What does the sodalite stone symbolize?
The mineral owes its name to the combination of the English word “Soda”– meaning sodium and the Greek expression “lithos” – stone. This gem has other names: alomite, afghanite и hackmanite. Sodalite is not often found, mostly in granular masses or crystalline intergrowths. Distinctly formed crystals are quite rare. The mineral is usually found in effusive, igneous alkaline masses and pegmatite rocks. Sodalite, by definition, is a chlorine-containing sodium aluminosilicate that qualifies as a feldspathoid. Some samples are very similar in appearance to lapis lazuli, lazulite or azurite, but the gem has a more varied and variable color. Color is affected by the presence and amount of impurities. The colors blue, light blue and greenish are especially typical. Sometimes stones of gray and pink tones are found. Although there are white and colorless specimens. Sodalite has veins, stripes, and spots of white and yellow color. Such delightful stains appear as a result of the natural addition of calcite and albite to the structural mass of the stone. Sometimes you come across specimens of red color – hackmanites, which have the characteristic feature of gradually turning black when exposed to air. The stone has an average degree of density and hardness, but is fragile, and therefore requires relatively careful handling. The structure is translucent or transparent. As a rule, the luster of the mineral is glassy.
The stone has healing properties.
The stone gem will be incredibly useful for mental, emotional exhaustion, overexertion and stress of various origins. Sodalite jewelry reduces the symptoms of insomnia and interrupted, restless sleep. The micro vibration effects of the mineral have an extremely beneficial effect on the entire zonality of the brain, without exception. Witch doctors and traditional healers believe that natural sodalite softens the signs of diseases caused by damaging radiation. Representatives of certain areas of alternative medicine claim that a variety of blue-toned gemstone interacts regulatingly with blood pressure, reducing surges and cardiac activity. Applying the stone to the area affected by inflammation helps get rid of swelling, tumors and hematomas. Litho healers advise using sodalite for sore throat. The mineral has a depressing effect on the excessive need for food, while simultaneously stabilizing metabolism. When wearing sodalite jewelry, it has a detrimental effect on fatigue, both nervous and mental. The gem relieves allergy symptoms well.
The stone will have magical properties.
A natural gem instills in a person courage, perseverance and endurance. It is known about the mystical ability of the mineral to develop ingenuity and extraordinary mental qualities. Natural sodalite helps to select the right words and find the necessary connecting prepositions to form a dialogue. The stone cultivates intuition, prudence and prudence in its owner. The gem favors and patronizes purposeful individuals, helping to concentrate and follow, without deviating, the intended path. The use of sodalite helps in various life difficulties, helping to find a more accurate, easier, faster and less painful way out of a difficult situation. Practicing psychics and mediums use the power of the stone to uniformly and accurately enter a trance, due to the internal focusing obtained from the gem. Wearing jewelry with sodalite attracts universal favor and sympathy. The gemstone restrains excessive nervousness and emotionality. It is known that the radiation of the mineral softens the oncoming attacks of hysteria, self-criticism and melancholy. Sodalite is a noteworthy benefactor of teachers, business representatives and scientists. Natural sodalite has a reputation as a neutral and loyal stone. The mineral is suitable for any age and gender. It has no strict contraindications for compatibility with other gems. Sodalite is a rare stone that was described back in 1811. The mineral belongs to the semi-precious ornamental stones. The ancient Incas used sodalite stone as a finishing material. Amulets, jewelry, figurines, and dyes were also made from the mineral. Sodalite stone Sodalite is a valuable decorative material. They are used to inlay boxes, watches, and furniture. Specimens in combination with onyx are prized. The material is used for home decor and decorations.
Stone color and texture
- blue;
- blue;
- white;
- pink;
- red;
- gray;
- green;
- yellow.
Products of a red hue change color when exposed to air. Victor Hackman in 1903 discovered an education that changed its color. This type of sodalite is called hackmanite.
Minerals can be returned to their original color. To do this, they are heated in sodium vapor and irradiated.
