What is included in Silvinit?
Silvinite – sedimentary rock consisting of alternating layers of halite and sylvite (nNaCl + mKCl) and some impurities (hematite, etc.). The ratio between potassium and sodium chlorides in sylvinite is not constant. It usually contains some sand, clay, gypsum, etc. as impurities. It has a heterogeneous color – there are red, pink, blue and orange crystals. Almost completely soluble in water (except for impurities). Sylvinite is the most important raw material for the production of potassium chloride, which is used as potassium fertilizer.
Related concepts
Carnallite is a mineral, double salt: aqueous chloride of potassium and magnesium. Empirical formula: KCl MgCl2 6H2O. Potassium salt (or Potassium salt) is a mineral resource of the non-metallic group. It is a raw material for the chemical industry for the production of potash fertilizers. These are easily soluble salts that are sedimentary chemogenic rocks. Silvin is a mineral, potassium chloride (KCl). First found and described in 1832 on Mount Vesuvius (Naples, Italy). Named after the chemist Francis Silvius (1614-1672). Chromites (chrome ores, mineral chromite) are natural mineral aggregates containing chromium in concentrations and quantities at which it is economically feasible to extract metallic chromium and its compounds. Halite (Greek ἅλς – salt) is rock salt, a mineral of the chloride subclass, a crystalline form of sodium chloride (NaCl). In the crystal chemical structure of the mineral, six sodium cations surround the chlorine anion. Cubic system, space group Fm3m.
Mentions in literature
VERKHNEK-MSKY BASIN, deposits of potassium and potassium-magnesium salts (Perm region). Corresponds to the salt-bearing Solikamsk depression of the Pre-Ural foredeep. It extends along the meridian for more than 200 km at latitude. OK. 50 km. The area of ​​distribution of salt deposits is 6,5–8 thousand km², potassium and potassium-magnesium salts – approx. 3,5 thousand km². In the section of Lower Permian salt-bearing deposits folded into gentle brachyfolds, a productive stratum with a thickness of approx. 100 m, consisting of lower sylvinite and upper sylvinite-carnallite horizons, including numerous layers of carnallite, red, banded and variegated sylvinite, separated by rock salt. In the Solikamsky and Bereznikovsky sections of the Verkhnekamsk basin there are five underground mines, mining in a chamber method at depth. 250–350 m sylvinite and carnallite ores, which are raw materials for the production of potash and complex fertilizers and the production of metallic magnesium with the associated extraction of bromine, rubidium and other valuable components. The total reserves of the deposit (in terms of K2O) are approx. 6,4 billion tons. From these salts, Uralkali JSC and Silvinit JSC annually produce up to 3,5 million tons (in terms of K2O) of fertilizers. Potassium salt. Contains 40% potassium chloride and up to 35% sodium chloride. It is represented by gray granules with reddish grains (from inclusions of sylvinite and kainite). Slightly hygroscopic, average caking, satisfactory dispersibility. Do not mix with urea. Used in the main dressing since autumn. By the time of sowing and planting crops, potassium is fixed in the soil, and chlorine is washed away. Most suitable for table beets. Not applicable in greenhouses and for potatoes. Potassium salt contains about 30–40% potassium. It is a mixture of potassium chloride, kainite and sylvinite. It dissolves well in water. Potassium salt has a significant drawback – it contains a lot of chlorine. Potassium fertilizers include potassium chloride, 30% potassium salt, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium. Potassium chloride is a very strong fertilizer because it contains at least 63% potassium, so it is usually applied as a liquid fertilizer. Potassium salt is a mixture of potassium chloride with sylvinite and kainite. It contains up to 40% potassium and a large amount of chlorine. This is why potassium salt is usually applied during fall tillage in the hope that most of the chlorine will be washed away by precipitation, while the potassium will be absorbed by the soil. In addition to potassium, potassium sulfate contains some chlorine, sulfur and magnesium. The most widely used fertilizers in vegetable growing are potassium chloride, 30% potassium salt, potassium nitrate, and potassium sulfate. Potassium salt is a mixture of potassium chloride with sylvinite and kainite and contains up to 40% potassium. However, it contains too much chlorine, so it is best to add potassium salt to the soil in the fall so that excess chlorine is washed out by precipitation and potassium is absorbed by the soil. Potassium chloride contains almost 63% potassium. This is a potent potassium fertilizer suitable for all vegetable crops. However, for plants of the nightshade family, which are sensitive to chlorine, it should be applied in very limited quantities. Potassium sulfate is a fertilizer with a minimal amount of chlorine. In addition, its composition 27 includes sulfur and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the growth and fruiting of cruciferous vegetables. POTASH FERTILIZERS. Potassium chloride is soluble in water and contains up to 60% of the active substance. 40% potassium salt – a mixture of potassium chloride with sylvinite – is an effective fertilizer for beets and other vegetables that respond well to sodium. Potassium magnesia contains 16–19% of the active substance.
Related concepts (continued)
- Allergic respiratory diseases in children
The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
Entry into the procedure is gradual: 1 session – 30 minutes; Session 2 – 40 min; Session 3 – 1 hour (prevention of exacerbations; as part of complex therapy).
- Bronchopulmonary diseases in adults (bronchitis, mild to moderate asthma without exacerbation, allergic diseases, etc.)
Course of treatment: 7-14 days, session – 1 hour.
Night sessions are possible – night sleep lasting 7-8 hours, under the supervision of medical personnel. In this case, the course of treatment is reduced to 4-7 days.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, recovery after coronary artery bypass surgery)
Course of treatment: 7-10 days, session – 1 hour.
Night sessions are possible – night sleep lasting 7-8 hours, under the supervision of medical staff. In this case, the course of treatment is reduced to 4-7 days.
- Skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema)
Course of treatment: 21 days, session – 1 hour.
- Complicated pregnancy (chronic placental insufficiency,IIItrimester)
Course of treatment: 2 weeks, session – 1 hour.
- Dental practice (gingivitis, periodontitis)
Course of treatment: 10-14 days, session – 1 hour.
Course of treatment: 10-14 days, session – 1 hour.
- Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increasing immunity
Course of treatment: 7-10 days, session – 1 hour.
Thus, treatment with potassium salts improves the functional state of the body’s most important systems and accelerates the recovery of patients.
Contraindications for treatment in sylvinite salt chambers:
– All diseases in the acute stage, acute infectious diseases before the end of the isolation period, chronic diseases in the acute stage and complications of acute purulent processes.
– Mental illnesses. All forms of drug addiction and substance abuse.
– All blood diseases in the acute and exacerbation phases.
– Cachexia of any origin.
– Frequently recurring or heavy bleeding of various origins.
– All forms of tuberculosis in the active stage.
Recommendations for patients
• Observe personal hygiene rules.
• Before a salt therapy session, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke.
• Before starting salt treatment, patients should sanitize their oral cavity at the dentist.
• Patients receiving treatment in salt microclimatic chambers, before the salt therapy session, must change into a special set of underwear (disposable, cotton) intended for the salt therapy session. Outerwear should be stored in a separate room.
• Before each visit to a ward made of sylvinite, the patient must rinse his mouth with a 0,5% furacillin solution or a 3% soda solution.
• Storage and consumption of food is not allowed in salt microclimatic chambers.
• It is not recommended to use perfumed cosmetics.
• Do not use sources of electromagnetic radiation (cell phones, etc.).
• At the first signs of deterioration in health, you should consult your doctor.