Therapeutic properties

What does beryl stone look like photo?

Glass shine. The mineral is very hard, second in hardness only to diamond and corundum, hardness 7,5-8. Specific gravity 2,6-2,9 g/cm3. Color: pale green, emerald green, wine yellow, pink, bluish blue; sometimes colorless. Translucent or transparent. Doesn’t give a damn. There is no cleavage. Hexagonal prismatic crystals or druses; also continuous granular masses. The edges of the prism are often covered with longitudinal strokes. The system is hexagonal. Crystals are ingrown or built up. The length of beryl crystals reaches 6 m, the diameter is over 1 m, and the weight is 10-12 tons.

Features. Beryl is characterized by a non-metallic luster, very high hardness (leaves a scratch on rock crystal), a hexagonal prismatic shape of the crystals and longitudinal shading of the edges. Beryl can be confused with topaz. Characterized by the absence of cleavage.


  1. Goshenite – colorless. The name comes from the place where it was first found: Mount Goshen, Massachusetts, USA.
  2. Emerald – bright green, grassy green (resembles grass covered with morning dew), contains Cr203. The world’s largest emerald, stored in the Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, weighs 11 carats (000 kilograms 2 grams). It was found in the Urals.
  3. Aquamarine – bluish blue (sea green). The museum of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute houses an aquamarine crystal 125 cm long. The aquamarine crystal found in Brazil weighed 34 kg.
  4. Vorobievit – pink. Another name for this variety is morganite.
  5. Heliodor – yellow, transparent. Heliodor weighing 2,4 kg was found in the Urals.
  6. Bixbit – red.
  7. Augustite or maxis-beryl has a dark blue color.

Colorless Goshenite Blue Aquamarine Green Emerald
Pink Morganite Yellow Heliodor Pink Beryl Crystal in Hexagonal Prism Shape


The most typical origin for beryl is its isolation in pegmatite veins formed in the last stages of crystallization of acidic magmas. Beryl is also found in metamorphic rocks, which are most likely the result of metamorphization of previously formed beryl deposits. Due to its chemical resistance, beryl also accumulates in placers.

Satellites. Quartz, albite, microcline, orthoclase, mica, topaz, cassiterite, wolframite, molybdenite, apatite, corundum.


It is used in jewelry as a precious stone (emerald, aquamarine), as an abrasive material and as beryllium ore. Transparent varieties of beryl are used as second class gemstones.

Beryllium is characterized by a unique combination of a number of important properties: it is light, strong, hard, rigid, has high heat and corrosion resistance and high electrical conductivity. It is 1,5 times lighter than aluminum, three times stronger than steel. It is not inferior to titanium in terms of heat resistance and rigidity, but is lighter and stronger. Its electrical conductivity is close to the electrical conductivity of copper and silver. It oxidizes only at 800⁰С, melts at 1300⁰С.

Beryllium is used in rocket, space and aviation technology, and in radio electronics. It is used in bearings and gears, springs and non-sparking tools, in aviation (brake discs of wheels of supersonic aircraft and especially critical components in gas turbine engines), in the nuclear industry, nuclear physics (by bombarding a beryllium target with alpha particles, the neutron was discovered). Beryllium alloys in televisions and transistor receivers prevent parts from overheating. It is the only metal that does not produce a spark when struck, and is therefore used in the manufacture of crushing devices for grinding and abrading explosives and explosive mixtures.

Beryl deposits

Deposits of beryl are located in the European part of Russia, in the Urals (Adui, Murzinka, Shaitanka, Svetloye, Malyshevskoye), Transbaikalia (Sherlova Gora), in Central Asia, Kazakhstan. There are emerald deposits in Yakutia (Inaglinskoye deposit).

Most of the beryl reserves are located in Brazil (Boa Vista deposit), USA (Black Hills Mountains), Argentina, Italy, South Africa, Rhodesia, and Australia. There are emerald deposits in India. The Emerald Mines are located in northwestern Pakistan. There are also deposits of emerald and aquamarine in Colombia, Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

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  1. Carbonate rocks
  2. Rock porosity
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Many folk legends and beliefs are dedicated to the green gemstone; references to it are found in the poetry and folklore of different peoples. This is undoubtedly the most valuable gemstone, second only to diamond in its beauty and nobility.

