Therapeutic properties

What does real mother of pearl look like?

Mother of pearl, unusual in nature, is an amazing result of the life activity of the inhabitants of the deep sea. Thanks to the ability of some mollusks to accumulate in their homes a substance that is unique in appearance and physical characteristics, today you can admire a rich palette of beautiful shades. The inner surface of the shells can be white-blue, pink or even black. And each of them, in turn, shimmers with golden and greenish, blue and gray highlights. Whether transparent or opaque, mother-of-pearl is equal parts dramatic, stunning and magnificent. Rotate the photo with your mouse or finger.

Description and properties of mother of pearl

The structure of mother-of-pearl is made up of only three components: lime carbonate with a small content of organic matter, and water. Hardness values ​​according to the Mohs scale range from 2,5 to 4,5, and the density of the gemstone is 2,7 g/cm3. The recent discovery of the true complexity of the structure of nacre allows us to talk about its even more promising future. The structure of sea stone has the peculiarity of the resulting compound of organic and inorganic matter. It is surprising how usually fragile compounds of inorganic substances, with their percentage predominance, were able to form such a solid combination. The play and variety of shades of mother-of-pearl can be explained by its special unique structure – the smallest plates with the thinnest air layers. These layers refract the falling rays of light, as a result of which a magical and exciting effect of brilliant, unusually beautiful iridescence is created.

Products with mother of pearl

The superiority of mother-of-pearl has been recognized for a long time. The variety of jewelry knows no bounds: rings, earrings, beads, necklaces made from stone pieces. It is used as cladding for decorative elements, creating rare, eye-pleasing interior details, and no less impressive souvenirs. These can be the works of real recognized masters or simply folk craftsmen. Mother of pearl is a wide field for imagination and creativity; it is not only beauty and sophistication, but also practicality and functionality.

Catalog of products with mother of pearl:

  • Sets with mother of pearl
  • Gold rings with mother of pearl
  • Stylish earrings with mother of pearl
  • Pendants and pendants with mother of pearl
  • Brooches with mother of pearl
  • All jewelry with mother of pearl

How to care for mother of pearl

Caring for mother of pearl is very simple. It is important to know and follow certain rules, and a beautiful stone will delight you with its charm and attractiveness for a long time. The main thing is to avoid heating the mother-of-pearl and protect it from exposure to acids, cosmetics or aggressive household chemicals. You can carry out regular preventive maintenance or restore the beauty and freshness of your jewelry in a simple and affordable way – by washing it in a soapy solution. For this purpose, ordinary potato starch is also used, gently rubbing the mother-of-pearl with it.

Mother-of-pearl mining sites

The birthplace of mother-of-pearl is the water element – salty or fresh water, its “creator” is a mollusk, moreover, belonging to certain families. Mother of pearl is mined all over the world, but mainly in warm tropical waters: around the island of Ceylon, the coast of Japan and the Philippines, the Red Sea and the Pacific Ocean. As for freshwater mollusks, today only in the rivers of the Russian and European north can one observe a completely insignificant amount of them. The main method of extraction, as surprising as it may sound, is the skill of trained divers. It is a common phenomenon when shells are collected along the way when harvesting pearls.

The meaning of mother of pearl stone

As follows from history, mother of pearl was considered the mother of pearls, which gave rise to its name. Reverence and respect are the feelings that gentle and at the same time majestic mother of pearl evoked in people. Particular importance was attached to the stone in Ancient Rome, where the possession of such beauty served as evidence of actual wisdom and power. That is why mother of pearl was used to decorate the premises and the emperor’s palace.

Whose mother of pearl stone is a horoscope, zodiac sign

The properties of mother-of-pearl in astrology are identical to pearls, but significantly brighter and more expressive. Among the signs of the Zodiac, the closest and most acceptable for mother-of-pearl are Pisces and Aquarius. It is to them that his positive influence is largely directed. It brings good luck, gives confidence, promotes career advancement and general success in the professional field. In relation to other signs of the Zodiac, mother of pearl is quite neutral, with the only exception being Gemini.

