Myths and legends

What does zeolite do for humans?

Zeolites are a group of minerals of sedimentary or volcanic origin, including up to 30 items. These are aqueous sodium and calcium aluminosilicates, which externally look like small sharp pebbles with a slight glassy sheen and are distinguished by a unique crystal lattice structure. The mineral is permeated with thin channels and cavities, which makes it look like a kind of molecular sieve.

Types of zeolites

  • clinoptilolite;
  • erionite;
  • phillipsite;
  • mordenitis.


The discovery was made by accident. Kronstedt conducted experiments with stilbite, a hydrated aluminosilicate. In one of the experiments, the stone had to be heated. The temperature caused it to swell and bubble.

This violent reaction occurred due to the high moisture content. Further research showed that such minerals are not uncommon. Kronstedt combined them into one group and called them zeolites, which means boiling stone.

The discovery went unnoticed in the scientific world. Just think, a hydrate that swells due to temperature is incredible. Moreover, no one knew where to use it.

But his time has come. 200 years later they remembered it when they were solving the problem of water filtration. As it turns out, zeolite is a natural absorbent. It removes all harmful impurities, including calcium salts. Ion exchange resins give a similar effect, but they were many times more expensive.

The first cleaning experiments were carried out on heat supply systems. As a result, the hardness of water that passed through zeolite filters decreased by 240 times. Previously, this could only be achieved after multi-stage purification, and at the same time the water lost its taste, and the zeolite did not spoil it at all.

The technology was introduced on many Russian rivers, from which water flowed into homes. Filters made from natural zeolite are still used on the Yenisei, Kura, and Moscow rivers.

Zeolite deposits

The world production volumes of zeolites are huge – about 3 million tons per year. It is found on almost all continents. It is found in sandstones and volcanic rock voids. The deposits are small, but occur frequently.

Leaders in stone mining:

Synthetic zeolite occupies a special place. It is gradually replacing the natural one, since it has better absorption properties.


The first to discover was the ability to absorb and then release water at given temperature and humidity parameters. This is due to the frame-strip structure. This feature began to be used to purify water and other solutions.

Then the ability of zeolite to ion exchange was noticed. It began to be used to clean up reservoirs after oil spills. Zeolite absorbs a thin film and retains it inside itself.

Application of natural zeolite

It is more than relevant and in demand not only in its natural form, but also in its synthesized form – in several key areas of our time, and we will consider each of them right now.


Aluminosilicates are actively used in the following areas:

  • Construction – added to concrete mixtures to strengthen them, as well as to speed up their hardening.
  • Oil production and processing of the resulting products – crushed stone acts as an additive that removes sulfur components and prevents dehydration and desalting. It is also considered an effective catalyst for distillation.
  • In the chemical industry, they are included in mineral fertilizers, increase the shelf life of raw materials, prevent caking of bulk materials, and strengthen granular substances. They are also an environmentally friendly alternative to phosphates in detergents, in particular in washing powders.
  • Housing and communal services – with their help they purify waste and drinking water, simultaneously making it softer.

Synthetic zeolites deserve special attention: the use of their technical varieties in industry is especially important in the production of rubber, plastic, leather, glued products, containers, and packaging.


In crop production, it is in demand for several qualities:

  • as an enricher – manganese, magnesium, cobalt, iron and other microelements;
  • as a hardener that prevents destruction and extends the shelf life of fertilizers;
  • as a growth accelerator for agricultural crops, increasing productivity, preventing the absorption of harmful substances from the soil, and protecting against diseases.

In livestock farming, crushed stone is an important component of feed and gives it an important boost of minerals, and also prevents it from becoming moldy. Plus, it promotes better absorption of nutritional components, due to which the same cattle reproduce more actively and gain useful weight faster.

The sorption properties of aluminosilicates are used in the manufacture of bedding, on which animals and birds subsequently sleep; finished products absorb odors and moisture more effectively.

Preparations based on “boiling” stones are also poured into man-made reservoirs so that these products destroy viruses, bacteria, and foreign microorganisms in ponds and lakes, thereby creating a favorable environment for fish breeding.

How to use zeolite for plants

Zeolite can be used for growing garden, vegetable and ornamental crops in a variety of ways. In almost any work where you traditionally use sand, it can be replaced with a volcanic mineral.

