Tips for stone care

What do pearls mean to a woman?

Vedic astrologers recommend wearing a stone of at least 2 carats in size. The preferred size is from 2 to 5 carats (5 carats – 1 gram). It is better to use silver or white gold as a frame. The stone must be in contact with the skin of the body.

Favorable time to wear pearls

It is recommended to wear pearls if the Moon is well located in your natal chart. The stone should be put on for the first time on Monday when the Moon is waxing. The transit Moon should be in Taurus, Cancer, Pisces or one of the signs of friendly planets at this moment. She should not be under a strong aspect of any negative planet. An astrologer can choose a favorable muhurta for this, paying attention first of all to the fact that the Moon is in a favorable nakshatra (Rohini, Pushya, Punarvasu, Chitra, Hasta or Sravana).

It is not recommended to wear the stone during periods of chronic diseases and exacerbations. If your general health is unsatisfactory, it is better to remove the pearl item.

Activities involving chemicals can harm your talisman and its healing properties. Therefore, it is better not to wear a stone during this work.

Psychological contraindications are increased emotionality, sentimentality, greed or affection, as well as overly active involvement in family or social affairs.

Astrological contraindications: The Moon is the ruler of the third, sixth or eighth house. In these cases, even the full Moon can cause trouble.

Pearls are especially favorable for people born on the 2nd, 11th and 20th.

There is still debate among astrologers: which zodiac sign people can wear pearls, and who should not? Some argue that pearls are only the stone of Pisces. Others make an exception for Aquarius and Cancer. And all other signs are supposedly not recommended to wear pearls. I think all this is not important. Pearls die without human warmth, just as a person fades without his beauty and tenderness. At all times, for many great and famous women, pearls have always been and remain the most favorite stone as jewelry.

When cleaning pearls at home, you must remember the rules of care and accuracy. Pearl beads and necklaces should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a light soap solution of baby soap or mild hair shampoo and warm water. Earrings, brooches and rings can be immersed in the solution for a few minutes, then taken out and wiped with a dry cotton swab.

To make your pearls shine again, you can apply a few drops of olive oil to a cotton pad and wipe the pearl jewelry. Remove any remaining oil using a paper napkin. It must be remembered that the use of hard materials is prohibited! It is not recommended to use other types of oils to clean pearls – the shine of the pearls will not return, and greasy marks will remain.

Another well-known way to clean pearls at home is to use potato starch. To do this, you need to pour a little powder onto a velvet fabric and wipe the pearl product.

Tarnished pearls with traces of fat can be brought back to life by wrapping the pearl item in soft linen cloth, after adding a teaspoon of finely ground table salt. You need to rinse in water until the salt dissolves, then dry. The product must not be rubbed with salt, otherwise it may be damaged! It is not recommended to use this method to clean beads and bracelets strung on a cable or thread.

After each time you wear pearls, you should wipe them with a damp soft cloth to remove traces of sebum. It tends to gradually soften the nacreous layer of pearls – over time, pearls can crack and become shiny.

Pearls are quite strong, but at the same time a delicate stone. It should not be stored in direct sunlight or high humidity.

It is best to store pearl jewelry separately from the rest in a beautiful box or casket, or wrapped in a soft linen or velvet cloth or bag. It should be stored along with sacred objects on the eastern side of the house. In addition, several different pearl jewelry should not touch each other.

Pearls also require periodic cleaning – wipe with a velvet piece of cloth.

With these simple rules you will preserve the beauty and shine of your pearl jewelry for many years!

Wearing pearl jewelry serves as a method of correcting fate. At the same time, it is recommended to respect the Moon, regularly conduct rituals of worship of this planet, and sing mantras to the Moon (for example, Om Cham Chandraya Namaha).

Pearl products, be it a necklace, beads or bracelet, are a symbol of beauty and grace. They perfectly decorate their owner in any circumstances. Pearls are always relevant. This stone, despite all prejudices, can be worn by a woman at any age.

Pearls are a must in every Lady’s arsenal. This is the most feminine of all gemstones. If you lack such feminine qualities as emotionality, intuition, sincerity, sentimentality, softness, buy pearl jewelry.

The famous Coco Chanel appreciated pearls. In her collection, pearls were a real favorite, the ideal of elegance. According to Mademoiselle Coco, a Woman should have a lot of pearls. It was she who said the phrase: “Pearls are always right,” meaning that this jewel is perfect for any Lady and will become the most democratic, elegant and beautiful addition to any outfit. And the classic combination of white pearls with a little black dress, a black turtleneck and a dark, elegant jacket has gained immense popularity.

I wish you happiness, kindness, femininity and a good relationship with the Moon.

© 2016 AMRITA Accessories

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When choosing a bracelet or necklace made of round mother-of-pearl beads, you need to first ask whether pearls are right for you. A mineral of organic origin can decorate every woman and harmonizes with almost any outfit, but does not always match the horoscope of its owner. This explains the contradictory properties attributed to one of the most valuable seafood.

