period of spread of viruses.
Salt cave during pregnancy
Like any other procedure, visiting a salt cave at any stage of pregnancy is only possible with the approval of a doctor. And if there are no contraindications for the expectant mother, several sessions of halotherapy can help cope with toxicosis and regular fatigue, relieve swelling and relieve possible back pain.
It is prohibited to visit the halochamber in a state of exacerbation of any disease or in the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Contraindications also include tumors, tuberculosis and a number of other serious diseases, as well as severe addictions. Also, the procedure is not recommended for children under 1 year of age. To summarize, a salt cave is a wonderful and affordable opportunity to significantly improve your health and solve many well-being problems for the whole family. You can also relax and unwind in the halo chamber. Be sure to try this course and feel the difference!
From the dossier: Jade is a cryptocrystalline variety of amphibole group minerals: actinolite and tremolite. It has high viscosity. It has different shades of white-green color and a pleasant oily sheen. Refers to jewelry and ornamental stones. Hardness 6,0-6,5 on the Mohs scale, density 3,0 g/cm3. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: kidney stone, Canadian jade, dianite, yu, punamu, hash, jasper.
The fact is that jade is one of the most revered stones in the East, and its possession was more valuable to another local king than several cities. There were all kinds of legends about it – for example, they believed that it was from it that the throne of Buddha in the heavenly palaces was made, and that this gem bestows immortality and guarantees rebirth after death. Therefore, pieces of jade were often placed in the mouth of the deceased – this was done, for example, in Mexico, where, in addition to this, the Mayans decorated the graves of famous dead with jade mosaics, they put jade rings on their fingers, and they placed a mask carved from jade on their faces – just as masks were made in Egypt made of gold.
But the fact is that in South America, jade was valued higher than the useless and soft yellow metal – the famous statement of Montezuma, the leader of the Atzeks, who, after meeting with the conquistador Cortez, noted with surprise: “They are only interested in gold – they know nothing about jade ! Whether this is true or not, but on the territory of modern Mexico, jade products were really in great demand, and this gem was even used to make tools – knives, adzes, scrapers, which were finished with ruby crystals.
Jade tools were in use at the dawn of civilization in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia – for example, the Maori Indians passed on jade amulets as the highest value, and looked for the stone with the help of a sorcerer, without relying on their own strength.
In Turkey, jade was considered a stone of victory, and it was used to make handles and inlays for military weapons – knives, swords, axes, as well as rings and belt buckles, which only the wealthiest men could wear. A jade tiger set in gold served as a seal for another ancient conqueror, “The Great and Fearless,” Genghis Khan, and the Mongol warriors who conquered Rus’ for three long centuries certainly had a jade amulet with them. According to legend, Alexander the Great had a jade pendant, and when he lost it, leaving it on the banks of the Euphrates while swimming, luck was no longer on his side
However, the greatest love for jade blossomed in Ancient China – there they first began to use jade as an artistic material to create jewelry, ritual vases and bowls for wine and sacrificial blood, insignia of the emperor and his dignitaries – the supreme ruler of China, for example, back in VI V. BC. wore a miter covered with jade plates and a similar sash. Jade became the sacred stone of the Ruler of Heaven, symbolizing perfection, strength, courage, harmony, spiritual purity and a number of other virtues.
The most important documents were sealed with a jade seal, jade “coins” were valued on par with real ones, and passports for imperial envoys were engraved on jade. During worship, semi-precious Buddha figurines and dishes made of light blue jade were used, and the first form of the hieroglyph “king” was a symbol of a string of jade beads; Such symbols are also part of the original form of the hieroglyph “precious”. Household items were also made from jade – lampshades, goblets, sculptures, beds on which members of the imperial family rested, and even pillows. Since the time of Confucius, a special musical instrument has been made from thin layers of jade – an analogue of a xylophone, from which sound was extracted with wooden sticks; it was believed that this was the music of the gods, and Confucius himself, tired of his righteous labors, loved to entertain himself with “jade chimes” and reached unprecedented heights in this art. What can we say about burials, where jade products – both simple blocks and finely crafted bowls, earrings, rings, amulets – are found in the hundreds.
