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What does a real cacholong look like?

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  • Jun. 1st, 2013 at 12:05 AM

Caholong (English cacholong, from Turkic chalong – “stone” and kache – “river, water”) – a variety opal bluish-white color . The color of minerals can be greenish, greenish-blue, greenish-brown, but most often they are milky-white crystals with multi-colored inclusions and patterns. There are completely opaque or slightly translucent minerals. The shine is pearlescent, glassy. Cacholong is also called Kalmyk agate.

This mineral has been known for a long time. In Ancient Egypt it was dedicated to the bull god Apis. In India, it was believed that this porcelain-white, slightly porous stone comes from the milk of sacred cows living at temples. The ancient Romans used cacholong to make various products: vessels, figurines, women’s jewelry and wall decoration.

В Middle Ages especially valued in the East. In European art, cacholong was used for Florentine mosaic – its color and shine remind porcelain .

In Russia and Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, stone was a common material for making figurines, vases, and goblets.

The main place of cacholong production at present is Central Asia. There are known deposits in Kazakhstan, as well as in Siberia, India, Transbaikalia, Iceland and Armenia.

Cacholong jewelry:

In jewelry, a type of cacholong that is resistant to water is used. The main methods of processing this stone are cabochon-shaped cutting with further grinding and polishing. Most often, jewelers set this stone in silver (pendants, brooches, earrings, rings). But in my humble opinion, it looks especially beautiful in gold)

The stone combines very beautifully with brightly colored gems – rhodonite, malachite, lapis lazuli.

Cacholong and charoite Cacholong and malachite

Despite the fact that cacholong is not an expensive stone, you can find fakes in stores. Synthetic opal is often sold under its guise. To distinguish a natural stone from a synthetic one, just twist it in front of a light source: natural cacholong has uneven reflections, while synthetic ones have reflections that appear evenly, regardless of the angle of incidence of the light.

Lovers of this stone should know that it does not tolerate combinations with cosmetics and must be protected from this. During operation, it should not be subjected to ultrasonic cleaning. It is enough to wipe with a wool cloth moistened with a small amount of olive oil and place it in clean water from time to time for several hours.

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  • accessories and decorations,
  • white,
  • jewelry stones

A delicate milky-white ornamental stone symbolizing selfless love and happy motherhood.

A mineral is a substance homogeneous in structure and composition that is part of a rock, meteorite or ore, formed in the earth’s crust or its water shell as a result of natural physical and chemical processes.

Jewelry stones (both precious and semi-precious) are beautiful and rare varieties of a particular mineral.

It is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume it occupies. When comparing two objects with the same volume, the one whose density is higher will be heavier.

2,1 g/cm³ Mohs hardness

A relative scale of mineral hardness, with Mohs 1 being the least hard and 10 being the hardest.

The standard for the greatest hardness is a diamond with a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale.

Milky white, sometimes with a bluish or greenish tint

History of cacholong

Cacholong is an ornamental stone, an opaque variety of opal, or more precisely, its mixture with chalcedony and quartz. The name comes from two words: Kalmyk “kahe” – “river” and “halong” – “stone”.

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Cacholong was known in ancient times in different countries, and in each it had its own role. For example, in Egypt it was cacholong, which was the stone of the bull god Apis, symbolizing fertility and health. In India, it was believed that the milk flowing from the udder of sacred cows, hitting the ground, hardened and turned into beautiful white stones.

Among the Mongols, kacholong was considered petrified by lotus nectar – a symbol of chastity.

Physical and chemical properties of cacholong

Cacholong stone is quite fragile, its hardness on the Mohs scale varies from 5,5 to 6,5, and its density is 2,1 g/cm 3 . The fracture is conchoidal, there is no cleavage. The color of cacholong always has a soft matte milky tint. The palette can vary slightly from pale green to bluish with brown inclusions, but most often the color of the stone is still white with a slight pearlescent sheen.

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Cacholong may not always be resistant to water, which is explained by the porous structure of the stone. The mineral, at its core, is a very highly compressed powder, and some specimens, if soaked too hard, can eventually turn into chalk.

Cacholong deposits

Neither high temperature nor high pressure is needed to form cacholong. Milk opal is formed shallow underground as a result of biochemical processes. By its origin, cacholong belongs to sedimentary rocks.

Read more:
How to distinguish natural opal from imitation?

The mineral is present on absolutely all continents, but more than 50% of the industrial production of opal, including cacholong, occurs in the southern part of Australia. In Russia, it is mined in the Transbaikalia region.

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The healing and magical properties of cacholong

Already from the history of the stone it is clear that for some reasons unknown to us, in ancient times cacholong was somehow associated with fertility and motherhood. In this regard, his presence in the house will certainly benefit married couples who have been unable to conceive a child for a long time or are just planning to add to the family.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for cacholong?

Despite its delicate color and beneficial properties, cacholong is not suitable for all zodiac signs. Astrologers, in particular, recommend wearing jewelry with milky opal to “airy” Libra and Pisces.

But cacholong is not suitable for the “fire” signs of the Zodiac – it will only aggravate the emotional and aggressiveness of Aries and Leo. The same applies to Scorpios.

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What stones does cacholong go with?

Cacholong, or Kalmyk agate, attracts love, warns against betrayal, and bestows wisdom and tranquility. Many argue that the stone gains its greatest strength in autumn and winter.

You can also enhance the properties of a stone using a mineral that resonates with it. Quartz, opal and chalcedony are almost ideally suited to cacholong in terms of energy; they suit each other especially well as part of beads and bracelets.

Lapis lazuli, malachite, rhodonite will increase its healing properties (increases the likelihood of conception, calms the nervous system and many others). A successful companion would be “young” turquoise in light shades. The beneficial properties of cacholong are duplicated by white opal and dendro opal.

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The peace-loving cacholong has no categorically unacceptable combinations.

What metals does the stone combine with?

The mysterious powers of cacholong manifest themselves due to the influence of Venus and the Moon. Silver significantly enhances the energy of the stone.

Astrologers advise purchasing jewelry with a Kalmyk stone during the waxing Moon, and wearing it for the first time on the 22nd day of the cycle. Then the power of the mineral will be fully revealed.

If you dreamed of a cacholong

A smooth and clean cacholong in a dream speaks of the purity of the dreamer’s thoughts and actions. If the mineral is dirty or cracked, it warns of choosing the wrong path and bad intentions.

Did you know that.

In colloquial speech, cacholong is called pearl opal for its delicate color.

According to one theory, the name of the stone “cacholong” could come from the word “kanlon”, which translated from the Turkic language means “beautiful stone”.

Some beliefs say that if a pregnant woman always wears cacholong jewelry, then childbirth will definitely be easy and quick.

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