What does the garnet stone symbolize?
Most often, garnet is associated with a red stone, similar to the fruit of the same name. But did you know that garnet can be blue and green? January 11, 2021 256 0 –> Pomegranate has been known to mankind since the times of ancient Scythia. They decorated armor with it and used it to declare their love. When you mention this stone, associations with the red grains of the famous fruit of the same name immediately come to mind. However, the pomegranate palette is not limited to just red. And in general, behind its name there is far more than one mineral hidden. Almandine, Grossular, Rosolite, Tsavorite are all varieties of garnet. Surprised? Then read our article for even more interesting information about this stone.
History of the pomegranate
The Scythian warriors and the ancient Romans knew about the pomegranate. They decorated their armor with this stone and believed that it protected against poison and injury. The Greeks called the pomegranate anthrax. Among the Romans, the stone had a less sweet name – “carbuncle”. Only in the 18th century did a common name for this beautiful gem appear – “garnet”, which translated from Latin (“granatus”) means “like grains”. Indeed, in its shape the mineral resembles pomegranate grains. Later in the 19th century in Europe it was discovered that the name “grenade” hides not one, but many minerals, each of which has its own amazing properties.
Garnet deposits
Garnets are mined on almost all continents. The Czech Republic, USA, Brazil, Madagascar, India, and the Russian Federation can boast of mineral reserves. In Ukraine, garnet (almandine) is found in Vinnitsa and Kirovograd regions. Did you know that. In the Vinnytsia region there is the Slobodskoe deposit, famous in Europe for its reserves of garnet as an abrasive raw material. Garnet is used in the production of sandpaper, crushed stone, grinding materials, and powders. The largest part of the world’s garnet reserves falls on the African continent (Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania), where the rarest specimens are mined. For example, these are blue stones that change their color depending on the angle of light.
Physico-chemical properties of garnet
Garnet is a whole group of minerals, each of which has its own unique color. Basically these are all shades of red, orange and brown (almandine). There are also purple (majorite), pink (spesartine), green and even yellow (uvarovite, grossular). Yes, almost everything except blue! The price of a stone directly depends on its color, which indicates its rarity. The most expensive are green, purple and black garnets. Did you know that. Today there are about 15 varieties of pomegranate in the world. The most common is “pyrope” (Czech dark red). Garnet itself is a fairly hard stone (6,5-7 on the Mohs scale). It is resistant to high temperatures and is easy to cut. Jewelers most often work with “almandines” – red garnets with a purple tint, as well as “hessonites” – honey or yellow-orange. Garnets can shimmer in the light and change the intensity of their hue. Half prices! 6 UAH 675 UAH 12 UAH 873 UAH 28 262 UAH
Medicinal properties of pomegranate
Thanks to its rich red color, a legend has emerged that pomegranates normalize blood pressure and help stop bleeding. It is believed that green crystals help with stress, and yellow crystals help with skin diseases (from allergies to burns). Esotericists believe that a ring with garnet relieves migraine attacks, reduces menstrual pain and helps with menopause.
The magical properties of pomegranate
Garnet is considered a stone with strong energy, so it is suitable for strong-willed and confident people. In ancient times, they believed that a garnet had mystical properties: a stolen stone contributes to the death of its owner, but one given with good thoughts, on the contrary, becomes his talisman. Garnet is one of the most romantic stones. An ancient symbol of passion and love. Unmarried girls are advised to wear pomegranate to attract family happiness. Not only jewelry, but also an ordinary piece of stone without a frame is suitable as a talisman.
Jewelry with pomegranate
Garnet is a fairly self-sufficient stone, so it looks best as a central insert in jewelry. Large specimens highlight its soft radiance and gradient of shades. A garnet necklace adds romanticism and nobility to the look. Gold rings with a garnet surrounded by a diamond will emphasize the wealth and well-being of its owner. Brunettes look especially impressive with such jewelry – the dark red stone favorably sets off their hair color, playing on the contrast. Did you know that. The main difference between a garnet and a fake is the uniformity of the structure. Natural garnet has shade transitions and micro-spots within it. If you hold the stone in your hand for a long time, it does not heat up. Masters of the Jewelry Kart network create original jewelry with garnet, thanks to elegant decor and harmoniously matched metal color. As a rule, the pomegranate is in the center of the composition. The stones are made into flower petals or cut into heart shapes. As an elegant addition, small scatterings are used along the contour of the product. Among older women, antique-style garnet pendant/earrings are especially popular.
Who is the stone suitable for?
Garnet is considered a talisman of all fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries). Astrologers say that hot-tempered Sagittarians become softer under the influence of pomegranate, and pedantic Virgos feel less tense. Aries should treat garnets with caution: their natural self-confidence can turn into selfishness. But Cancers and Pisces are not recommended to wear a red stone. Pomegranate cannot leave you indifferent. Known for its rich cherry color, it immediately attracts attention. The mineral sparkles with a bright flame and seems to reflect the power of fire, passion and power. Named after the fruit of the same name, the crystal is represented by a whole group and has unique properties that are valued by jewelers and jewelry lovers.