Protection of the environment

The natural mineral zeolite will help maintain an acceptable environmental situation (and minimize the harmful effect) in the event of the following dangerous situations:

  • large-scale spill of oil, fuel oil and similar chemicals;
  • release of ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide and other gases;
  • contamination of soil and liquid pools with radionuclides and/or heavy metals;
  • ingress of toxins into reservoirs, wells, wells.
Zeolite for water purification

Human health directly depends on the quality and quantity of fluid consumed. You shouldn’t rely on city cleaning systems, so it’s better to do it yourself. The most common cleaning method at home is carbon filters. This is a good adsorbent, but over time it develops pathogenic bacteria, which will have an even worse effect on health.

Zeolite filters not only chemical contaminants, but also biological ones – the water will be absolutely safe and at the same time tasty.

Here is just a minimal list of substances retained by zeolite:

  • metal impurities;
  • nitrates;
  • nitrites;
  • iron;
  • chlorides;
  • bacteria;
  • decomposition products of organic substances.

In addition to purification, zeolite also saturates the water with calcium, potassium and magnesium ions. They will strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

To further enhance the beneficial effects of zeolite water, it must be structured – frozen and then defrosted.

It will slow down aging and generate human energy. Water acts as a lubricant for joints and strengthens the immune system. You should drink 2-3 liters a day, depending on your weight.

Solving home or household problems

Different types of stone are used in the following cases:

  • purification and softening of H2O supplied through pipelines of residential buildings and offices – crushed aluminosilicates are a component of the filter backfill;
  • saturating the soil with oxygen to accelerate the growth of flowers and plants planted in it;
  • absorption of smoke and tobacco smell, stone chips also effectively neutralize unpleasant stagnant air or persistent kitchen aromas;
  • absorption of moisture in mixtures and cat litter;
  • preventing mold in the bathroom, refrigerator, closet and other places where vegetables are stored – a small fabric bag filled with crushed sorbent is enough for this;
  • cleaning of aquariums – slowing down flowering, absorbing waste from fish, crustaceans, mollusks, algae;
  • drying and refreshing shoes – inside the shoe, sneaker or boot you need to put a bag of loose mineral.

Application of synthetic zeolites

Zeolites are a whole group of minerals; they share similar properties and structural features. There is a considerable list of zeolites, depending on the composition and pore size, they are used to improve the characteristics of liquids or other elements and eliminate undesirable components. These are hydrous aluminosilicates, mostly Na and Ca from frame-type silicates, as well as products resistant to acids and thermal effects.

This group of zeolites is characterized by the presence of reflection and porous structure. They can absorb and release moisture, the processes take place depending on temperature and humidity indicators. Another important quality of minerals is the ability for ion exchange: materials selectively release substances and absorb them again, and cation exchange is also realized.

Why do they drink zeolite?

Manufacturers suggest drinking zeolites as dietary supplements. For example:

  • for the treatment of malignant tumors;
  • correction of autism spectrum disorders;
  • getting rid of diarrhea;
  • hangover relief;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • herpes treatment;
  • restoring the pH balance of the body.

Health benefits and working principle

The microporous structure, in which the negatively charged ions of silicon, calcium and sodium are located, allows the zeolite to attract positive toxin particles. With this action, harmful substances are not simply removed, but useful hydrolytic enzymes and minerals take their place.

Preparations with zeolite are used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Thanks to this, the acid-base balance is restored, the load on the liver and kidneys is reduced, metabolism is improved and more energy is added.

Detox with zeolite

Unlike other modern sorbents, volcanic crystal has selectivity and the ability to ion exchange. Thanks to its unique structure, the mineral is completely compatible with body tissues and does not damage the intestinal microflora.

How to take zeolite?

Zeolite is taken in the form of a solution with water. The quantity depends on the product manufacturer. The set includes a measuring spoon. One such spoon should be placed in a glass of drinking water, stirred and drunk. Without waiting for sediment to appear, 15-20 minutes before meals. Take before every meal.

Natural zeolite Bionormula is a crushed, activated natural mineral for cleansing and detoxifying your body from heavy metals, free radicals, toxins, allergens, pesticides and radionuclides (cesium, strontium). Clinoptilolite content 95%, high quality! Particle size from 1 to 5 microns, super fine grinding! Raw materials are imported from Serbia. How it works: zeolite crystal lattices are like cells (chambers), inside of which there are positive ions, which are very important for the body.

