What does natural Variscite look like?
The stone of doctors and philanthropists will give its owner peace of mind, self-confidence and protection from the negative influence of people around him with bad thoughts. A mineral is a substance homogeneous in structure and composition that is part of a rock, meteorite or ore, formed in the earth’s crust or its water shell as a result of natural physical and chemical processes. Jewelry stones (both precious and semi-precious) are beautiful and rare varieties of a particular mineral. Variscite Density It is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume it occupies. When comparing two objects with the same volume, the one whose density is higher will be heavier. 2,4-2,6 g/cm³ Mohs hardness A relative scale of mineral hardness, with Mohs 1 being the least hard and 10 being the hardest. The standard for the greatest hardness is a diamond with a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale. Shades of blue, green, red, yellow, white Variscite is a stone with an amazing history. It is surprising in that not a single high-profile tragic incident is associated with any of the instances of utilit. Wars have never been started for the sake of the mineral; it has never participated in any famous detective investigation. Advertising – Continued below
History of variscite
Variscite was discovered relatively recently. The first specimen was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century in Germany in the Variscia region, which served as the etymological basis for the name. The description of the new mineral included numerous alternative terms for the stone. The most popular, which is currently used along with variscite, is “utalite”. The name goes back to the name of the American state of Utah. Otherwise, variscite is also called spherite, bolnvariite, Californian turquoise, chlorutalite and lucinnite. The term “amatrix” is used to refer to quartz or chalcedony overgrown with utalite. In this case, the outer shell usually has a rich green color. When variscite was discovered, researchers discovered that the material had been in use since ancient times, but was identified as a variety of turquoise rather than a material in its own right. Advertising – Continued below
Physico-chemical properties of utalite
Jutalite is a brittle mineral and has a Mohs hardness value between 3,5 and 5 units. The density is from 2,4 to 2,6 g/cm³. The basis of variscite is aluminum phosphate with various impurities that determine the color of the specimen: from light green to blue. Utalites of red and white colors are mined much less often. Variscite is one of the rare jewelry and ornamental materials that looks very similar to turquoise, malachite and chrysopase. The color of the mineral is uneven, like the stones listed above: most specimens contain contrasting veins and multi-colored inclusions. Because of this external similarity, it was not until the early 1800s that yutalite was identified as a separate variety.
Stone deposits
The largest deposits of variscite were quickly depleted and are currently not exploited. They are located in the US states of Utah and Nevada. Advertising – Continued below One of the oldest places for variscite mining was found in Spain. It is dated to the Neolithic period, based on the work “Natural History” written by Pliny the Elder in the 1st century AD. Pliny the Elder noted that the inhabitants who inhabited the lands of modern Barcelona loved to decorate themselves with green beads, which were considered a powerful amulet. On the world market you can find utilite mined in Australia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland and Brazil. Read more:
Jewelry educational program. Underwater rocks
How to distinguish natural variscite from fakes
Variscite is rarely counterfeited; more often it is used as a material to create fake turquoise or chrysopase items. Advertising – Continued below If a large specimen of utalite is used in the product, the buyer should be careful, because in nature this mineral rarely reaches impressive sizes. The cut is also important: natural variscite is predominantly cut into a cabochon shape. The price of variscite directly depends on its color: white stones are widespread and therefore are valued less on the market than green and blue-green minerals. Specimens with some defects in the form of spots and veins are also prized by collectors, which determines their high price.
Healing properties of yutalite
Lithotherapists believe that yutalite has a positive effect, first of all, on a person’s psycho-emotional state, restoring a sense of harmony and faith in one’s own strength. The psychological background is inextricably linked with the physical level of health. If a person is at rest, his nervous and digestive systems function normally. Therefore, lithotherapists often prescribe regular practices accompanied by variscite products to patients with ulcers or disorders. Advertising – Continued below Adequate integrated work of all components of the human body helps to increase metabolism, which helps to lose weight faster.
Magical properties of variscite
In spiritual practice, as in lithotherapy, variscite is associated with health: mental or physical. Magicians use products made from ytalite during meditation, believing that they protect against the evil eye and negative influences from the outside. Another effect of variscite is associated with the subtle matter of love. According to ancient beliefs, jewelry with utalite can bring happiness in your personal life and help you choose a faithful and understanding companion. Advertising – Continued below
Who is variscite suitable for?
Variscite is one of the minerals that has no specific connection to the elements or signs of the Zodiac. It is recommended to choose it for a specific person on a whim. If someone begins to doubt whether to buy a product with utalite or not, he should hold the mineral in his hands to understand how well the internal sensations are consistent with the energy of the stone. The variscite talisman favors people who are professionally involved in helping other living creatures, for example, doctors. Such a talisman keeps the mind pure and gives the wearer confidence in his actions.
What stones are combined with
Jewelry made from variscite was created back in the Neolithic era, but the second birth of the mineral occurred in 1837, when its deposit was discovered in Saxony, near the city of Variscia. Advertising – Continued below The mineral has impressive magical potential. It is believed that it helps to realize the mistakes of the past and not repeat them in the future. Variscite jewelry softens a difficult character, calms the nervous system, and brings material well-being. Mystical properties are enhanced by turquoise, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, and agate. Variscite also restores strength and helps with insomnia and depression, which is doubly effective in tandem with pearls. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with sets with variscite – it is a completely self-sufficient gem. The combination of two, maximum three gems is enough to increase his magical abilities.
