Geological classification

What is better Zion or zeolite?

Zeolite is a natural mineral fertilizer that is obtained from rocks containing aluminosilicate minerals. It contains many useful nutrients in a form accessible to plants, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, manganese, silicon, etc.

Why is Zion needed?

Zion is an ionic nutrient substrate that is used for planting and feeding fruit trees, shrubs and citrus fruits. It replaces any fertilizer and promotes intensive growth of fruit plants, good fruiting and increased productivity of fruit and berry crops.

Why is Zion good?

Zion substrate contains 60 times more nutrients than the most fertile soil, making it one of the most nutritious fertilizers on the market. In addition, it is made from 100% natural material and does not contain nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, growth accelerators and phytohormones. This makes it an environmentally friendly option for food production.

What does zeolite treat?

Zeolite can be useful not only as a fertilizer. It may also have the property of removing toxins from the body. Zeolite will remove heavy metals and other toxins that are causally linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, autism and dementia. It can also be used as an adjuvant therapy for hepatitis, tumors and cirrhosis due to its ability to treat liver diseases.

Useful Tips

  • To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use Zion and zeolite together – zeolite as a primer, and Zion for feeding plants.
  • Since Zion does not contain harmful chemical impurities, it can be used in vegetable gardens and orchards. It does not cause allergic reactions and is safe for pets.
  • Zion can be used to restore soil that has been depleted by long-term use of fertilizers and chemicals. It restores the structure of the soil and introduces necessary nutrients into it.
  • When using zeolite as a primer, you need to pay attention to the acidity of the soil. Zeolite neutralizes acidic soils, so it is not recommended for use on alkaline soils.

Conclusions and Conclusion

Zion and zeolite are two important means for gardening and agriculture. Zeolite is a natural mineral comfort, which contains many beneficial nutrients for plants. Zion is a nutritious ion exchanger субстрат, which speeds up growth and increases plant productivity. Both of these remedies can be used together to achieve maximum results. They can also be used to treat diseasescaused by toxins. With the right use of, they can significantly increase quality and your productivity The garden and vegetable garden.

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Zeolite and Zion are two different concepts. Zeolite is the matrix for creating Zion. In addition, zeolites come in different varieties and plants do not grow on pure zeolite. In turn, Zion is a substrate that is ideal for plant growth. Its matrix contains up to 60 times more nutrients than the most fertile soil. This means that when using Zion, plants receive all the necessary nutrients, which affects their health and growth. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of Zeolite and Zion, since the first is only a raw material for the second and its use as a substrate for plants will not give the desired result.

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Is ZION a fertilizer?
No. ZION is an ion exchange substrate/nutrient additive with a long period of action. Allows you to avoid the need for constant application of fertilizers and adjustment of their composition in the process
plant growth. Eco-friendly. Does not harm the environment.

Why is ZION needed?
For growing healthy and strong seedlings, environmentally friendly greens and vegetables, adaptation and survival of plants after transplantation, for the harmonious growth and flowering of flowers, as well as for restoring and increasing the fertility of degraded or depleted soils and, consequently, increasing productivity.

How to use ZION?
To use the substrate as efficiently as possible, it must be added to the root zone of the plant in an amount of 3 to 10 percent of the volume of soil extracted when adding the substrate. The depth of application and the amount of soil that needs to be removed depends on the type and size.

How can ZION help?
ZION provides the plant with balanced nutrition throughout the entire period of its life and substrate resource. Allows the plant to grow and bear fruit as efficiently as possible.

From 1 kg. substrate 3-5 kg. live biomass, and if you add 30 gr. How will it help?
30 g of ZION will allow you to get from 90 to 150 grams of living biomass. We recommend using bags for growing seedlings or indoor plants, mixing with 0,5-1,0 liters of soil. plant with
with a living biomass of 150 g – a large plant and an excellent result when grown in a pot of up to 1 liter.

Is ZION a zeolite?
ZION is not(.) a pure zeolite. Zeolite is only the initial raw material/matrix for the production of ZION. In addition, zeolites are different. Plants do not grow on pure zeolite, and the ZION substrate is an ideal medium for growth, since the matrix contains up to 60 times more plant nutrients than the most fertile soil.

Can ZION be used for all plants?
Yes. Universal ZION can be used for any type of plant. To achieve maximum effect on certain types of plants, we have developed specialized formulations
for herbs, vegetables and flowers. Exception: conifers. They require a separate type of substrate. As demand grows, we are also prepared to adapt the substrate to meet this challenge.

Is it possible to lay the substrate in waterlogged soil?
Yes. Nutrients are associated with the functional groups of the matrix and are not washed out of it in waterlogged soil. However, it should be noted that in waterlogged soil, plants
will grow poorly, since the root system needs air.
Are there any requirements for the soil granulometric composition when laying? (sandy, loamy soils.) There are no special chemical requirements or restrictions. But it is necessary to take care of the permeability of the soil to air (in clay soils it is better to add baking powder + ZION)

How to mix over large areas and achieve uniform distribution of ZION?
Uniform surface application with further cultivation to the required depth. Technically, the process is similar to the process of applying mineral fertilizers: add ZION and dig, harrow after plowing, level, etc. The second option is to apply directly into planting holes or trenches and lightly mix ZION with the soil at the bottom. The closer ZION is to
root zone, the better!

Is it possible to plant seeds and seedlings in the substrate?
Can. However, the best option is to mix ZION with the main soil.

They sell different types of soil for different crops. Is ZION a universal substrate?
Some types of plants prefer “special” soils: potatoes need a lot of potassium and less nitrogen; salad is the opposite (lots of nitrogen and little potassium); Sugar beets need sodium; sorrel – acidic soil. etc. But all these plants grow quite well on a universal substrate. The most important parameter for various plants is soil acidity.

Does the mixture not cake during long-term storage? doesn’t clump? won’t it harden?
If storage conditions in terms of humidity are observed, the substrate does not cake or clump.

Is there beneficial microflora in the ZION or is it sterile?
ZION is sterile by the method of preparation. There is no microflora in a new (unused) ZION. However, it may affect the development of natural microflora present in
soil. In particular, it promotes the development of nitrifying bacteria in the soil. Long-term storage of ZION in a damp state can also lead to the development of microflora on it, introduced with water and entering it from the air.

What is the acidity of ZION?
The acidity of the ZION substrate is 6,8-7,0 (can be set in the production process in the range of 5,0-8,0 at the customer’s request). Moreover, it has buffering properties, i.e.
is able to adjust the pH of the environment into which it is added to biologically optimal values.

What are the requirements for transportation and storage? (frost, humidity)
Substrates are transported by any type of transport under conditions that ensure their safety and the integrity of the packaging. Substrates are stored in a dark place or using materials that do not transmit light in covered warehouses at a temperature not lower than 0°C and not higher than + 30°C, separately from volatile chemicals. During transportation and long-term storage, ZION can be stored at subzero temperatures, but before use it must be brought to a temperature above 0°C.

Will the results of using ZION be noticeable in the first fertile season?
Yes. The result will be noticeable 3-4 weeks after adding the substrate and the start of plant growth.

What percentage of ZION should I use when backfilling? It is clear that the more, the better, but in this case the final price of the crop increases.
The result is noticeable already when ZION is added in an amount of 2% of the soil volume. To obtain optimal effect, we recommend adding from 3 to 10% of the substrate.

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