What are the contraindications to taking zeolite?

Contraindications are as follows: acute stomach or intestinal ulcers. But with such a diagnosis you can’t eat almost anything. It is also not recommended to take zeolite for children under 1 year of age. From one to 5 years, it is better to consult a doctor. From 5 years you can drink freely.

Facts about Zeolite

After the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, radioactive elements entered water bodies. The task was to provide the population with clean water.
In the Kazan Vodokanal, zeolite is used as a catalytic charge in the iron removal process. The water is enriched with oxygen in the aeration head and enters the apparatus with zeolite loading. A catalytic film of 3-valent iron oxide Fe2O3 is formed on the surface of the zeolite, which itself promotes the oxidation of 2-valent iron ions Fe2+ to Fe2O3 oxide, and then 3-valent iron hydroxide Fe (OH)3, which do not dissolve in water and settles on the surface of the zeolite. The settled “rust” is periodically removed by backwashing. In this process, the developed surface of the mineral on which the catalytic layer rests is important; such a zeolite load can work without replacement for up to 10-12 years!

JSC Kirov Utility Systems uses dusty zeolite to reduce the concentration of ammonium ions in incoming river water. The zeolite, ground to a dusty state, is loaded into the installation, where it is activated and mixed with water. The resulting pulp is fed into a container, from which it is dosed into the block from the purified river water. Here, zeolite microparticles absorb ammonium ions on their surface, after which they settle in settling basins in the form of sediment and are retained on subsequent filters.

“Mosvodostok” – “Department of Housing and Public Utilities of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise for the Operation of Moscow Drainage Systems” uses natural zeolite in wastewater treatment processes.

Sources of

  1. Campbell D.M. “Cleaning and processing of M.,” Nedra, 1977.
  2. Bgatova N.P., Novoselov Ya.B. Using dietary supplements based on natural minerals to detoxify the body. – Novosibirsk: Ekor, 2000.
  3. Krasilnikova I.V., Chernousova N.Ya., Novoselov Ya.B. // Natural minerals in the service of man: Mineral environment and life. – Novosibirsk, 1999. – P. 121q123.

Natural zeolite – medical grade clinoptilolite Zeo Detox – a mineral for cleansing and detoxifying your body of heavy metals, carcinogens, free radicals, toxins, allergens, pesticides and radionuclides. Key beneficial properties of zeolite: ✅ Performs body detoxification (heavy metals, pesticides, toxins) ✅ Helps reduce excess weight and losing weight ✅ Neutralizes allergens from food and drinks ✅ Keeps the immune system strong ✅ Has many more beneficial properties

The company “LLC Balkan Minerals”, trademark ZeoDetox, supplies the Russian market with products made from the natural mineral zeolite, mined from a unique deposit in the city of Southern Serbia.

Ultra-quality natural food zeolite ZeoDetox is a crushed, activated natural mineral for cleansing and detoxifying the body of heavy metals, free radicals, toxins, allergens, carcinogens, pesticides and radionuclides (cesium, strontium)!

Content clinoptilolite 95%, particle size up to 5 microns, fine grind! We offer food grade zeolite of the highest quality!

Why should you take zeolite?

Residents of modern megacities are constantly exposed to a huge number of unfavorable factors such as air and water pollution, poor-quality food, carcinogens, and toxins. As a result of the accumulation of various products of a polluted environment in the human body, various diseases arise.

Modern medicine copes quite well with many diseases, but nature can often help restore and maintain human health. Thanks to its mineralogy and structural structure, the natural mineral zeolite has such truly magical properties.

Entering the human body through the digestive system, zeolite acts as a sorbent that absorbs harmful compounds, as well as a donor of useful elements found in the pores of its crystal lattice: calcium, potassium, magnesium. Having absorbed harmful compounds due to sorption reactions and ion exchange, it is completely removed from the body along with them.

As a result of taking zeolite, the body is cleansed of viruses, allergens and carcinogens, the mineral has a positive effect on the immune, endocrine, and digestive systems, restores vitality, and promotes rejuvenation.

As a result, the body is “alkalinized,” while free radicals are neutralized and radioactive, carcinogenic and other harmful substances are eliminated.

How does zeolite work?

