What diseases does rock crystal treat?
Description Rock crystal, water activator, 350 g., Natural healer
If you want to make your life truly healthy and beautiful, start with clean water. Our health, longevity and youth depend on what kind of water we drink. Rhinestone is an excellent natural filter. Its crystals change the structure of water so much that it becomes similar to the structure of water from a natural source. And her memory is freed from the destructive influences of the external environment. Therefore, rock crystal is considered the standard of pure water. Crystal water remarkable in that it is free from bacteria, viruses, iron, chlorine, organics, and heavy metals. This is living water – incredibly fresh, light, enriched with oxygen! The body gratefully assimilates it easily and effectively removes toxins. Don’t miss the opportunity to try it! Pure crystal water is your baggage for longevity! And don’t forget that rock crystal is a lucky charm! Be sure to keep it in your home. Rhinestone – the oldest mineral on the Planet. The stunning beauty of its crystals is mesmerizing! And the beneficial properties. it does not contain impurities in its composition and is an excellent adsorbent, natural filter and standard of clean water. Water is our main energy supplier. If the water is not purified, our cells feel tired.
Research has proven that rock crystal can amazingly change the structure of water. If you put crystals in water, its structure will be exactly the same as that of water from a natural source. And her memory will be freed from the destructive influences of the external environment. Rhinestone purifies water from bacteria, viruses, iron, chlorine, organic matter, heavy metals. Crystal water enriched with oxygen, filled with vital energy. It is structured so that it is easily absorbed by the body and effectively removes toxins. This is living water – incredibly fresh, light, crystal clear! It contains all the baggage of youth and longevity. Water nourishes and cleanses our body – both inside and out. The purer the water, the more active and healing its vibrational energy. Rhinestone – a good resonator. It imposes a healing rhythm on all cells and tissues of the body, leading the human body to recovery. Together with water we receive this information and vital energy. Crystal water regulates blood pressure, improves heart function, cleanses blood vessels, makes joints mobile, strengthens hair. And for those who care about beauty and figure, it is simply irreplaceable. Crystal water rejuvenates the skin, significantly increases its firmness and elasticity, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and makes the skin glow with new vitality. Rhinestone – a happy amulet for any person. His energy is kind and warm. As a talisman it helps to attract money and love into the home. This is a symbol of faithful and devoted love, harmony in family relationships. It helps women preserve and strengthen their family, and girls find love. Rhinestone– a must-have gift for the 15th wedding anniversary – crystal wedding! It has been noted that rock crystal improves memory and speech, stimulates the intellect, and eliminates self-doubt. Therefore, it is important for students and businessmen to take the crystal to exams and business negotiations. Composition: rock crystal. Directions for use: preparing crystal water is a pleasure!
To do this, just rinse the crystals, put them in a container and fill them with water at the rate of 100 g per 1,5 liters; 350 g per 5-6 liters of water;
After 2 hours the water is ready. It is convenient to put crystal crystals in a tabletop filter jug, in a coffee machine, in a container with bottled water, etc.
It is enough to wash the crystals once a week. To maintain effectiveness, after six months, replace the crystals with new ones, and let these “work” in your home, like amulets, amulets, talismans – put them in a chest of drawers, closet, etc. Within 5-6 months you will be able to drink living, crystal clear and healthy water, make valuable ice from it, as well as brew aromatic teas and coffee, and cook food. Don’t forget about washing with crystal water and masks, rinsing your hair, as well as cosmetic ice for your facial skin.
Be sure to try the crystal baths! Place one or more large crystals in your bath and feel like a goddess! You will appreciate the rejuvenating effect of crystal water! Don’t forget to drink water! After all, clean water means long life!
