What does garnet mean in jewelry?
Garnet is a stone known for its intense beauty and energy. It comes in a variety of shades, including red, green, orange and even black. Garnet jewelry is an excellent choice for those seeking strength, passion and protection in their lives. Garnet – photo of decoration with stone
Signs of the zodiac
Garnet is a stone of strong energy, symbolizing passion, strength and energy of life. It helps strengthen willpower, stimulates energy and helps achieve goals. Below are five zodiac signs that may particularly benefit from this stone. ♈ ︎ Aries: Garnet enhances the strength and determination of Aries, helping them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. It also helps build self-confidence and maintains their energy. ♌ Leo: For Leos who strive for leadership and self-expression, pomegranate can be a source of energy and inspiration. It helps them unleash their creative potential and attracts good luck. ♏ Scorpio: Garnet supports Scorpios in their passion and intensity. It helps manage emotions and stimulates their desire for transformation and self-development. ♐ Sagittarius: For Sagittarians who strive for adventure and spiritual growth, garnet can be a source of additional energy and confidence. It helps them overcome boundaries and discover new possibilities. ♒ Aquarius: Aquarius, known for their independent and free spirit, can find support in garnet to enhance their confidence and inner strength. He helps them realize their unique ideas and overcome obstacles.
Our matching decorations
Stud earrings “Boho” with garnet hearts in silver
Stud earrings “Boho” with garnet in silver
Choker “Boho” with garnet in silver
from 5 ₽ for 980 piece
Necklace “Lace” with garnet in silver
Drops choker with garnet and silver plated in 18k gold
Queen Garnet Necklace
from 15 ₽ for 750 piece
Queen ring with garnet
Queen necklace with gold-plated garnet
from 15 ₽ for 750 piece
Queen ring with gold plated garnet
History of the origin of the stone
Garnet has been around for many thousands of years and has a rich history of its origins and use in jewelry. Its first examples were found in Egyptian pyramids and ancient Greek temples, indicating the ancient use of the stone in jewelry. The name of the stone comes from the Latin word “granatus”, which means “with a granular structure”. This is due to the fact that the main type of garnet crystals has the shape of an octahedron with 8 faces in the shape of an equilateral triangle. In some cases, garnets can have complex shapes and fill cavities in various rocks. Garnets were famous for their strength and beautiful shine, which was enhanced by candlelight, so they received special development in the religious sphere. In the Middle Ages, garnets were the favorite stones of monarchs and great martyrs. They were used to make necklaces and other jewelry, and also as decoration for the cardinal’s cap. The stone is famous for its variety of colors: from red and pink to green and yellow. Garnets have high density and hardness, making them an ideal material for creating jewelry.
Stone properties
Lunalu warns: you should not expect overtly magical properties from the stones, they definitely strengthen and improve you, but the most important thing is you ♥ – Colour: Garnets come in a variety of colors, including red, green, orange, yellow and pink. — Hardness: Garnets are a fairly hard mineral, which ensures the durability of the jewelry. – Shine: Garnets have excellent shine, which gives the decoration additional luxury. — Transparency: Garnets are opaque, allowing you to create jewelry with different light effects. – Weight: Garnets are quite heavy stones, which can add extra weight to the jewelry and make it feel expensive. — Rarity: Garnets are a rare stone, which can add special value to jewelry. — Spiritual meaning: Garnets have a connection with love, passion, loyalty and spirituality, which can give additional symbolic meaning to the decoration.
— Do not use harsh chemicals to clean garnet jewelry. — Avoid contact of the pomegranate with hard objects and surfaces. — Store garnet jewelry in individual, soft packaging to avoid damage. — Wipe garnet jewelry regularly with a soft, dry cloth to avoid dust and dirt accumulating on the surface of the stone. — Avoid exposing the garnet to direct sunlight or exposure to high temperatures, this can change the color and structure of the stone. Garnet is a whole group of minerals, which includes almandine, grossular, demantoid, pyrope, spessartine, uvarovite, rhodolite, and others. These stones come in a variety of colors, from crimson (rhodolite) to green (demantoid). However, when we say “garnet,” we most often think of blood-red pyrope. In Kuprin’s famous story “The Garnet Bracelet,” a gold jewelry with five large cabochons – garnets – becomes a touching gift and a symbol of the lifelong love of a modest official for the beautiful princess. “It was gold, low-grade, very thick, but blown and on the outside completely covered with small old, poorly polished garnets. But in the middle of the bracelet towered, surrounding some strange small green stone, five beautiful cabochon garnets, each the size of a pea. When Vera, with a random movement, successfully turned the bracelet in front of the fire of an electric light bulb, then in them, deep under their smooth egg-shaped surface, lovely, rich red living lights suddenly lit up. She couldn’t take her eyes off the five red bloody lights trembling inside the five garnets. “Zheltkov writes about this decoration: “This bracelet belonged to my great-grandmother, and the last one, in time, was worn by my late mother. In the middle, between the large stones, you will see one green one. This is a very rare variety of pomegranate – green pomegranate. According to an ancient legend that has been preserved in our family, it has the ability to impart the gift of foresight to women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death. All the stones were accurately transferred here from an old silver bracelet, and you can be sure that no one has ever worn this bracelet before. “The bright scarlet pebbles seem to symbolize love and burning passion, but at the same time, fate, the tragedy with which this story will end.
Physical properties of pomegranate.
- Formula: R 2+ 3 R 3+ 2 [SiO4]3, where R 2+ – Mg, Fe, Mn, Ca; R 3+ – Al, Fe, Cr.