In the last few centuries, jade has become popular in Europe and America – for example, Queen Victoria had a jade staff, and Nicholas II also owned a similar thing. At the beginning of the 19th century, jade was found in Siberia, thanks to which this stone became a popular material for vases, tabletops, and Florentine mosaic panels.
Now jade is a fairly rare and valuable gem, from which jewelry, pendants and amulets, Buddhist symbols, small sculptures and art objects are made. Jade deposits Russian settlers discovered jade in 1824, discovering a “green stone” in the upper reaches of Onot. Soon, industrial mining and supply of “green stone” to St. Petersburg, and then to London and Vienna, were organized here.
Sayan jade was highly valued in Europe. It stood out for its quality and had unique shades: from greenish to rich emerald. Jade jewelry was in demand, and a collection of items made from Sayan jade was exhibited at the end of the last century in museums in London and Paris.
Currently, jade mining is carried out in the mountainous regions of the Eastern Sayan, within the Okino-Kitoi and Onoto-Belsky watersheds. It is here that the main explored reserves of this mineral are concentrated. In addition, individual small manifestations of nephritis are found along the river. Kitoy, Shara-Zhalga, Urik and some other mountain rivers, where you can see large jade boulders right on the surface.
In Yakutia, jade deposits have been explored in the middle reaches of the Vitima River, the Lena River basin. Also in the north of the republic, in the Seleniya River basin, within the range. Tas-Khayakhtakh, the Selennyakh group of jade manifestations has been explored, including 7 serpentinite massifs, which are associated with placers of jade and vesuvian jade.
Healing properties of jade
Hundreds of treatises, books and articles have been written about the medicinal abilities of jade – they are truly incalculable. In China, it was considered a panacea for all diseases and was worn for prevention and complete protection of the body.
In the Middle Ages, jade was ground into powder and taken orally as a medicine. Tooth and heart pain, bloating, arrhythmia, pressure changes, depression, stress, nervous diseases, problems with blood circulation and bone marrow – everything is subject to jade; An amulet made from this gem on the stomach facilitates childbirth for pregnant women and cures ulcers and stomach cancer. Sometimes you can find whole jade dishes on sale – they are very useful for harmonizing physical condition, regenerating cells and rejuvenating the body. Jade hand massagers are another popular item used to get rid of wrinkles, pimples, blemishes and inflammation on the skin, improving the complexion.
For those suffering from stones in the kidneys and bladder or other diseases of these organs, various methods of exposure to nephritis are recommended – from direct massage to a belt or massage pillow. The latest innovation is car seat covers with jade circles all over the surface, which will also improve the condition of the spine and cardiovascular system. And similar sleeping pillows will relieve insomnia, nightmares and fears. However, jade jewelry also works the same way – beads, pendants, rings, earrings.
In the Celestial Empire they say about this stone: “Man nourishes jade, jade nourishes man.” Indeed, it helps to withstand any difficulties, feeding its owner with strength and energy, and therefore is very useful for the spiritually weak, people who like to complain about life, and who find it difficult to cope with problems on their own.
Hard work, concentration, endurance, love for one’s work—this is what “nurtures” jade in the person who acquires it. It awakens a craving for beneficial changes, gets you out of a dead end and helps to expand the boundaries of consciousness and look at things from an unexpected angle. At the same time, jade is a talisman for those who dream of stability and a constant reliable source of income, engaged in manual, physical labor.
Jade is also suitable for military personnel – such an amulet, especially made from white jade, protects against injury, gives courage and leads to victory. A woman will need a ring with a jade insert, which will protect her family happiness and prolong her youth and beauty, and a jade figurine will contribute to a speedy replenishment of the family.