Zeolite crystal lattices are similar to cells (chambers), inside of which there are positive ions, which are very important for the body. Positive ions, such as Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, etc., in the process of ion exchange are easily replaced by also positively charged toxins from the body, which are then firmly held by the crystal lattice and completely eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract .

This occurs as a result of a natural detoxification procedure that removes 100% of all harmful substances from the human body. Zeolite binds 40% of heavy metals already in the gastrointestinal tract, and connects with 60% of toxins in the blood, at the cellular level.

First of all, zeolite removes heavy metals from the body: lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic and others. The zeolite then removes pesticides, herbicides, mycotoxins and other harmful chemicals, as well as endotoxins and cellular breakdown products.

Try this amazing product! Cleanse your body as soon as possible!

beneficial properties of zeolite-clinoptilolite ZeoDetox:

✅ Is an additional source of useful minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium)

✅ Detoxifies the body (heavy metals, pesticides, toxins)

✅ Helps neutralize free radicals

✅ Helps in deactivating radioactive Cesium and Strontium

✅ Helps maintain alkalinity of blood pH from 7,35 to 7,45

✅ Neutralizes allergens from food and drinks

✅ Keeps the immune system strong

✅ Helps in flushing away sand and kidney stones

✅ Helps mitigate the effects of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis

✅ Helps in regulating cholesterol levels

✅Helps in reducing lactic acid levels during active sports

✅ Helps quickly suppress viral, bacterial and fungal infections

✅ Helps increase serotonin levels (the hormone of happiness)

Frequently asked questions about zeolite

Why is he needed at all?

The main task of zeolite is to remove toxic substances and help the body “repair” itself, blocking serious health problems BEFORE they occur. This is a means of preventing serious diseases caused by gradual intoxication of the body. Zeolite is capable of capturing heavy metals, allergens, toxins, carcinogens in the environment and holding them inside its crystalline structure, and is removed along with them from the gastrointestinal tract naturally. Zeolite is not a medicine, but serves as a means of prevention against the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, which enter there along with water, food and air, gradually accumulating. At some point, the level of their accumulation exceeds a critical level, which causes great damage to health, from allergies to oncology. To prevent this, you need to constantly and regularly cleanse the body with zeolite.

Does zeolite remove useful substances along with toxins, like other sorbents? Is it possible to drink for long periods?

Can. Zeolite is a completely natural mineral; it cannot be poisoned or overdosed. One of its key differences from other enterosorbents is that it does not affect large molecules of vitamins, microelements, enzymes and other useful substances, since they do not fit into the pores of its crystal lattice, unlike smaller ions of heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Therefore, zeolite can be taken in courses of any duration, without the need to supplement it with dietary supplements.

I saw zeolite on the Internet as a means for purifying water in aquariums, plant soil, and cat litter. Is this the same zeolite as yours?

No. Zeolite can be used for different purposes: industrial, household and food. Zeolites, as minerals for cleaning the environment, are used everywhere. But those types of zeolites that are used for industrial and household purposes are not suitable for food use. Only one mineral from the group of zeolites is used for human consumption – clinoptilolite – due to the fact that it has the highest rate of ion exchange reactions. In addition, for human food use only zeolite with the maximum proportion of the active substance (clinoptilolite) in its composition is used. In particular, ZeoDetox zeolite from Serbia contains 95% of the active substance in its mineralogical composition versus 60-80% in zeolites from other deposits. An analogy can be made with coal: there is coal for stoves and there is activated medical carbon. This is all coal, but prepared for use for different purposes.

Why is your zeolite better than others sold in Russia?

ZeoDetox zeolite has several key advantages over its analogues:

• The share of active substance is 95% versus 60-80% in zeolites from other deposits. We have the results of an X-ray diffraction study of the mineralogical composition of our zeolite;

• Particle size – up to 5 microns. This is the finest grind available on the market. Why is it important? The fact is that ion exchange reactions occur only on the surface of the particle, so the smaller the particle size, the larger the total area of ​​their surfaces, the faster and better the healing effect.

• With the best quality, ZeoDetox zeolite is very affordable in comparison with analogues from other manufacturers.

What are the contraindications to taking zeolite?

Contraindications are as follows: stomach or intestinal ulcers in acute form. It is also not recommended to take zeolite for children under 1 year of age. From one to 5 years, it is better to consult a doctor. From 5 years old you can drink freely.

