History of use

What does a cat s eye pendant mean?

An amazing stone, it seems to be looking at you – the vertical pupil of the cat’s eye stone will watch you all the time. This is a talisman stone, a talisman stone that perfectly protects its owner from the evil eye and damage. You have ill-wishers and enemies – you urgently need an amulet that contains at least one stone bead with a vertical pupil. The most unpredictable animal is the cat, and she looks at you with her stopped, serious eye from every bead.
The cat “walks on its own” and brings peace and health to the house. In Ancient Egypt, the cat was considered a sacred animal. The cat’s eye stone is a real amulet for those who want to protect their home from evil spirits. This is a talisman for mothers, the guardian of love and fidelity. See for yourself how closely the cat’s eye is watching you, it is constantly on guard, the goddess Bhast will not allow trouble to be caused to you, every evil word is caught by the eye and immediately neutralized.

Buy a cat eye for your child

The cat’s eye stone helps protect your baby from envious glances and protect him from the evil eye. Have you noticed how amulets are placed on children in the East? Every baby has a talisman on their hand; you need to buy a cat’s eye for your child immediately after birth. You can simply put it on a string, as they do in the East. No big decorations, just a talisman and amulet to ward off the evil eye.
The power of the stone is great, warding off the evil eye and troubles, it seems to take them into itself and neutralize them, burning them in the depths of the pupil. The cat has always been the most unpredictable animal – it both heals and improves the aura in the house. If you don’t have a cat, let its eye protect you.
God Ra, the most powerful among the Ancient Egyptians, seemed to infuse this stone with all the power of the sun. Touch the stone if you need your wish to come true. If it comes from a pure heart, then the result will not be long in coming. The stone is used not only by women, all men who have a cat’s eye in their accessories can say that everything is fine in their life.

The magic of cat’s eye stone

When you go on a trip, be sure to take with you an amulet that contains a cat’s eye stone bead. It will protect you from snake bites, be your good helper on the way, protect you from fears and help you overcome obstacles. And you don’t have to wear it on yourself at all. It is important that he is with you, your amulet and talisman.
The motionless pupil of the stone attracts the attention of people of the opposite sex. If you dream of finding true, sincere love, this stone will help you. And in a dream, it will ward off fears and evil dreams, help you predict upcoming events, and you will easily cope with troubles. Try to remember your dream, and in the morning look at the stone – it will immediately reveal to you the secret of the dream. If you have at least one bead, even it can tell you what your dream is fraught with, no dream books in the world will help you reveal the secret better than this amazing stone.
It seems to influence the subconscious; you will intuitively be able to reveal the clue that your dream brought you. So be sure to buy such a stone, let the magical glow of the motionless cat’s pupil always watch over you and protect you from troubles.

Buy cat’s eye stone in our online store

You have not yet found a store where you can buy natural cat’s eye stone – we invite you to visit us. We have no fakes, all stones are natural, their magic is amazing. They help strengthen your intuition and influence your consciousness so much that you will simply feel insincerity and infidelity.
There were legends that the stone made its owner invisible. In fact, the magical powers of the stone simply avert the enemy’s gaze; the mysterious gaze from the stone talisman averts the threat from you, protects your health and helps protect you from assassination attempts. The incredible power of the stone is that a person looks at it in fascination, he does not understand that the vertical pupil is capable of not only averting all troubles, but destroying them.
Working with this stone is both simple and difficult at the same time, each pupil beckons to itself, great power is hidden in each bead. From the Eye of Horus to the cat’s eye, from the All-Seeing Eye to the Eye of Fatima – we recall the history of the most mysterious symbol. The eye is one of the most mysterious signs in the history of mankind – it was painted in the tombs of the pharaohs, used in world religions and today is worn as a talisman. Let’s remember the history of a unique symbol. Share: Who invented such jewelry? Accessories depicting the human eye were very popular among ancient peoples. The first such amulet found in excavations dates back to the Ottoman era and dates back to 3300 BC. It is believed that at that time the image of an eye on jewelry and clothing served the owner as powerful protection from evil forces and bad people. A little later, eye symbolism became widespread in Ancient Egypt. The famous Eye of Horus takes its name from the Egyptian god and his left hawk’s eye. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt believed that this symbol not only gave the owner wisdom and protected him from troubles, but also gave him hope of resurrection after mummification. That is why he was always present in the tombs of the pharaohs. What does the eye symbolize in jewelry? Throughout the history of mankind, the eye is found in the culture of different peoples. And each time new protective or mystical properties are attributed to the symbol. Most often, people associated the image of an eye with some kind of deity, who seemed to be watching over all the inhabitants of the earth. For example, the sign of the All-Seeing Eye, which is an eye in a triangle, is used in the Christian religion as a divine image – the Eye of the Lord. It can be seen on ancient icons and paintings in churches. At the same time, it is also used by the Masons in the form of the Radiant Delta, which is why it has received notoriety. This is because there are a lot of rumors, speculations and conspiracy theories surrounding the sign and the secret Masonic society. The image of the eye is credited with the role of total control over the entire world, although it was originally used in Freemasonry as a symbol of wisdom and truth. One way or another, the eye sign has strong protective energy, which was used by famous rulers and representatives of religious faiths. The eye is also associated with the gift of clairvoyance. The symbol is able to open a person’s so-called “third eye”, which can perceive information on a more subtle level and see more than ordinary people. What kind of talismans are there with this symbol? In recent years, jewelry with this symbol has increasingly appeared in designer collections and fashion shows. Many people choose such products as a spectacular accessory and do not know its true purpose. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, its influence on a person depends on who owns the eye. Nazar, or Eye of Fatima. This round-shaped amulet is usually made of blue glass or enamel. In the center is a symbolic black pupil surrounded by white. Typically, such an amulet is used as protection against the evil eye. According to Islamic legend, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Fatima, gave her fiance such a piece of blue glass, which helped him return from a long journey alive. The decoration is especially popular in Turkey. Although similar products were also found among the artifacts of the ancient Slavs and Greeks. It is believed that its origins go back to the Turkic peoples. Hamsa, or Palm with an eye. The Middle Eastern protective amulet in the shape of an open palm with five fingers is familiar to many. On the Muslim version of the symbol, which embodies the family of the prophet, there is an image of an eye. The Hamsa is believed to be a universal symbol for protection, including in Judaism. You need to wear the amulet so that your palm is directed downwards. People believe that this is how the amulet gains its power. Cat’s eye stone. But not only the image of the human eye is considered a strong amulet. A stone called “cat’s eye” has similar properties. Since antiquity, he has been a faithful companion of magicians and sorcerers. According to ancient legends, the mineral is able to protect the owner from any evil spells. In addition, it brings good luck and helps indecisive people act more boldly. Which product with Eye should you choose? The choice of decoration depends on what exactly you expect from it. If you just like an interesting design, and you are going to wear the pendant only as a decorative element, then you can safely choose any fancy products with an image of an eye to your taste. For example, earrings in the shape of human faces or items with eyes decorated with stones and colored enamel are now popular. If you are looking for a protective amulet, then choose a silver product that can accumulate negative energy and self-cleanse. An eye amulet is especially suitable for those who are in a vulnerable position. For example, in case of health problems, during pregnancy or during dangerous travel. The symbol will also help in difficult periods of life, when a person especially needs wisdom and support from higher powers. Photo: 585*GOLD, Shutterstock. Valeria Menskaya January 27 2021 Share:

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