By the way, scientists have concluded that a glass of crystal water improves intellectual activity and increases the performance of the brain. As Hippocrates said, the doctor treats diseases, but nature heals. Shelf-life Unlimited. Storage conditions: in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 40? C. Net weight: 350 g Not a medicine. Before use, consultation with a doctor is recommended.RHINESTONE is a transparent, colorless variety of quartz. It is so pure and perfect that our ancestors considered rock crystal to be petrified ice. This version was supported by another property of crystal – even in the hottest weather it remains cool to the touch. English name: Rock crystal, mountain crystal Other names (synonyms): Colorless quartz, dragomite, crystal, Horace diamond, Isle of Wight diamond, Alecon diamond, Arabian diamond, Arkansas diamond, Buxton diamond, Buff diamond, Bohemian diamond, Bornholm diamond, Brazilian diamond, Brighton diamond, Hawaiian diamond, rock crystal, Dauphinaean diamond, Western diamond, Irish diamond, false diamond, German diamond, unripe diamond, Paphos diamond, Pecos diamond, Rhine diamond, Siberian diamond, Tasmanian diamond, Trenton diamond, Washshire diamond, Schaumburg diamond, diamond Stahlberg or Stolberg, alaska diamond, alencon diamond, berg-crystal (bergkristall), vallum diamond First isolated and described: Rock crystal has been known to mankind since ancient times. Origin of the name: The name rock crystal comes from the Greek word for ice due to its resemblance to ice and the fact that it was found in mountains. It was believed that this was ice frozen in the form of rock crystal forever. New items with Rock crystal in the product catalog Products with Rock Crystal are presented in the following categories:
- Unique exhibits and interior items,
- Stones and minerals,
- Decorations,
- Products and souvenirs,
- Fossils,
- Beads made of stones,
- Cabochons and cutting,
- Stones in esotericism,
- class Oxides (oxides, hydroxides, V [5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodates)
- subclass Oxides (oxides) of metals
- Silica family
- mineral Quartz
- variety of rock crystal
- variety Hairy
Hairy (quartz-hairy, arrows of Cupid, hair of Venus) – rock crystal with inclusions of needle-shaped or waxy crystals of rutile, actinolite, goethite, scherl (black tourmaline) Herkimer diamond.
Syngony: Trigonal
Composition (formula): SiO2
Color: Colorless
Trait Color: White
Transparency: Transparent
Cleavage: Very imperfect (absent)
Fracture: Conchoidal
Luster: Glass
Hardness: 7
Density (specific gravity), g/cm3: 2,65
Brittleness: BrittleSpecial Properties: Broken rock crystals may have razor-sharp edges that can easily cut you. Handle with care.
Rock crystal crystallizes in the form of long and short prismatic, needle-shaped, bipyramidal and tabular crystals. Forms crystal intergrowths, twins, crystal brushes, druses, geodes.
Rock crystal is found mainly in hydrothermal veins. The formation of large crystals is associated with crystal-bearing veins of the “Alpine type”. Finds of rock crystal crystals weighing several tons are known.
Rock crystal is also formed in miarolite voids of pegmatite veins and in contact-metamorphic deposits of various types.
Rock crystal is widespread in sedimentary rocks. Here they are found mainly among carbonate strata (limestones, dolomites) and form small crystals, crystal brushes on the walls of cracks and geodes.Rock crystal is used in radio engineering, optics, and in the manufacture of high-frequency acoustic devices. Crystals larger than 3-5 cm in size are of practical importance. But today, rock crystal is most in demand in the manufacture of souvenirs, various magical paraphernalia and jewelry. Gems look especially beautiful when set in natural precious minerals. Large crystals and druses of rock crystal are beautiful souvenirs and valuable collection material. The price of rock crystal can be very different, depending on the size, purity and safety of the crystals of this gem.
According to lithotherapists, rock crystal is an excellent remedy for diseases of the heart, stomach and eyes, promotes good functioning of the spinal cord and brain, helps with coronary artery disease, varicose veins and respiratory diseases.
Rock crystal crystals stabilize a person’s spiritual and physical strength, are able to heal the nervous system and improve psychological well-being. They help relieve headaches, cope with stress, reduce fever, frees thoughts, relieves anxiety, tension, and relieves nightmares.
