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What did Coco Chanel say about first impressions?

You won’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Coco Chanel Have there ever been situations in your life when, having accidentally met a person, you regretted your appearance? For example, after the birth of a child, we forget to take care of ourselves and, going to the market, we meet a classmate. Shame about dirty hair, an old T-shirt and unplucked eyebrows. Instead of a pleasant conversation, we leave with a question in our heads: why did I meet this person in this particular state? Every time we encounter new people, we leave a first impression of ourselves, which (if it was wrong) is very difficult to change over time. But you really want to leave only the best impression about yourself! That create the right image in the heads of the people we meet, we need to study. It doesn’t matter whether we are interviewing for a job or submitting documents to admit a child to kindergarten. Even when we go out for a walk with our child, someone is watching us and forming an opinion in their head.

5 ways to make the right impression

I bring to your attention 5 opportunities to make the right impression. Why five? Psychologists have done a lot of research and have discovered 5 aspects that we pay attention to when meeting a stranger. They are the ones who help us draw a picture of the person we see for the first time. Let’s look at them in more detail. I decided to insert quotes about the appearance of a great woman named Coco Chanel. No matter who, she knew how to make a first impression on people. So what people pay attention to:

1. Our invoice

Hair, face, skin, nails, teeth. Many women these days place great emphasis on clothing, forgetting that a healthy woman is a beautiful woman.

“Hands are a girl’s calling card; neck – her passport; chest – international passport.” (Coco Chanel)

  • Always clean and styled hair,
  • well-groomed hands,
  • healthy teeth,
  • physical exercises
  • and proper nutrition –

By remembering this every day, we automatically earn ourselves one plus when meeting an old friend or stranger.

2. Psychology of our behavior

“The worse a girl does, the better she should look.” (Coco Chanel)

Like us we behave at the meeting:

  • Are we tense or do we behave freely?
  • is there a sparkle in our eyes or are we worried about another problem;
  • smiling or gloomy;
  • even the way we sit down on a bench or open the door is important for the first impression.

Like us let’s go:

  • what our gait says;
  • Do people in our walk see a woman who flies, or a woman who is mired in a swamp of routine and
  • can’t get rid of them?

Is our reasoning defines the beauty of our behavior:

  • what we think about ourselves and how we do it is reflected in our behavior;
  • What we fill ourselves with is what comes out.

3. Our clothes

“If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.” (Coco Chanel)

Clothes reflect our inner style. Without knowing it, we say a lot about ourselves with our clothes. Of course our clothes should be

  • clean,
  • neat,
  • comfortable
  • and elegant.

If we want to give the impression of a successful woman, then we will not hang anything on ourselves. Clothing expresses our personality. Every time we dress, we must adhere to two rules:

  • our clothes must suit the situation
  • and respond to the impression we want to make.

Even if we are going to spend the whole day at home, our clothes should be carefully selected.

4. Accessories

“Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.”
“When choosing accessories, take off the last thing you put on.” (Coco Chanel)

Our accessories create image. Here are some examples:

  • Glasses on your hair create an image of negligence.
  • The heel gives slenderness to the legs.
  • The hat is feminine.

You need to choose accessories in direct proportion eye size. If the eyes

  • большие – a girl can afford to wear large and medium-sized jewelry (small ones will be absorbed by the size of her eyes),
  • small – only small and medium sizes (large ones will reduce the size of the eyes).

Be smart about the accessories you wear, because they can tell your interlocutor a lot about you.

5. Present yourself

“One grimace of fate can ruin tons of French cosmetics.” (Coco Chanel)

Speak in such a way that you heard.

  • If you speak sluggishly, mumble under your breath, and address others hesitantly, then the impression of you as a person will be the same.
  • If you want success, then talk as if you already have it. What you say and how you say it matters a lot.
  • If it doesn’t work, practice in the mirror, but this is very important.

And finally, I wanted to share two more catchphrases from the famous Coco:

“There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”
“Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted”

Author: Elena Lagovskaya

Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology “IPiKP”
additional education in psychotherapy and clinical psychology

Moscow, 1st Miusskaya, 22/24 s. 1
+7 (495) 987-44-50
+7 (495) 212-18-90
Daily 09: 30 to 21: 00

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How to make a good impression on a stranger?

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” Coco Chanel once said.

Indeed, the first impression of a person remains in the memory of the interlocutor for a long time. And psychologists say that seven seconds are enough for it to form. During this time, of course, it is impossible to demonstrate either high intelligence, or excellent erudition, or subtle spiritual organization. But our appearance, facial expressions and gestures can tell a lot about us. And only after this will it matter what we ourselves tell about ourselves and our hobbies. Our ability to listen to our interlocutor and show attention to his problems will certainly play a role. But first things first.