The healing properties of mother of pearl

The positive effect of mother-of-pearl on health and its healing properties have been known for a long time. It could be mother-of-pearl powder, which was considered a remedy for any disease, or some product, usually bowls or goblets. A drink drunk from them was considered healing.

Today, the healing effect of mother-of-pearl has not been refuted. It is believed that it activates the body’s protective function, gives strength and energy. The action of mother-of-pearl is directed to the area next to which it is located: if these are the ears, then one can expect improved hearing, and if it is a necklace, then the preventive effect will be aimed at the respiratory organs and throat.

The function of mother-of-pearl in the field of cosmetology is no less important: the predominantly white powder is used to give the skin a lighter shade and affect age spots and freckles.

The magical properties of mother of pearl

The energy charge of mother-of-pearl is strikingly positive and light. It is precisely this action that is aimed at its owner: intuition develops, everything changes for the better, and life is filled with health, and therefore longevity. Mother of pearl is able to protect against negative influences from the outside, therefore it is especially useful for children, travelers or people in need of support.

Mother of pearl is the best friend and patron of family relationships. This is a peacemaker and protector of family and material well-being, a peaceful and calm environment in the home.

Catalog of products with mother of pearl:

  • Sets with mother of pearl
  • Gold rings with mother of pearl
  • Stylish earrings with mother of pearl
  • Pendants and pendants with mother of pearl
  • Brooches with mother of pearl
  • All jewelry with mother of pearl

Mother-of-pearl is a calcareous shell of some genera of mollusks and sea animals; since time immemorial, it has been used by people to decorate all kinds of objects.

The modern Russian designation mother of pearl comes from the German word “Perlmutter”, meaning: mother, i.e. producer of pearls, since they are found in such a shell. In the past, mother of pearl was known in Russia simply under the name “shell”; in English it is called “mother of pearl”, in Italian “madreperla”, in Old French “mereperle” – in a word, the meaning of the name is the same in all languages. The later French designation “la nacre” comes from the Arabic word “nakar”, which means “shell”.

Thanks to its unusual decorative properties, mother-of-pearl has been elevated to the rank of semi-precious stones along with such jewelry stones as tiger’s eye, obsidian, and aventurine.

How and where is it formed

Mother of pearl is the inner iridescent layer of the shell of some mollusks.

The inner layer of mother-of-pearl consists of the thinnest plates-crystals of the mineral aragonite (calcium carbonate). The plates are located parallel to the surface of the shell and are connected to each other by the organic substance conchiolin. The beauty of mother-of-pearl depends on the thickness of the aragonite flakes – the smaller they are, the brighter it is. When a foreign small object, such as a grain of sand, gets inside the shell, mother-of-pearl envelops it too. This is how a pearl is born, but its shine is brighter than the shine of mother-of-pearl on the shell, because due to the shape of the pearl, the scales are located differently on it.

Not all mollusks are capable of creating nacre. In those that can, the mother-of-pearl layer has different shades – silvery-white, pinkish, greenish and others. The purity of mother-of-pearl depends on where the mollusk lives and what it eats. In sea shells, the color of mother-of-pearl is pure, even, and the best mother-of-pearl is created by mollusks of warm tropical seas. White mother-of-pearl comes from the shells of the Indian Ocean pearl mussel, and the magnificent red is created by the abalone mollusk (haliotis). Mollusks of closed fresh water bodies and rivers create mother-of-pearl in color from white to black, sometimes with inclusions. But with any color, the iridescent play of colors is clearly expressed – mother-of-pearl shine.

Physicochemical characteristics

Shine – pearl

Color – from white to almost black

Hardness – 2,5 – 4,5 Mohs scale

Density – 2,7 g / cm3


Heliotis (chaliotis) is a type of mother-of-pearl that has become extremely popular recently. The heliotis mollusk produces dark red mother-of-pearl; shades of green, gray, blue, violet, and black are also found. Heliotis are common in the Pacific Ocean, as well as off the coast of Asia and North America, partly Australia; in Indian – off the eastern coast of Africa; in the Atlantic – off the coast of Europe, from where they penetrated into the Mediterranean Sea.