What metals does it combine with?
The setting for the stone is best made of silver – it enhances the magic of variscite. Combination with gold, on the contrary, blocks part of its miraculous properties, and the mineral in a gold frame will never work at full strength. Variscite is good on its own, without a frame. It is used to make beads, bracelets and necklaces. Talismans made from Californian turquoise will be useful to people prone to irritability, selfishness and pride, as they direct negative energy in the right direction. In addition, the mystical blue-green stone develops the spiritual sphere of the owner and his intellectual abilities.
If you dreamed of variscite
This mysterious gem, apparently, is a rare guest in dreams, and there are not many interpretations of it in dream books. The most common ones claim that variscite dreams of mutual love, an unexpected but pleasant meeting, and the fulfillment of a long-standing desire.
A small fly in the ointment is that stealing variscite or losing it will, as expected, lead to trouble.
Did you know that.
Variscite quickly collapses under the influence of high temperatures, as moisture actively evaporates from it. At the beginning of the 19th century. near the town of Variscia (Saxony), a very beautiful mineral was discovered, called variscite. It is surprising that in the history of the gem there is not a single case of high-profile thefts, murders or insidious deceptions (unlike other valuable stones), although the mineral is rare and beautiful. Variscite has never been a bone of contention between neighboring nations or individual groups of people. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the magical property of the stone to avoid conflict situations and help others in this. Jewelry made from bright gemstones brings only positive emotions to the owners, and also attracts good luck and material stability. The first description of the stone as an independent type appeared in 1837, although the first jewelry made from it was made back in the Neolithic era. Ancient beads were found in Catalonia, in Barcelona, but until the XNUMXth century. Variscite was considered a type of turquoise. The minerals are indeed very similar, and at first glance it is difficult to distinguish them: both gems are aluminum hydrophosphates, but variscite contains no copper It is formed in hard-to-reach caves in the form of deposits, individual crystals or long stalactites under the influence of a certain temperature, air pressure and humidity. In different countries, the stone and its varieties have different names. For example, blue and turquoise-azure minerals are often called California turquoise or spherite, emerald green is called chlorutealite, and the very rare red and pink variscite is called lutznite or bolnvariite.
Magical properties of crystal
It is not for nothing that variscite is called a symbol of kindness, because for those who are lucky enough to become the owner of such an unusual gem, it helps to develop in the spiritual sphere, reveals natural talents and inclinations, assists in meditation and calms the nervous system. Owners of jewelry made from Californian turquoise become benevolent and sympathetic over time, even if they previously had a difficult character. The variscite stone has magical properties – it is capable of attracting cash flows to the owner in just the amount needed for stability, but no more. Greed, selfishness, and deceit will never receive the support of the mineral, so you should not even hope for the success of a dubious deal by hiding a variscite talisman in your pocket. This gem is also successfully used in rituals of searching for truth in one’s own past (in previous lives). Everything that is hidden in the subconscious emerges in memory, the mistakes of the past become clear and it becomes possible to correct them in the present. If you believe in the power of the stone, you can protect yourself from many misfortunes, find financial stability and peace of mind.
The influence of the mineral on the zodiac signs
Figures-amulets made of Californian turquoise not only bring comfort to the house, but also protect it from natural disasters, thieves and people with evil intentions. In jewelry, the mineral goes well with silver, but not with gold – with it the gem loses some of its magical powers. Bracelets, rings and beads can be made only from variscite or combined with other gems, but you must take into account the zodiac sign of the future owner of the jewelry. You need to combine sephirit with other precious and semi-precious stones without fanaticism. A reasonable combination of 2-3 minerals will not only create a wonderful decoration, but will also enhance the magical properties of the stones. Astrologers recommend jewelry made from this stone to fire signs. He will help Sagittarius, Leo and Aries curb selfishness and pride, direct their thoughts and irrepressible energy into an altruistic direction. The stone can overshadow any negative character traits and replace them with positive emotions. The main rule is to understand what characteristic features you want to get rid of. But for Pisces, variscite is completely contraindicated, because their caring and desire to help under the influence of the mineral will intensify and turn into obsession. The stone softens the already trusting nature of Pisces so much that they become easy prey for scammers and adventurers.
The healing properties of the stone
Since the history of the mineral is not as long as, for example, diamond or emerald, the healing properties of the stone have not yet been fully studied. It still remains a mystery for both traditional healers and scientists. And this mystery is associated with the fact that the composition of the gem is heterogeneous. Meanwhile, everyone who has resorted to treatment with the mineral claims that thanks to prolonged tactile contact with California turquoise, significant improvements are observed in the following ailments:
- depression;
- causeless loss of strength;
- mental disorders;
- sleep anxiety;
- insomnia;
- vision of nightmares;
- nocturnal enuresis;
- CNS (central nervous system) disorders.
It cannot be said that the stone itself heals; rather, it simply enhances the effect of medications and procedures. Being in direct contact with a person, variscite activates all functions of the body, improves brain activity and encourages the fight against illnesses.