Geological classification

What do people use andesite for?

Natural materials have been widely used since ancient times. Products made from natural stones have not lost their relevance even since the Stone Age. There are many reasons for this: environmental friendliness, reliability, durability and uniqueness. In addition, thanks to exclusive stone products, you can emphasize your individual style and pay tribute to fashion. Origin of andesite Andesite is of volcanic origin and is a rock. Most of this rock is silica. The stone is often found in places of volcanic eruptions: in the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, the Caucasus, the Urals, as well as in Transcarpathia and Crimea. Andesite deposits are places of large accumulations of andesite lava resulting from volcanic eruptions. After the lava cools, andesite forms in the form of domes, deposits, flows, etc. Features of andesite Often, andesite is a dense, fine-grained mass, usually porous. Andesite can also have a fine-grained porphyritic structure. In the event that this rock is formed as a result of underwater outpourings of lava, columnar units appear. Vitreous andesites are extremely rare, since the main composition of the stone is silica. Color palette and stone pattern Most often, andesite is gray in color with various light shades, but there are also specimens that are almost black. Sometimes stones are red or pink in color due to the presence of iron impurities. Under artificial light, the breed can change its color. One of the characteristic features of andesite is the presence in the pattern of certain patterns that are visually similar to the imprints of fern leaves or reminiscent of frost. This decorative effect in the texture of the stone is associated with the chaotic arrangement of minerals during the process of volcanic formation. Applications of andesite The scope of application of this stone is quite wide; it is very often used in construction work. For example, crushed andesite stone is used to make cement or concrete, and slabs of this stone are used for cladding. Andesite is also an excellent material for the manufacture of plumbing products. Andesite sanitary ware Due to the mechanical strength and durability of andesite, plumbing fixtures made from this material are very popular. It does not require special care, is reliable and can last for many years. An important advantage of such plumbing fixtures is the environmentally friendly material, which allows you to bring a piece of nature into the interior of the room. The quality of andesite sanitary ware meets all the necessary quality characteristics and will become a unique decoration for a bathroom or toilet in any design solution. The most important characteristics of andesite sanitary ware are heat resistance, strength, high acid resistance and reliability. Andesite Natural materials have been widely used since ancient times. Products made from natural stones have not lost their relevance even since the Stone Age. There are many reasons for this: environmental friendliness, reliability, durability and uniqueness. In addition, thanks to exclusive stone products, you can emphasize your individual style and pay tribute to fashion. Origin of andesite Andesite is of volcanic origin and is a rock. Most of this rock is silica. The stone is often found in places of volcanic eruptions: in the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, the Caucasus, the Urals, as well as in Transcarpathia and Crimea. Andesite deposits are places of large accumulations of andesite lava resulting from volcanic eruptions. After the lava cools, andesite forms in the form of domes, deposits, flows, etc. Features of andesite Often, andesite is a dense, fine-grained mass, usually porous. Andesite can also have a fine-grained porphyritic structure. In the event that this rock is formed as a result of underwater outpourings of lava, columnar units appear. Vitreous andesites are extremely rare, since the main composition of the stone is silica. Color palette and stone pattern Most often, andesite is gray in color with various light shades, but there are also specimens that are almost black. Sometimes stones are red or pink in color due to the presence of iron impurities. Under artificial light, the breed can change its color. One of the characteristic features of andesite is the presence in the pattern of certain patterns that are visually similar to the imprints of fern leaves or reminiscent of frost. This decorative effect in the texture of the stone is associated with the chaotic arrangement of minerals during the process of volcanic formation. Applications of andesite The scope of application of this stone is quite wide; it is very often used in construction work. For example, crushed andesite stone is used to make cement or concrete, and slabs of this stone are used for cladding. Andesite is also an excellent material for the manufacture of plumbing products. Andesite sanitary ware Due to the mechanical strength and durability of andesite, plumbing fixtures made from this material are very popular. It does not require special care, is reliable and can last for many years. An important advantage of such plumbing fixtures is the environmentally friendly material, which allows you to bring a piece of nature into the interior of the room. The quality of andesite sanitary ware meets all the necessary quality characteristics and will become a unique decoration for a bathroom or toilet in any design solution. The most important characteristics of andesite sanitary ware are heat resistance, strength, high acid resistance and reliability. Ornamental stones Author AlmaznyLuchik Reading time 6 min Published 18.02.2022/18.02.2022/XNUMX Updated XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX Andesite is a rock of igneous origin, occupying the second position in prevalence after basalt. Due to its physical and aesthetic properties, stone has found wide application in construction and decoration. For its amazing and mysterious origin story, it is in demand among magicians, adepts and sorcerers.

