Therapeutic properties

What is chalcopyrite used for?

Pyrite – from the Greek pyrites lithos – stone that strikes fire – a mineral, iron disulfide FeS2, the most common sulfide in the earth’s crust. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: cat’s gold, fool’s gold, iron pyrite, marcasite, bravoite. The sulfur content is usually close to theoretical (54,3%). Often there are impurities of Ni, Co (a continuous isomorphic series with CoS; usually cobalt pyrite contains from tenths of a percent to several percent of Co), Cu (from tenths of a percent to 10%), Au (usually in the form of tiny inclusions of native gold), As (up to several%), Se, Tl (~ 10-2%), etc. The color is light brass and golden yellow, reminiscent of gold or chalcopyrite; sometimes contains microscopic gold inclusions. Pyrite crystallizes in the cubic system. Crystals in the form of a cube, pentagon-dodecahedron, less often – octahedron, are also found in the form of massive and granular aggregates. Hardness on the mineralogical scale 6 – 6,5, density. 4900-5200 kg/m3. On the Earth’s surface, pyrite is unstable, easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and groundwater, turning into goethite or limonite. The shine is strong, metallic. Installed in almost all types of geological formations. It is present in igneous rocks as an accessory mineral. Typically an essential component in hydrothermal veins and metasomatic deposits (high, medium and low temperature). In sedimentary rocks, pyrite occurs in the form of grains and nodules, such as black shales, coals and limestones. Sedimentary rocks are known, consisting mainly of pyrite and flint. Often forms pseudomorphs on fossil wood and ammonites. Field
Main deposits: Russia, Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, Azerbaijan, USA. Distribution
Occurs as grains and crystals in metamorphic schists and other iron-bearing metamorphic rocks. Pyrite deposits are developed primarily to extract the impurities it contains: gold, cobalt, nickel, and copper. Some pyrite-rich deposits contain uranium (Witwatersrand, South Africa). Copper is also extracted from massive sulfide deposits in Ducktown (Tennessee, USA) and in the valley of the river. Rio Tinto (Spain). If a mineral contains more nickel than iron, it is called bravoite. When oxidized, pyrite turns into limonite, so buried pyrite deposits can be detected by limonite (iron) caps on the surface. Medicinal properties
Pyrite, due to its similarity to gold, is able to influence the nervous system like gold. Traditional healers recommend wearing pyrite jewelry for nervous exhaustion, as it can improve mood, raise overall tone and increase performance. For people prone to excessive excitability, it is best not to wear this stone. Lithotherapists believe that pyrite products nourish the body, normalizing all internal processes. Magical properties
Pyrite is a powerful magical tool. It is considered a masculine stone. During the Middle Ages it was often used by alchemists. Thanks to its “masculine” qualities, pyrite gives its owner great emotional strength, which must be handled very carefully. Pyrite cannot be worn for more than three days in a row, otherwise increased emotionality will begin to harm the owner. Pyrite, unlike many others, does not like the proximity of other stones (with the exception of hematite and serpentine). Modern practicing magicians recommend choosing stones without cracks or chips. Otherwise, no one knows whether the crystal will bring harm or benefit. There is an opinion that it is better not to wear this stone, as it can endow any person with negative qualities. Connoisseurs of the magical properties of stones cannot say for sure which zodiac sign pyrite is most suitable for. Talismans and amulets
Pyrite can be used as a talisman and amulet by people with a pure soul and an open heart, as well as strong practicing magicians. This stone helps its owner gain self-confidence, get rid of fear, and become a leader. But it’s still better not to mess with this stone. Application
Pyrite is the most important raw material for the production of sulfuric acid. The resulting residual products from the oxidative roasting of pyrite – pyrite cinders – are used mainly in the production of concrete. Cobalt pyrite is an important source of Co, which means that part of Au and Se is also extracted from pyrite ores.
source Chalcopyrite The name chalcopyrite comes from the Greek. “chalcos” – copper and “pyrites” – pyrite. Another name for the mineral is copper pyrite. Chalcopyrite is a complex sulfide of copper and iron (CuFeS2). The color of chalcopyrite is greenish or brass-yellow. Blue or mottled discoloration is often observed. Soft, easy to scratch with a knife. Hardness 3,5 – 4, density 4,3 g/cm3. Metallic shine. The syngony is tetragonal. The crystals are rare and have the appearance of tetrahedrons. Rare and noble metals, including silver and gold, are often present as impurities in the mineral. Large crystals are rare and have a distorted appearance. The edges are usually covered with rough shading. Twinning and twin germination are characteristic. Forms continuous granular aggregates, impregnations, and veins. On coal it is fused into a gray-black magnetic bead. It dissolves in HNO3, releasing sulfur. Chalcopyrite deposits
It is usually found in the form of solid granular masses. Chalcopyrite is resistant to weathering agents; forms in a wide range of geological conditions. Most typical for high- and medium-temperature hydrothermal deposits. It is also found in contact-metamorphic deposits. In copper-nickel deposits, chalcopyrite is accompanied by pyrrhotite and pentlandite, in porphyry copper deposits by molybdenite, and in cuprous sandstones by bornite and chalcocite. Deposits and ore occurrences of chalcopyrite are known in all regions of the world. It is present in almost every copper mining region. It is found in hydrothermal veins and, in association with galena and sphalerite, forms significant accumulations of polymetallic ores. It is also formed during metamorphic processes. Known in sedimentary facies, in zones of secondary sulfide enrichment. Chalcopyrite deposits exist in almost all countries of the world. In Russia, the main deposits are located in the Urals, in the Norilsk region and on the Kola Peninsula. Chalcopyrite is the most important copper ore. Healing properties of chalcopyrite
Chalcopyrite is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. It is believed that yellow minerals stimulate gastric secretion and stimulate appetite! Some healers use chalcopyrite to treat skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema. However, sometimes this mineral causes allergic reactions. It is believed that chalcopyrite helps with nervous exhaustion, insomnia and nightmares. But we must remember that abuse of this mineral can lead not only to allergic reactions, but also to increased production of bile. The magical properties of chalcopyrite
The magical properties of chalcopyrite have not been sufficiently studied. In practical magic there is an opinion that this stone attracts good luck in trading matters. In some European countries, sorcerers recommend meditating with this stone for women who want to find a family. According to some magicians, chalcopyrite can serve as an excellent amulet for housing. To do this, small processed stones need to be placed one on each window sill on the right side. Experts cannot say exactly which zodiac sign is protected by chalcopyrite. Talismans and amulets
As a talisman, chalcopyrite is used to attract good luck in commercial activities. This is a talisman for merchants, Komi travelers, and sellers. The talisman can be a bracelet worn on the left hand. Sometimes a talisman is made from chalcopyrite, which attracts the attention of men to a woman. But such a talisman cannot be abused. It should be carried with you to parties or other places where representatives of the stronger sex are present, no more than twice a month. The talisman does not serve to attract the attention of a specific person. Amulets made from this mineral keep their owners from making hasty and wrong decisions.

