Geological classification

What is more valuable: a diamond or a diamond?

The key point when valuing diamonds is their weight, measured in carats. It is clear that the greater the weight, the more expensive the stone. As you know, 1 carat is equal to 0,2 grams. The carat division scale consists of one hundred units. The weight of the gemstone is measured on special scales that determine the weight with an accuracy of 0,01 carats. There are three weight categories of diamonds: small, medium and large. Large stones weigh more than one carat, medium ones weigh 0,3-0,99, small ones weigh less than 0,29, stones weighing less than 0,01 carats are considered crumbs. It should be noted that carats measure the weight of a diamond, not its size. Let’s say you decide to buy a diamond ring. According to the gemological description, the weight of the stone is 0,03 carats; in accordance with the metric system, its diameter will be just over 2 millimeters, the correspondence is approximate, but it is quite possible to imagine what the stone will look like. Of course, the larger the carat, the larger the crystal, for example, a 5 carat stone will have a diameter of approximately 11 mm. Approximate parameters in the weight-diameter ratio are given in the table.

Table 1. Approximate ratio of weight and diameter of diamonds

Weight/carat Diameter/mm
0,03 2,0
0,10 3,0
0,30 4,3
0,50 5,2
1,0 6,5
1,50 7,5
2,0 8,2
3,0 9,4

The weight of a diamond, assuming a standard round cut, can be calculated using the following formula: М/mass/ =(2D/diameter/) x H/height/ x 0,0061. The stones that go under the hammer are, as a rule, the first weight category. Stones weighing more than 25 carats have their own names and are known throughout the world. Not everyone can buy such a unique item, since the price will be shocking. The size of the stone, of course, matters, but there are other, no less important, characteristics, one of them is the color of the stone. Diamonds are believed to be colorless. Indeed, such stones exist and are highly valued, but, unfortunately, there are very few of them. For the most part, diamonds – future diamonds – have shades of different intensities, which are determined on a color scale separately for each category of stones. The characteristics of diamonds can be found out based on the Diamond Color Scale or the color chart for diamonds.

Table 2. Color scale for diamonds

Characteristics of stones Group number
Small stones
Absolutely colorless 1
With a little tint 2
With slight tints of yellowish, aquamarine, green, purple, gray and brown 3
With a visible tint of yellow, lemon, green, aquamarine or gray 4
Yellow, with the presence of yellow, green, lemon color throughout the stone 5
With a hint of brown 6
Brown and yellow-brown 7
Medium and large stones
Absolutely colorless superiors, with a tint of blue 1
Colorless 2
With a barely noticeable tint 3
With a slight tint of yellowness 4
With the presence of slight yellowish, greenish, aquamarine, violet, gray and slight brown tints 5
With visible yellow, green, aquamarine and gray tints 6
With clearly visible yellow, green, aquamarine, gray and lemon tones 7
Extremely faint, faint, lightly colored yellow and light yellow colors 8 (1-5)
Faintly, lightly colored brown and dark brown 9 (1-4)

The color parameters of diamonds are usually assessed according to two classifications: domestic and international – the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) system. According to both classifications, colorless diamonds are especially valued. If an average 0,3-carat diamond in a piece of jewelry is assigned to group 4 on the color scale, it means it has a slight tint of yellow. This does not mean at all that the stone is of poor quality, of course not, it’s just that its cost will be lower than a stone of the same size, but absolutely colorless. We smoothly move on to one of the most significant parameters in assessing diamonds – their purity. This characteristic is expressed in the presence or absence of other natural inclusions and defects in the diamond structure. It is clear that the fewer there are, the more valuable the mineral. Today, it is almost impossible to find completely transparent stones in nature, which is why their prices are unusually high. Diamond defects can be both internal and external; they are determined using a special microscope or magnifying glass with tenfold magnification, using international and Russian grading systems. The purity measurement scale usually includes 11 points (numbers) that characterize the stone in terms of the presence of foreign inclusions.

