What does the jade stone symbolize?
Even the most ancient Indian tribes knew about the significance of jadeite – an amazingly beautiful stone with numerous color incarnations. Initially, tools and household utensils were made from jadeite, using it as much as possible in the household and decorating their homes with it. As they developed, having learned and discovered healing and esoteric abilities, they began to make talismans and amulets from the stone, decorate temples and use them in sacred rituals associated with the cult of the Sun. Jadeite was especially revered and valued in Ancient China. In the 6th century BC, the Chinese scientist Kwang Chang wrote about the mineral this way: “The soft shine of this stone corresponds to the kindness of heart; its polished surface conceals knowledge and education; its strength is reminiscent of justice, its firmness denotes patience.” The ancient thinker and philosopher Confucius especially appreciated the properties of jadeite and reflected his attitude towards the stone in the “Book of Rites,” which states: “In ancient times, man discovered that jade is an example of all excellent qualities.” In the East, jadeite represents a symbol of longevity. In many burials found by archaeologists in the territory of the former Chinese Empire, mummies were found wearing so-called jadeite clothes: it was believed that the stone was capable of preserving the body after death. In the relationship between a man and a woman in ancient times, the mineral acted as a symbol of love and fidelity, a talisman of the union of the feminine and masculine principles. The girl, announcing her consent to the engagement, brought jadeite to her chosen one, and the day before the wedding she received a gift from her future husband in the form of stone jewelry. These actions helped the newlyweds take the first step towards creating home comfort and building a long and happy life. The stone maintains warm relationships in the family and does not allow tender feelings to fade away. In addition, jadeite softens the behavior of people in marriage, makes people more tolerant of each other, which is why it received the name “peacemaker stone.” Throughout the Japanese and Chinese Empires, jadeite not only enjoyed enormous popularity as jewelry, but was also widely used in everyday life. It was used to make dishes, carve sculptures of gods, frame homes, use it to make furniture, and even make jadeite pillows. It was believed that the presence of a stone near a person has a very beneficial effect on a person’s aura and on the eventfulness of his life. And jadeite jewelry gives health and longevity to its owner, improving processes in the body and eliminating various diseases from it. It is known that jadeite is so faithful to a person that it is able to save his life, giving his own in return. There are legends about this that the stone deflects the blow from its owner, taking it upon itself. In such a situation, the stone may even crack. In the countries of the rising sun, jadeite is valued as a standard of beauty. Wealthy people always wear rings with cabochon stones. This mineral is not engraved, but only polished and cut. It is believed that only in its true form can a stone become a magical talisman. Jadeite was also revered by the Indians of Central America. The tribes of New Zealand worship and value jadeite more than gold. When Cortez took over the Aztec empire, stealing their gold, silver and emeralds, the leader of the Montezuma tribe said: “Thank God they don’t know about jade.” Traveling merchants have a belief that if, when concluding a transaction, you take a jadeite rosary in your right hand, then the transaction will take place and, moreover, the success and fulfillment of the terms of the contract are guaranteed. The stone is also faithful to gambling people. Jewelry with it brings good luck in the game, helps to catch luck, for example, at horse racing. The mineral has a varied color palette. In nature, jadeite is found in all shades of green, white, yellow, red, black and brown. The color of jadeite depends on its location, as well as on the impurities included in its composition. The inclusion of chromium in the stone gives it a bright green color, while iron gives it a dull green color. Red, burgundy and yellow colors appear in jadeite during long-term weathering on the surface of the earth. The presence of magnetite in the composition of jadeites is black, opaque in color. The stone found on chips and cracks in the mountains is mostly light in color (white, pink). Jewelers especially value jadeite with different shades of green. The most interesting is considered a transparent stone of emerald green color, which is used for making inserts in earrings, rings and other jewelry. The most common types of jadeite in jewelry are:
- imperial. A stone of uniform color with an emerald green translucent structure. This type of jadeite is often compared to emerald, but it has slight differences in color, which are expressed in a more yellowish warm tint. In China, this form of jadeite was called “fei tsui”, which translated means “kingfisher feathers”;
- commercial This name has opaque jadeite with veins and translucent spots of emerald green color;
- utility – opaque jadeite of a rich green color. In Russia, it is practiced to color gray and white minerals in bright green, which makes it possible to use non-grade stones in jewelry.
Due to its unique qualities and easy flexibility of mirror polishing, the stone is considered an excellent high-class raw material in jewelry and handicrafts. Using the viscous structure, very fine jewelry is made from jadeite using fine carvings.
Place of Birth
The most famous deposit of jadeite has been known since the second half of the 19th century and is located in a state in Southeast Asia called Burman. The stone brought from Northern Burma and Myanmar is very popular among jewelers. Stones of the most varied and most revered shades are found there.
