Geological classification

What is another name for a diamond?

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Related words and expressions

  • diamond, emerald, diamond, gem, ruby, sapphire, brilliant, pearl, aquamarine, signet, jewel, rhinestone, sparkles, ring, gold
  • topaz, ring, pendant, platinum, costume jewelry, earring, brooch, carat
  • pendant
  • brulik, glass, turquoise, lapis lazuli, peridot, ring, alexandrite, emerald, cameo, emerald, pendant, jasper, carnelian, peridot, tanzanite
  • diamond necklace
  • platinum ring
  • Jewelry
  • tie-pin
  • velvet pillow
  • amazing work
  • blackened silver
  • black Pearl
  • ruby necklace
  • famous diamonds
  • pair of earrings
  • green emeralds
  • blood red ruby
  • long earrings
  • natural pearls
  • rock crystals
  • drop-shaped
  • such a jewel
  • elegant bracelet
  • low grade
  • eye of the Tiger
  • dark velvet
  • royal coinage
  • on the ring finger of the left hand
  • cheap trinkets

Related words (by topic)

  • People: jeweler, owner, owner, antique dealer, appraiser
  • Places: sapphire, gem, amethyst, peridot, opal
  • Items: diamond, emerald, ruby, necklace, jewel
  • Actions: cutting, sparkling, polishing, grinding, money
  • Abstract concepts: brilliance, splendor, wealth, money, beauty

Associations to the word “diamond”

Sentences containing “diamond”

  • Dressed in a dress the color of the sun, she shone all over, her cheeks would have been the envy of the best roses in the royal garden, and her eyes the color of the blue sky shone brighter than the largest diamonds royal treasury.

Quotes from Russian classics with the word “diamond”

  • Finally, January 8 arrived – the day appointed for the wedding of Rachinsky and Olenina. The wedding took place in the palace church at six o’clock in the evening, in the presence of the entire court and the Moscow aristocracy. The bride wore a magnificent pearl necklace with an agraph of large diamonds, a gift from the crowned planted mother. A gold ring with an emerald glittered on one of the fingers of the groom’s left hand.

Associations to the word “diamond”

  • large diamonds
    small diamonds
    real diamonds
  • pure diamond
    diamonds of the stars
    with diamonds on the neck
  • scattering of diamonds
    sparkle of diamonds
    framed with diamonds
  • the diamonds sparkled
    the diamonds are missing
  • sparkle with diamonds
    sell diamonds
    buy diamonds
  • (full compatibility table)

What is a “diamond”?

The meaning of the word “diamond”

  • DIAMOND and DIAMOND, ah, м. A gemstone is a diamond that has been cut and polished in a special way. [French brillant] (Small Academic Dictionary, MAS) All meanings of the word DIAMOND

Aphorisms of Russian writers with the word “diamond”

  • An expensive diamond requires an expensive setting.

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  • How to spell the word “diamond”
  • Declension of the noun “diamond” (change in numbers and cases)
  • Analysis of the composition of the word “diamond” (morphemic analysis)
  • Quotes with the word “diamond” (collection of quotes)
  • Translation of “diamond” and example sentences (English)
  • Synonyms for “diamond” at (English)

The meaning of the word “diamond”

DIAMOND and DIAMOND, ah, м. A gemstone is a diamond that has been cut and polished in a special way. [French brilliant]

Sentences containing “diamond”

  • Dressed in a dress the color of the sun, she shone all over, her cheeks would have been the envy of the best roses in the royal garden, and her eyes the color of the blue sky shone brighter than the largest diamonds royal treasury.
  • – So, do you agree to marry the honorable lord? – Uncle asked while I was silent, seeing how it sparkled diamonds old man’s doublet.
  • A snake-like creature six meters long on short legs hobbled towards them, and its scales sparkled in the sun like a scattering of black diamonds.
  • (all offers)

Associations to the word “diamond”

Associations to the word “diamond”

  • large diamonds
  • pure diamond
  • scattering of diamonds
  • the diamonds sparkled
  • sparkle with diamonds
  • (full compatibility table.)

What is a “diamond”?


  • Declension of the noun “diamond”
  • Analysis of the composition of the word “diamond”


Map of words and expressions of the Russian language

An online thesaurus with the ability to search for associations, synonyms, contextual connections and example sentences for words and expressions in the Russian language.

Reference information on the declension of nouns and adjectives, verb conjugation, as well as the morphemic structure of words.

The site is equipped with a powerful search system with support for Russian morphology.

The word “diamond” comes from the Greek “adamas” – unsurpassed.