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  • Physical properties and photos of chalcopyrite
  • Origin of chalcopyrite
  • Application of chalcopyrite
  • Chalcopyrite deposits

Physical properties and photos of chalcopyrite

Chalcopyrite. Photo by Rob Lavinsky

Metallic shine. Reminds me of pyrite. Hardness 3,5. Specific gravity: 4,1-4,3 g/cm3. Color brass yellow, golden yellow (more dense yellow than pyrite); often covered with iridescent or blue tarnish. The line is black. There is no cleavage. Solid grainy, dense; inclusions, less often crystals and pseudomorphs of other minerals. The syngony is tetragonal. Fragile.

Features. Chalcopyrite has a permanent metallic luster, medium hardness, a permanent brass-yellow color and a black, sometimes with a greenish tint, streak. It differs from sulfur pyrite in color (sulfur pyrite has a lighter color), in hardness (sulfur pyrite scratches glass) and in the presence of iridescent tarnish; differs from gold in its streak (gold’s streak is golden-yellow).

Chemical properties. Dissolves in nitric acid. The solution is green. When exposed to ammonia, iron hydrate is released and the solution turns blue.

Variety: Talnakhit – cubic modification.

Origin of chalcopyrite

Most often, chalcopyrite falls out of hydrothermal and pneumatolytic segregations of magma chambers. Chalcopyrite is found either in veins or at the contact of igneous rocks with sedimentary rocks, especially limestones (contact-metasomatic origin).

The so-called “copper sandstones” – sandstones containing chalcopyrite and other copper compounds, also arose due to hydrothermal solutions coming from magma chambers through zones of tectonic disturbances. Hydrothermal waters, coming into contact with calcite, cementing sandstones, metasomatically replace it with sulfide compounds. Chalcopyrite is also formed among sedimentary rocks, released from surface waters rich in copper compounds, especially copper sulfate. In addition, chalcopyrite is released during the crystallization of basic and acidic magmas and occurs as inclusions in basic and acidic igneous rocks. Copper pyrite can also be of volcanic origin (Kounrad deposit in Kazakhstan).

In surface conditions, chalcopyrite is quite easily subjected to chemical weathering processes. The upper parts of ore, rich in chalcopyrite, contain products of its chemical decomposition.

Satellites. Quartz, calcite, siderite, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, cassiterite, wolframite, molybdenite, topaz, apatite, magnetite. Products of chemical change: malachite, azurite, limonite, native copper.

Application of chalcopyrite

Chalcopyrite is the main ore for copper production. Copper is used in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, for the production of alloys (bronze, brass, tombac), for the manufacture of laboratory supplies, coils, distillation cubes, refrigerators, and pipes.

Chalcopyrite deposits

In Eurasia, copper ore deposits are located in Kazakhstan – Kounradskoye, Dzhezkazganskoye, etc., Central Asia (Almalyk), in the Urals (Karpushinskoye, Levikhinskoye, etc.), in Georgia (Madneuli), in Eastern Siberia, the Orenburg region (Gaiskoye, Blavinskoye, Osennee, Vesennee, Dzhusinskoe, Barsuchiy Log). In the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, copper-nickel deposits have been discovered: Talnakhskoye, Oktyabrskoye, Norilsk. The Udokan deposit (Chita region) is famous.

Large reserves of copper ore are found in six other countries: the United States (Bisbee mine, Arizona), Chile, Zambia, Zaire, Peru and Canada. The largest deposits in Europe: Lubinskoye (Poland) and Medet (Bulgaria).

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