- Syngony: isometric.
- Hardness (Mohs scale): 7 -7,5. (On a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is the hardest stone, diamond).
- Density: 6,5-8 g/cm3.
Garnets can have very different colors. Almandine and pyrope are red, rhodolite is pink, topazolite is yellow, grossular and demantoid are green. The shades of a mineral are determined by its chemical composition. For example, pyrope contains iron and chromium, spessartine contains manganese, and almandine contains iron and manganese.
Garnets have transparency and a beautiful glassy luster, which explains their beauty and popularity in the gemstone market.
History of the pomegranate.
The rich red color makes this mineral look like ripe pomegranate seeds. It’s not hard to guess that it got its name in honor of the fruit (“big” – “grain”).
It is believed that the term “pomegranate” appeared thanks to the medieval alchemist Albert Magnus in 1270. Pliny the Elder called garnets “carbuncles” – from the Latin word for ember – for their burning scarlet color. And much later, in 1803, other stones of this group began to be called garnets.
Particularly famous pyrope garnets from the Czech Republic, where in the 16th and 17th centuries, under King Rudolf II, there was a real boom in these stones in high circles. In the 17th century, tens of thousands of workers were engaged in mining and cutting pyropes. Their income amounted to hundreds of thousands of rubles a year. But after the discovery of garnets in South Africa, the Czechs had to reduce prices, the stones were processed more and more carelessly, and the products depreciated in value. By the beginning of the 20th century, pyrope finally went out of fashion and the extraction of the Bohemian mineral came to naught. Over the years, garnet has come back into fashion due to its beauty, brilliance and vibrant color. The blood red hue made it a true symbol of passion and love.
In Russia, pomegranate has gained extraordinary popularity and love, causing delight not only among girls, but also among writers and poets. So, N.S. Leskov In a letter to a friend, he notes that he wants to write the story “Fire Pomegranate.” “I watched Piropov to my heart’s content,” writes Leskov. And I understood their beauty, internalized it and loved it.” In the story, the main character sends poorly cut pyrope to a lapidary in Prague. He literally falls in love with the stone. He talks to him, admires him for hours. After working on the stone, the pyrope was transformed: “the garnet took in the light and began to play: an enchanted drop of fireproof blood burned in it.”
In the story I. A. Efremova “Diamond Pipe” we again encounter a scarlet mineral. “Sultanov looked at the fresh split of the rock – and shuddered with joy. Blood-red crystals of pyrope appeared on a motley surface mixed with olive and blue greens of olivine and diopside.”
It is pyrope that glorifies in his poems and Marina Tsvetayeva:
You won’t die, people!
God bless you!
I gave the pomegranate with my heart,
The chest gave granite.
Prosper, people
Solid as a tablet
Hot like a pomegranate
Clear as crystal.
But, of course, the story that brought pyrope the greatest fame Kuprin “Garnet bracelet”, which we already wrote about above. Thus, it is unlikely that there is another precious stone in Russia about which so many stories, tales and legends have been written.
Garnet deposits.
The most popular grenades are pyropes, have long been mined in Czech Republic. Previously, they were even called Bohemian rubies. Other deposits of pyrope garnet – Scotland, South Africa. There are many pyropes on the territory USA. The famous “Rocky Mountain rubies” are actually pyropes.
Crimson almandines found in Italy, India, Mongolia, Madagascar, Finland, Karelia.
Grossulars yellow and green flowers are mined in Canada and USA.
How to care for garnet jewelry.
In fact, garnet is a fairly durable stone, so you can safely wear various types of jewelry with it. However, basic rules must be followed to preserve the beauty and integrity of the stone.
It is not recommended to clean the stone with abrasive materials, small particles of which can scratch the surface. Salts and bleaches can damage pomegranates. Use cosmetics carefully when wearing jewelry with this stone: do not allow hairsprays or other chemicals to come into contact with it.
It is better to store garnet jewelry in a separate box to prevent scratches from other jewelry.
To maintain the high shine and shine for a long time, clean the product from time to time. The best way to do this is to use warm soapy water and a soft flannel cloth.
Magical properties of pomegranate.
Pomegranate is a symbol of bright, passionate and energetic people. He inspires optimism, charges vigor and strength, makes the owner more cheerful and sociable. It is believed that it will help people who are always late become more punctual.
It is a stone of love and passion. It drives away sadness and anxiety, enhances sexuality and sensuality owner. It is believed that a garnet ring gives its owner superiority and power over other people. Also, pomegranate is a symbol fidelity, faith, devotion.
Medicinal properties of pomegranate.
Garnet is considered a helper pregnant women and women in labor. It ensures an easy and safe birth. It was also believed that this stone was able to protect the owner from poisons. During the Crusades, knights always tried to wear a ring with a garnet, which served as their amulet and talisman, protecting them from danger.
Pomegranate has a beneficial effect on digestion, breathing, circulatory system, immunity. Necklaces with this stone are considered capable of removing headache.
Red pomegranates help charge the body with strength and energy, eliminate anxiety and depression, are charged with optimism.
Which zodiac sign suits pomegranate?
Pomegranate will be an excellent amulet and talisman for Aquarius and Scorpio.
An unusually beautiful stone with a deep red tint looks very noble and amazes with its sparkle. It’s not for nothing that its transparent scarlet sphere has attracted attention for many years. Today, jewelry with pomegranate emphasizes passion and gives a light “fatal” flair to its owner. This type of decoration is a must have in your jewelry box in case of a grand entrance!
Author: Anna Solovyova.
Photographer: Inna Kubareva.