Wearing this stone on the wrist regulates blood flow, preventing blood clots from forming. Worn as a necklace, rock crystal increases the milk supply of a nursing mother. When worn on the right side of the abdomen, this mineral improves the activity of the gallbladder, regulating it in accordance with health needs.
In Indian and Tibetan medicine, rock crystal plays a leading role. In modern Tibet, healers treat wounds by applying crystal balls to them in such a way that the sun’s rays reach the affected area through the stone. Rock crystal crystals can destroy viruses and bacteria that have entered open wounds, promote rapid regeneration of damaged tissue, and have a cooling and healing effect. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of this miraculous healing – when passing through a rock crystal crystal, ultraviolet rays kill bacteria, which contributes to a speedy healing.
In Chinese practices, crystal balls are used for massage, and small sharp crystals are used to stimulate biologically active points of the human body.
Rock crystal affects the Sahasrara chakra. It is also used to cleanse and activate all lower chakras.
Rock crystals can be worn by everyone without exception.Rock crystal is a symbol of purity, perfection, modesty and fidelity. According to ancient beliefs, it cleanses the body and thoughts, and helps remove toxins from the body.
Rock crystal is a stone of clairvoyants. Its connection with clairvoyance is explained by the fact that it represents the purest variety of quartz, which makes up a significant part of the Earth’s surface, which senses space and the astral world. It was believed that if a clairvoyant looked at a rock crystal crystal for a long time, he would see pictures of the past or future in it and could find out the answer to questions of interest. Apparently, focusing on the crystal irritated the optic nerve and led to hallucinations in people with hypersensitivity. These hallucinations were interpreted as prophecy.
Rock crystal is of particular importance for fortune telling. Skilled fortune tellers read pictures of the past and future in crystals and especially in well-carved rock crystal balls. To do this, they are installed in a dark room so that a ray of light falls on it, and they look at it for a long time without blinking, concentrating on the desire to see a certain object in it. Sometimes for this purpose they use a crystal ball and a bead on a silk thread, watching it sway.
Rock crystal is great for long-term meditations designed to harmonize a person’s feelings and inner worldview. Rock crystal promotes concentration, sharpening thought processes, expanding consciousness, strengthening memory and improving speech, so it is very good for students. It is worth buying rock crystal crystals for all those who would like to develop the gift of clairvoyance and intuition.
Pendants, bracelets and pendants made of rock crystal accumulate positive energy and protect their owner from the evil eye and damage.
An amulet made of rock crystal relieves a person from the danger of freezing in severe frosts or getting heatstroke in hot weather. As a talisman, rock crystals strengthen constancy, attract love, joy of life, sympathy of other people, luck, spiritual comfort and well-being to the owner. Rock crystal helps get rid of nightmares, insomnia and unreasonable fears.
It is believed that the energy of rock crystal is easily adjusted to the frequency of human vibrations, regulates and stabilizes them. Tibetan lamas use crystal balls to open the “third eye”; they call rock crystal crystals “living”, since their six faces symbolize the six chakras of a person, converging to the top – the seventh chakra, which is directed upward into the Cosmos.In the art of Feng Shui, rock crystal is treated as a unique gem. It is recommended to place a rock crystal druse indoors in any sector. She is able to collect the negativity that accumulates in the room, thus relieving tension from those present. In the marriage sector (southwest), the rock crystal druse promotes intuitive communication. It is also recommended to place it in the sector of knowledge and intelligence (in the northeast), in the sector of career and business success (in the north). To create a romantic atmosphere in the house, it is recommended to place a rock crystal ball in the southwestern part of the apartment.
Interesting Facts
According to the legends of ancient people, rock crystal is nothing more than petrified ice that has absorbed all the power of the magic of Heaven and Earth.
Until the end of the 18th century, the names quartz, crystal and rock crystal were considered synonymous.
- variety of rock crystal
- mineral Quartz
- Silica family
- subclass Oxides (oxides) of metals