What is more expensive: emerald or diamond?
Since people continue to buy jewelry stones, as well as other minerals that have a beautiful appearance, I would like to know by what principle the cost of stones is formed and assessed. Many people are interested in what is more expensive – a diamond or an emerald, as well as the cost of other representatives of crystals. To do this, it is worth comparing the valuation of jewelry workshops, as well as finding out the cost of crystals and minerals on the jewelry market.
Classification of mineral representatives
- jewelry gemstones;
- jewelry and semi-precious stones;
- ornamental stones.
Ring with emeralds and diamonds
Of course, the most expensive is the first group, which includes such representatives of minerals as:
- 1st order – diamond, emerald, blue sapphire, ruby;
- 2nd order – alexandrite, sapphire, pearl, noble black opal;
- 3rd order – demantoid, noble spinel, noble white and fire opal, aquamarine, topaz, adularia, red tourmaline;
- 4th order – tourmaline of other colors, peridot, zircon, beryl (yellow, golden and pink), turquoise, amethyst, pyrope, almandine, chrysoprase, citrine.
It is not for nothing that these four stones are included in the first order – they are rare representatives with an unusually beautiful appearance, and these minerals are always popular and do not lose popularity.
Estimation of the value of the stone
If you compare a diamond with an emerald, then you need to understand on the basis of what the price of the stone is formed. It depends on the following factors:
- Weight of the stone. It is measured in carats, with one carat equal to 0,2 grams. The larger the stone, the more expensive it is.
- Cleanliness of the specimen. This factor affects both emerald and diamond. Purity refers to the number of defects, their size and location in the stone. The visibility of defects is assessed; they may include impurities, cracks, or chips. Some of them are removed with the help of competent cutting, but some remain and reduce the cost of the stone.
- Stone color. This indicator is especially important for diamonds, since they can take on a yellow tint, which causes the stone to drop in value. But in relation to emeralds, on the contrary, I want the shade to be more saturated and bright.
- Stone cutting. The cost of the product depends on the shape of the cut and its economy. Each mineral has its own methods, or you can use non-standard fancy processing. All actions in this case are coordinated with the jeweler if you purchase an untreated stone.
The cost of both representatives of minerals is constantly growing, since many stones are mined by hand every year, and the deposits are gradually depleted. If we talk about the cost of transportation, then transporting diamonds from South Africa is cheaper than transporting emeralds from Brazil.
But speaking about the final price, it is worth mentioning the individuality of the stones. That is, not every diamond is cheaper or more expensive than an emerald; it all depends on the specific specimens and their characteristics. But even if you evaluate an emerald of the highest quality and compare it with a high-quality diamond of the same weight, jewelers claim that a green stone will cost much more. And many buyers don’t even know about it because they think that everything ends with diamonds. Such false conclusions were formed due to:
- Inappropriately increased cost of diamonds.
- PR companies for diamonds. The stones owe this situation to the De Beers company and its entrepreneurs.
- There is a fashion for jewelry in the form of transparent stones.
Smart advertising made people think about the exceptional brilliance of a diamond, the play of the stone with all its facets. But this happens only with a symmetrical and competent cut, as well as when rays of light hit the stone – it will begin to play with colors. Of course, the stone has the highest hardness – 10 on the Mohs scale, but this only complicates the cutting, and the diamond itself is quite fragile. This characteristic is not important in jewelry, since in it the stone is assessed visually. Therefore, a rich emerald or even a ruby can compete with a diamond in the beauty of its color and value.
Therefore, when asked which stone is more expensive than a diamond, we can safely answer that a high-quality and rich emerald or ruby will have the highest value. Moreover, emerald has long been considered a mysterious representative of minerals, which was classified as a member of the beryl group. The stone brought wisdom and tranquility to people; the best jewelers dreamed of working with it, and representatives of the aristocracy wore it. Green color suits both men and women harmoniously. But the female gender prefers diamonds.
The cost assessment is carried out according to the above criteria. But the hue and color saturation play a big role. On the official market, average prices look like this:
- diamonds: $25-$000 per carat;
- emeralds and sapphires: $35-$000 per carat.
A large sum can be earned for a stone only if it has some kind of history. Another advantage of emerald is that there are practically no similar stones or fakes, since it is difficult to replicate a real stone, and it is very easy even for a beginner to distinguish a cheap fake.
