Mineral Review

What is another name for hyacinth stone?

In ancient times, hyacinth was not distinguished from other gems. Almost all beautiful precious minerals were called hyacinths. Later, this definition was assigned to orange and red-brown gems. Only in the 18th century. Scientists have established differences between minerals whose colors matched. Hyacinth is the only precious variety of zircon. It can be golden, pink, orange, red, cherry, brown. With a good cut, the brilliance of the gem is not inferior to luxurious diamonds.

History of the stone

The beautiful mineral was held in high esteem by the ancient Greeks. They considered it a stone of love and male beauty. An ancient Greek legend says that zircon was named in honor of the beautiful young man Hyacinth. He was the son of a king and was friends with Apollo. During a throwing competition, the wind god Zephyr insidiously directed Apollo’s disk at the young man’s head. Then Apollo, mourning his dead friend, strewn the ground with bright red flowers, turning the young man’s blood into them. The flowers are called hyacinths. And later, precious stones were also awarded this flower name. The legend is repeatedly mentioned in ancient records that have survived to this day.

The beautiful mineral did not lose its popularity in subsequent eras. The ancient walls of Heavenly Jerusalem are decorated with 12 precious stones. Among them there is also hyacinth. In ancient India, it was believed that the rich color of the mineral could cancel lunar and solar eclipses.

In the Middle Ages, a ring with this type of zircon was a mandatory decoration for money changers and merchants. It was believed that the more honest the owner, the brighter his stone shines. Noble ladies wore both jewelry with one stone and entire jewelry ensembles with a shining gem. The mineral was especially popular in Asian countries. The stone goes well with dark hair, brown eyes and dark skin.

Natural zircon – hyacinth (video)

Modern use

Today this gem is mined in countries such as Thailand, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Australia. In Russia, gem deposits are located in the Omsk region. Stones of record size are mined in Canada and Brazil. However, most of these specimens are cloudy and have an unpleasant dirty brown color. Only small parts are suitable for jewelry use. The highest quality specimens are mined at the foot of the pegmatite mountains. Zircon hyacinth is quite hard, so it can be easily processed. There are two ways to cut a gem:

  • cabochon, as a result of which the surface of the mineral becomes smooth and slightly convex;
  • faceted, repeating the cut of diamonds.

Specimens with record weights are rarely found. Most often, it is possible to obtain gems not exceeding 4 carats. But single specimens are usually not used to create jewelry. Modern jewelry fashion involves the creation of entire ensembles with bright zircon. The stone is often combined with other gems, so jewelry with hyacinth is not cheap. The price for a small insert of 1-2 carats starts at $100. In addition, the price of these gems depends on the quality of the cut.

Properties of stone (video)

Healing and magical properties

Like any other precious mineral, hyacinth has certain properties. Previously, people believed that the gem would protect against wounds in battle, lightning strikes, and infectious diseases. Travelers and merchants took it with them, believing that the stone would bring them good luck on the road.

This mineral combines positive and negative properties. The color of hyacinth can both help its owner and harm him. It is believed that rich, luminous gems provide comfort in grief and help get rid of sadness and depression. They have a positive effect on mental abilities, memory, and mental activity. In a family where there is a beautiful bright hyacinth, there will be no quarrels or misunderstandings. If you do not care for the gem and do not love it, then the stone will harm its owner. He will upset the work he has begun, quarrel with loved ones, and deprive him of peace.

Of the zodiac signs, this mineral is most suitable for melancholic Capricorns. They are prone to mood swings, often become depressed, and suffer from loss of strength. In such difficult moments, a gem will help if you always carry it with you.

For married couples, a red-colored stone will help strengthen their marriage, but for unmarried young guys and girls, on the contrary, it is better not to wear the gem, as it attracts tragic love. The mineral helps creative people to successfully implement their projects.

The hyacinth gemstone also has medicinal properties. It cleanses the body of toxins and waste, improves digestion, copes with insomnia, calms the nerves, strengthens vision, and lifts the mood.

Hyacinth is a mineral that was widely known among the ancient Greeks. It symbolized male beauty and love. There is an ancient Greek legend in which it is known that zircon was named after the beautiful young man Hyacinth. The king’s son and his friend Apollo staged a throwing competition, but the young man was killed. After Apollo mourned his friend, the young man’s blood spilled onto the ground in red flowers, which petrified and turned into blood-colored crystals.

There are many more legends that mention the stone, some have survived to this day, the walls of Jerusalem are covered with 12 stones, among them there is hyacinth. And in Ancient India they believed that with the help of the mineral one could cancel a solar or lunar eclipse. In the Middle Ages, merchants wore rings made of zircon; if a merchant’s stone shines brightly, it means he is honest. Hyacinth goes well with brown eyes, dark skin and dark hair, which is why it was especially popular in Asian countries.