Jadeite mining sites are located in many parts of the world. Deposits rich in stone are located in Japan, Mexico, USA, China, and Guatemala. In the vastness of Russia, the mineral is mined in the Polar Urals in places such as Pusierka, Karovoe, and Left Kepchel.
A large deposit is located in Kazakhstan’s Northern Balkhash region – Itmurundy. Geologists discovered the fact that it was here and in the Sayan Mountains that the ancient Chinese mined jadeite.
Medicinal properties
Jadeite is famous not only for its beauty, but also has been valuable for its healing properties since ancient times. If you dive into the composition of the stone, you can find almost all the elements from the periodic table. Manuscripts in China talk about the miraculous effects of the stone on the human body: “Jade, crushed into granules the size of a grain of rice, strengthens the lungs, heart, vocal organs, prolongs life and is more effective if gold and silver are added to its powder.”
History has carried through the centuries to our times the legend of the glory of a magical drink made from jadeite powder combined with dew and rice decoction, which was intended to “strengthen the muscles, give them flexibility, strengthen the bones, calm the thoughts, nourish the flesh and cleanse the blood. Anyone who took this drink on a long journey suffered less from heat or cold, as well as from hunger and thirst.”
In China, jadeite was used as a strong tonic and restorative. Ground to a powder, the stone was mixed with fruit juice, and the resulting mixture was an excellent medicine against diabetes, asthma and other diseases.
Thanks to its many colors, the stone has a huge list of properties that have a beneficial effect on certain organs in the human body.
- Jewelry with a green stone helps eliminate ailments in the kidney area. They have a beneficial effect on reproductive function in women and potency in men.
- White jadeite strengthens and restores the body’s protective functions. The stone is especially beneficial for people with weather sensitivity, because it blocks sensitivity to changes in weather phenomena and normalizes blood pressure.
- Bracelets and beads made of pink, lilac and purple jadeite work with heart problems.
Small cracks and pores in the mineral are filled with zeolite and analcime, so jewelry made from the mineral in contact with the skin has a very beneficial effect on the rejuvenation and healing of the body as a whole. The energy of the stone comes into contact with the energy of every cell of the body, thereby supporting the basic functions of the internal processes occurring in the body.
Jadeite has a particularly strong healing effect when heated, which is why it is used as a facing tile for saunas. It has been scientifically proven that in this way the stone becomes a source of infrared radiation, which, when interacting with water, has a healing effect on the skin. Heating jadeite also promotes the formation of sodium ions and other useful microelements, which, penetrating into the body, have a healing effect on the vegetative-vascular system.
The very name of the stone tells about its healing properties. Scientists disagreed about the roots of its formation: some believed that jadeite comes from the Greek word “sciatica” (“thigh pain”), which was cured with the help of jadeite, while others are convinced that the mineral came from the Spanish “piedro de jade” (“kidney stone, colic stone”).
Magical properties
Jadeite jewelry will become a talisman that helps in all life situations, giving energy support to the owner. The stone gives a person self-confidence, balance and calm. Jadeite supports and develops very high energies in a person, which are embodied in the nobility and sublimity of his actions. It helps in difficult moments of life to gain clarity of thought, not to deviate from the right path, to behave wisely and correctly in all kinds of conflict situations, to choose the right tactics of behavior for a peaceful resolution of the situation.
Jadeite will become an amulet in your personal life. With its energy, the stone will help stabilize relationships within the family and protect the owner from jealousy and mistrust on the part of the other half.
For people working with children, and just for parents, the stone will help them understand what aspects the proper upbringing of a child is based on, make it easy to find a common language with children and better understand their complex behavior during adolescence.
As a talisman, jadeite protects its owner from negative influences from the outside, both from bad people (liars, scammers and thieves) and from evil spirits.
Jadeite was used to influence weather phenomena. During droughts, it was used to make rain, and during heavy rainfalls, it was used to stop it. The stone also served as a talisman for protection against lightning.
People attributed jadeite the ability to increase the fertility of the earth, thereby improving productivity. To implement the plan, jadeite was buried along the entire perimeter of the site.
From an astrological point of view, jadeite favors people born under the signs of Virgo and Libra. For Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers, wearing a stone is not harmless, as it makes people born under these signs apathetic and pessimistic. Jadeite is especially unfavorable for Capricorns, as it can inhibit their mental processes.
Jewelry with jadeite fills human energy centers with their power: they do maximum work with the second chakra – Svadhisthana and the fourth – Anahata, which are responsible for the work of the heart and kidneys. To enhance the impact of the stone on the chakras, ancient peoples wore stones precisely at the level of the energy center. Accordingly, the beads influenced the work of the heart chakra, and a belt of stones was worn to work with the sacral chakra.
More details: Basic chakra stones
Even the priests of the ancient Mayans argued that jadeite is not just a beautiful stone, but a mineral with incredible magical properties. The Aztecs held the same opinion, who valued it on a par with gold, and in China it is still considered a sacred ritual stone.