Why is it that for some people pearls are a talisman and a talisman that attracts good luck, while for others it only brings disappointment and makes them depressed? The answer to this question can be found by understanding the magical properties of the gemstone, to which all women are partial.

How did pearls appear?

There are as many legends about the origin of mother-of-pearl stones as there are peoples who have valued shiny balls since time immemorial. The most beautiful of them was born in Ancient Greece. It tells the story of how drops of water from Aphrodite’s hair turned into pearls when the foam-born goddess came ashore.

In the ancient East, in Arabia and Persia, it was commonly believed that a pearl treasure is born where the ends of the rainbow touch the sea waves. The only people who probably knew where and how the jewelry was obtained were pearl divers. In ancient Japan, there was even a separate group of coastal residents, in which the secrets of the profession were inherited – from mother to daughter. Only women could obtain pearls.

In other countries, men were engaged in difficult and dangerous fishing. Plunging to a considerable depth, they risked their own lives, raising mollusk shells to the surface, in which beautiful treasures were born from the bottom of the warm seas. Most of the shells turned out to be empty, and only in some cases did brave sea workers manage to get a shining ball out of them.

Enterprising Chinese solved the problem simply: they began to artificially grow precious balls. Having figured out how pearls are formed, people began to place a small pebble or bead in the shell. Over the course of several years, the mollusk enveloped the foreign object with shiny mother-of-pearl, turning it into a real pearl. All that remained was to assemble the finished “products”.

To this day, cultured material is obtained using ancient technology. Despite the fact that there was no longer a need to dive for precious stones in the shark-infested waters of warm seas, pearls did not become cheaper. Its high price is explained by the large amount of labor required for cultivation: not every pearl has jewelry quality. Even when a seed is introduced, on which a layer of mother-of-pearl should grow, a precious round stone is formed in only one out of 4-5 mollusks. It takes several years to grow a shiny ball about 7-8 mm in size. The pearl mussels themselves hatch from eggs and grow for 5 years until they reach an age when they can be used to produce valuable products.

Knowing how gems are formed, how much time and labor is spent on their production, you may be surprised at the abundance of jewelry with these stones. But this can be explained quite simply: in addition to real, natural or cultured pearls, there are also artificial pearls.

What kind of stone is Majorca?

The Spanish jewelry company Majorica has discovered and patented an exclusive method for producing imitation real pearls. The composition and formula of the material, produced at an industrial enterprise without the participation of marine life, is kept secret. The company only demonstrates to everyone what Majorca pearls are and how they are made. The process of making the base can be observed in the company store on the island of Mallorca, where the jewelry production and the company’s head office are located.

The artificial material is balls of glassy mass. The master makes each pearl by hand by heating a stick of translucent substance. The molten soft mass is wound around a metal rod.

The cooled balls are mounted on a wooden frame and sent to the workshop for finishing. There they are coated with a paste that includes powder made from real pearls and mother-of-pearl. The company also keeps the full composition of this paste secret. Dried pearls, already similar to real ones, are polished with special soft brushes. At the same time, imitation major pearls acquire the luster characteristic of natural stone of the highest quality.

Thanks to modern technologies, Mallorca is painted in a variety of colors: yellow, black, pink. They imitate expensive and rare varieties of natural cultivated stone (blue, for example), and paint the balls in colors unusual for the mineral, applying gold or silver.

Ready-made pearl beads are strung on strong threads. Jewelry containing Majorca stone can be complemented with Swarovski crystals and metal elements. Ready-made necklaces and bracelets are sold all over the world and are highly valued.

Other ways to imitate pearls

People learned to counterfeit real stones a long time ago. Already in the 15th century, “Roman pearls” were known, which were made from glass balls filled with paraffin. In China, they still use “pearl essence” – an extract of fish scales that has a pearlescent sheen. To fix it on the surface of the glass, the colored balls were baked in muffle furnaces. After applying several layers, the fake pearls were ready.

In the 20th century, the “shell pearl” technology appeared: beads were milled from a thick mother-of-pearl layer of shells, and they were coated with varnish to add shine. The imitation made from natural material was relatively cheap, and faux pearl beads became fashionable on the American continent.

Currently, in addition to imitation, improvement of low-quality natural pearls is also used. For this purpose, tinting and irradiation are used. Cheap yellow pearls can be turned into more valuable brown and dark ones (petrol, eggplant and various shades of blue). Very valuable and rare black pearls can be obtained by irradiating ordinary low-quality stones with X-rays or neutrons. The demand for such varieties is much higher, and it is more profitable for jewelry manufacturers to sell goods at a higher price.

Are there freshwater pearls?

The mollusks that produce the gemstone do not only live in salty seawater. There are many species of bivalves that live in the rivers of Europe, Russia and other countries. But the price of river pearls is much lower than that of sea treasures. Even cultured varieties of freshwater and saltwater pearls differ greatly in cost. This gives reason to doubt the naturalness of freshwater jewelry.

In fact, freshwater pearls are not fake pearls. The difference in price is explained by the costs of maintaining a pearl farm at sea and on the river. Otherwise, stone cultivation is similar.