Chemically, diamond is pure carbon. The geological origin of the stone remains a mystery to this day. Most geologists, physicists and mineralogists believe that diamonds are formed in the depths of the earth’s mantle, covering the planet’s core as a result of the cooling of mantle silicates. Most diamonds are formed at depths of 150 to 250 kilometers below the Earth’s surface, some as deep as 800 kilometers. These gemstones are formed under extreme temperatures and pressures that cause carbon atoms to crystallize and turn into diamonds. At such depths, the temperature reaches 1300 degrees Celsius, and the pressure reaches 60 kilobars, which is 50000 times higher than the atmospheric pressure on the Earth’s surface. Diamonds owe their appearance on the surface of the planet to a series of powerful volcanic underground explosions that bring the stone to the surface through kimberlite pipes. Most natural diamonds are between 1 and 3,3 billion years old, but the oldest ones ever discovered are estimated to be 4 billion years old.

Each diamond has a unique structure and characteristics. There are no two identical stones.

Not every mined diamond is of gem quality; 80% of the world’s diamonds are not suitable for making jewelry. They are used for industrial purposes or discarded.

The main distinguishing features of diamond are the highest hardness among minerals. (Hardness – 10 on the Mohs scale).


The Mohs scale is most commonly used to compare the hardness of gemstones. Friedrich Mohs ranked 10 minerals according to their ability to cause scratches. The softest was talc, which was assigned a value of 1. All minerals located above it in density in the table can leave scratches on it. Diamond (10) was recognized as the hardest, which can leave a scratch on all other minerals.

  1. Talc
  2. Гипс
  3. Calcite
  4. Fluorite
  5. Apatite
  6. Feldspar
  7. Quartz
  8. Topaz
  9. Corundum
  10. Diamond

A diamond in its natural form is not considered beautiful. What gives a diamond its beauty is its cut, which creates conditions for multiple internal reflections. A cut diamond is called a brilliant.

Diamonds, which after processing become diamonds, in addition to the highest hardness index, have strong dispersion and light refraction. This feature gives the diamond a strong shine and iridescent iridescence; under the influence of sunlight, diamonds begin to glow in different colors.

Diamond cutting

The shape of a diamond cut is the method of application, the number of facets, as well as the proportions and arrangement of the facets of the stone in relation to each other. The shape of a diamond cut depends on the shape of the original diamond crystal. To obtain a diamond of maximum value, cutters try to minimize diamond losses during processing. Depending on the shape of the diamond crystal, 55-70% of its mass is lost during processing.

With an ideal cut, all the rays of light entering the inside of the diamond, after repeated reflection from its internal faces, exit through the top of the diamond, creating a high color play. More light is reflected from the surface of the diamond than from any other natural colorless stone.

The classic shape for a diamond is round. All other forms of diamond cuts are called fancy, which include such types of cuts as Pear, Marquise, Oval, Heart, Princess, Trilliant, Radiant and other types.

Diamond quality assessment

Gem dealers and jewelers did not immediately come to a unified system for assessing the quality of diamonds.
The American company GIA was the first to offer its system. Around the same time, Belgium and Russia presented unified description methods. Although the existing classification systems are somewhat different, it is now no problem for specialists to assess the quality of diamonds. In addition, indicators are easy to transfer from one system to another.

Several diamond classification systems are now accepted:

  • GIA (USA) (Diamonds are graded using the 4C system: color, clarity, carat, cut).
  • OST (Russia)
  • HRD Antwerp (Belgium)
  • CIBJO (Switzerland)

Let’s consider the Russian grading system, where the value of a diamond is determined by four indicators:

Weight (carat weight)

The unit of measurement for the weight of gemstones is called a carat, 1 metric carat = 200mg. Weight is measured to the second decimal place.

The word “carat” itself comes from the name of the pod tree, the seeds of which were originally used to measure minerals.


Color – the relative absence (colorless) or presence of shades in a diamond.

The color of a diamond is something that is invisible to the eye. Diamonds are valued by how close to colorless they are: the less color, the higher their value. The exception is fancy diamonds (pink, blue, etc.), which fall outside this color range. The number of diamonds of natural saturated colors does not exceed several tens per million of colorless stones.

Most diamonds in jewelry are colorless to nearly colorless with minor shades of yellow or brown.

To assess the color of a diamond according to Russian standards, there are three scales, where stones are rated depending on weight (up to 0,29 carats or more) and the number of facets (17 or 57).

Small diamonds with 17 facets (Kr17) are divided into 4 color groups.
Diamonds weighing up to 0,29 carats (except for round seventeen-sided ones) are divided into 7 color groups.

Diamonds weighing from 0.29 carats are divided into 9 color groups.

The first group of colors includes perfectly transparent stones. Next, in ascending order, the degree of yellowish or brownish color is classified. From the 3rd to the 5th group – the best-selling diamonds. However, the trick is that visually levels 3-4 and 4-5 cannot be distinguished, while the price is different.

