Therapeutic properties

What does the shungite stone symbolize?

A mineral is a substance homogeneous in structure and composition that is part of a rock, meteorite or ore, formed in the earth’s crust or its water shell as a result of natural physical and chemical processes. Jewelry stones (both precious and semi-precious) are beautiful and rare varieties of a particular mineral. Shungite Density It is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume it occupies. When comparing two objects with the same volume, the one whose density is higher will be heavier. 1,80–2,84 g/cm³ Mohs hardness A relative scale of mineral hardness, with Mohs 1 being the least hard and 10 being the hardest. The standard for the greatest hardness is a diamond with a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale. Dark grey, black, dark brown

History of shungite

Shungite is a rock that was once based on organic deposits that were transformed into carbon during a long stay at great depths underground. The structure of the stone is similar to graphite. Advertising – Continued below The rock was first described several centuries ago: first in 1792 by an academician, and then in 1848 by a mining engineer. Shungite was discovered in the Transonezh village of Shunga, in whose honor it received its name. Gave the name to the mineral In 1928, a state trust called “Shungite” was created and until 1937 the study of this rock was carried out. It was initially assumed that it had similar properties to coal.

Physico-chemical properties of shungite

Advertising – Continued below Shungite is a stone with a density of 1,8−2,84 g/cm 3 . Depending on its composition, there are two main varieties.

  • Shiny: 60–98% consists of carbon, the remaining 2–40% is ash.
  • Matte: carbon from 5% to 35%, and ash from 65% to 95%.

In addition, the ash portion contains a huge amount of impurities.

Shungite is considered a promising material for use in nanotechnology. Its properties are carefully studied in many institutes in different countries. In addition, the stone is an absorbent and has catalytic properties.

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Shungite deposits

Shungite is a fairly rare stone. The main industrial production is carried out on the Zaonezhsky Peninsula. There are deposits along Lake Onega on its northern side. According to experts, the estimated volume of rock from all deposits is about 1 billion tons.

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In addition, it was recently confirmed that large quantities of shungite were found in Kazakhstan. Scientists have confirmed the potential reserve of the stone is about 50 million tons.

The presence of shungite in the soil indicates its fertility.

Healing and magical properties of shungite

The properties of shungite are truly unique. Since ancient times, people have used stone to purify water. Over time, this attracted the attention of scientists who were able to scientifically confirm its great benefits for all living things.

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There is an interesting story. Boris Godunov exiled Tsarina Xenia (great-grandmother of Peter I) to a monastery. He was located on the coast of Onega. There was a spring there from which they drank water. It is believed that it was this water that healed the queen from infertility. Ksenia gave birth to a son, the future Emperor Mikhail Romanov, and the source was later named Tsarevnin.

There are many miraculous stories of healing. No wonder Peter I in 1713 issued a decree on the search for medicinal waters in the vicinity of the new capital. Obviously, we were talking specifically about shungite waters.

Modern scientists believe that Peter I lived the last 10 years of his life thanks to shungite waters. Then the Karelian springs were discovered, and Peter laid the foundation for their widespread use. Having experienced the effect of healing water on himself, he ordered every soldier to carry a shungite stone with him and use it to purify water on long campaigns.

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Nowadays, shungite is used in high-quality water filters, in various massagers, and as protective plates in gadgets. Jewelers make jewelry from shungite. Such products have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

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Who is shungite suitable for?

Shungite has no contraindications. Shungite products can also be worn by children, for example, as keychains, by women and men of all ages.

Shungite not only restores health, but also cleanses the aura, harmonizing energy.

Did you know that.

The hardest and most durable specimens of shungite are very similar in their properties and characteristics to lidite, a “touch stone” used to determine the purity of precious metals.

Scientists agree that shungite is one of the oldest rocks on Earth; the first deposits were formed about 2 billion years ago during the Precambrian period.

Shungite is a natural black stone that resembles coal, but is a unique natural compound.

It is capable of actively absorbing substances directly from the environment, destroying microorganisms, attaching well to any substances, and has radio-shielding properties.

These properties of the stone have long been known even to housewives, since they are used to purify water and obtain the most natural “living” water.

Shungite is truly unique, it can be compared to Superman, only in the world of minerals: it fights evil, protects and does good. Nowadays, people are actively exploring its healing, magical and astrological properties.

Where did the unusual stone come from?

Shungite was formed 2 billion years ago, when life had not yet appeared on our planet, but scientists learned about its healing properties only a few centuries ago.

Shungite was known to the ancient Slavs, who called the black mineral snake stone.

There is a legend about its alien origin: as if these are fragments of a meteorite, which explains the presence of the rock only in a single place (deposits in Kazakhstan were discovered quite recently) – in Karelia, near the village of Shunga, after which the mineral was named. This extraterrestrial theory is partly confirmed by the presence of fullerenes in the composition – carbons that are not found in any other natural stone.

