What does natural jadeite look like?
Jade is a term that covers a wide variety of stones, but the only true forms of jadeite are Jadeite jade (sodium aluminosilicate NaAlSi2O6) and Nephrite Jade (calcium magnesium silicate (Ca2MgFe 2+) 5 [OHlSi4O11] 2). Jadeite is a metamorphic rock found in bluish grade metamorphic landscapes, in isolated metasomatically altered bodies within serpentinite associated with a subduction zone environment. The expression is appropriate – jadeite pyroxene jade. Deposits of jadeite are found in New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, China, Canada, Zimbabwe, Russia, Taiwan, Alaska and Poland. The main and significant deposits of jadeite are located in Myanmar (Burma), which is also the only source of “imperial” jadeite. Jadeite is also found in Japan, Canada, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Cuba and the USA.
Colors and varieties of jadeite
Jadeite comes in a variety of colors – classic green, white, orange, yellow, lavender, gray, black and all shades of these colors. The most valuable jadeite/Jadeite jade is bright emerald green and at the same time translucent. It is known as imperial jade and is found only in Burma (Myanmar). Jadeite can contain several colors in one stone (specimen), they intricately blend into each other with threads and flashes, creating an amazing natural, often delicate pattern. Color preferences for jadeite vary depending on the region. For example, in the West, bright green jadeite is preferred, in the East, snow-white and yellow jadeite with pink shades, as well as green – imperial jade, are valued. In China, it is common and popular to artificially “age” jadeite carvings, giving them excellent commercial charm and naturally increasing their value. Jadeite is extremely versatile and can be cut into intricate shapes. It is carved into many traditional Chinese figures such as Buddhas, dogs, dragons, bats, butterflies, fish etc. All kinds of practical objects are cut from it, such as bowls, vases, decorative elements, etc. The versatility of jadeite makes it ideal for a wide variety of jewelry. Jadeite is ideal for both men and women. It easily combines with other precious stones and looks decent in combinations with gold and silver. Ladies can wear them as pendants, beads, bracelets, charm bracelets, and of course rings and earrings. For men – signets, cufflinks, rosary beads. In the East, jadeite jewelry is made for very young children in the form of bracelets. In the online store CHETKI.su you can always buy and order elegant rosary beads made of jadeite and stunning bracelets made of this stone.
Photo of jadeite stone
Jadeite, USA | Jadeite, Myanmar | Jadeite, Myanmar |
Jadeite, Myanmar | Jadeite, Myanmar | Jadeite, Myanmar |
Jadeite, Kazakhstan | Jadeite, Burma | Jadeite, Japan |
Jadeite, Burma |
Giant jadeite nugget, Burma
JADE – mineral, clinopyroxene, sodium and aluminum silicate. English name: Jadeite
Other names (synonyms): Jade First isolated and described: Jadeite was first discovered in Burma. Described by the French mineralogist Augustin Alexis Damour (1808-1902) in 1863. Origin of the name: The mineral jadeite is named from the word jade, a common name for ornamental varieties of jade and jadeite. “Jade” comes from the Spanish “side stone” (piedra de yjada). It was so named because it was believed to cure pain in the side. New items with Jadeite in the product catalog Products containing Jadeite are presented in the following categories:
- Decorations,
- Products and souvenirs,
- Cabochons and cutting
- class Silicates
- subclass Chain/tape (inosilicates)
- Pyroxene group
- subgroup of Clinopyroxenes
- mineral jadeite
Imperial jadeite (imperial jade) is the most valuable translucent jadeite of the highest jewelry quality with an even bright green color.
Lavender Jade is a dense, cryptocrystalline jadeite with a lavender color. This is the second most valuable color of jadeite (after imperial jadeite). Contains a small amount of albite and tremolite impurities.
Maya Black – black shiny jadeite, found in Guatemala, has recently been gaining high popularity as a jewelry and semi-precious stone.
Chloromelanite is a jewelry variety of jadeite with a dark green to black color.
Chromium-containing jadeite (chromjadeite, chromojadeite), and titanium-containing jadeite.Isomorphism: It is an extreme member of the isomorphic series of the jadeite–cosmochlore solid solution.
Syngony: Monoclinic
Composition (formula): NaAlSi2O6
Color: Green, yellowish, white, grey, black, light blue, purple blue, blue green, purple
Trait Color: White
Transparency: Opaque, transparent, translucent
Cleavage: Medium
Fracture: Splintered
Gloss: Pearl, mother-of-pearl, glass
Hardness: 6-7
Density (specific gravity), g/cm3: 3,24-3,42
Diagnostic signsJadeite sometimes has a granular structure visible to the naked eye, which allows it to be distinguished from jade.
Jadeite most often has a matted fibrous structure and is found in the form of needle-shaped aggregates and dense, cryptocrystalline and microgranular monomineral masses, microradiant and felt-like aggregates. This material is very tough and durable, so it is used as a decorative stone and carving material. Quite rarely, jadeite is found in the form of euhedral prismatic crystals.
Jadeite is a mineral of metamorphic origin. Forms lenses and vein-like bodies in massifs of serpentinites and serpentinized hyperbasites. Formed at high pressures and relatively low temperatures. It is found in metamorphic rocks of the glaucophane facies, in eclogites and gneisses. It is a rock-forming mineral in glaucophane schists.
Jadeite is used as an expensive jewelry and ornamental stone. In the countries of East and Southeast Asia, as well as in Mexico, jadeite is extremely popular and has a cult following.
In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, jadeite is used as a good energy stabilizer. Healers believe that noble jadeite, with its Qi energy, evens out the disturbed bioenergy of a person, strengthens the nervous system, and gives emotional charge. The energy of jadeite can even out and calm emotional outbursts, soften blood vessels, improve blood composition, enhance male potency, and help fight infertility.
Pink jadeite has a strengthening effect on the heart muscle, white jadeite helps improve immune status, and green shades have a beneficial effect on kidney function.
Since ancient times, jadeite has been used for medicinal purposes for pain in the lower back and kidneys. Wearing jadeite beads and bracelets has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, equalizes blood pressure, and protects against the influence of weather. A ring with jadeite can relieve eye fatigue and is useful in the meditative treatment of myopia.Since ancient times, jadeite of different colors was considered a symbol of all human virtues: mercy, intelligence, perseverance, courage, justice, modesty. Jadeite amulets protect against troubles and misfortunes, instill peace of mind, and promote wise decisions.
Effect on chakras
Jadeite stone affects the Manipur and Anahata chakras.Interesting Facts
Jadeite has been used by mankind for several millennia. In China, a human-sized statue of Buddha (Emerald Buddha) made from this mineral has survived to this day.
In the Stone Age, people made tools from jadeite, and among the Mayan and Aztec tribes, the gem was equal in value to gold bars.
- subgroup of Clinopyroxenes
- Pyroxene group
- subclass Chain/tape (inosilicates)