Sodalite is a rare mineral. Fossils are found in places where volcanic rocks develop in Russia, the USA, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Romania, India, Brazil, and Canada.
In Russia it is mined on the Kola Peninsula. Noble materials are found in the Azov region. The mineral is mined industrially in Italy and Canada. The deposit in Italy is located near Naples. White samples are mined there, and blue ones in Norway.
Yellow, blue and green specimens are from India. In Canada (Ontario), the most valuable samples are mined – azure blue.
In jewelry, blue and light blue inserts are used. Sodalite of other shades is used to make figurines, stands for sculptures, and writing instruments. The material is used to make attributes of a religious cult.
The mineral can be confused with lapis lazuli, a tinted jasper. How to distinguish it from others? Each sample has white veins. The material is combined with moonstone, which enhances its properties.
Lapis lazuli contains pyrite inclusions. Only a mineralogist can distinguish sodalite. It can be confused with dumortierite, which has a white base. In sodalite, on the contrary, the base is blue or blue.
Magical and healing properties
The 12th century alchemist Vasily Valentin argued that minerals are living matter. In the book “XNUMX Keys of Wisdom” he wrote that they receive the power of the spirit of the Earth. Hinduism also believed that the universe, including stones, has a mind of its own. Ayurvedic centers harness the beneficial power of minerals.
Ancient people believed that the truth was revealed to the owner of the jewelry. Magical properties of the talisman:
- eliminates illusions;
- helps public people during speeches;
- warns the owner of impending danger (blue sodalite);
- develops intuition up to supernatural abilities.
A mineral talisman is suitable for teachers, doctors, businessmen, and lecturers. It stimulates the imagination, calms, and drives away fears.
The stone relieves the following diseases:
- stress
- neuroses;
- depression;
- headache;
- thyroid disease;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- liver diseases;
- regulates appetite.
The mineral promotes self-knowledge and helps to find balance. Scott Cunningham described the magical properties of the stone in witchcraft textbooks. He believed that the mineral sharpens intuition, treats psychoneurotic conditions, and fights insomnia. A specialist in the field of magic claimed that the talisman removes radiation from the body.
Researchers believe that blue sodalite is suitable for meditation. The talisman helps you find balance. With the help of a talisman you can achieve unity of soul and mind. The mineral sodalite symbolizes:
- intelligence;
- fidelity;
- generosity;
- the truth.
To make a stone a talisman, do the following:
- The ring with the mineral is placed on the finger.
- They imagine that they are enveloped in ether (cloud).
- The stone absorbs energy from the cloud.
- Then the energy disperses throughout the hand and body.
This ritual is performed daily.
Ancient authors have different opinions about the connection of stones with planets. Modern astrologers consider the relationship between planet, mineral and color.
Sodalite is suitable for Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius. The active days of the mineral are Thursday and Friday.
The talisman must be worn on the body so that it can transmit the energy of the planet. The amulet should be stored in a silk bag, and a specific color should be used for each sign. Taurus hides sodalite in green, Scorpios in red, and Sagittarius in blue packaging.
What to buy from stone?
Cabochons and spherical beads are made from the mineral. Facet cutting is rarely used.
You can buy a ring with sodalite for 6 rubles at the Denisov&Gem jewelry house. The bracelet costs 000 rubles. A natural stone pendant in the gem gallery costs 1 rubles. Necklace made of sodalite and opal – 980 rubles. In the store you can buy a stele, a ball, and figurines made from natural materials.
The Rainbow of Gems company has a brooch-pendant for 555 rubles. You can replenish your collection of minerals by purchasing a pyramid of sodalite for 1 rubles. It will complement the interior of the room and become a talisman for its owner. A pyramid-shaped decoration will be a good helper and advisor. This amulet charges you with vital energy.
For men, the stone helps to put their thoughts in order and make decisions quickly. Women wear beads to be attractive.
Sodalite is used to restore balance in the body. With the help of a talisman, you can achieve harmony between the physical, subtle body and the Cosmos.