History of use

What is stone therapy called?

This method of stone treatment appeared in China two thousand years ago. Already at that time, people knew that warm stones had powerful energy and healing powers. They were heated in hot water or in the sun and applied to inflamed joints and painful muscles. After many centuries, the experience of ancient healers was confirmed by scientific research, resulting in the emergence of a method that in modern medicine is called “stone therapy” (from the English word “stone”, which means “stone”).

Hot stone massage: features of the procedure and therapeutic effect

This is one of the methods of physiotherapy, which is used for health and cosmetic purposes. Stones for stone massage must have certain properties, so experts use rocks of volcanic origin. As a rule, this is basalt, jadeite, jasper, shungite or sea pebbles. Due to their porous structure, these stones retain heat for a long time. In addition, it is believed that these breeds accumulate the energy of the five natural elements, the full power of which they transfer to humans. For each disease, certain types of stones are used. For example, jasper has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Basalt and shungite relieve pain in osteochondrosis. And charoite can be used as an additional remedy in the treatment of gallbladder diseases. Stone massage dilates blood vessels, increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to the diseased organ. In addition to the general strengthening and healing effect, the procedure has a relaxing effect, as a result of which muscle spasm goes away and the flow of energy to the painful area is restored. The therapeutic effect of stone therapy becomes noticeable after a cycle of 8-10 sessions, when the body begins the process of self-healing, the immune system is strengthened, and metabolic processes in tissues are enhanced.

Types of stone therapy

  • Hot influence. For this massage, stones are used that are preheated to a temperature of +40-50 degrees. Hot stone massage has a relaxing and antidepressant effect and relieves muscle tension.
  • Cold stone therapy, in which stones are cooled to 0 degrees or below and applied to painful areas. As a result, the blood vessels narrow, blood flows from the skin to the internal organs, and then, enriched with oxygen, returns to the peripheral tissues. This method is used for the prevention and treatment of headaches and migraines.
  • Contrast massage – with alternating cold and hot minerals. The most common combination of stones is 54 warm and 18 cold. In this way, blood flow is well stimulated and muscle spasm is relieved. In cosmetology, the benefits of the combined method of stone therapy are especially noticeable. Massage with stones of different temperatures perfectly eliminates skin problems, increases its turgor, stimulates the flow of oxygen to tissues, thereby increasing the production of its own collagen.

A separate type of stone therapy is jade massage. It has been proven that this semi-precious mineral accumulates a large supply of natural energy. Giving it to a person, jade activates the work of all organs and systems of the body.

According to the purpose of the session, stone massage is divided into 4 types:

  • classical;
  • modeling;
  • energy;
  • aroma massage.

How is the procedure performed

A stone therapy session usually lasts 1-1,5 hours and involves a number of mandatory steps:

Preparation and disinfection of stones (heating or cooling in a special device). Specialists prepare several sets of minerals at once. This is especially important in hot technology, so that warm pebbles are always at hand.

  • light manual massage using aromatic oils to prepare the body and its biologically active zones to receive minerals;
  • placing small stones in the locations of biospots;
  • placement of larger stones in specific energetically active areas;
  • massage movements with minerals over all parts of the body;
  • At the end of the session, the hands and feet are rubbed with aroma oil, the patient is wrapped in a warm cotton sheet and allowed to rest.

Indications for stone therapy:

  • colds;
  • frequent headaches and migraines;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • some urological and gynecological pathologies;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • cosmetic problems (cellulite, wrinkles, excess weight).

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the tangible effect of natural minerals on biologically active points, stone therapy has its contraindications. Stone massage specialists do not recommend this treatment method to pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as people with serious mental and neurological disorders. In addition, there are a number of diseases for which such therapy can only cause harm:

  • varicosity;
  • hypertension;
  • acute and viral infections;
  • malignant tumors;
  • exacerbation of chronic urological and gynecological diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • acute form of bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding.

Despite the general healing and strengthening effect, back stone therapy can have side effects. This happens quite rarely. However, this should be taken into account by people with individual intolerance to aromatic oils or who are particularly sensitive to high and low temperatures. It is worth warning the massage therapist in advance about the characteristics of your body.

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Stone therapy originated in Ancient China. This is a healing, rejuvenating procedure that helps strengthen the immune system and improve conditions in various diseases. It involves applying hot or cooled stones and rubbing the body with heated stones. The second name is lithotherapy.