Origin and deposits
Until the mid-19th century, Europeans called jade an emerald-colored ornamental stone with yellow, gray or green veins, which Chinese craftsmen used to make wonderful figurines of animals and gods. A little later, after studying the composition of minerals, it became clear that this name was used for two stones that were different in composition but similar in physical properties – jade and jadeite.
Even now they are often confused due to their external similarity, although jadeite is a harder mineral. This is a rare, one might say, exotic stone; there are hardly a dozen of its deposits all over the world, 2 of them are located in Russia: in the Urals and in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The bulk of the mined mineral is bought by China, where stone cutters and jewelers have extensive experience working with jade and jadeite.
The native Spaniards called the silicate of aluminum and sodium jade “piedro de jade”, which translated into Russian sounds like a kidney stone. This jewelry ornamental mineral is classified as an igneous and metamorphic rock of hydrothermal origin. That is, according to most researchers, the mineral was formed in the cracks of serpentines as a result of several stages of a rather complex process of sodium bimeta-somatosis at average pressure and low temperature.
There are 4 versions of the occurrence of jadeite formations:
- metasomatic;
- igneous;
- hydrothermal;
- metamorphic.
The marvelous coloring and wonderful texture of the stone allow you to create truly unique jewelry and souvenirs. Jadeite is used to make pendants, beads, brooches, rings and necklaces, as well as souvenir figurines, which are in great demand. The value of a stone (and products made from it) is higher, the greater its transparency. In total, there are 3 varieties of jadeite that are available on the world market:
- Utility is the most affordable grade of mineral. Pebbles of gray or green uneven color, completely opaque, are used mainly for crafts. By the way, this mineral has the most productive characteristics for use in a bathhouse (in comparison with other stone materials), it heats up quickly, can withstand very high temperatures, cools down for a long time and is not destroyed by temperature changes.
- Commercial is a slightly more valuable material for souvenirs, which is also selectively used for jewelry. Its color is the same gray or green as utility, but contains bright green translucent inclusions or veins.
- Imperial jadeite is the most valuable type of mineral, used exclusively for making jewelry. The transparent or translucent emerald green stone is usually found in the form of large inclusions or veins ranging from 2 to 5 cm in size, in less valuable grades of jadeite.
Magical properties
The jadeite stone can become a real amulet, a talisman that brings good luck, or an amulet that gives strength and inspiration in difficult times. You just need to know who this beautiful mineral is suitable for and who can only be harmed, because the energy of the stone should not be stronger than the energy of its owner. According to the horoscope, jadeite is most suitable for Virgo and Libra, since it is able to endow people born under these signs with sanity, balance, self-confidence and a bright future.
In difficult conflict situations, the magical properties of the stone help to make the right decision and peacefully resolve the problems that have arisen. In personal life, a magic pebble neutralizes negative emotions, pacifies jealousy, mistrust and the desire for unseemly acts. Also, an amazing mineral makes it easier to find an approach to the younger generation. Jade is a good helper in raising children, because it can make the owner’s thoughts sublime and his soul open.
For those born under the signs of Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces, jadeite will not bring much benefit; most likely, it will only introduce a note of pessimism and apathy into everyday life. But for Capricorns, the green mineral is completely contraindicated, since it can somewhat dull their innate mental abilities.
Since ancient times, the properties of jadeite have been considered magical, influencing not only people, but also nature itself. Amulets made from this mineral were used in rituals to pacify thunderstorms, stop prolonged downpours or, conversely, long-term drought. In agriculture, jadeite talismans helped grow plants and protect livestock from diseases.
The mineral jadeite is a stone of the winner and peacemaker, as the Mayan sages said, and they were right. Even a small amulet reliably protects its owner from envious and deceitful people, from all kinds of scammers and slanderers. If you take it with you to conclude a deal or sign an important contract, clench it in your fist and mentally ask for help – everything will happen quite successfully.
The effect of jadeite on health
The properties of jadeite stone to have a beneficial effect on the human body were noticed in ancient times. Such a pebble is able to combat surges in blood pressure, it normalizes it, therefore in alternative medicine the mineral is used to prevent hypertension and hypotension, heart disease and the entire cardiovascular system.
In addition, jadeite has been noted to quell the feeling of thirst and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant women are advised to wear jadeite jewelry, and figurines made from this mineral are suggested to be placed in a prominent place in a house where there are no children yet, but there is a great desire to give birth to them. After all, the mysterious stone has a positive effect on male potency and female reproductive function.
There is an ancient legend about a certain magical drink made from jadeite powder, dew and rice water, which strengthens bones and muscles, calms thoughts, nourishes the flesh, purifies the blood, quenches hunger and thirst, and also helps overcome heat and cold on a long journey. But in China, mineral powder is still mixed with fruit juices and used for the prevention and treatment of asthma, diabetes and other ailments.