What does natural hematite look like?
HEMATITE – a common mineral, iron oxide. It is a ferruginous analogue of corundum, eskolaite and karelianite. English name: Hematite Other names (synonyms): Anhydroferrite, Alaskan diamond, iron kidney, iron rose, iron mica, iron anatase, iron eye, iron red luster, mirror ore, red ore, red iron ore, red ocher iron ore, bloodstone, blood stone, sanguine, black Diamond Origin of the name: The original name “bloodstone” was given by Theophrastus around 300–325. BC. from the Greek “αιματίτις λίθος” (“aematitis lithos”). In 79 AD, Pliny the Elder translated the name as hematite, “like blood,” referring to the bright red color of hematite when crushed into powder.
Hematite may be the first mineral whose name ends with the suffix “-ite.” New items with Hematite in the product catalog Products containing Hematite are presented in the following categories:
- Stones and minerals,
- Decorations,
- Products and souvenirs,
- Books
- class Oxides (oxides, hydroxides, V [5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodates)
- subclass Oxides (oxides) of metals
- Hematite group
- mineral Hematite
- variety Specularite (a variety of hematite)
Iron sour cream is a fine-scaled hematite that is greasy to the touch.
Iron rose is an intergrowth of hematite crystals in the form of a rosette, reminiscent of a rose flower.
Red glass head – zonal-concentric, kidney-shaped, sintered aggregates of hematite with a shiny surface.
Red iron ore is a fine-grained mass of hematite.
Martite is a pseudomorph of hematite after magnetite.
Specularite (iron luster) – black, mica-like, thin- and coarse-lamellar masses of hematite.
Titanohematite, aluminohematite, hydrohematite are varieties of hematite, which are isolated depending on the impurities of certain chemical elements.Polymorphism: The mineral hematite is polymorphic with luogufengite and maghemite.
Syngony: Trigonal
Composition (formula): Fe2O3Color: In crystals and coarse-crystalline ores from steel-gray to black.
Cryptocrystalline varieties range from dull red to bright red, brown, brown.Trait Color: Cherry red, reddish brown (“rusty red”)
Transparency: Opaque
Cleavage: Very imperfect (absent)
Fracture: Uneven, conchoidal
Luster: Earthy, matte, metallic, dull
Hardness: 5-6
Density (specific gravity), g/cm3: 5,26
Brittleness: BrittleSpecial properties: Sometimes an iridescent tarnish forms on the surface of hematite.
Hematite lacks cleavage, but exhibits separation along the pinacoid and rhombohedron.
Hematite is not transparent, but can be transparent on thin edges.Hematite is easily distinguished from ilmenite, goethite, magnetite and some other minerals similar to it by its reddish tint, plate-like crystals or scaly aggregates. Black hematite crystals can be confused with ilmenite, but can be distinguished by the color of the streak.
Hematite forms thick and thin tabular crystals, less commonly prismatic, scalenohedral, rhombohedral and pseudocubic crystals. Crystal accretion in the form of rosettes (“iron roses”). Crystals sometimes exhibit twinning.
Most often, hematite occurs in the form of earthy, granular, loose and dense masses, fine-grained and fine-scaled accumulations. Forms nodules and oolites, zonal-concentric, kidney-shaped and sinter aggregates, stalactite-like formations, fine-fibrous spherulites, spherocrystalline spherulites and spherulitic crusts (“red glass head”, “kidney ore”), cluster-shaped dendritic aggregates.
Hematite forms pseudomorphs after magnetite and pyrite.Hematite can be of igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic and hydrothermal origin.
It is an accessory mineral in acidic volcanic rocks. It occurs in the form of sublimate on igneous extrusive rocks (“lavas”) during volcanic activity.
Present in high temperature hydrothermal veins. It is a product of contact metamorphism (in skarns).
Hematite is widespread in metamorphosed banded iron ores (jespilites).
It is a cementing material in sedimentary rocks and a major component in oolitic iron deposits. The presence of hematite in sedimentary rocks colors them red, brownish-red. Hematite is the cause of red soils all over the planet.
As a secondary mineral, hematite breaks apart among iron-containing minerals (magnetite, siderite, pyrite, etc.) during their oxidation and weathering.Accumulations of hematite form iron ore deposits. Hematite powder is the main component of red ocher paint.