Usually the size of crystals is no more than 0.5-2 cm. But there are also large minerals, they have a different density and refractive index, because of this they even reach 10 carats. Hyacinth also has several names. You will often see minerals called topaz, ligurium, yaquinte and jargon.

In other matters, there are different shades of gems. Such as blood red, golden orange, brown and yellowish. You need to know that if you process a red mineral for a long time, the gem may lose its hue and become a transparent diamond. There are also blue hyacinths; this color can be obtained by firing. Unscrupulous people sometimes replace ordinary hyacinth with a rare species in this way.



Hyacinth – in other words, zirconium silicate, has certain properties:
– Stunning shine;
— Transparency of clean water;
— On the Mohs scale, hardness is 6,7–7,9;
– Darkens and fades in the sun;
– If you take it to water or fire, it becomes cloudy;
– May become colorless if over-processed.
Visually, the stone is similar to sapphire or garnet.


From a chemical point of view, hyacinth affects a person through his energy. The mineral improves attentiveness and allows you to be in sharp concentration. Such a stone is necessary for people who work in the mental sphere, and in China sages have this attribute; such a mineral needs to be charged in the sun for a short time, then the effect will be the best, it gives more strength and energy. And in Europe, merchants and travelers wore jewelry with this stone in order to become richer and meet good luck along the way. They say this stone can recognize deception.


They say that the stone is able to treat many diseases and improves the condition of many organs, namely:
– eyes;
– heart and blood vessels;
– liver;
– gastrointestinal tract.

The nervous system is also under the influence of the stone, a person becomes calmer, depression and insomnia go away. Hyacinth can serve as a pain reliever. The stone can help people suffering from anorexia, as it will improve the digestion process and appetite.

In addition, the stone is able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. In general, the stone has a positive effect on the body, strengthens the immune system and prolongs youth. It is known that in the old days the mineral was worn by girls who did not want to be pregnant, and those who were already pregnant took off jewelry with this mineral to avoid miscarriage. Talismans with a precious stone help to fully reveal the properties and power of the stone.


In magic, this stone is used only when very serious problems arise. Such as the loss of a loved one, mental self-flagellation. In general, minerals of bloody shades are “magnets” of unhappy love, therefore they are contraindicated for unmarried girls. In magic, jewelry with Hyacinth will lead to the loss of a loved one.

For women who are doing well, the stone can “jinx it” and attract danger. At the same time, the stone gives confidence, drives away melancholy, sheds light on hope, and helps to believe in oneself. But pink or raspberry Hyacinth suits everyone.



The most popular shade of zircon is red. Perfect transparency, just a bright shine. Can be confused with topaz or garnet, only professionals can tell the difference. It is this shade that brings a person confidence, strength and self-belief. Helps unlock potential. At the same time, the stone can improve the functioning of the circulatory system.


This shade takes away all fear and anxiety, helps you find peace and harmony. Plus, it gives an expensive and unusual look to any decoration.


This color is for sunny people, or for those who really need a positive attitude, because this stone is so similar to the sun’s rays, optimism and joy of life are guaranteed. This color magically affects a person’s mood and his destiny.

Place of Birth

The stone is widely known in Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Madagascar. In Europe, namely in France and Germany, red stone is mined. There are many shades of brown in the USA and Brazil. And in Canada, opaque stones with veins of transparency are mined.

In Russia, in the Omsk region, there is also a deposit of simple zircon-ilmenium ores, located near Tara – this is the most ancient city in the region. But red stones are mined on the Kola Peninsula, in Yakutia, Transbaikalia, Primorsk, and the regions of the Southern and Middle Urals.

To whom does

Zodiac sign

In Astrology on the website, hyacinth is recommended for those who have experienced something terrible in their lives. People who simply experience severe mental trauma. In such situations, the stone is of great importance, it helps to gather the will into a fist and helps to overcome life’s difficulties with pride and confidence.

Most of all, hyacinth of any color suits the Capricorn sign, since they are the ones who are prone to strong anxieties and worries, in this case the stone helps Capricorns turn the situation in their favor. This stone can rarely express support and give even more confidence to this sign.

How does the stone affect the zodiac sign Sagittarius? For them, this stone will help harmonize the love sphere of life and help establish relationships with their loved one. In addition, the stone can improve health.

For the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the hyacinth stone is a real find; the stone will easily provide the owner with inspiration for creativity, give harmony, bring good luck and rarely success in all areas of life. For Aquarius, the hyacinth stone is also a talisman.