The growth rate of river jewels is higher than that of sea mollusks. In addition, several shiny balls can form in the shell of freshwater inhabitants at once. This naturally affects the final cost of the product.

River pearls can be distinguished by several characteristics:

  • freshwater varieties are often irregular in shape and form clumps;
  • the shine of a river pearl is duller, matte compared to a sea stone;
  • Depending on the place of extraction or cultivation, sea pearls come in different shades, but river pearls are always white.

You should not be afraid to purchase pearls of freshwater origin. Despite their relatively low price, they are just as true a mineral as the sea varieties. The magical properties of river pearls and the meaning of the stone do not differ from the abilities of a gem obtained from a sea farm. The whimsical shape of freshwater pearls is very successfully played out in jewelry.

Unusual properties of pearls

Natural pearls have healing and magical properties known since ancient times. According to legends, Queen Cleopatra maintained her youth and beauty by drinking a drink made from pearls dissolved in vinegar and mixed with milk. And the beauties of the Middle Ages used powder from ground mother-of-pearl balls for cosmetic purposes.

The ancient Russian treatise “Svyatoslav’s Collection” claims that pearls ensure prosperity and longevity. To do this, it was recommended to crush them and consume them with milk. The general strengthening and healing properties of pearls were noted by both Indian healers and ancient Chinese doctors.

Thanks to the mineral, it was even possible to determine whether a person was sick. If a pearl jewelry suddenly lost its shine, changed color or was destroyed, an experienced healer could suspect some kind of disease. Modern science would associate this with a change in the chemical composition of the patient’s sweat and skin secretions. The substance that makes up any pearl, calcium carbonate, easily interacts with acids and fats, losing strength or changing color and structure.

The Tibetan treatise on health, Zhud-shi, recommends using pearl powder as a hemostatic agent. The powder is also used to treat poorly healing wounds, burns and skin diseases. Drinking milk with the addition of this powder helps fight anemia.

Modern lithotherapists use pearl water prepared according to Ayurvedic recipes. It is credited with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is recommended to take this infusion for fever, inflammation of various origins, liver and gallbladder diseases. This product should not completely replace medications and procedures prescribed by doctors. All the remedies of traditional healers are intended only to help in treatment.

Is the magic of pearls useful to a person?

Many people believe that pearls are a symbol of prosperity, wealth and longevity. But there are no less those who call it a stone that attracts misfortune and dooms a girl to loneliness. Why is the magic of pearl beads not suitable for everyone?

In order for a semi-precious piece of jewelry to give joy to its owner, you need to know whether the stone suits her according to her zodiac sign. The mineral personifies the very element of Water, and therefore can be successfully combined only with the character of those who, according to the horoscope, belong to water signs: Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces.

The strongest sign of the Zodiac in the Water trine is Scorpio. The strong energy of the owner can suppress the energy of the gem and lead to the destruction of the pearl. For those born under this sign, dark-colored stones are best suited: red-brown and black.

It is best for Cancers to wear light varieties: cream and pink Indian, the properties of which include the ability to give peace. Any types of freshwater stones are also suitable for Cancers. For representatives of this sign who are prone to frequent depression, it is not advisable to wear too dark varieties. The perfect shape and shine of the mother-of-pearl surface can comfort and give confidence if a person is worried.

Blue pearls, whose magical properties are based on the element of Water that protects them, will best be combined with the character of Pisces. Passive and calm energy will not allow them to do wrong things and will help them avoid conflict situations. Representatives of this sign can constantly wear pearls as a talisman.

For practical people born under the signs of the Earth trine (Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo), pearls can get in the way, distracting them from business. For people with an entrepreneurial spirit, it is advisable to limit communication with a gem to such moments when they are required to be receptive and sensitive, characteristic of the feminine energy of the stone. These can be periods of falling in love, creating a family and raising children. At moments when all of his enterprise is required from a pragmatic earth sign, it is better not to use pearls as a talisman: plunging the owner into a dreamy mood, the stone can harm him in business.

Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) can benefit from pure and bright energy only when they themselves are pure in their thoughts. Lack of self-confidence can lead to conflict with the mineral and will respond negatively in communication and personal life. Too much communication between the active and frivolous air signs of the Zodiac and a gem can make them soar in the clouds of their fantasies.

The magical properties of pearls are in antagonism with the character of representatives of the element of Fire (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries). It is best for these signs to wear gold jewelry with a few inserts of rare and valuable pearls. It is undesirable for managers and authority figures to have long contact with the stone. Most often, such people themselves feel the strength of their energy, and the gem seems unattractive to them.

The meaning of pearls for unmarried girls is always loneliness. By making the owner passive, the stone does not allow her to seek meetings with potential partners on her own. But for married people, the gem will be a desirable talisman, eliminating everything extraneous from the life of the family. By harmonizing the energy of the owner, a pearl can give and return family happiness. Interestingly, dreaming of pearls means that the woman will soon shed tears.

Mysterious and so diverse in shape and color, the mineral is the only stone that is not processed before being used in jewelry. The shape of the pearls is given by the water element itself. Each of them is unique and inimitable, charming and perfect in its own way.

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