Purity (absence or varying degrees of presence of inclusions)

The purity of a diamond means the absence of various defects outside and inside the stone. The concept of “defects” includes microcracks, chips, air bubbles and foreign inclusions. Only artificial stones are completely transparent. Natural stone has flaws that are visible under a magnifying glass or microscope. In a good stone, they are almost invisible to the naked eye, but without words they prove its natural origin.

Because diamonds are formed deep in the ground under extreme heat and pressure, they develop unique markings. Diamonds without markings are extremely rare, and rarity affects the value – such stones are much more expensive. These diamonds are called flawless. They are so rare that most jewelers have never seen them.

The purity of the stone is assessed at 10x magnification.

According to Russian standards, for assessing the clarity of a diamond, as well as for assessing color, there are three scales, where stones are rated depending on weight (up to 0,29 carats or more) and the number of facets (17 or 57).

For small diamonds with 17 facets – 6 clarity categories.

For diamonds weighing up to 0,29 carats with 57 facets – 9 categories of clarity.

For diamonds weighing over 0,30 carats with 57 facets – 12 clarity categories.

Thus, characteristic 8 means that flaws are visible to the naked eye, 5 means they are visible through a 10x magnifying glass, 3 means that only a professional can see the flaw.

Diamonds with a clarity rating of 1 to 3 can be called “crystal clear,” with no more than three inconspicuous natural inclusions allowed, recognizable only by an experienced gemologist using significant magnification. Such diamonds are often set into exclusive jewelry, since the stones are quite expensive. Clarity 5-6 is an almost transparent diamond, which allows for subtle natural inclusions that can be recognized under 10x magnification. Such stones represent the optimal combination of price and quality, which is why they are most often used in the production of jewelry.

Cut quality

The key role in cutting is played by the ratio of the depth and surface area of ​​the diamond to its diameter.

There are geometric parameters of diamonds, according to which stones are classified into one of four categories: from A to G. The highest quality cut, in which all recognized standard parameters are met, is designated by the letter “A”.

The classic round cut of 57 facets best showcases the brilliance and play of light in a diamond and contributes to its longevity, minimizing the risk of chips and other external damage. For this cut at the beginning of the 33th century, with the help of calculations, ideal proportions were derived to achieve maximum brilliance and the maximum play of light inside the stone, in which there are 24 facets on the upper part of the diamond and XNUMX on the lower part.

In this cut, two main parts can be clearly distinguished: the crown and the pavilion; they are separated by a girdle. It is a kind of belt of the diamond, dividing its upper and lower parts, and is also the supporting part of the diamond, to which it is usually secured in the product.

For small diamonds weighing no more than 0,03 carats, along with a cut of 57 facets, a cut of 17 facets is used.

The characteristics of a diamond set in jewelry are indicated on the label (tag).

Let’s look at an example and decipher the characteristics of a stone:

1BrKr 57, 0,1, 3/5A where:

1 BrKr 57 – one round cut diamond, 57 facets;

0,1 – diamond weight in carats (1 carat = 0,2 grams);

3/5 – color group / stone purity group

А – cut quality

Interesting facts about diamonds

The word “diamond” comes from the Greek “adamas” – unsurpassed. The widespread myth that a diamond cannot be broken once played a cruel joke on the Swiss mercenaries of King Louis XI. During one of the many internecine conflicts, they seized the jewels of Duke Charles the Bold. Having heard about the extraordinary hardness of diamonds, the soldiers decided to check the authenticity of the stones. The diamonds could not withstand the powerful blows of the hammer and crumbled, a huge amount of jewelry was thrown away because the Swiss considered them to be fake.

  • At the end of the 15th century. The Duke of Austria, as a sign of the sincerity of his intentions, presented his beloved with a ring with diamonds. Since then, the custom of accompanying a marriage proposal with a diamond ring has been popular all over the world.
  • The graphite used in pencils is made from 100 percent carbon, just like diamonds. However, the graphite crystals are arranged differently, making it soft and opaque.
  • Diamonds are hydrophobic and lipophilic in nature, meaning the surface of a diamond cannot be wetted with water, but can be easily wetted and stuck by oil.
  • On Jupiter and Saturn, thanks to the atmosphere that surrounds these planets, you can admire diamond rain in the literal sense of the word. In the upper layers of the atmosphere of Saturn and Jupiter, a huge number of lightning transforms methane into soot, which under the influence of pressure is strongly compressed and falls to the surface of the planet, turning into graphite and then into diamonds in flight.
  • The largest diamond was found in the constellation Centaurus at a distance of 50 light years from Earth. The diamond star was named “Lucy” (in honor of the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”). The size of the stone is 10 billion trillion carats.
  • The Greek philosopher Plato wrote about diamonds as living entities that hide heavenly spirits within themselves. This may sound strange to a modern person, but the ancient Romans and Greeks valued diamonds much higher than their current commercial value, considering these minerals to be the tears of the gods. There is a legend that the tips of Cupid’s arrows were decorated with diamonds.

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