Table 3. Diamond Clarity Measurements

Purity/No. Characteristics of stones
1 the stone is absolutely clean
2, 3, 4 there are very small inclusions
5,6 there are small minor inclusions
7,8 there are small noticeable inclusions
9,10,11 inclusions are visible to the naked eye

It is clear that the lower the purity number, the more valuable the stone. If you are offered a product with a clarity 5 stone, then the diamond has “very small minor inclusions”, which will certainly affect its value. For many buyers, the best option is to buy a stone of purity 2 or 3, or even better, 1. By the way, in our store we have jewelry inlaid with stones with purity – 1. To establish the degree of transparency, jewelers determine the nature of these defects, their size and location, since Surface imperfections can be removed by sanding. If upon examination no defects are found, then the stone is recognized as a “pure diamond.” Given its large size and absolute colorlessness, it is a very expensive stone, and rightfully considered the “Emperor of all stones.” The main principle when evaluating a diamond is the cut – not the resulting shape, but the quality of execution. The same stones with different cutting qualities are completely different from each other, since its brilliance and play of color depend on how proportionally and accurately the diamond is cut. The most popular and expensive are round-cut diamonds with 57 facets, which, if all proportions are strictly observed, can reflect all the light falling on them. An ideal cut is denoted by the letter A, a good cut by B, a satisfactory cut by C, and a low quality cut is denoted by the letter G. Small fancy cut stones with 17 facets are evaluated only in categories A and B. In addition to the round cut, there are wedge cut stones (oval, pear, heart, marquise etc.), as well as stepped (baguette, emerald, etc.) types of fancy cuts. It should be noted that the higher the quality of the stone, the brighter it shines and plays in the rays of light. As a rule, the evaluation of diamonds is unified; four parameters are always taken into account when calculating the price – weight, color, clarity and cut. Based on these parameters, you can determine the value of a stone and judge its differences among others. This, in principle, is the answer to the question: why do identical stones have different prices? Also, you can use the link to all diamond jewelry presented in the online store

Mineralogy is inherently a very fascinating and entertaining science. A lot of secrets are kept in nature, the clues to which have not been found so far. For example, many people believe that a diamond and a diamond are one and the same. Or there are also opinions that these are completely different stones. However, in this case, both judgments are wrong. We will tell you what is the difference between a diamond and a diamond, and also figure out which of them is more expensive.

Diamond and diamond – the difference

Diamond is a mineral that is formed at very great depths under high pressure. As it grows and various natural processes occur, the mineral itself is carried to the surface by volcanic magma during the formation of so-called “explosion tubes.” By itself, it does not look very attractive: it is often cloudy, with various inclusions. However, the mineral has one important property – luminescence. This is a special optical effect due to which the gem, under the influence of sunlight, begins to sparkle in a variety of shades. It is worth noting that in most cases the diamond is not painted in any color, it is transparent. However, colored crystals can form in nature – absolutely unique works of nature. There are rare shades of the gem: pink, blue, green and even red.

A diamond is, in fact, a diamond that has been carefully processed, polished and tested for quality. It is often given a certain shape, which is called diamond. It most clearly manifests the natural, flawless radiance of the stone.

All diamonds are tested for several criteria:

  • cutting method;
  • the purity of the stone;
  • shade;
  • mass in carats.

It is only by all these characteristics that the perfection and ideality of the stone is established.

Thus, we can conclude that a diamond is a natural gem that is formed in the bowels of the earth. A diamond is a precious stone, a cut and polished diamond. All that unites them is the conditions of formation and composition. Also, to accurately see the difference, you can compare them by other characteristics:

  • a diamond is not distinguished by indescribable beauty, while a diamond shines with all colors and has a perfect brilliance;
  • a diamond is used only as an insert in jewelry, but its “parent” is used in other areas (medicine, watch and nuclear industry, microelectronics, etc.).

What is more valuable – a diamond or a diamond?

To measure the mass, a single measure was adopted – carat (0,2 grams). Natural diamonds weighing more than 15 carats are considered a huge rarity, and more than 100 – a unique find, which is almost impossible in nature. Any such mineral deserves world fame, its own name, and rightfully deserves a place in history.

However, answering the question: “Whose cost is higher?”, it is definitely a diamond, if we consider them on the same parameters. Of course, a 100 carat diamond will cost a lot more than a 2 carat diamond. In addition, it is the raw gem that belongs to the most expensive stones in the entire jewelry industry and, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is classified as a currency value.

In addition, the purchase of a precious stone is considered the best investment for the future, since its value has never fallen, but only increased. It is also considered the best gift, especially if you decide to make a lasting impression. A wedding ring encrusted with diamonds will become a family heirloom and will rightfully be passed down from generation to generation.

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