Dense hematite is used in the jewelry industry. For making jewelry, it is most often processed in the form of a cabochon. Some specimens are subjected to jewelry cutting, which allows them to resemble rare black diamonds. Hematite in silver looks especially beautiful and unusual; this combination is often used to create original souvenirs and interior items.
Many collectors prefer to buy hematite specimens with unusual morphology. A rare collectible value are hematite roses – plate-like hematite crystals growing on top of each other and forming aggregates resembling the shape of roses.- in the treatment of anemia and chronic inflammatory processes, diseases of the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas
- to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and stop bleeding
- normalizing the chemical composition of the blood and increasing local immunity
- normalization of blood pressure and elimination of arrhythmia
- suppress the will of others, providing protection and support to its owner
- protect from the evil eye, damage and evil witchcraft
- endow a person with the gift of clairvoyance
Interesting Facts
Due to its ability to turn dark red, hematite is popularly called bloodstone. This mineral has been known to mankind since ancient times. It was with hematite that primitive people painted famous rock paintings.
In the temples of Ancient Egypt, priestesses always wore jewelry with hematite in order to earn the favor of the goddess Isis. And the North American Indians applied war paint to their bodies with hematite.
Since ancient times, people have endowed hematite stone with magical properties. According to the ideas of our ancestors, this stone protected against dark forces and helped the owner on his life’s path. The mineral is popular not only among magicians, but also among warriors and people of other professions, but let’s find out why.
Origin: legends, myths and reality
Hematite stone has been known to people since time immemorial. It was previously believed that this mineral originated from spilled dried blood. In Rus’ it was called “bloody” for its dark red, almost black hue.
The first treatise on the properties of precious stones that has survived to this day, written in ancient Babylon, talks about the exceptional power of this mineral.
According to legend, Alexander the Great had a hematite ring that made the emperor invulnerable in battle. When men went to the battlefield, they took a small piece of this mineral with them. It was believed that this would give the warrior strength, courage and protect him from the machinations of the enemy.
One way or another, hematite stone has been known to mankind throughout the history of our civilization. For our ancestors, this mineral was the embodiment of magical power, which was reckoned with not only by sorcerers and shamans, but also by ordinary people.
Hematite mining, main deposits
Hematite occurs near iron ore deposits and is of volcanic origin. In Russia it is mined in several regions. The largest of the deposits is located in the area of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, where hematite is mined by quarrying.
This unusual gemstone is also mined in Karelia and the Komi Republic. Relatively large deposits outside Russia are being developed in Austria and Switzerland.
Basic properties
Hematite stone can be distinguished by its metallic luster, reminiscent of the luster of chromed iron. But in nature, red-brown samples are more common.
The formation of the mineral occurs through the oxidation of iron. The mineral itself consists of 70% iron and 30% oxygen and other impurities.
Here are some physical and chemical properties of hematite:
- formula – Fe2O3;
- hardness – 5,5-6,5 units on the Mohs scale;
- malleable in processing;
- the color of the unprocessed mineral is black with brown inclusions;
- small pieces can transmit light;
- dissolves in acidic aqueous solutions at high temperatures.
Due to its physical properties – brittleness and pliability – hematite is a good raw material for jewelers; jewelry of all shapes and varieties is made from it. The mineral is also used in industry.
Medicinal properties
Hematite stones have been used by healers to treat illnesses for hundreds of years. Since ancient times, it was believed that hematite could help with women’s health. In ancient Rome, pregnant women wore items made from this stone to prevent miscarriage.
Nowadays, supporters of lithotherapy claim that hematite can help in cases of heavy menstrual cycles. Regular use of the amulet improves lactation and even stops uterine bleeding.
Hematite and water infused with a natural mineral are recommended for use in the treatment of varicose veins and blockage of blood vessels. To do this, massage the problem area daily. To normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver, it is recommended to apply hematite applications to the places where the diseased organ is located.
Magical properties
In magic, the hematite stone is known for its protective properties. In ancient times, warlocks, when summoning spirits, drew circles with hematite bars, designed to block the path of dark forces into our world. It was believed that with its help it was possible to summon the souls of the dead from oblivion.