How to take zeolite?

Zeolite ZeoDetox is taken in the form of a solution with water. The set includes a measuring spoon. One such spoon should be placed in a glass of drinking water, stirred and drunk. Without waiting for sediment to appear, 15-20 minutes before meals. Take before every meal.

Is it possible to drink zeolite not before meals but at night or at another convenient time?

You can at any time. But it is better to drink before meals, as in this case the zeolite works better. Getting into the gastrointestinal tract before eating, it cleanses the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing the food that follows to be better absorbed by the body.

I started drinking zeolite and I began to experience exacerbations of my illnesses, discomfort, discomfort, fever, diarrhea, etc. What is happening?

What you are describing is called the Herxheimer Reaction. It occurs very rarely, in response to detoxification. This is a reaction that occurs when the body, during detoxification, does not have time to eliminate the released toxins, which cause various symptoms of exacerbation during treatment. It is important to note that the presence of such worsening symptoms does not indicate failure of treatment, but (in fact, usually) just the opposite. This phenomenon is also often called a healing crisis, detoxification reaction, or extinction syndrome. You feel a little worse before feeling significantly better. To overcome this syndrome, it is enough to reduce the dosage or frequency of taking zeolite to a level where such a reaction is not painful. For example, take not 1 spoon, but 0.5 spoons, and not once a day, but every other day. Choose the optimal dosage for yourself to eliminate any painful reaction. Then just increase little by little to the standard level.

I need to take various medications prescribed by the doctor. Is it possible to combine them with zeolite?

Can. But you need to space out the time of taking medications and zeolite by 2 hours.

When I drink a zeolite solution, I see a small amount of darker sediment at the bottom of the glass. What is this? It is safe?

Indeed, there may be such a residue. The zeolite we offer has a mineralogical composition of 95% active substance (clinoptilolite) and 5% ballast minerals: quartz and mica. It is 5% of minerals that can give such sediment. They are useless (from a health improvement point of view) but also harmless at the same time. If you experience discomfort from the presence of such sediment, the solution is simple: after stirring the zeolite in water, simply do not drink the solution until the very end, pour out the sediment. It usually settles straight to the bottom.

Are there any scientific studies of zeolite and its healing properties?

There are a lot of them. Zeolite has been used for a long time and is quite well studied. There are several links on our website in the menu section “what is zeolite – zeolite research”. In addition, anyone can open the most famous database of medical publications PUBMED and find hundreds of documents there using the search query ZEOLITE.

Can pregnant and lactating women take zeolite?

Can. Zeolite does not go beyond the gastrointestinal tract and does not enter the blood or other physiological environments where it can come into contact with the child’s body. Moreover, due to its cleansing effect on a woman’s body, removing accumulated toxic substances from it, zeolite can help prevent various fetal defects associated with exposure to heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Who can benefit from zeolite?

People suffering from excess weight, diabetes. As a rule, overweight people are poisoned by various exo- and endotoxins. Zeolite helps, along with other practices, to get rid of ailments and excess weight.

For older peoplesuffering from many diseases. One of the reasons is that their bodies are poisoned by toxins accumulated throughout life. Accumulated heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are causally linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, autism and dementia. The use of zeolite gives positive results and improvement in mental and physical condition.

Athletes. Zeolite gives very good results in sports and training. It helps athletes quickly regenerate tissue and recover, releasing endotoxins formed as a result of physical activity and a specific protein diet, which leads to the formation of ammonia in the intestines. There are studies on how zeolite helps athletes cope with these problems.

Women of all ages who actively use cosmetics. Modern cosmetics, especially inexpensive ones, contain toxic substances. Heavy metals are also present in the surrounding air, as well as in water. Many skin, nails and hair problems are associated with the accumulation of toxic substances in the skin. Zeolite helps remove them from the body.

For allergy sufferers. We have a very large number of positive reviews from people suffering from allergic manifestations from mild forms to severe, long-term skin diseases. Some clients managed to cope with such diseases after many years of suffering when no pills helped for a long time.

Addicted to smoking and alcohol. The bodies of addicted people are full of toxic substances, metabolic toxins and heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic, as well as carcinogens. They definitely need to be removed, and zeolite is perfectly suited for these purposes.

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