Speaking of sales champions, in the world of emeralds it was the example set in a ring and presented by the house of Cartier in 1958. The weight of the stone was close to twenty carats, and Abdel Aziz II, the former king of Saudi Arabia, purchased such a specimen for $21 million. At the same time, diamonds of this weight are sold at auctions much cheaper.
Of course, the ideal combination is an emerald and a diamond in one piece of jewelry, since the stones complement each other perfectly. But not everyone has the means to pay for such a product. Therefore, you have to make a choice between two representatives of jewelry. You can make a decision based on your own taste, type of product, as well as the combination of stone and frame.
Nature gives people many precious stones. Among them there are those from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. And their cost surprises even millionaires. Emerald and diamond are one of them.
Emerald has accompanied humanity for thousands of years. In Rus’ it was called smaragd, green ice. And in Persia – zimmurud, which means green stone.
Pragmatic mineralogists give the crystal the following characteristics:
- Belongs to the beryl group.
- The color range of the gem does not go beyond green, but there are many shades of the gem: grassy, blue, yellowish, dark green. Moreover, the natural color of emerald does not change either in artificial or natural light.
- Ideally pure (first-class) zimmuruds are very rare. Such an event always becomes a sensation among jewelers and jewelry lovers. Most often, minerals have tiny cracks, inclusions, and air bubbles.
Moreover, masters do not consider them defects, because this is evidence of the natural origin of precious stones. Emeralds of deep green color, even with minor impurities, are also classified as the highest category. They are valued higher than transparent ones, but lighter.
Diamond has also been known to people for many centuries. In Ancient Greece it was called adamas, that is, indestructible, unsurpassed. In Italy – diamond. Moreover, a diamond differs from other precious stones not only in its beautiful appearance, but also in its physical properties:
- Consists only of carbon.
- It is the hardest crystal.
- Some jewelry minerals can fluoresce, that is, glow in ultraviolet rays. This glow can be blue, orange, green, yellow, red.
Many people’s idea that Adamas is colorless is incorrect. The most common crystals are cognac and yellow in color. Less common are examples of brown, pink, and black shades. And indestructible minerals of fancy color (purple, green, blue) are single specimens.
What is more expensive – emerald or diamond?
To the question: “Whose cost is higher – an emerald or a diamond?” You may get several answers. A person inexperienced in jewelry rarely has doubts. “Of course, the second stone. The jewelry market in Russia and the CIS countries is filled with diamond jewelry. Diamonds of different cuts, framed by precious metals, sparkle everywhere. They are considered the most beautiful. But far from the most expensive.
Experienced masters answer the question like this. Some emeralds are worthy competitors to the hardest gems. If green emerald is born in nature with a rich color and exceptional transparency, without defects, then it is valued much more expensive than diamonds.
Why is this happening? But because such emeralds are found in the bowels of the earth much less often than diamonds.
The cost of green precious ice depends on the deposit in which it is born. A Colombian mine called Muso supplies the world jewelry market with the best emeralds of the highest quality. A carat of such a stone costs more than a carat of a diamond, several thousand dollars.
Ring with Colombian emerald
But in general, diamonds are sold for a higher price than emeralds.
Their similarities and differences
Emeralds and diamonds have differences:
Emerald | Diamond | |
Color | Always a green tint. | They can be completely colorless or colored. |
Chemical composition | The color intensity is determined by the chromium oxide content. | The presence of shade depends on the percentage of nitrogen. |
Mohs hardness | 7,5-8,0 units | 10 units |
Transparency | May be cloudy. | Jewelry samples are always transparent, but may have inclusions of a certain color. |
Moreover, diamonds never have cracks, and defective emeralds are very common. Jewelers fill cracks and splits with special resins or oils, which give the crystal an ideal appearance. But if certain conditions are not met, these oils and resins can evaporate after a few years, making green ice unattractive.
Emeralds and diamonds are similar in that they are among the most expensive precious stones. They also have powerful magical and healing properties.
Properties of emerald and diamond
Green ice is of great importance to humans. Psychics recommend wearing it to anyone who suffers from chronic diseases. After all, this stone nourishes and enriches the aura, and people struggling with the disease are defenseless from any external influence. Emerald also has a beneficial effect on the condition of nervously exhausted individuals. It suppresses anxiety and stress, an apathetic state, and helps reduce outbursts of anger in emotionally unbalanced people. Also among the medicinal properties of emerald— maintaining host immunity during periods of influenza and ARVI outbreaks.