By name

Each name on the site has a certain character, stones can influence the names and fate of a person, for some names the stone can block positive qualities, and for some, on the contrary, it will help smooth out rough edges and show personality in the best light.

Hyacinth should be worn by women with the name: Victoria; Galina; Yana; Sofia; Basilica; Amina Faina; Mapgarita; Renata;

But the stone will give good luck and health to such male names: Basil; Victor; Oleg; Kirill; Yaposlav; Leo; Egor; Pavel; Alexander

How to distinguish a fake

Since hyacinth is very expensive, and the demand for this stone is very high, fakes are often made for it, you can distinguish the original from the fake by the following signs:
1. If the hyacinth is transparent
2. Veins, air and any other defects cannot be on a real crystal
3. Under artificial conditions it is impossible to color a mineral evenly, but nature does it
4. Hyacinth is cool and heavy, unlike glass.

How to wear and care

If hyacinth is poorly cared for or not cared for at all, it can become cloudy and not so bright. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you store it where there is no high humidity, do not heat the crystal to high temperatures, protect the crystal from chemicals, as well as perfumes and cosmetics, you should store the crystal separately from other minerals and clean it only in critical cases, the stone will not loves water.

Favorable time to purchase

Astrologers recommend purchasing hyacinth on the website on the sixth lunar day. Because it is the sixth lunar day that is a day of calm, one of the most favorable days of the lunar calendar. In addition to the sixth lunar day, you can also buy hyacinth on the 14th lunar day.

Interesting Facts

  1. The stone has special power when spoken to and thanked for protection and care.
  2. Periodically, the stone needs to be placed in the sun’s rays, in this way it can be charged with warmth and love.
  3. The stone can improve vision and treat diseases in the comments of completely different people, regardless of the person’s name and zodiac sign. In addition, for some people this stone can stop bleeding, protect against fatal diseases, remove curses and protect against spirits.
  4. Silver is the best combination with hyacinth; silver jewelry, compatible with hyacinth, can serve as an amulet, but copper, on the contrary, neutralizes all the powers of the stone.
  5. A stone can protect a house; for this you can use untreated stone. Such a stone can attract prosperity and comfort into your home.
  6. In ancient times, this stone was crushed into powder, mixed with plants and taken orally. This helped me concentrate.

Ring of hyacinth flowers

Photo of the stone

Here we have selected for you photos and pictures of the most beautiful specimens of natural stone and flowers.

The precious gem is hard and bonded with cubic zirconia iron. Rarely are honey-colored gemstones cheaper. He can cope with any pain and correctly promotes long-term unrequited love

A semi-precious gem together with chrysolite gives love in the family and belongs to the gem of love

A diamond gem will strengthen friendships and help in creative endeavors. The imperfect conchoidal part of the gem, depending on the color, gives its active properties

Buying hyacinth in stores of different colors is considered the best helper for wounds.

The general properties of alexandrite most often affect the skin of the hand. Jasper with its facets attracts beneficial energy and removes any harm from the owner

Earrings made of onyx and hyacinth are suitable for young Scorpios and Aries. For the owner of the precious hyacinth there are periods of good luck and success. Gems gave the body energy and removed stress

Rules and glass formulas for composition were attributed to the properties and fractures of hyacinth. Their weight is surprisingly small and only the best gems reached the jewelers

Hyacinth fell into small precious beautiful jewelry. Thanks to hyacinth, Leo will become happy and find his happiness

It took many years to find beryl. The gem is able to preserve memory anywhere and will not allow you to lose contact

Hyacinth, like amethyst and turquoise in the world, are crystals of the planet Uranus. Synthetic green ruby ​​is valued among amulets

The gem looks almost like an impurity or mixture of a magic crystal. The gem’s impact on humans is quite high. The ability and properties of each sample are used in treatment

Hyacinth and its properties are always used for diseases and medicinal purposes. In medieval days, hyacinth minerals were considered practically precious

Ornamental jewelry is used in combination with agate and other metals. Pearls should be in the amulet version

Caring for faceted hyacinths is common. Natural soft and luxurious colors need care

simply transparent yellow hyacinth is considered magical and healing. Scientists have found the cost of heavenly hyacinth

It is believed that the yellow luster of a cabochon or malachite depends on the type of mineral. you can’t wear it cut or framed with gold

Hyacinth is used by many zodiac signs to discover new abilities. the mineral hyacinth can share healing properties. Its use in natural products is very diverse.

The price depends on the type of gem. A rich brown or red crystal protects dreams and will be an excellent amulet.

Diamonds are protected and have magical properties. Hyacinth is considered the jewel of God

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