However, this is only true for those who have already entered into marriage – otherwise jade will not allow you to acquire new fans, because this gem protects you from unnecessary contacts with people, forcing you to focus on your own inner world. By the way, like many strong energy stones, jade can change color on the owner’s hand – it darkens if you persist in your mistakes, not wanting to improve, according to encyclopedias.
But all the other wonders of jade fade if we imagine that those who lived many centuries ago sincerely believed that this gem could resurrect after death and forever preserve the body from decomposition. Alas, it is simply impossible to believe in this in the 21st century – but it is easy to believe that jade, as has been proven many times, significantly prolongs life.
Illegal export of jade from Russia
In 2009, Chinese citizens tried to smuggle one of the jade shipments across the border. They hid 265 stones with a total weight of 1,5 tons in the ceiling openings, under the seats and in the luggage compartment of the bus. In another case, the mineral was found in the possession of a Chinese citizen who was carrying it on a train in fruit boxes. The cost of 223 kg of jade was estimated at 334 thousand rubles. This year’s largest shipment of jade – 1791 kg – was seized from a Russian who was illegally transporting it to China for the purpose of selling it.
Another case of smuggling was recorded at Grodekovskaya customs in the Primorsky Territory, where the value of the seized 333 kg of jewelry jade was estimated at 313 thousand rubles. For comparison: in 2008, border guards of Transbaikalia and Buryatia recorded only one attempt to illegally transport jade. Then, 4,8 kg of the mineral was seized at the Russian-Mongolian checkpoint Mondy.
All routes for the illegal export of jade from Russia lead to China. In the Celestial Empire, this mineral is one of the ancient national symbols. It is believed that a product made from this stone should be in every home to give its owners prosperity and longevity. The Chinese are willing to pay from $300 per kilogram of processed stone of various shades of green, and up to $10 thousand for especially valuable white jade.
In Russia, 13 out of 16 explored deposits of open-pit jade are located in Buryatia, which provides 90% of the total Russian production. Along with legal subsoil users, black miners and resellers are thriving here. Illegal jade miners are divided into several groups. “Divers” have been extracting jade pellets since the days of mountain rivers. “Tramps” are looking for minerals in the taiga, just as free prospectors used to look for gold. The third group formed relatively recently. Representatives of this category enter licensed deposits on “contractual” terms and extract as much jade there as they can carry. The daily fee is 15–20 thousand rubles, and, of course, in cash. Denial of access to a deposit is fraught with various problems for the subsoil user. At best, the jade will simply be stolen from him without offering anything in return. Chinese entrepreneurs are mainly involved in buying illegally mined minerals. But some Russian companies do not disdain this.
Thus, in 2008, one of the companies exported about 70 tons of jade to China. At the same time, there was not a single piece of heavy equipment on its balance sheet, and its staff included three people. Another company has not submitted reports on the volume of mineral extraction for several years, continuing to supply jade abroad.
The other side of the jade problem is the underestimation of export prices by legal subsoil users. According to the Transbaikal Customs, the maximum cost of jade in 2008 was $7, and in 2009 – $8 per kilogram. The budget received over 43 million rubles in taxes.
The Russian government is going to equate jade to precious stones.
Today the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation proposes to equate jade to precious stones. And he reports an increase in illegal mining and export abroad of especially valuable varieties of jade. The department points out that most of the rock is most likely sent to China, where this mineral is especially popular. Body jewelry and interior elements are made from it.
Due to the depletion of its own base on the part of the PRC, the demand for jade mined in Russia has sharply increased, according to the explanatory note to the draft amendments to the Law “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones”, posted on the unified information disclosure portal. The Ministry of Natural Resources reminds that the extraction and export of jade in Russia is subject to licensing. And they add that “at present, significant scales of unlicensed mining and export of jade, especially its valuable varieties, have been revealed.”
Ministry experts point out that prices can vary greatly depending on the value of the breed. Thus, for some varieties the cost per kilogram reaches several thousand or even tens of thousands of dollars. Although most varieties cost about several tens of dollars per kilogram. The annual turnover of jade in Russia is estimated at around $20 million per year