Improving night sleep is another miraculous property of the stone. Residents of the metropolis are constantly fussing and are in a stressful state. And the crystals will reduce the load and allow you to get all anxious thoughts out of your head at the end of the day. It is enough to turn on calm music and look at the mineral for half an hour.
Psychics note the powerful magical properties of emerald. He is capable of:
- restore peace of mind;
- give persistence in solving complex problems;
- increase self-esteem;
- help self-development;
- reveal talents that a person did not even suspect about;
- protect the owner from slander;
- neutralize the black energy emanating from envious people.
If a married couple buys paired rings with green crystals, they will regain lost love and improve sexual relations. And if a lonely person puts on a talisman with this stone, he will definitely find a soul mate.
Sorcerers advise students and businessmen to take an emerald amulet for tests, exams, important meetings or interviews. The mineral will give a person self-confidence and bring good luck.
Modern sorcerers quite widely use diamonds in magical rituals. After all, an indestructible gem has powerful energy. In the hands of magicians, adamas can become a very powerful force. But, if the mineral is not used for the benefit of people, then it will certainly punish the black sorcerer.
Diamond helps to communicate with spirits. For many centuries he has been becoming a “guide” to the other world. If certain rituals are followed, it helps to establish contact with the souls of dead people. But these complex rituals can only be performed by experienced psychics. After all, the hardest crystal gives out a huge amount of different information during a session. For an untrained person, working with a diamond is very dangerous.
The gem has the ability to enhance magical power. It penetrates the psychic’s soul and cleanses his aura. So the mineral greatly increases the magical abilities of its owner.
Some magicians love black diamonds and call them dark luminaries. After all, powerful light energy is concentrated inside the mineral. It is extracted by experienced healers. The ritual of extracting healing energy is performed only if safety precautions are observed.
The indestructible crystal also helps ordinary people. He gives his owner:
- Activation of vital energy.
- Awakening in the human body protective forces and the ability to self-heal.
- Optimism and the ability to maintain a good mood even in the most dire situations.
Representatives of the stronger sex, having a diamond talisman, will never lose confidence in their own abilities. And the beautiful half of humanity believes in their attractiveness.
Is it possible to wear emerald and diamond together?
Emerald and diamond are very strong amulets. They can be worn together. Jewelry becomes very powerful talismans.
Who should wear it
Products with green ice and an indestructible gem can be worn by all zodiac signs without exception. Precious stones will be able to give:
- Unrestrained Scorpios – a sense of tact. People will learn to build mutually beneficial relationships with both subordinates and superiors.
- Indecisive Virgos – self-confidence. They will stop paying attention to the opinions of others. And when an individual is full of positive energy, then the brain works more efficiently. Things will go uphill for those who own minerals.
- Taurus – by willpower. Self-discipline will be their watchword. Shy representatives of humanity will have the ability to refuse without remorse.
- Young Aquarius – strong memory and mental abilities. People’s aspirations will become clear to them, they will be able to guess the thoughts and feelings of others and act in accordance with them.
- Sagittarius – external attractiveness.
- Pisces – the desire to work hard and move up the career ladder. People will find physical and moral strength to help colleagues, to fulfill their direct professional responsibilities, and to solve additional tasks from their superiors.
- Rakov – excellent intuition. Those born under this zodiac sign will be able to solve a complex professional or personal problem and find a way out of any life situation. They will feel which tasks are worth doing and which tasks are better to refuse.
- Aries – motivation to do useful things. Everything planned will be completed in a short time. And the desire to work will not disappear throughout the working day.
- Capricorn – the ability to accept things as they are.
- Libra – sincere joy for the achievements of others. They will be able not to envy when an acquaintance receives a promotion, or a colleague receives an increase in salary.
- Irritable Gemini – calmness. Inner harmony will become their constant companion.
- Lviv – self-esteem. People will stop humiliating themselves in front of higher officials and will engage in self-realization.
Emerald and diamond are two precious crystals, approximately the same in cost, beauty and magical abilities.
In my personal blog, I will introduce you to the characteristics of different gemstones, the influence of zodiac stones in relation to each zodiac sign, as well as the healing properties of some of them.