What does smoky quartz symbolize?
Smoky Quartz is one of the main grounding stones that symbolizes our connection to the earth. It is a stone of peace of mind and balance. It can help ground and protect you. It also helps relieve stress and tension, constant feelings of anxiety, overcome panic attacks and increase a sense of security. Very helpful for hypersensitive people. It is a powerful mineral that reminds us to put ourselves first. Smoky quartz helps develop emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize and manage emotions, intentions, motivation, desires of oneself and others. Wearing a piece of smoky quartz can be a powerful way to get to the root of problems without allowing negative emotions to overwhelm you. Energies of Rauchtopaz: GROUNDING, PROTECTION, ELEVATION OF MOOD.Rauchtopaz helps balance the first chakra The first chakra is associated with the earth. The safety and survival of the physical body are its basic functions. It gives us a feeling of confidence and stability. The more securely we stand on earth, the simpler and easier our physical existence in the material world becomes. If Muladhara is not in harmony, then a person is forced to constantly worry about his health, security, and stability. The result is the impossibility of spiritual development due to excessive concerns about the physical state. Developing other chakras without working through Muladhara is pointless. Therefore, spiritual development should begin with it. Helps neutralize negative energy and radiation External noise, irritants, electronics, negative energy, large crowds of people, metropolis, smog, traffic jams, all this can cause severe discomfort, irritation, anxiety, greatly unbalance and knock you out of a harmonious state. If you work or study in such conditions, such noises can become a constant source of stress: they affect concentration and the ability to perform everyday tasks. Smoky Quartz is a powerful and protective stone that is ideal for use in the home, car, or office. It is able to neutralize the electromagnetic field and cleanse the environment of harmful radiation. The mineral perfectly protects the owner from the negative energies of people and the environment. The stone is able to create an energy shield around and cleanse the owner’s energy field. Since smoky quartz absorbs a lot of negativity, it needs to be cleansed and charged regularly*Set your intention with an affirmation You can focus on one affirmation or several. For affirmations to work, you need to say them as you mean them. Choose affirmations that you believe. Affirmations only work if you say them every day for at least 30 days. The more you say them, the more positive changes you will see in your life. Affirmations with Smoky Quartz:
- I feel safe and secure
- I’m strong
- There is always hope
- I live consciously
- I trust the Universe, I am protected
- I’m healing
- My body, mind and soul are healthy
- I feel myself good
- I control my life and my destiny
- I can overcome any adversity and obstacle
- I’m calm and relaxed
- I control my mind, not it controls me.
- Everything will be fine
- I am responsible for my happiness and peace of mind
- I deserve to be happy
- I am beautiful, talented and unique
- I can achieve all my goals
- The space of options is limitless
- I love myself even when I feel down, that’s okay
- I have a bright future
- My negative states do not define me, these feelings are temporary
- I am proud of myself for all my achievements to date.
- After a fall comes a rise, these are necessary cycles for growth
- I accept my feelings and emotions
- I believe in myself, I can do anything
- I take control of my mind and thoughts
- I deserve to be loved, I love myself
- I’m getting stronger every day
- I think positively
- I accept myself as I am
- I am more than my anxiety
- I can deal with my anxiety
- I’m in touch with myself
- I’m relieved of stress
- I am able to cope with everything that comes my way
- Every day I become calmer and happier
- I always remember to take care of myself first.
- I fill my mind and soul with positivity
- Happiness is an emotion I experience daily
- I only allow healthy relationships into my life.
- I am the creator of my own destiny
The quartz gemstone family includes illustrious names such as amethyst, citrine, agate, jasper and rose quartz. You can see from the examples given that this is a very diverse crystal that comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns.
In fact, quartz is perhaps the most common mineral on Earth – desert sands, granite and volcanic mountain rocks, volcanic lava, quartz is everywhere!
We are more interested in quartz, which can be used to make gemstones, and they come in two types:
- Macrocrystalline – large, easily identifiable crystals, usually transparent, with sharp edges and pointed apices.
- Microcrystalline – tiny, tightly packed crystals, usually opaque and round in shape.
Smoky quartz is an example of macrocrystalline quartz that is usually completely transparent with deep, earthy colors.