Medicinal qualities

Shungite is rightfully famous for its strength. History has preserved evidence that during military expeditions they were traditionally used to save themselves from dysentery.

Now there are many areas of its application: metallurgy, agriculture, and medicine. The absorption capacity of shungite is 30 times greater than that of activated carbon.

Shungite is considered one of the most popular healing stones, used as a base in numerous cosmetics and effective medications.

The health benefits of shungite can hardly be overestimated. There are many effective methods of healing with shungite. By applying pebbles to sore spots and drinking shungite water, diabetes, diseases of the skin, heart and blood vessels, digestive organs, mental disorders, respiratory organs, joints, and spine are successfully overcome. The mineral normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches, helps with insomnia, as well as chronic fatigue, increasing the overall tone of the whole body.

Water is prepared with it in a special way, which has a wide range of applications: it treats allergies of different nature and nature, anemia, bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis, diabetes, diseases of the gallbladder and ducts, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, liver, strengthens the immune system, and defeats colds.

But it is known not only for its healing abilities; the stone is actively used in magic and astrology.

Magical properties

The black mineral has the ability to collect favorable energy and protect against negative energy. This is an excellent conductor of subtle energies. It perfectly brings solar energy into the human biofield.

Moreover, its energy is so great that shungite should be worn on the body in doses.

Shungite talismans are very popular, protecting against dark forces and giving peace. It is also used to make amulets that bring good luck, primarily in love affairs.

They like to use the stone in occult rituals, in particular a ritual for the fulfillment of desires – the so-called “magic pyramid”. In addition, people also benefit from shungite pyramids in everyday life.

By placing such a pyramid near your computer, you will significantly reduce harmful radiation from it. All accessories made from shungite require careful care and touching with your hands.

The purpose of a shungite amulet is influenced by its shape. Thus, a round shape will bring harmony to the love sphere, a cube gives success in business, and pyramids best protect the home.

As for the sphere of love affairs, it is recommended to wear shungite in situations where relationships are threatened by external forces; it does not attract representatives of different sexes.

A well-made shungite talisman protects against the effects of black magic, the evil eye, and damage. The black mineral, like a sponge, absorbs negativity directed at its owner.

When worn for a long time, the stone promotes the development of intuition in its owner.

Lithotherapists do not recommend using shungite as a talisman for children, since it has too powerful an energetic effect on humans. And even adults are advised to use it only in moments of a real threat. With more frequent use, the mineral can suppress its owner. At home, it is better to store it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes.

Particular attention is paid to its cleansing properties. It is indispensable for people who have difficulty controlling their emotions; it effectively cleanses the aura, gives peace, and restores the psyche after shocks. Even things from flea markets are cleaned with shungite.

The mineral is recommended to be used during difficult negotiations, at important meetings and whenever you experience discomfort or feel depressed and tired. At such times, you can keep it near your bed to improve sleep.

Even psychologists use the stone: it helps people free themselves from being fixated on the past or from a difficult situation.

Shungite and zodiac signs

The power of this mineral has not yet been fully explored; it continues to surprise people with its unique properties.

Astrologers also know little about its influence, but some observations have already been received. In terms of energy, shungite is characterized by the receptive feminine energy of Yin.

Now they believe that the stone is universal and suitable for any zodiac sign.

But it is especially recommended for the signs of the earth element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Other nuances of the astrological influence of shungite have also been clarified.

For example, fire signs are contraindicated from wearing black amulets. But gray shungite is also found, and it, in turn, is suitable for Gemini, but will not benefit Cancer.

It is noteworthy that this stone enhances uncharacteristic qualities in representatives of different signs.

For representatives of water signs, shungite talismans help them assert themselves and even impose their will on other people. They will help overly emotional representatives of water signs to ground themselves. And in combination with fire agate or black tourmaline, they will receive an excellent remedy for heightened sensitivity.

It will help air signs to become more closed and indifferent.

When buying a stone, you need to beware of fakes. The authenticity of natural shungite is easy to check, because. it conducts electricity. Thus, when you place a stone between a battery and a small light bulb, you will see light.

When using shungite, always keep in mind that its manifestations are very individual. This means that you should focus only on your feelings.

Application of shungite stone

The stone is processed in the form of balls, pyramids, cubes, protective plates, harmonizers. In addition, various jewelry is made from it: pendants, necklaces, bracelets. As a rule, a jewelry-cut stone is inserted into a frame made of gold, silver or palladium.

Shungite is also successfully used as a filler in the manufacture of therapeutic pillows, blankets, knee pads, rugs, belts, elbow pads, hats, and massage pencils. Various medicines and cosmetics are made from it. Shungite filters for water purification are widely known.

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