Stones by zodiac signs

What do diamonds look like in nature?

Natural diamond is the hardest mineral on planet Earth. After careful processing, it turns into one of the most expensive stones in the jewelry industry – a diamond. But very often, when mining a mineral, you may not notice it at all, since in nature it forms an unsightly appearance, with a complete lack of shine.

What does a diamond look like in nature?

Diamond can be formed in nature in different shapes. This is an octahedron, a cube, a dodecahedron, including a rhombic one. There are cases when a mineral has a completely incomprehensible structure and resembles, to a greater extent, a piece of stone or block. In any case, if a gem is suitable for processing into a diamond, it undergoes a very careful test, and during the work itself it loses more than half of its mass. Sometimes cutting takes more than six months.


Any natural diamond has a high degree of hardness. This is due to the fact that the mineral is entirely composed of carbon. It is noteworthy that graphite also has a similar composition, the hardness of which is estimated not higher than 3 points on the Mohs scale. How is it that stones of the same composition have completely different indicators? It’s all about the depth of occurrence and the conditions that occur in nature. Diamond is formed only at great depths under the influence of very high pressure. It is this fact that makes the stone so hard that it can scratch glass, and diamond coating on construction tools allows you to cut metal and concrete.


In nature, a diamond looks completely different from its “brainchild” – a diamond. The mineral does not have a strong luster and looks more cloudy than transparent. However, the property of refraction of light is inherent in all gems. If you put a stone on a newspaper, you will see absolutely nothing. It is thanks to this property that the future diamond will shine with a uniquely bright reflection, whether it be sunlight or artificial lighting.


The size of a diamond in nature can also vary. These are small scatterings of gems, medium-sized aggregates, and in exceptional cases these are huge crystals, which rightfully occupy a place in history and receive their own names. The most famous include such minerals as Cullinan, Shah, Hope, Constellation, Excelsior, Star of Sierra Leone and others, the mass of which exceeds 500 carats. These are very rare cases when it is possible to obtain such massive nuggets.


Each found diamond has its own characteristics, which are manifested in the presence of various inclusions. These are cracks, air bubbles, small chips, voids. It is these distinctive features that make it easy to determine whether the gem is real or synthetic. The fact is that a mineral grown in laboratory conditions is completely pure. But natural stone is not distinguished by exceptional purity, because in any case it will contain the smallest defects, which make it unique.

What color is a diamond

The color range of diamond is quite diverse. Basically, these are colorless minerals with a subtle yellow tint. In rare cases, gems of red, pink, brownish, gray, blue, black and even blue shades are found. Green diamonds are considered the rarest. Color saturation greatly affects transparency. If the stone is very densely colored and the color is evenly distributed over it, and not in spots or only at the top, then such gems may not shine through at all. It receives a certain shade due to the presence of inclusions and impurities, which are responsible for the corresponding color. Various natural processes also play a huge role, namely, radiation, temperature, volcanic eruptions, and so on. Fancy, or colored, diamonds are natural gemstones that come in a range of colors from sunny yellows and romantic pinks to blues and vibrant greens. It is the shade that sets them apart from more traditional clear diamonds. Like colorless diamonds, fancy diamonds are born deep in the bowels of the earth under the influence of high temperatures and pressure. However, during the formation process they receive microimpurities that affect the future shade. Thus, blue diamonds get their color from boron, yellow diamonds from nitrogen, and green diamonds from natural irradiation. According to statistics, for every 10 transparent diamonds in nature, there is only one colored one.

A stone with history

Throughout human history, fancy-colored diamonds have been the preserve of the upper classes as a symbol of wealth and power. Brown diamonds were worn in jewelry rings in Ancient Rome. Blue diamonds sparkled in the royal courts of Europe. Incredibly beautiful fancy diamonds of Russian royalty adorn the collection of the Diamond Fund. Today, colored diamonds are capturing the hearts of collectors and investors around the world and are becoming increasingly popular among today’s elite.

What colors are fancy diamonds?

Fancy diamonds are found in almost all colors from brown, yellow, blue and pink to green, red and even black.

Yellow: Magic of Gold

Yellow diamonds, known as canary diamonds, are the most common. The presence of nitrogen in the crystalline structure gives them a golden hue. Range of shades: from soft, creamy tones to bright, rich yellows. Want to admire them right now? Just open the collection Fancy!

Pink: Tenderness and purity

The most valuable pink diamond captivates the imagination, especially since the exact mechanism of its coloring remains a mystery. It is believed that this stone gets its color due to distortions in the diamond crystal lattice. Range of shades: from delicate pastel tones to bright, rich pinks.

Blue: Serenity and depth

A blue diamond is one of the rarest treasures. Its color is due to the presence of boron in the diamond crystal lattice. Range of shades: from subtle pastel tones to deep, vibrant blues.

Greens: Natural Splendor

The unusual green diamond owes its color to natural radioactive radiation to which it was exposed for millions of years. Range of shades: from delicate, mint greens to rich, bright emeralds.

Grey: Understated elegance

The gray diamond is the embodiment of restraint and elegance. The presence of hydrogen in its crystal lattice manifests itself in exquisite nuances of color. Range of shades: from cool silver to dark and gloomy grays.

Red: Fiery Passion

The red diamond is one of the rarest and is prized by collectors all over the world. Its color is believed to be due to distortions in the diamond crystal lattice. Range of shades: brown-red, pinkish-red, purple-red.

Browns: Tribute to the Earth

Brown diamonds, also known as chocolate or cognac diamonds, have been prized since ancient Roman times. Range of shades: from light, golden brown to deep, rich chocolate tones. Yellow and brown diamonds are more common than others and therefore are more accessible. The rarest shades are blue, green and pink. Even diamonds weighing less than one carat are highly valued in this category. One of the most valuable fancy diamonds in the world was the Spirit of the Rose, a 14,83-carat diamond discovered in the ALROSA mine in Yakutia in 2017. The rare purple-pink diamond was named after Mikhail Fokine’s ballet “The Phantom of the Rose” and was sold at Sotheby’s for 24,4 million Swiss francs.

How do natural colored diamonds differ from artificial ones?

Natural fancy diamonds form over millions of years due to natural geological processes. Their unique colors are due to impurity elements or lattice distortions. In turn, artificial colored diamonds appear as a result of laboratory processing that causes a change in color – heating, irradiation, etc. For all their visual attractiveness, such diamonds are usually inferior in cost to natural fancy diamonds.

Are fancy diamonds a wise investment?

The rarity and unique beauty of fancy diamonds makes them valuable assets. With increasing demand (especially for the rarer pinks, blues and reds), these stones have seen a steady increase in value. The investment attractiveness of fancy diamonds is influenced by the following characteristics: Rarity: some colors, such as pink, blue and red, are less common, which means more demand and higher value. Color intensity: The value of a diamond largely depends on the intensity of its color. The more intense the color, the more valuable the diamond. Carat weight: larger diamonds tend to be rarer and more valuable, and higher carat weights correlate with higher prices, assuming similar color and clarity. Cut and shape: A first-class cut enhances the appearance of the stone and brings out its color. The unique shape (such as a flower) can also have a significant impact on the price. Cleanliness: Although clarity is not as important for fancy diamonds as it is for colorless diamonds, it is still an important factor. Higher purity grades tend to correlate with higher prices. Certification: Certification from a reputable grading laboratory such as GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or AGS (American Gem Society) provides important information about the color, carat weight, cut and clarity of the stone. A fancy diamond that meets the highest criteria will be a unique investment and a rare work of art. A masterpiece dating back millions of years.

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