Smoky Quartz Colors
As its name suggests, smoky quartz is a dark-colored stone whose shades can range from light grayish brown to almost black.
The color is caused by impurities during formation and, depending on the mineral, it can create yellow, amber or red tones that, according to the seller’s imagination, can be described as coffee, honey or caramel.
The most valuable color of this gemstone at a very reasonable price is very pleasing to the beholder as all the brownish shades have similar meanings.
Smoky quartz
Any mostly brown quartz is usually called simply smoky quartz, but there are two named “varieties” that have gained some notoriety, although they are chemically and structurally identical to all other smoky quartz.
- Cairngorm Quartz, a yellow-brown color found in the Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland, is sometimes called Scottish Topaz to capitalize on two famous local products.
- Morion Quartz is a very dark, almost black quartz that is believed to be the result of natural radiation (totally safe, but not always genuine).
Smoky quartz clarity and cut
Generally, all smoky quartz that can be considered a gemstone will have excellent clarity. Some may have inclusions or opacity, which some may find attractive, but there is no reason to settle for anything less than full transparency.
Smoky quartz is a strong and durable gemstone that can be found in all common shapes and cuts – in fact, those new to gem cutting use smoky quartz quite often due to its inexpensive price and forgiving nature.
As a clear gemstone, smoky quartz works best when cut, as it can highlight its natural sparkle, although it can also be made into cabochons – domed tops with a flat bottom – for an interesting vintage look, or even carved into the shapes of flowers or animals. .
Spiritual Meaning of Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz has all the common healing properties of all quartz – stimulating the immune system, bringing mental clarity, promoting concentration, enhancing psychic abilities, balancing and revitalizing us physically.
In addition, this gemstone can also relieve negativity and depression, get rid of fears and worries, and even relieve suicidal thoughts. Smoky Quartz can help you cope with the difficulties and stresses of everyday life and inspire you to overcome them and realize your goals.
Smoky Quartz and Chakras
Chakras are energy centers in the body, sometimes known as chi or prana. There are seven chakras located around the body, affecting physical, emotional or mental well-being, and each has a corresponding color.
Smoky quartz is primarily associated with the base or root chakra. This chakra is associated with your basic needs – home, shelter, safety, feeling safe and comfortable, even food and water.
If you are feeling insecure or worried about your family and environment, smoky quartz is the gemstone for you – it will help you feel grounded and connected.
Signs of a blocked root chakra can include eating disorders, greed and impatience, and a desire for material possessions. Physically, this can mean bladder and digestive problems, cramps, problems with lower back and prostate function.
Health Benefits of Smoky Quartz
Physically, smoky quartz is great for the back, hips, abdomen and upper legs, as well as all the excretory organs – adrenal glands, pancreas and kidneys.
It can be used to revitalize and motivate, detoxify the body and neutralize negative vibrations. It is a natural defense against all forms of everyday radiation, including electromagnetic fields, medical radiation and chemotherapy.
Smoky Quartz Course
Price list for smoky quartz
Most types of quartz tend to be very reasonably priced, and smoky quartz is no different: even large, well-cut pieces with excellent clarity are available for around a dollar or two per carat.
With the exception of the two previously named examples, Cairngorm and Morion, most smoky quartz are the same price, regardless of shade or clarity – it’s simply a matter of preference. Some gemstones that can change color toward yellow or purple—naturally or when heated—may be called smoked citrine or smoked amethyst and often command a higher price.
Smoky Quartz Discovery
The word “quartz” comes from the German Quarz and the Polish term Kwardy, meaning “hard,” while the mineral, quartz, has been used for thousands of years as a tool for decoration or decoration, as well as for spiritual purposes.
The term “smoky quartz” was first used in the gemstone world in 1837 by mineralogist Professor James Dwight Dana and was named for its smoke-like color.
Notable members of this family include amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz, all of which have been recorded as far back as ancient Egyptian and Greek times.
The ancient Romans carved them into seals for official documents, while even earlier the Sumerians created cylinder seals for the same purpose. In China, thin planes of Smoky Quarts were used as primitive sunglasses.
Smoky quartz had a strong connection with the Celts and Druids and was used during the pagan festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the summer harvest. Even today there is a large smoky quartz in the Scottish Crown Jewels, and an even larger quartz is kept at Balmoral Castle, which was purchased by Queen Victoria.
