What is barite plaster?
A dry construction mixture based on cement, ground barite concentrate, modified with polymer additives that increase the protective and strength properties and improve adhesion to the base. Materials The mixture is highly durable, highly plastic, has high adhesion, and is moisture resistant. Due to its physical properties, barite plaster is able to block gamma and X-ray radiation close to it in spectrum. The mixture is environmentally friendly. Convenient to use. appointment Designed for radiation protection. Applicable for the construction of storage facilities for radioisotope sources: barite plaster will replace expensive lead protection. Due to the chemical inertness of barite, the mixture is used in civil engineering, under coating with finishing materials. It is mandatory to use for finishing X-ray rooms – for the safety of people in other premises of medical institutions. The use of barite plaster when decorating the interior of residential and office buildings allows us to reduce the external impact of natural background radiation. Mode of application Barite plaster is applied to the partitions in layers of no more than 10–12 mm each. The first layer is applied over a plaster mesh attached to the wall with dowels in increments of 250–300 mm. The last layer is kept for 2–3 days, after which it is sanded. The protective layer of barite plaster in the ceilings must be extended into the adjacent rooms by 20–25 mm. On floors made of reinforced concrete slabs, a layer of barite plaster insulation 60–65 mm thick must be reinforced with two layers of reinforcing mesh with a cell size from 150×150 mm to 200×200 mm (GOST 23279-85). In a dry place in a closed container. At least 6 months from the date of manufacture. Technical specifications barite concentrate GOST 4862-74 Minimum layer thickness Maximum layer thickness Consumption of dry mixture per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm Water consumption per 1 kg of dry mixture Compressive strength of the mortar after 7 days Drying time (depending on layer thickness) Time to fully gain strength Density of the solution, not less Lead equivalents of barite plaster Equivalent plaster thickness at X-ray tube voltage (kV) BARYTE SEVENER FOR FLOORS Description A highly effective non-shrinking mixture based on cement, ground barite concentrate, modified with polymer additives that increase the protective and strength properties and improve adhesion to the base. When mixed with water, a mobile, non-separating composition is formed. Materials It has increased adhesion to concrete bases and ductility. The material is waterproof, durable, and has strength characteristics. Flows well. No delamination or cracks in the working thickness layer. Due to its physical properties, barite leveler is able to block gamma and x-ray radiation close to it in spectrum. The mixture is environmentally friendly. appointment The leveler is designed to protect against radiation. It can be used for constructing high-strength, wear-resistant floor screeds as a load-bearing layer during the construction of storage facilities for radioisotope sources: the barite leveler will replace expensive lead protection. Suitable for leveling horizontal surfaces under any coating – ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, parquet, etc. Due to the chemical inertness of barite, the mixture is used in civil engineering, under coating with finishing materials. It is mandatory to use for finishing X-ray rooms – for the safety of people in other premises of medical institutions. The use of barite leveler when finishing the interior of residential and office buildings allows us to reduce the external impact of natural background radiation. Used for interior and exterior work. Surface preparation The base must be strong, free from dust, dirt, grease, oil, bitumen, paint residues and other substances that weaken the adhesion strength of the solution to the base. It is recommended to treat the surface with a primer. Requires the use of reinforcing mesh. Mode of application To prepare the solution, you need 1 kg of dry mixture, mix with 0,18–0,20 liters of clean water, temperature 18–20° C, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Let sit for 5-7 minutes and then stir again. The solution is ready for use. Recommended layer thickness is from 5 to 60 mm. The prepared mass is poured by hand. Mechanized filling method is allowed. For large areas, it is recommended to divide the surface into squares measuring 60×60 cm and fill the squares in a checkerboard pattern. If necessary, level the surface using a wide spatula. Avoid drafts and direct sunlight, especially during installation and for the first two days thereafter. After 24 hours, walking is possible. Work should be carried out at a base temperature of 5° C to 30° C. The above recommendations are effective at a temperature of 20° C and a relative humidity of 60%. Under other conditions, drying and setting times may vary. Keep In a dry place, in closed, undamaged original packaging, 6 months from the date of manufacture. Attention The mixture contains cement. Use gloves when working. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water. Work must be performed in accordance with the instructions for use. Technical specifications Binder cement PC500-D0 Minimum layer thickness 5 mm Maximum layer thickness 60 mm Consumption of dry mixture per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm 24–25 kg Water consumption per 1 kg of dry mixture 0,19–0,21 l Time to use the prepared solution is no more than 2 hours Compressive strength of the solution after 7 days 20 MPa Adhesion strength to base 1 MPa Hardening time 24 hours Time for full strength gain 28 days Density not less than 2,7 g/cm3 Barite plaster is used to create barriers to radiation. This can be either an external source or an internal one. In the latter case, the mixture is applied to the walls and ceiling and weakens harmful rays, preventing them from penetrating through the ceilings to the outside. Thus, the barrier created using barite plaster allows people to stay in rooms adjacent to dangerous equipment without harm to health. However, in order for the material to fulfill its function, you need to know exactly how to work with barite plaster. The technology for applying the mixture is in many ways comparable to the installation of other building materials, but there are still some nuances.