The name “beryl” comes from the Latin Iwyllus. There is a huge variety of jewelry with beryl, since the gemstone has a lot of colors and shades.

Beryl is quite hard, but at the same time a very fragile stone, which is why the cutting of such stones is quite complex; not all types of stone settings in jewelry are suitable for this type of stone, and the price largely depends on the rarity and richness of the color of the stone. The best color of beryls is revealed by oval and pear cuts, as well as baguette octagon, heart and trillion. This precious mineral was a character in one of the works about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes in the book “The Beryl Diadem” by Arthur Conan Doyle.

Natural properties of beryl

Mineral class: silicates.
Crystal Shape: hexagonal prismatic crystal.
Chemical formula: Be3Al2(SiO3)6.
Syngony: hexagonal.
Transparency: translucent to transparent.
Shine: glass.
Mohs hardness: 7,5-8.
Density: 2,75.
Refraction or refractive period: 1,56-1,60.
Kink: conchoidal, uneven.

Varieties and colors of beryl

Augustite − the second name is “maxis-beryl”, an incredibly beautiful dark blue mineral of the 2nd category, its color reminiscent of expensive transparent sapphire. Most often it is sold in large cut stones weighing from 10 carats. The cost of the stone depends on the color saturation and inclusions. The cost of such beryl is from 100 to 150 dollars per carat. Augustite is a rare stone, so a gemological examination is required when purchasing – fakes do occur. Products with augustite are stored in closed boxes – under the influence. sunlight, the stone loses its brightness over time. The stone is mined in Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, and South Africa.

Aquamarine – a stone of an unusual sea green color, for some this color reminds of glaciers at dawn, the saturation of aquamarines depends on the lighting, the color of gold. This is a very popular and quite rare and expensive mineral – its price depends on the color; there are many deposits of aquamarines in the world, incl. in Ukraine, but the most beautiful and largest stones are found in Brazil, on the island. Madagascar and the Urals (RF). How much does aquamarine cost, what are the largest aquamarines found, read here.

Beryl noble – colorless or very faintly colored in yellowish-greenish, soft bluish-greenish tones, it is also called “ordinary beryl”. It is completely in vain that this transparent large apple-green stone is not popular among buyers; when cut with high quality, its radiance surpasses topaz. It is mined in the USA, Transbaikalia (Russian Federation), and large deposits of very pure large beryl are found in Ukraine (Polesie). Green beryl is often confused with peridot. The price of Ukrainian green beryl is from 30 to 75 dollars per carat. When heated, it acquires a more intense shade. In our store you can order a gold ring with noble beryl.

Emerald − the most expensive and popular of beryls, it belongs to gems of the 1st category of stones. Emeralds are very rarely transparent, however, they are valued for their unusual bright green or mint green color. The price of emeralds starts from $150 per carat, the average price is $250-350, the most inexpensive stones are pale Ural emeralds, in second place are rich green African, Tiffany-colored Brazilian emeralds, especially translucent ones, which compete with rubies in price. The 3 Carat catalog contains a lot of beautiful jewelry, especially rings with emeralds.

Heliodor − (Davidsonite) is a fairly new (found at the beginning of the 20th century) transparent golden-yellow beryl stone, or yellow with a slight green mineral, reminiscent of citrine or wine topaz, named after the Sun God and, when cut correctly, its radiance is no worse! Jewelry-quality stones, especially the most expensive ones – honey heliodors are not found so often, the price of ordinary heliodors is not high – from 25-30 dollars per carat, depending on transparency and shade. In deposits, the mineral is less common than green beryl; it is mined in Argentina, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia, Namibia, Madagascar, very often it “accompanies” aquamarine in mines; when heated to 400 degrees, heliodor loses its yellow tint and becomes. aquamarine.

morganite (sparrow) – a beautiful pink or peach beryl, with extreme radiance, play of light, changes shade from pale pink to deep peach in different lighting, the unusual shade is due to the addition of manganese to the structure of beryl. Morganite was discovered relatively recently and has already gained popularity in the United States as an ideal stone for an engagement ring. The color of morganite appears depending on the size of the stone, the larger the brighter, and the price depends on this, starting at $80 per carat. Morganite is mined in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Brazil, Mozambique; the 3 Karat store exclusively presents a collection of jewelry with morganite.