Where is smoky quartz found?
Smoky quartz can be found all over the world, but the best examples come from Brazil, Madagascar, Russia and, of course, Scotland, where it is the national gemstone.
How is smoky quartz formed?
Quartz is usually found in pegmatite, which is a type of igneous rock formed by slowly cooling magma. As this pegmatite cools, cracks and crevices appear and fill with liquids and gases that crystallize into gemstones over a long period of time.
During formation, other chemicals and minerals may be introduced that can affect the color of the quartz – the presence of aluminum can produce smoky quartz, while iron can create purple in amethyst or yellow in citrine.
Darker examples of smoky quartz are often associated with emissions from nearby radioactive mineral deposits, although they are perfectly safe to handle.
Can smoky quartz be processed?
Typically, smoky quartz is not treated to enhance its appearance beyond the usual cutting and polishing of the rough gemstone.
Some smoky quartz can be irradiated to replicate the natural radiation that can create darker gemstones, but this is not very common as it is an expensive process for such an inexpensive product. Alternatively, some darker stones can be heat treated to lighten the color – I’d like to see them decide!
If any gemstones sold by GemSelect undergo such processing, we will always disclose this information.
What kind of jewelry is smoky quartz suitable for?
All quartz scores around 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, so smoky quartz is strong enough to be used in any type of jewelry.
Additionally, it is readily available in large carat sizes at great prices, making it ideal for experimental jewelry for aspiring jewelry makers who want to create their own pieces.
It was used quite frequently as mourning decoration during the Victorian era, and its muted, earthy colors are still fashionable for ethnic or tribal looks. The masculine colors of Smoky Quartz make it ideal for men’s jewelry.
How to Care for Smoky Quartz
Simply cleaning any quartz with warm, soapy water and gently pat dry should be enough to keep it looking its best.
When storing, remember that all quartz is a fairly hard gemstone (rating above 7 on the Mohs hardness scale), so do not store it with softer gemstones as it may scratch them.
Likewise, some gemstones such as ruby, sapphire, beryl, etc. are a little harder and can damage your quartz.
We always recommend placing gemstones in separate boxes or soft cloth bags when not wearing or displaying them.
How to recognize real smoky quartz
For industrial use, quartz has for many years been produced in a laboratory with such precision that it is impossible to distinguish synthetic quartz from real quartz.
Despite this evidence of scientific work, you are unlikely to encounter artificial or fake smoky quartz. It would be a lot of work for minimal financial return.
We have a couple of simple tips when purchasing this gemstone.
Before purchasing a smoky quartz gemstone, check out its appearance in photographs or at a gem store. Study the shades of the gemstone, its shape and cut.
Quartz is rated 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, so it will be harder than glass, so test a sample by scratching the bottle and checking for marks. On the other hand, an iron nail or key should not be strong enough to scratch the surface of any prospective smoky quartz.
Smoky quartz is not a very expensive gemstone, so if you buy it from a reputable source, you can be sure that you will get what you pay for. The best way to buy any gemstone is from a reputable store or a well-established online business.
There are cases where smoky quartz has been passed off as another, more expensive gemstone such as brown topaz, black tourmaline or even brown diamond. Without going into too much detail, topaz and diamonds are significantly harder than quartz, and tourmaline has a much brighter shine.
This wasn’t a complete guide on how to make sure your smoky quartz gemstone is genuine, but I hope it helps a little.
GemSelect currently offers short identification reports from two respected independent gemological laboratories, Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS) and Burapha Gemological Laboratory (BGL Lab), for your choice.
What’s so special about smoky quartz?
The earthy, woody brown colors of Smoky Quartz are so special that they evoke luxurious thoughts of honey, whiskey and rich dark chocolate. If you’re lucky, you might find one with all of these colors in one gemstone, with maybe a golden sunset thrown in for good measure.
Despite its beautiful appearance and renowned spiritual powers, it is a very inexpensive item and can be found in a variety of sizes, so finding jewelry from bracelets to earrings, pendants to statement cocktail rings, and everything in between should not be difficult. .
This gemstone also gives anyone interested the opportunity to make their own jewelry – the relatively low prices, large size, durability and variety of shapes available mean this is a very versatile crystal for any would-be crafter.