Rare and valuable minerals

What does Rhodochrosite stone mean?

Rhodochrosite, also known as Inca Rose, is a variety of calcite and siderite. For the most part, the stone is found in shades of pink and red, but can be yellowish, orange and brown. Its name comes from Greek and means “pink color”.

The meaning of rhodochrosite

The charm of rhodochrosite is undeniable, as these rose-red stones radiate the energy of love. They promote unconditional love, soothe the heart, and comfort the soul. This is a wonderful talisman of joy and healing. Known as the stone of tenderness and compassion, it represents selfless love that goes beyond mere sympathy. Rhodochrosite is credited with the ability to heal through love. It brings repressed feelings, grievances from childhood and even from past lives to the surface of consciousness, allowing you to look at old situations in a new way in order to recognize and let go of the pain. Its vibrations bring liberation from the pain of the past and forgiveness, helping to be reborn at a new level. This stone can restore a sense of integrity and confidence, bringing back joy, creative spirit and innate talents that may have been dormant.

Zodiac signs

Rhodochrosite is a stone of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Also good for those born under the signs of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Wearing these stones inspires, gives a positive outlook, opens the heart to express love and follow your dreams. Can be used as a love talisman, helping to attract and strengthen love.

The magical properties of rhodochrosite

The effect of the stone is extremely beneficial; it makes the owner cheerful, cheerful and active. Rhodochrosite has the ability to stimulate creativity and reveal the potential of the individual. Rhodochrosite is good to wear to attract a new love, friend or soul mate into your life – someone who will help you learn the necessary lessons for the greater good. It allows you to spontaneously express feelings, increases passion and attractiveness to the opposite sex. Moreover, it allows you to express love without fear of rejection. Those who are going through a period of doubt will benefit from wearing this stone. He is like a guide showing the road that will lead to happiness. Is an excellent conductor of energy. It is believed that the stone creates a telepathic connection between loved ones, as well as between a pet and its owner. There is a belief that rhodochrosite can be used to summon those who are lost and to bring back a former love. Place the crystal next to the photo of the missing person and place your hands on either side of the stone. Visualize where and when you were last together, then say the person’s name in a low voice three times and ask him or her to contact you or send a message. If your pet is lost, you can do a similar calling ritual, then place the crystal where your pet liked to sit or sleep.

The healing properties of rhodochrosite

This is a truly unique mineral for healing diseases that stem from emotional or mental suffering. Although it is not a cure, it does provide relief from the symptoms of the disease. Good for calming nerves. Rhodochrosite contains manganese, an important physiological component of the body, necessary for bone growth, tissue repair and mineral absorption. It is traditionally used by healers in elixirs to help with diseases of the heart and circulatory system, stabilizing blood pressure and pulse. The stone is believed to eliminate breathing problems and asthma. Placed at the base of the skull, it relieves migraine pain. It is an effective remedy for treating skin diseases, especially if they occur due to stress, depression and anxiety. Healers use a soothing elixir for skin diseases. To do this, rhodochrosite is placed in distilled water (or spring water) and placed in sunlight for several days. The water is then heated, the cloth is soaked in it and used as a poultice. It not only relieves itching and painful irritation, but penetrates into painful areas and cleanses.

Meditation with Rhodochrosite

An excellent stone for meditation, expanding consciousness and promoting deep relaxation. During meditation, the crystal is held near the point between the eyebrows (third eye) or at the temples. This helps you find an effective way to solve problems, gain clarity on any issue that worries you, or determine your mission in life. The stone can also activate memories of a past life. If you hold it over your heart, it makes it possible to untangle the bonds of outdated relationships. In all cases, during meditation, rhodochrosite is held in the left hand.