Color and characteristics
- pink;
- purple;
- brownish;
- orange;
- green;
- yellow.
Some stones from this family are capable of changing color depending on the light. The degree of transparency also differs: from glowing through and through to filled with a uniform tone.
Garnet has a glassy luster. It reflects light beautifully. The material is quite hard – up to 7,5 units on the Mohs scale – but it is fragile and can crack and split if dropped.
The stone is classified as semi-precious. Garnet bracelets and other jewelry are often counterfeited, so it is important to know how to distinguish the original. There are at least five ways:
- Crystals of natural origin have a heterogeneous color. They contain inclusions and their structure is not ideal.
- A real stone becomes electrified when rubbed against fabric. Due to static voltage, dust will stick to it.
- The original scratches the glass. The fake is not hard enough and will suffer itself.
- Pomegranate scatters the sun’s rays. Rainbow reflections, similar to diamonds, are visible.
- The natural gem heats up slowly. If the stone quickly becomes warm in your hands, it is an imitation.
The price depends on the variety, purity and size. The rarest type, brown andradite, is kept by collectors.
Healing and magical properties
This crystal has long been attributed amazing qualities. During the Middle Ages, it was believed that pomegranate pendants could heal diseases. The color red was associated with vitality, so jewelry with the stone was worn to promote health. Also, the characteristic shade is a symbol of romance. Success in love and attention from the opposite sex is associated with wearing a garnet ring. It is also believed that this stone accompanies the success of strong-willed individuals. It drives away the blues and gives you energy. This is a traveler’s talisman.
Red color patronizes representatives of the fiery Zodiac Signs. It fits:
- Leos;
- Sagittarius;
- Capricorns;
- Virgos;
- Aquarius.
Astrologers recommend that Aries not wear a scarlet stone, and Cancers and Pisces should prefer green varieties.
Modern deposits and history
Today, pomegranate is mined in all corners of the earth. Its deposits are in Alaska, the Urals, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Namibia, the Czech Republic and other countries. The quarries in Madagascar and Tanzania are known for their amazing blue gems.
The oldest piece of jewelry found, a necklace with a garnet, dates back to the 10th century. BC e. There are mentions of the stone in ancient Roman records. It is known that gems crowned the vestments of monarchs and aristocrats. During the Crusades, crystal was considered exclusively masculine; women did not wear it.
Some varieties of the mineral are used today not only in jewelry, but also in industry. The crumbs are used to make abrasives for grinding materials. The stone is in demand in instrument making and electronics.
Use in decorations
The highest quality raw materials are used in the jewelry industry. The choice of products with such inlay is quite extensive. These are garnet earrings, pendants, rings, bracelets and other jewelry. Small samples are used to decorate brooches, large inserts are used to create beads. Framed with precious metals, the inlay looks noble and expressive. Garnet wins in contrast with silver and white gold. The insert also looks harmonious with yellow and red alloys. There is an unspoken rule among jewelers – the darker the stone, the lighter the metal should be.
The extracted crystals are processed. The most common cutting methods are round, marquise, and teardrop. Frequent companions of garnet are emeralds and sapphires. It is often combined with agates and cubic zirconia in one composition. You can appreciate the beauty of the models from the photographs in the online store catalog. When choosing, focus on your type of appearance and preferences.
What to wear with garnet jewelry
Red stone is not recommended to be combined with pearls, rubies, turquoise and diamonds. They believe that their energy contradicts each other and is incompatible in one image. Among the wide range of jewelry, you can choose suitable models for the occasion, style and appearance features:
- crystals of pure light red and green shades are suitable for red-haired girls;
- pink gem looks perfect on blondes;
- dark stone suits women with black hair.
If you like casual style, decorate yourself with silver items inlaid with gemstones. Laconic jewelry with single large stones is appropriate for a business look. An evening outfit will be complemented by earrings with pendants, massive rings and a necklace. Keep a sense of proportion, as garnet is quite expressive.
How to care for jewelry
All jewelry requires periodic cleaning. Therefore, before ordering a product, find out how to properly care for and handle the products. Pomegranate should not be left in the sun for long periods of time as it may become discolored. Products containing chlorine and acids have a detrimental effect on it. It is a brittle mineral that can break if struck.
Jewelry can be washed, but contact with moisture should be minimal. Wet it with soapy water and cool water, rinse it clean and wipe dry. A solution of table salt is considered a good cleansing agent. Jewelry should be stored in a closed box.
Garnet is a stone with character. Jewelry with it is very popular in Ukraine. Choose the right piece of jewelry to be irresistible.