Geological classification

What does natural Kunzite look like?

A mineral is a substance homogeneous in structure and composition that is part of a rock, meteorite or ore, formed in the earth’s crust or its water shell as a result of natural physical and chemical processes. Jewelry stones (both precious and semi-precious) are beautiful and rare varieties of a particular mineral. Spodumene Density It is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume it occupies. When comparing two objects with the same volume, the one whose density is higher will be heavier. 3,1–3,2 g/cm³ Mohs hardness A relative scale of mineral hardness, with Mohs 1 being the least hard and 10 being the hardest. The standard for the greatest hardness is a diamond with a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale. Shades of pink, lilac and purple

History of kunzite

Kunzite got its name in honor of the American scientist George Kunz, who first described it in 1902. The stone was discovered in California by two prospectors, father and son Sinclair. They could not independently identify the found mineral and gave it to a gemologist for study, thus losing the glory of discoverers. Since then, due to their beauty, kunzites have been gaining popularity among gem connoisseurs. Advertising – Continued below

Physicochemical properties of kunzite

Kunzite is a transparent mineral of delicate pink, lilac or purple color. It is a type of spodumene, aluminum and lithium silicate – LiAi (Si2O6). The color palette of the mineral is determined by the presence of manganese impurities. Kunzite is very sensitive to sunlight and can become discolored under its influence. A distinctive feature of natural stone is the presence of longitudinal vertical strokes inside the crystal. The mineral has good optical properties, but due to its fragility it is very difficult to cut.

Kunzite deposits

Kunzite is formed mainly in granitic pegmatites; large opaque crystals can reach 10 meters in length and weigh several tons. Spodumene is a fairly widespread mineral, but gem-quality kunzites are not very common in nature. Advertising – Continued below The most valuable specimens are mined in Brazil. A precious crystal weighing 110 kg was discovered in 1910 in the state of Minas Gerais. At the moment this is the largest jewelry kunzite. Read more:
Fabrics for wedding dresses Since the mid-30th century, deposits have been actively developed in California, USA. The most significant American find is a XNUMX cm long pink kunzite, now on display in Houston at the Museum of Natural History. Recently, stones from Afghanistan and Africa have begun to conquer the jewelry market.

Healing and magical properties of kunzite

Kunzite helps you freely enter a state of meditation and promotes concentration of thoughts. The stone strengthens the energy field, reflects negativity, and allows a person to feel comfortable even in a noisy crowd. It promotes creative realization and self-expression, awakens hidden talents. Advertising – Continued below Kunzite tunes a person to a sensory-emotional perception of the world, making him both amorous and attractive to the opposite sex, so he will become a good assistant in the search for love. As for the healing properties of the mineral, it has a positive effect on the activity of the circulatory system, normalizes pulse and heart rhythm. Kunzite speeds up postoperative recovery, facilitates recovery from general anesthesia, and improves immunity. The stone is useful for neuralgic diseases, neutralizes stressful conditions, prevents attacks of fear and panic. Due to its strong calming effect, kunzite relieves insomnia caused by nervous tension.

Who is kunzite suitable for?

Kunzite is suitable for deeply withdrawn, sensitive individuals; it harmonizes their rich inner world with the external social environment, develops tolerance and tolerance towards other people, and helps avoid depression. Advertising – Continued below This is a very humane stone, it loves everyone, regardless of zodiac affiliation and character. As a rule, kunzite quickly adapts to its owner, and the longer it stays nearby, the more strongly it manifests its properties. Read more:
What kind of pearls are there: types and their origin And yet, among all the signs of the Zodiac, kunzite can bring the greatest benefit to Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.

Did you know that.

Kunzite has the property of changing its color depending on the angle at which it is viewed (pleochroism effect). In numerology, kunzite is assigned the number 7. Kunzite cannot be refined by heating: instead of enhancing its color, it completely loses its color. Kunzite is a precious stone with an extremely beautiful color and high transparency. In 1902, American gemologist George A. Kunz discovered a variety of spodumene, which was later named kunzite in his honor. From a chemical point of view, this mineral is a transparent lithium aluminum silicate. The color of kunzite is caused by an admixture of manganese; from constant exposure to sunlight, the mineral turns pale. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: California iris, lithium amethyst, spodumene amethyst, giddenite. Physicochemical characteristics Chemical formula – LiAl[Si2O6] Shine – glass Color – lilac pink Transparency – transparent Hardness – 7 Mohs scale Density – 3,2 g/cm3 Kink – uneven Varieties The color of minerals can be green, pink-lilac, or brownish. Colorless kunzite is also found. Place of Birth This mineral cannot be called very rare, but nevertheless, there are only a few regions in the world in which deposits of jewelry kunzite are located. Main deposits: USA, Madagascar, Brazil and Afghanistan. Jewelry kunzite has all the main advantages of a real gemstone: hardness, transparency, beautiful color, bright shine. Application and Use In Europe, jewelers do not use kunzite so often – apparently, they have not yet appreciated its properties, but American and English craftsmen value it highly; Well-known jewelry companies often create original jewelry from it – earrings, rings, men’s rings, pendants, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Such jewelry can be quite expensive: they are valued not only for their deep pink color, but also for the types of cuts that allow you to fully see the brilliance of kunzites and all the beauty of their iridescence. How to distinguish real from fake Kunzite is similar to many other stones, such as amethyst, rose quartz, morganite, rubelite, topaz. The mineral can be confused with amethyst and pink topaz. It differs from the latter in hardness and pleochroism, and from the former, also in the presence of strong pleochroism and the shape of the crystal. It can be distinguished from amethyst in small fragments, without laboratory tests, by cleavage and luminescence. Medicinal properties Lithotherapists suggest that kunzite has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. Traditional healers in some countries believe that kunzite products (rings, pendants) can alleviate the effects of stressful situations, have a calming effect on the nervous system, normalize sleep, and help with insomnia. It is believed that if you look at this mineral for several minutes every day, you can get rid of attacks of fear, find peace and harmony with the world around you. Magical properties It is called a strong stone that awakens the heart center and allows you to learn to perceive the world with your heart. Kunzite creates balance between the mind and heart. It does not allow its owner to regret the past and worry about the future. The stone inspires a person that everything in life must be experienced with dignity and stoically and there is no need to waste time on fruitless emotions. Experts say that kunzite – An ideal stone for meditation and stress relief. Experts strongly recommend wearing kunzite jewelry on children. Kunzite will bring them joy, teach them to be honest, open and straightforward. Moreover, the stone protects babies from the harmful influence of negative energy – it dissipates it and creates a protective shell around them. Other important properties of kunzite related to the psycho-emotional sphere: it can help you find a reasonable balance between meeting your needs and the needs of others; relieves depression caused by negative emotions; prevents you from panicking in extreme situations. Talismans and amulets As a talisman, kunzite supports fertility, attracts wealth and attracts success. Additional Information Energy – receptive Yin (absorbs energy) Horoscope — Scorpio, Taurus, Leo Effect on chakras – cardiac, solar plexus Interesting Facts The Natural History Museum in Los Angeles houses a pink kunzite weighing 1267 carats and measuring 70x54x37 mm. A purple kunzite crystal weighing 1000g (5000 carats) and measuring 150x51x49 mm, also from deposits in Brazil, was cut into four faceted stones, which have a total weight of 2087 carats. A kunzite crystal weighing 1243,7 g (6218,5 carats) of a beautiful purple color was mined in Afghanistan. Crystals up to 1 meter long are also known there. Best regards, Katerina (Napoleonka)

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