History of origin

Andesite was first described in 1836 by the German geologist Christian Leopold von Buch. The rock of igneous origin was discovered in the Andes – South American mountains. Hot magma, rising from the bowels of the Earth, loses gases during the cooling process and turns into andesite. However, the history of the origin of the mineral goes back to the origins of civilization. Evidence of this is provided by finds discovered by archaeologists in the coastal zone of the Ica River in 1961. During the excavations, a large number of black andesite stones were found. On their surface were depicted fragments of the life of the ancient Incas, who previously lived in this territory. The images carried mysterious information. For example, drawings of ancient animals, fragments of organ transplant operations, aircraft of unknown designs and much more. The discovered Ica stones were sold on the black market in Peru to brothers Carlos and Pablo Soldi. They repeatedly tried to attract the attention of scientists to this relic, but to no avail. The study of the stones began only after the intervention of a doctor of medical sciences, who is a descendant of the inhabitants who founded the city of Ica.

Physicochemical characteristics

Andesite is a rock with a complex chemical composition. Its main component is silica. Auxiliary elements are aluminum, titanium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. Andesite also includes other rock-forming minerals, for example, biotite, albite, hornblende, nepheline, pyroxene, quartz, etc. In some cases, andesite occurs in areas where hot mineral springs pass through. As a result, the rock is enriched in iron ore, including an admixture of gold. Physical characteristics of andesite:

Index Description
Mohs hardness 6-6,5
Brilliance glass, mother-of-pearl if mica is present
Density 2,66 g / cm³
Selection form thick-tabular, columnar crystals
Transparency transparent to opaque
Kink conchoidal
Cleavage perfect
Interaction with acids and alkalis resistant to chemicals
Interaction with moisture With high humidity, the iron in the rock oxidizes, causing brown or brownish-pink shades to appear in the color


  • albite;
  • basaltic;
  • quartz;
  • biotite;
  • plagioclase;
  • nepheline;
  • pyroxene;
  • quartz-mixed;
  • xenolithic;
  • hornblende;
  • leucite.

The most common type of andesite in industry is nepheline. The composition contains a high percentage of potassium and aluminum, due to which nepheline andesite is used as a soil fertilizer.

Depending on the structure, andesite is divided into the following types:

  • pumice – porous-bubbly crystals;
  • mandelsteins – stones with a dense structure;
  • obsidians are glassy pieces of rock.

Mining and processing of stone

Rock deposits are formed in places of seismic activity of volcanoes.

The largest deposits of andesite are found in the Andes. It was on the territory of these mountains that the breed was first discovered, which is how it got its name. Mining is also carried out in Armenia, Crimea and Transcarpathia of Ukraine. In Russia, stone deposits are concentrated in the Caucasus, the Far East and Kamchatka.

The rock is processed in several ways:

  • cutting and polishing solid slabs, which are subsequently used in construction and decoration;
  • crushing small stones into crushed stone;
  • grinding rock residues into powder for further addition to building mixtures.


High strength characteristics and physical properties make andesite in demand in many industries:

  • slabs from this rock are used for cladding buildings, flooring, fireplaces, swimming pools, landings, fountains;
  • massive blocks are used in the construction of buildings and structures as a fundamental basis;
  • andesite crushed stone is used to pave the base during road construction;
  • andesite paving stones are used for arranging sidewalks, garden and park paths, and squares;
  • stone, ground into powder, is added to building mixtures and black porcelain;
  • andesite rubble is used as a lining material for furnaces, refrigerators, settling tanks, chimneys and acid baths;
  • andesite dust is used in glass production;
  • Decorative items are cut out of solid pieces – figurines, flowerpots, table tops, frames for mantel clocks, boxes, souvenir eggs.

Andesite has no jewelry value, so it is not used for making jewelry and jewelry.

Therapeutic effect

In lithotherapy, andesite is used to restore both physical and mental health. The stone has a positive effect on the immune system and increases the body’s protective functions. Wearing it has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Daily contact with andesite helps to cope with mental pain. The stone neutralizes irritability, negative thoughts, fears, anxieties and worries. In return, it gives a feeling of confidence and calm. It is believed that this stone can be used to cure mental disorders such as insanity and schizophrenia.

Magical properties

In magical circles it is believed that andesite has been accumulating its energy since the times of the ancient Incas. That is why it is so in demand as a magical amulet and talisman.

The stone gives its owner self-confidence and self-confidence. It will help in difficult life situations when you need to make the right decision.

Andesite stimulates mental abilities, sharpens intuition, develops logical thinking and rationalism. A talisman with this mineral is recommended to be worn by people engaged in intellectual and mental activities. In order for the stone to fully display its properties, you should carry a keychain with it or a rosary with you.


The price for andesite is determined taking into account the type of rock, type of processing, place of extraction and type of product. The average cost per stone is:

  • $11-13 – for 1 ton of andesite crushed stone;
  • $20-30 – for 1 m² of paving stones;
  • $22-25 – per 1 m² of facing tiles;
  • $48 – for a decorative ball with a diameter of 60 mm;
  • $99 – for 1 ton of lump andesite with a fraction from 40 cm to 1,5 m.

The cost of some decorative items made from andesite can reach $500 per piece.

Andesite and the signs of the Zodiac

When choosing andesite as a magical or healing talisman, you should rely primarily on your own feelings. If contact with a stone does not cause mental or physical discomfort, then its properties can be safely used. Otherwise, it is better to refuse products with this rock.

According to astrologers, andesite suits every sign of the Zodiac, but its favorites are still Taurus, Leo and Sagittarius.

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