Bixbit − “red beryl”, a rich pink-red, strawberry-red translucent stone, usually containing multiple inclusions, reminiscent of a pale colored ruby. Bixibit is often called “red emerald,” however, the price of high-quality stones is much higher than emerald, for example, a 1-carat stone can cost from 3 thousand to 10 thousand dollars, which corresponds to the price of diamonds. This stone cannot be found in stores; collectors buy it at the cutting stage.

Pezzottaite − rare “crimson beryl”, a translucent mineral of soft pink or purple color, discovered only at the beginning of the 21st century in Madagascar. The stone is called pedzottaite or cesium beryl because this rare mineral is a silicate of cesium, beryllium, aluminum and lithium. Due to its color, this stone is often confused with pink tourmalines; its cost is high and can only be purchased from collectors.

Black beryl − a rare, expensive, opaque mineral of black or brown-black color, it is also often called the “eye of Sauron” for its stunning cat’s eye effect; there are also black beryls of jewelry quality, which exhibit an amazing play of light in limited areas. Beryls are also valuable for their manifestation of asterism (light forms a star inside the stone), iridescence (rainbow radiance). The star effect is observed in beryls in Siberia (Russia), dark brown beryls of Brazil, and the famous black beryls of Mozambique.

Bazzit − very rare pale blue beryl with admixtures of iron and magnesium, has the effect of pleochroism. Only a professional, a collector’s stone, can distinguish bazzit from aquamarine.

Rosterite − a colorless or pale pink rare collectible stone (reminiscent of morganite), which is mined in small quantities in Canada, the United States, Mexico and Brazil, and is also found in Transbaikalia in Russia.

Geschenite − apple green, dark green, sometimes slightly transparent stone, has a muted color and is rarely found in jewelry, used in healing and magic.

goshenite – a colorless, transparent crystal with a beautiful, barely perceptible bluish glow, reminiscent of rock crystal. Named after its location – Goshen (USA, Massachusetts).

The magical healing properties of beryl

Beryl gives its owner cheerfulness and friendliness. Ideal qualities for every person! Every subordinate would like to see such qualities in his boss, so an expensive gift with a beryl insert for his beloved boss will be the best.

Beryl also brings success to the opposite sex, especially to such a zodiac sign as Gemini. In ancient times, beryl was considered a purely feminine stone: it was used in the treatment of female diseases. Ancient sorcerers, with the help of chrysoberyl, learned to understand the language of animals and birds and read the future.

Beryl is an active conductor of energy, cosmic influences, and is also a powerful protector. Beryl is used as a talisman, amulet and amulet, while possessing great healing powers: it cures diseases of the liver, stomach, cough, tuberculosis and dysentery.

The stone helps to attract good luck, prosperity and wealth to its owner, protects the home and clears the space of unkind people, making the road to achieving goals free from negative influences. If beryls are worn for a long time, they significantly improve the life of the owner. The gemstone wins over the authorities to the side of its owner, opens all doors, and fulfills wishes. Beryl is a sacred stone that connects the owner with the entire universe, reveals secrets, and promotes spiritual improvement.

Beryl and the zodiac

Jewelry with beryl is especially fateful for the following zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Scorpio.

The zodiac sign Gemini is known for its activity and persistence in achieving their desires, although they often leave many things halfway. Such inconstancy of character often determines results. Thus, the well-liked Gemini may have very modest results in society. Jewelry with beryl can be a helper! For women – gold earrings with beryl, for men – a ring with a beryl insert. A precious stone will not only become your assistant, but will also emphasize your status and individuality.

For Libra, the gemstone will become an inexhaustible charge of positive mood and a lifesaver from disappointment and loss of strength. Every time, beryl will help you gain courage to move towards success and new achievements. Libras are wonderful mediators, and they really like this role in society; the help of beryl in establishing friendly relations is very appropriate here.

For Scorpio, jewelry with beryl will also become an integral element. Since beryl helps to tame the militant-fiery nature of Scorpio. The gemstone helps this sign to be more friendly and think about others, at least about close people, awakens and strengthens such traits as caring, fortitude, a sense of invincibility and iron willpower.

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