Place of Birth

The main places where mother-of-pearl shells are mined are the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, Ceylon, Japan, Borneo and the Philippines, and some tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean. Often these shells are a by-product of cultured pearl production.

Application and Use

Mother of pearl is an excellent jewelry material, and at the same time quite durable – when broken, it does not split, but breaks. But under the influence of the sun it becomes fragile and gradually loses its shine.

Products made from mother-of-pearl were used in ancient times, which is confirmed by objects found in ancient burials. Mother-of-pearl jewelry was especially popular in Eastern countries – Japan and India.

Cups and bowls are made from large shells with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl. The shiny layer is polished inside and out, sometimes an openwork pattern is cut out on the outside, and all this is mounted on a stand made of precious metal.

Often, not whole shells are used, but iridescent nacre plates separated from them. Sometimes miniatures and patterns are engraved on them, after which the plates are applied to decorated objects – brooches, boxes, souvenirs and other products. Beads and plates made of mother-of-pearl replaced expensive diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds when decorating folk costumes and outfits. Mother-of-pearl buttons have long become popular, as well as earrings, beads, bracelets, brooches, clips, and rings. Knives, blades, and weapon butts were inlaid with mother-of-pearl along with precious stones and ivory.

Уmove for mother of pearl

Caring for mother-of-pearl jewelry is simple – they are washed in a regular soap solution or wiped with potato starch to remove stubborn dirt; The main rule is to keep mother of pearl clean. Mother of pearl, like pearls, suffers from lack of attention and only gets better with frequent wear. Mother of pearl should also be protected from high temperatures and open flames, exposure to acids and cosmetics.

How to distinguish real from fake

As an imitation of mother-of-pearl, the fruit of the Peruvian bone palm is used, and recently plastic with a mother-of-pearl effect is used.

Real mother of pearl can be determined by heating and an open flame. When brought to it, mother-of-pearl containing 2% water cracks and loses its shine.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of mother of pearl have been used since ancient times. Alchemists believed that mother-of-pearl powder could cure almost all diseases. Modern traditional healers believe that mother-of-pearl helps to strengthen the health of the body, improve immunity and performance. Pearls and mother-of-pearl, as well as the “pearl essence” extracted from both, were already attributed in ancient times, and then in the Middle Ages, with healing and strengthening powers, which is why this liquid was used as a remedy against all sorts of diseases. The most famous pearl remedy was invented at the end of the 17th century. Popp and Agricola; it supposedly amazingly strengthened the heart and was given in case of fainting and weakness.

Since ancient times, white mother-of-pearl powder has been used to prepare cosmetic creams. It was believed that this cream could whiten the skin of the face, remove freckles and remove age spots. Shell earrings were worn to improve hearing.

Magical properties

In magical practice, mother of pearl is not often used. In some countries of the world, special bowls were made from shells, believing that drinks poured into them were healing. To attract the favor of the gods, drawings were applied to the surface of the shell.

The gem has energy that brings prosperity and prosperity to the home. To do this, you should store jewelry in a mother-of-pearl shell. He is also able to maintain positive relationships and peace in the family. It is believed that if a person wears mother-of-pearl jewelry, he will become more confident and protected from the evil eye and evil spirits. This gem gives inspiration to people involved in creativity.

Mother of pearl patronizes people born under the signs of Aquarius and Pisces. It brings good luck to Aquarius in their work life. Helps Pisces win arguments and bets.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman, mother of pearl can help its owner bring new things into his life. It helps to develop intuition, preserve peace and tranquility in the family, and protects the house from evil spirits. It is believed that products made from mother-of-pearl can serve as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner.

History and legends

The fact that mother-of-pearl was revered in Ancient Egypt is evidenced by numerous finds of necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry made of mother-of-pearl in the tombs of pharaohs and nobles.

Mother of pearl was highly valued in Ancient Rome. Here he was considered a symbol of wisdom and power. According to legend, the walls of the palace of Emperor Nero were lined with mother-of-pearl plates.

Best regards, Katerina (Napoleonka)

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