Feng Shui

These beautiful pink crystals are good for harmonizing a space. Rhodochrosite is associated with love, romance and motherhood. For its gentle vibrations to have the best effect, place it in the southwestern part of the room or home. Rhodochrosite owes its name to its own color, which is translated from Greek as “the color of a rose.” This was the name given to pink crystals from the Kapnik deposit in Transylvania (modern Romania) in 1813 by the German mineralogist Johann Hausmann. It is now known that rhodochrosite can be pale pink, pink, rose-red, dark pink, orange-red, orange-brown and brown. The color in it is directly related to the presence of octahedral complexes of divalent manganese (Mn2+) in the structure. According to its chemical formula, rhodochrosite is a very simple mineral – it is manganese carbonate – Mn [CO3]. Like most carbonates, it does not have outstanding characteristics that can classify it as a precious stone, in particular, it is very widespread and has a too low hardness index (3,5-4), which is not conducive to long-term use to preserve its original appearance. The mineral rhodochrosite is found on all continents, occurrences and deposits are known in more than 70 countries and even in the oceans. This should have removed all questions about its value and automatically added it to the “beach pebble” row. However, nature does not like banality and leaves us zest even where the story seems to end, and the plot and ending are completely clear. This situation arises because the mineral and the gemstone are not the same thing. Using the example of rhodochrosite, one can be convinced that quantity does not translate into quality and the number of deposits with jewelry-suitable stones can be counted on the fingers of one hand, moreover, the content of jewelry material in them is so small that it can be exhausted in a matter of decades, and quality parameters cannot be predicted . In nature, rhodochrosite occurs mostly in the form of kidney-shaped aggregates with a radial-ray structure, continuous fine- and coarse-grained aggregates. Properly constructed crystals are very rare. Knowledgeable readers, remembering rhodochrosite, will imagine something slightly different than what is contained in the photo below and represents rhodochrosite from the collection of the Century company. A transparent, visually clear, perfectly octagon princess cut delicate orange-pink stone that can be mistaken for sapphire or morganite is a rare rhodochrosite from well known mines in the USA. The presence of gem-quality stones among rhodochrosites is a little-known side of the history of rhodochrosite, which is imprinted in the visual perception of most admirers as an interesting patterned white-pink stone in inexpensive silver items. The geography of rhodochrosite is attractive and revealing. Stones from each deposit have their own unique characteristics, so let’s consider this issue in more detail.


Rhodochrosite deposits in Argentina are known from history, first of all, this is a mine near the city of San Luis in the state of the same name and the Capilitas deposit in the state of Catamarca. Both are in the northern part of Argentina, which, when conquered by the Spanish, belonged to the Incan Empire. The Incas were the first who, since the 13th century, along with silver and gold, discovered and began to mine the pink-red mineral, which formed giant stalactites and kidney-shaped masses in caves. The unique patterns made up of multi-colored aggregates of rhodochrosites were called “Inca roses”. The Incas also had the first experience in the mystification of this stone; according to the legends now cited, the ancient Incas saw in rhodochrosite – the blood of kings and queens, which over time became established in the stones. Given the peculiarities of their formation, almost all Rhodochrosas from Argentina are represented by opaque or translucent specimens with a striped and concentric texture. Due to the large amount of rhodochrosite deposits from the Kapilitas deposit, it is the main supplier of these stones to the world market. This material is used in jewelry (in the form of balls and tumbling) and ornamental purposes to create beads, talismans, amulets, interior decorations and products. Today, rhodochrosite is rightfully recognized as the national mineral symbol of Argentina; probably all rhodochrosites produced on the market come from this South American country.