In ancient Egypt, hematite pendants and necklaces were a mandatory attribute of the priests of the goddess Isis, the ancient Egyptian embodiment of femininity and fertility. The Egyptians also endowed the “blood stone” with the ability to protect the owner from the evil eye and any misfortunes that haunt a person in earthly life.
Our ancestors were also familiar with the extraordinary magical properties of hematite. The Slavs hung necklaces and pendants made of this stone over the cradle of a newborn to protect the child from evil spirits.
Hematite stone is a mineral with the strongest energy charge. His energy can change the owner’s life and direct it in a positive direction.
It is dangerous, however, to wear jewelry made from this material just for fun. It is strictly forbidden to direct energy to harm anyone, since the owner himself can become a victim of his amulet.
Oddly enough, you need to talk to the stone, talk about your difficulties, thank you for your help.
Symbolic meaning of the mineral
The symbolic meaning of hematite is twofold. It is believed that the stone is under the influence of two planets – Mars and Saturn.
Mars is warlike, furious, but at the same time striving to contain the flow of destructive emotions.
Saturn is a symbol of stability, commitment and loyalty to your word.
Types of hematite
In nature, hematite occurs in three varieties.
- Iron rose are very beautiful native crystals consisting of thin plates of iron oxide. This type of mineral is plastic and can be translucent in light.
- Iron mica is a black, shiny crystal that is most often used in jewelry.
- Red glass head is a brittle dark brown substance, not at all like the pretty crystals in the necklaces.
Each species has its own properties; it differs from others not only in its natural shape, but also in color.
In addition to the jewelry industry, hematite is used in the production of paints. Interestingly, ancient people often used powder from this mineral as a pigment for rock paintings.
Jewelry for children
It is believed that wearing hematite products helps a child:
- relieve stress;
- reduce excitability;
- cope with headaches.
Stylish hematite bracelets in children’s sizes are well suited for boys. And girls can wear rings and earrings with stone inlay.
Jewelry for girls and women
Hematite is a good amulet against the evil eye and damage. He helps unmarried girls find a worthy match and attracts strong and self-confident men.
The stone also brings good luck in career and business, relieves stress and helps unleash creativity.
The cold and austere mineral contrasts interestingly with the delicate female figure and looks great on her. Hematite bracelets and necklaces are especially popular among women.
Jewelry for boys and men
Although hematite is generally considered a feminine stone, the positive effects emanating from its energy field also extend to men.
Hematite is a good amulet for a leader. It promotes career advancement and helps you make informed and thoughtful decisions.
The men’s assortment of hematite jewelry, as well as figurines for interior decoration, is very rich. For example, a bracelet or ring made of this stone will give the owner solidity, and a hematite figurine will attract good luck and success.
What names does it harmonize with?
Hematite will reveal its magical properties most fully for women with the names:
Among men, the energy of the stone is in harmony with the names Akhmet, Valery, Nikita and complements them.
Compatibility with zodiac signs
Hematite jewelry is perfect for Cancers and Scorpios. Only for Pisces, Virgos and Geminis, wearing the stone is strictly contraindicated. With other signs – complete neutrality, without any improvement or deterioration.
Compatible with other stones and metals
Hematite complements well with stones such as:
A particularly energetically strong tandem is formed with malachite. The first gives the owner calmness and prudence. The second stimulates wit and the ability to look at things outside the box.
How to choose and wear correctly
Nowadays, a large number of companies are engaged in the manufacture of hematite products. But be careful – there are many fakes on the market.
Ceramic pacifiers are often sold under the guise of hematite pendants and rings.
There are several ways to distinguish a real stone from a fake.
- Apply a magnet to the product – jewelry made from real stone should react and be attracted, while a ceramic fake will simply fall down.
- Draw the edge of the product along the surface of a porcelain vessel – a real stone will leave a slightly noticeable reddish mark.
- In terms of shine – in comparison with the original, the fake will look a little duller, the characteristic metallic shine will not be very pronounced.
- Buy hematite products from trusted stores.
Despite its external resemblance to metal, hematite stone is a rather fragile mineral, so it is better to wear items made from it carefully and store it separately from other jewelry.
- mineral Hematite
- Hematite group
- subclass Oxides (oxides) of metals