Stone therapy – what is it?

For hot stone therapy, flat stones are heated to 45-55 degrees in special ovens, and when cold they are cooled to 0-10 degrees. Most often they use Tibetan gray, black basalt, which heats up well and gives off heat for a long time. White marble is better suited for cold therapy.

In static therapy, hot, cold, or both types of stones are laid along the spinal column; lithotherapy is not performed on the abdomen. During a stone massage, the master massages your back, lubricated with oil. Then he does a massage with warm stones.

1. When exposed to reflexogenic zones, a response from certain organs occurs.

2. More oxygen and nutrients enter the tissues and organs.

3. When the back is warmed up, the muscles relax, tension and tightness go away. Blood circulation and blood flow to the spine improves, which helps slow down degenerative processes.

4. Muscle inflammation decreases, myalgia pain disappears.

5. When warming up, muscle tension in the back decreases – the load on the spine decreases, the vertebrae put less pressure on the nerve roots. This helps to get rid of pinching, pain due to radiculitis, and neuralgia.

6. The body’s energy increases, which is important in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi, lungs, immunodeficiency conditions, and other cold diseases.

7. Swelling is reduced by accelerating lymph flow.

8. Emotional stress disappears, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

Duration – 15-30 minutes. Most often, stone massage is performed in combination with 2-5 other procedures, the total duration is 1-1,5 hours. Therapy is carried out one-time or in a course.

What diseases does stone therapy help with?

Treatment with stones is effective for neurological pathologies, chronic diseases of the respiratory, genitourinary systems, musculoskeletal system, and decreased immunity. Efficiency – more than 95%.

· osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine, protrusion, intervertebral hernia;

joint and muscle pain;

· radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, other pathologies in which pinching of the nerve roots in the spinal column occurs;

· chronic fatigue syndrome;

· insomnia, depressive states, neuroses;

· disruption of metabolic processes;

· decreased muscle tone;

· cellulite, local fat deposits, decreased skin elasticity;

· peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;

· vegetative-vascular dystonia, anorexia, bulimia;

Cold stone therapy is used to improve immunity, treat chronic sinusitis, and for injuries and sprains. The simultaneous use of hot and cold stones is the best way to eliminate immunodeficiency conditions, improve blood circulation and skin condition, and cleanse the body of toxins. There is a simultaneous narrowing and dilatation of blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism.

How does stone therapy work?

Before the session, the room should be well ventilated; you can light incense with soothing aromas. The master dims the lights and turns on relaxing music.

1. Bringing the stones to the required temperature.

2. The patient lies on his stomach, covering the buttock area with a towel.

3. Apply aromatic oil to the skin for relaxation.

4. Small stones are wrapped in thin natural fabric and placed between the toes.

5. Large stones wrapped in cloth are placed near the face, on the palms.

6. The remaining stones are placed on the legs, arms and back, in the direction from bottom to top.

7. During stone massage, warm stones that are lubricated with oil are additionally passed along the massage lines.

8. The client is covered with a towel and given the opportunity to completely relax.

When using cold stones, the client is asked to first take a deep breath and exhale; the stones are not placed near the face.

Stone therapy to relieve emotional and physical fatigue can be done at home by heating the stones in hot water. When identifying diseases, the procedure should only be performed by a qualified specialist who is well versed in all the intricacies of Chinese traditional medicine.

Contraindications for stone treatment

Stone therapy is not performed if the following contraindications are identified:

· acute infectious pathologies, inflammatory processes, elevated body temperature;

· bleeding, problems with blood circulation;

· oncological, some dermatological diseases;

· exacerbation of chronic pathologies;

· pregnancy at any stage.

To prevent negative consequences, you need to undergo an examination before the session. Ignoring contraindications will lead to dangerous complications.

Benefits of stone therapy

When using stones, you can influence certain areas. The body does not suffer from excessive heat load or hypothermia.

· absence of negative side reactions;

· proven effectiveness, predictable results of therapy;

· When using hot stones, heat penetrates deep into soft tissue.

Stone therapy is combined with any massage techniques, reflexology, and increases the effectiveness of other procedures.

Stone therapy and stone massage are effective methods of treating and preventing various diseases. The procedures help eliminate nervous tension, the effects of stress, and sleep problems.

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