Preparation for work with barite plaster
- Finishing the walls with barite plaster is one of the final stages of construction. After this, it is recommended to only finish the walls (putty, paint, wallpaper, etc.) and finish laying the floor. All other repair work must be completed by the time the protective plaster is applied.
- Manufacturers of protective compounds recommend using construction tools made of stainless steel to work with them.
- It is imperative to monitor the conditions in the room during repair work. If you do not pay attention to the level of humidity and temperature, the composition may “not take” or, on the contrary, dry out too quickly, which will lead to the formation of cracks. The optimal temperature for installing barite plaster is at least +5 degrees, the humidity level should not exceed 60%.
- Masters most likely will not need to undergo special instructions. Experienced workers can simply familiarize themselves with the application technique and the features of working with a composition containing barium. The main thing for high-quality installation of protective material is to have comparable experience in working with conventional plaster.
Start of work: preparation of walls and ceiling
Work on applying barite plaster is preceded by several preliminary stages, which must be completed to obtain an ideal result.
- Barite plaster does an excellent job of leveling the surface and eliminating obvious flaws in walls and ceilings. However, in order for the mixture to lie tightly, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the areas where the material is intended to be used. To do this, you will have to peel off the old wallpaper, remove paintwork, damaged plaster and other finishing materials.
- Also, in order to ultimately obtain reliable X-ray protection, you will have to remove all metal products protruding from the walls and ceiling: screws, dowels, bolts, rigging, etc.
- Only when the surfaces are completely cleaned and prepared for work, the first composition, the primer, is applied. The walls and ceiling are treated with liquid to ensure that the next material adheres better by increasing adhesion to the surface. The primer takes a couple of hours to dry, only after complete drying can the next composition be applied.
How to properly install beacons for applying barite plaster
The installation of beacons is also in many ways similar to similar manipulations when applying gypsum plaster. The manufacturer “HydrocemBarit” recommends following the following procedure:
- First, beacons are installed on the ceiling, then on the walls.
- Ceiling beacons should be located at a distance of about half a meter from each other. In order to understand where to mount the first one, hanging is done. Where the ceiling is most curved outward, the first beacon will be installed, then the rest will be placed at its level.
- The walls are a little more difficult. To determine at what distance from the wall the beacons should be, a dowel is screwed into the corner (40 cm from the ceiling), the head of which coincides with the thickness of the intended layer of barite plaster. Next, the sag determines the location of the dowel in the lower corner. On the other side of the wall you need to repeat the same steps. Next, all corner dowels are connected with cords (including diagonally). The result is a level for installing beacons. The distance between the latter is determined by the length of the rule that the master uses. The lighthouses should be a little closer to each other (20-30 cm) than the rule dictates.
- The last step is to install window corner profiles. Their level must match the level of the beacons.
Preparation of barite plaster
It is recommended to first perform the process of mixing the mixture on a trial basis, that is, mix a small amount of material with water. This is necessary to accurately determine the consumption of plaster and “shoot” to obtain the ideal composition. The average consumption of dry mixture for preparing the finished composition is 25 kg per 5 liters of water. However, the indicator may vary due to high/low humidity in the room.
The process of mixing the material is quite simple:
- Water is poured into a clean container.
- First, the first batch of mixture (about 10 trowels) is added.
- Everything is mixed thoroughly until the mixture is homogeneous without lumps.
- After the first portion of the mixture is completely dissolved in water, you can begin adding the remaining material. This must also be done gradually and slowly so that the composition has time to dissolve evenly. The resulting mixture is constantly stirred.
- At the end, after a short wait (10 minutes), the finished composition must be thoroughly mixed again, preferably with a power tool.
Barite plaster is ready for application. There is no need to delay too much with the latter. After 20-25 minutes the mixture will begin to harden, after which it cannot be used.
How to apply barite plaster on walls and ceilings
- The plaster is applied in the following sequence: ceiling, walls, slopes.
- The slopes are structured from edge to corner, starting from the top, ending with the sides.
- To level the finished layer of plaster, a rule is used; to shape the corners, an angle spatula is used.
- If it is necessary to apply the material in more than one layer, then notches are applied to the finished material for better adhesion.
- The second and subsequent layers can only begin to be installed after the surface is completely dry. This may take 8 hours or more (depending on the humidity in the room).
To obtain a dense, uniform coating, each layer of barite plaster should not be thicker than 10 cm.
After applying barite plaster, the algorithm of actions of the craftsmen depends on which material is chosen as the finishing material:
- If the surface is then going to be puttied, then about an hour after installing the plaster, you should walk on the surface that has not yet dried and remove any unevenness with a spatula.
- In the case of wallpapering, it is enough to moisten it a little 20 minutes after applying the plaster and walk over the surface with sandpaper.
- With the right approach, the plaster can be painted immediately (without using putty). To do this, you need to go over the plaster with a hard trowel half an hour after finishing the work, while wetting the surface with water. Then, a day later, repeat the manipulation again.
- Plastered surfaces can be made textured. To do this, the mixture is leveled, and then a pattern is created on it with any volumetric tool (roller, spatula, etc.).
Complete drying of barite plaster can take up to 5 days. However, under no circumstances should you suddenly change the temperature in the room. This may cause cracks to appear.
In order to purchase barite plaster from our company, use instant messages (blue circle in the corner) or any other method of communication. We always have the material in stock and we can ship at any time.
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