Although our country is not included in the list of important sources of rhodochrosite in the jewelry sense, the mineral itself is found here and can even be mined. Rhodochrosite is a moderately widespread mineral in Ukraine (don’t forget that Ukraine is one of the world’s leading countries in terms of manganese ore reserves). It is present in large quantities in the Carpathians (Chivchyn Mountains), where it is the main mineral, together with rhodonite, of manganese carbonate-silicate rocks. These deposits were discovered back in the 30s of the twentieth century and then studied more than once by geologists. Rhodonite-rhodochrosite rocks from this area are distinguished by pink, crimson, red-brown color with black dendrites and veins of manganese hydroxide, which form complex patterns and patterns and can be used as ornamental stones. Rhodochrosite in Ukraine can also be found in the Nikopol manganese ore basin, the Kerch iron ore basin, the Azov region, and Transcarpathia, but in all these regions no stones suitable for jewelry or ornaments were found. What the rhodonite-rhodochrosite rock of Transcarpathia looks like can be seen in the added photos kindly provided by Evgeniy Naumenko. Unlike mineralogists, who value the natural appearance of crystals, their intergrowths and associations, for the jewelry segment, the characteristics of stones that allow them to be used in jewelry are more important. The vast majority of rhodochrosites are translucent (or translucent) and opaque. In such samples, their design comes first. As mentioned above, these are mainly stones from deposits in Argentina. However, the most valuable and rare are the transparent stones, which can be cut or cabochoned. Such stones are extremely individual; their appearance on the market has a wave-like trend and is not guaranteed. The most cut rhodochrosite is a stone of 266,06 carats, located in the collection of the American company Medici Collection, LLC, which does not advertise its appearance. The use of rhodochrosite, especially faceted jewelry inserts from it, has very difficult features. Working with this stone requires the utmost care and virtuosity of both the cutters and the jewelers. When cutting rhodochrosite, the cutter must pay attention not only to the very low hardness, but also to the presence of ideal cohesion in the stone in three directions. Cutting is done with minimal force. During grinding and polishing operations, overheating of the stone is not allowed. The cleanliness of the workplace and the absence of abrasive particles in the work area deserve special attention. Processing rhodochrosite requires skill, experience and virtuosity from the lapidary. Something similar is required from jewelers. When fixing rhodochrosite in a product, one should adhere to almost sterile cleanliness, ideal treatment of metal surfaces in contact with the stone, the work is performed exclusively with fingers without the use of tweezers, one should not talk about the inadmissibility of impacts and the use of force. Additionally, you should remember that jewelry with rhodochrosites cannot be washed in an ultrasonic cleaner, treated with steam or cleaned mechanically. The only approved method is washing in a warm soapy solution using only your hands or soft tissues. These rules apply to both cut and semi-precious stones. The extreme importance and exclusivity of products with faceted rhodochrosites is evidenced by the statistics cited by the Gemological Institute of America (USA) in 1997, which stated that during the entire period of mining at the Sweet Home deposits, they know of only 35 stones set in jewelry (try to remember the number of traditional gemstones that you only see on one counter). The above facts clearly illustrate the dramatic difference in the use of rhodochrosites. On the one hand, opaque stones are used in affordable, sometimes quite low-quality silver products, on the other hand, transparent stones are cut with rhodochrosite, creating absolute exclusivity of the products. The most famous and representative piece of rhodochrosite jewelry today is the Denver tiara, composed of 7 identically cut rhodochrosites from the Sweet Home deposit (details of description are in the photo). Recently, manufacturers of expensive jewelry have also begun to pay attention to opaque rhodochrosite, which has an interesting texture. Creative models from various jewelry companies appear (some ideas can be seen in the photo). This creates reason to believe that the potential of rhodochrosite will be actively rethought and its jewelry future will lie not only in the silver mass market segment. Magical and healing properties Rhodochrosites are described by experts in lithotherapy and metaphysics Rhodochrosite is known as the stone of the merciful heart, and is a symbol of selfless love that boomerangs back to itself for the purpose of emotional healing. Thus, rhodochrosite enhances a person’s ability to explore old wounds, repressed feelings and childhood or past life traumas, which in turn allows old situations to be revisited with new information, and allows pain to be identified and released. Its vibration of self-love, forgiveness and compassion for the “inner child” helps bring back the self you were born to be. Wearing rhodochrosite or meditating with it helps make a person cheerful and cheerful, dynamic and active. It is mentally invigorating, stimulates creativity, a state of dreams and personal power, allows spontaneous expression of feelings and can enhance passion and sexuality. Rhodochrosite is traditionally used to help the heart and circulatory system, stabilizing blood pressure and pulse rate. As a talisman stone, rhodochrosite is recommended for those born in October – November under the sign of Scorpio. So unexpected, interesting and extraordinary is the precious rhodochrosite, which, as it seemed, should have nothing to do with a precious stone. It is also pleasant to state that the Ukrainian consumer can afford not only to “consume” Internet drawings of both patterned rhodochrosites and transparent jewelry stones; one of such outstanding opportunities is the offer of a set of rhodochrosites from the collection of the “Centuri” company.

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