What does pyrite treat?
PYRITE – mineral, iron sulfide. It is the most common sulfide mineral in the earth’s crust. For its beautiful appearance, noble shade and metallic luster, pyrite is often called “fool’s gold”, and for its ability to produce a spark when struck – “fire stone”. English name: Pyrite Other names (synonyms): Sulfur pyrite, iron pyrite, alpine diamond, alpine diamond, iron liver ore, gold blende, fool’s gold, health stone, Inca stone, cat’s gold, vitriol pyrite, mundic Isolated and described for the first time: The mineral pyrite has been known since ancient times, long before the formal publication of its description. Probably, then, different minerals fell under the “stone that strikes fire.” Medieval alchemists called pyrite marcasite. They learned to distinguish iron sulfide minerals only in the 19th century: pyrrhotite was described in 1835, marcasite in 1845, troilite in 1862 Origin of the name: Pyrite was named in ancient times from the Greek “pyr” – “fire”, because when it hits metal or stone, sparks appear. Described by the ancient Greek naturalist Dioscorides (~50 AD) under the name “περι υληζ ιατρικηζ”, which included both pyrite and chalcopyrite. New items with Pyrite in the product catalog Products containing Pyrite are presented in the following categories:
- Unique exhibits and interior items,
- Stones and minerals,
- Decorations,
- Products and souvenirs,
- Fossils,
- Beads made of stones,
- Stones in esotericism
- class Sulfides, Sulfosols
- subclass Metal sulfides
- Pirita group
- mineral Pyrite
- Bravoite variety
- variety Spectropyrite
Bravoite is a variety of pyrite enriched in nickel. Gengleinite is a cobalt-containing bravoite.
Melnikovite is a fine-grained or amorphous iron sulfide that arises from an iron sulfide gel and usually recrystallizes into pyrite and/or marcasite, sometimes into an aggregate of alternating these two minerals.
If there is a significant amount of any impurity in the mineral, varieties of pyrite are distinguished by the name of this impurity, for example, gold-bearing pyrite, arsenic-bearing pyrite, lead-bearing pyrite, etc.Isomorphism: Pyrite usually contains minor amounts of nickel and forms an isomorphic solid solution series with vaesite (NiS2). Also, pyrite usually contains a small amount of cobalt and forms an isomorphic series with katierite (CoS2).
Polymorphism: Pyrite, having a cubic system, is a polymorphic analogue of orthorhombic marcasite.
Syngony: Cubic
Composition (formula): FeS2Color: Golden yellow, straw yellow, brass yellow. The oxidized surface of pyrite is brownish, often tarnished or covered with a thin film of limonite.
Trait Color: Black, Greenish Black, Brownish Black
Transparency: Opaque
Cleavage: Imperfect
Fracture: Uneven, conchoidal
Gloss: Metallic
Hardness: 6-6,5
Density (specific gravity), g/cm3: 4,8-5
Brittleness: BrittleSpecial properties: Pyrite is slightly soluble in nitric acid and insoluble in hydrochloric acid. Non-fluorescent. An iridescent tarnish is often observed on the surface of pyrite.
In a humid environment, pyrite can begin to slowly oxidize due to the development of various bacteria in it. Well-crystallized samples are more stable, and pyrite in the form of sedimentary nodules is subject to faster decomposition.In aggregates and in nonspecific crystal forms, pyrite is externally indistinguishable from marcasite. For example, in radial aggregates or black sooty masses. Often nodules offered to collectors as marcasite are pyrite or mixed (with marcasite tending to the outer layer). Marcasite often forms elongated crystals, in contrast to the cubic crystals of pyrite. Marcasite sometimes has a greenish tint. Chalcopyrite, compared to pyrite, has lower hardness (3,5-4), a more intense brass-yellow color, sometimes with a variegated tarnish. Cobaltine has a lower hardness (3,5) and does not have the yellow color of pyrite. Pyrrhotite is also less hard (3,5-4,5) and has a darker color. Gold has a very low hardness (2,5-3), has malleability and a yellow color, which is not typical for pyrite.
The mineral pyrite forms cubic, pentagon-dodecahedral, and less commonly octahedral crystals. Sometimes there is rough shading on the edges of pyrite crystals. Crystal intergrowths are characteristic. Sometimes it forms doubles.
Most often, pyrite occurs in the form of continuous granular aggregates, dense confluent masses, radial aggregates, spherulites, kidney-shaped and disc-shaped formations. Pyrite concretions, various nodules, and nodules are typical for sedimentary rocks. Forms thin veins and impregnations. There are pseudomorphs of pyrite based on organic remains (wood, fossil mollusk shells, etc.). Pyrite is often replaced by limonite (during the oxidation of Fe2+ in pyrite it turns into Fe3+ and limonite develops).Pyrite is a typical mineral of hydrothermal veins. Widely distributed in sedimentary rocks, found as an accessory mineral. Forms large deposits in the form of nodules on the bottom of sea basins. Pyrite can also be of metasomatic, less often igneous, origin.