Yes, many American women live by the principle “what you wake up in is what you go out in” and can afford not to comb their hair in the morning. But these are not those Hollywood beauties who are incredibly successful socially and live beautiful, rich lives. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your appearance.

It is easiest to communicate with those who look moderately attractive and adequate to the communication situation. Clumsy outfits can alienate the interlocutor, but being overly enthusiastic about your appearance is not always good for communication – style icons are more effective on screens and covers than in real-life communication. But neatness and discreet elegance will not go unnoticed by your interlocutor and will definitely make a good impression.


Smile – a symbol of a person satisfied with life. It seems to say that you are not afraid of anything, you feel like a fish in water, self-confidence emanates from you. Smiling people radiate from within and make you feel good about yourself.

Eyes – that same mirror of the soul. When we look straight and hold the gaze of our interlocutor, this creates the impression of our self-confidence.

If a person is gloomy and constantly looks away, the interlocutor will, at a minimum, get little pleasure from such communication, and may even worry that he has somehow offended his counterpart.


Gestures are not the least important in the list of components of successful communication. They convey both our mood and attitude towards the interlocutor.

Of course, tension and closed postures may have nothing to do with a specific communication situation. A person may simply not feel well, and then his posture will be tense. But people tend to take a lot of things personally, so it’s worth trying to ensure that our body does not look hostile to the interlocutor. It is better not to cross your arms over your chest, not to cover your face with your hands, and not to make sudden movements. If you can’t relax your hands, you constantly want to pull something, rub something, you can, for example, pick up a folder – at the same time it will also give you a businesslike look.

Body position

A straight back is of great importance. Slouched shoulders do not give anyone confidence and shine. But beautiful posture will definitely add attractiveness and charm.

Listening skills

Despite the importance of our beautiful monologues and remarks, we cannot underestimate the ability to listen to our interlocutor. Every person dreams of being heard and understood in our harsh and unpredictable world. And at the same time, many tend to talk only about themselves. So it turns out, as Stanislav Jerzy Lec subtly noted, that “from time immemorial man and man have been conducting a monologue.” And sometimes for good communication you just need to be silent. No, not to distance yourself and withdraw into yourself, but to remain silent attentively, sympathetically and even “eloquently”. While the interlocutor tells you something important about himself. Rest assured, even if you cannot help him in any way, but just try to understand, the person will be eternally grateful.

But there are many more “active listening” techniques that greatly contribute to effective communication.


A compliment, like a smile, costs almost nothing and gives a lot. By saying pleasant things to our interlocutor, we increase his level of happiness, reduce anxiety, making communication easy and relaxed. It is important to be able to give compliments correctly. Try not to flatter. The interlocutor knows deep down whether he really did his job well and how his new hairstyle suits him. If you say kind words about things that are actually worth it, it will be a real compliment. And vice versa: you shouldn’t say that your colleague’s new dress looks amazing if it’s actually two sizes too small (and deep down the colleague knows it!).

An equally high art is accepting compliments. It is important not to shrink, not to babble shyly, “Oh wow, this blouse is already ten years old,” but to calmly and with a smile accept the information and thank you. Then the compliment was a success!

What to tell about yourself

Some “outstanding” personalities like to tell everything about themselves at once. Sometimes you just need to briefly glance at a stranger on the beach or just politely tell a person how to get to the library, and he will be hooked and tell you his entire biography. Have you met anyone like this? So, on a first date or in a new company, it’s better not to tell everything about yourself and remain a little mysterious.

You should not take books on psychology, philosophy and esotericism with you, unless you are really interested in this. Demonstrate exactly your interests, maybe it’s not so lofty, but you can tell a lot about it.

Under no circumstances should you complain about life to new acquaintances. Even if she is very harsh. They say that God loves those who suffer, but excessive lamentation can harm communications with earthly beings. This is because people subconsciously gravitate towards those who are easy and fun to be with. It’s better to wait until the moment when a new acquaintance becomes your bosom friend, then you can allow yourself to pour out your soul.

Criticism and humor

Here, too, less is better than more. You should be extremely careful with critical remarks and witticisms. Your old friends’ favorite jokes can easily hurt someone you know nothing about. But criticism is generally appropriate only when you are directly asked for it, and this usually does not happen at the first meeting.

Be yourself

And most importantly, nothing in the interlocutor is more alluring and attractive than his real self. Being yourself is the greatest happiness and the key to the success of any communication.

G. Moscow st. 1st Miusskaya 22/24 building 1

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