Today, the mineral pyrite was the main raw material for the production of sulfuric acid, sulfur and ferrous sulfate, but recently the processing of pyrite has been economically unprofitable and is rarely used. Waste from pyrite processing is one of the main sources of selenium.
In some deposits, impurities of gold, silver, copper, nickel and cobalt and other elements are extracted from pyrite.
A number of patents have been registered for the use of pyrite in the preparation of mastics, expanded clay, cements, concretes, and asphalt concretes; and also as part of the charge during shaft smelting.
Today, pyrite is widely used as a collection mineral and ornamental stone.Do you think that pyrite harmonizes all processes in the body, both on the physical and mental levels. Traditional healers recommend carrying pyrite or jewelry made from it with you. It normalizes all internal processes, is able to influence the nervous system, and helps with nervous exhaustion. Pyrite is called the stone of health.
The ancient treatises of Pliny the Elder indicate that dry crushed pyrite was used “to treat goiters and ulcers,” which is why it was called a stone of health.
Pyrite affects the Manipur chakra.Pyrite is a powerful magical tool. In the Middle Ages it was often used by alchemists, and now it is used by practicing magicians.
Pyrite gives great emotional strength, can improve mood, raise overall tone and increase performance. This stone helps to gain self-confidence, get rid of fear, and become a leader.
In the Middle Ages, pyrite was considered a masculine stone.
Indoors, it is recommended to place a golden pyrite crystal on the money sector. It will help activate it.Interesting Facts
Because of its yellow metallic color, pyrite was often mistaken for gold, hence its common name “fool’s gold.” Pyrite is easily distinguished from gold in that it is much lighter, but harder than gold (it cannot be scratched with a knife).
In the Middle Ages, pyrite was the most popular material for conducting alchemical experiments – scientists of that time were firmly convinced that pyrite was the very “philosopher’s stone”, which, according to legend, is capable of giving its owner wealth, happiness and eternal life.
– (Greek “fire”)
Color: brass yellowProperties in general:
Pyrite is a stone of fire in the literal and figurative sense, capable of “igniting” hope in the most desperate situations, supporting the “fire” of life and health. Sharpens vision, resolves abscesses, treats dropsy, relieves rheumatic pain, the powder helps in the treatment of malignant ulcers and tumorsProperties in more detail:
Incas talisman – gives the owner courage, health and magical powers. Those who first found the mineral decided by its golden shine that it was gold. Since then it has sometimes been called cat gold.All products are made with pyrite stone
Pendant – Eye Agate Product Code: 7701033 Eye agate with inclusions Pirita
1200 UAH.
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No. 1 – 2,5×4,0 cm / 9,2 g. – 380 UAH.
No. 2 – 2,7×3,0 cm / 6,8 g. – 280 UAH. – Sales
No. 3 – 3,0×3,5 cm / 11,0 g. – 455 UAH – soldArizona turquoise with inclusions Pirita
0 UAH.
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Pendant – Jade with pyrite inclusions Product Code: 7718003 – Jade with Pyrite
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500 UAH.
Read more.Pendant – Lapis lazuli with pyrite inclusions Product Code: 7721001 Size/Weight
No. 1 – 0,9×1,5 cm / 1,1 g.
No. 2 – 0,9×1,9 cm / 1,1 g.
No. 3 – 0,9×1,5 cm / 1,3 g.Lapis lazuli with inclusions Pirita
160 UAH.
Read more.Pendant – Lapis lazuli with pyrite inclusions Product Code: 7721002 Size/Weight
No. 1 – 1,0×1,5 cm / 1,2 g.
No. 2 – 0,9×1,4 cm / 1,2 g.
No. 3 – 1,0×1,5 cm / 1,2 g.Lapis lazuli with inclusions Pirita
160 UAH.
Read more.Pendant – Lapis lazuli with pyrite inclusions Product Code: 7721003 Size/Weight
No. 1 – 1,3×2,3 cm / 2,9 g.
No. 2 – 1,3×3,0 cm / 2,3 g.
No. 3 – 1,1×2,4 cm / 2,9 g.Lapis lazuli with inclusions Pirita
280 UAH.
Read more.Pendant – Lapis lazuli with pyrite inclusions Product Code: 7721004 Size/Weight
No. 1 – 1,2×1,9 cm / 2,5 g.
No. 2 – 1,3×1,8 cm / 2,5 g.
No. 3 – 1,5×2,1 cm / 2,6 g.
No. 4 – 1,7×2,0 cm / 2,3 g.
No. 5 – 1,5×1,8 cm / 2,7 g.Lapis lazuli with inclusions Pirita
240 UAH.
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Weight – 7,2 gLapis lazuli with inclusions Pirita
450 UAH.
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- mineral Pyrite
- Pirita group
- subclass Metal sulfides