Mineral Review

What is the correct name for a coil?

A heated towel rail is often called a coil, out of habit. However, it has long been produced in different forms: M-shaped, S-shaped, in the form of a ladder, the letter E. This especially applies to electric models, since their performance does not depend on the supply and circulation of water.

In order for an electrical appliance to be placed in the bathroom, it must be manufactured taking into account electrical safety requirements. Make sure that its electrical protection class is not lower than II (it means reinforced insulation). In addition, such a dryer cannot be placed in places where jets of water can come into contact with it (the distance to the bathtub or shower is at least 60 cm). Otherwise, if the device is properly designed and protected, its use in wet areas is permitted.

Types of electric heated towel rails Energy

Energy is a British company specializing in the production of heating equipment, including underfloor heating and heated towel rails, electric and hydronic. Electrical appliances from Energy have a high electrical protection class (II), with additional insulation of the heating element and switch, as well as a moisture protection class IP44 (installation in bathrooms is allowed). The main types of electric dryers from Energy:

Energy E – an inexpensive model that most closely resembles a standard coil. Can be installed in different positions and left on for a long time as it consumes little electricity. The most economical model offered by Energy.
Energy Ergo – a popular model in the form of a classic ladder. It is especially convenient that you can additionally install a shelf on the heated towel rail (purchased separately) and put things on it that are not suitable for hanging. Produced in heights from 600 to 1200 mm.
Energy I – a compact model with rotating crossbars in the shape of the letter I. The crossbars can be rotated so that the clothes do not touch, and after drying, they can be moved back to the wall. The narrow heated towel rail Energy I G3DK from this series is only 135 mm wide. In another type of rotating heated towel rail, Energy U, the shelves are U-shaped.
Energy Bravo – combination of ladder and coil: two or three S-shaped coils are placed between the vertical axes. The shelves are located in different planes, so that the clothes hung on them do not touch.

These and other models of electrical appliances are presented on our website. Buy an electric heated towel rail for your bathroom at a discount right now!

Serpentinite is a mineral that, due to its unusual color, is called serpentine. The noble stone has a unique pattern similar to the skin of a snake. It has a green tint with yellow splashes and dark veins. Its emerald glow is reminiscent of chrysotile.

The stone has several names, the most common being serpentine, antigorite, moss and toligor. The price of the mineral is not high, and it is often used as a finishing material. However, the snake stone has extraordinary properties – healing and even magical. Souvenirs and jewelry are made from it.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, serpentine was called an apothecary stone. It was used to make vessels in which medicinal mixtures were stored. It is believed that the mineral can enhance the effect of potions. Even today you can find special boxes made from this stone and intended for storing medicines.

The healing properties of the serpentine stone do not end there. It is used to cleanse the body of toxic substances and waste. Some note the ability of the mineral to soothe headaches. To do this, just wear earrings with serpentinite.

Serpentine stone has a positive effect on blood pressure and prevents vascular spasms. It has been noted that people who wear jewelry with this mineral have a more stable nervous system.

Serpentine activates tissue regeneration in the human body. Wearing necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry will heal cuts and wounds faster. It helps with bruises, dislocations and even fractures.

Constantly wearing the stone helps strengthen the immune system. Previously, it was often weighed on children’s necks, especially in the cold season, which protected them from diseases caused by hypothermia.

In case of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, serpentine relieves pain. The coil has properties that improve blood circulation in small and large vessels. Some healers claim that the mineral can protect a person from snake venom. Thanks to the stone, memory and logical thinking in children improves.

Insidious magic

The magical properties of the stone are quite great. It strengthens the wearer’s physical strength and intellect. Thanks to the mineral, a person gains amazing intuition, which borders on supernatural abilities. Therefore, the mineral is often used by fortune tellers and predictors.

However, not everyone is allowed to touch the magic of the stone, which is called snake stone for a reason. The mineral is extremely insidious and can subjugate a person if he does not have a strong enough will. Under no circumstances should you test a stone for the sake of interest; this can end very disastrously. Of course, a person will not suffer physically, but his moral principles may change.

Serpentine lures you into the world of entertainment and momentary desires. Over time, a person gets used to this lifestyle, which can cause him to lose his career or family.

If the owner manages to survive and subjugate the mineral, it will become a support for the owner in all areas of life. But even after that it will not stop testing its owner. Therefore, you need to think carefully before buying jewelry with Tomigor.

The stone has a special characteristic: it does not forgive betrayal on the part of the owner. Some peoples consider it bad luck to give your own jewelry. In the case of a coil, this rule should be inviolable. After being transferred to another person, thanks to its strong energy, the stone can take revenge on the previous owner, sending him more and more difficult tests.

Products with the mineral protect owners from bad energy by collecting it on themselves. Therefore, it is recommended to clean jewelry and other items every 7-10 days.

The coil, whose magical properties affect all surrounding objects, is capable of cleansing other stones and metals of negative energy.

Zodiac sign

It’s no secret that the zodiac sign affects a person’s character. But it is character that matters when it comes to such a whimsical stone as serpentine. Who is this mineral suitable for?

Jewelry with a snake stone is suitable for people born under the sign of Capricorn and Virgo. According to the horoscope, these signs are active and inquisitive; possession of the mineral will help them in learning many sciences and secrets, from learning a foreign language to the concept of the essence of being. In addition to intellectual abilities, the amulet can also stimulate physical development, which is important for Capricorns who love sports.

For people born under the sign of Pisces or Cancer, anything with a stone is not at all suitable. Signs whose character is not strong will simply not be able to resist temptation. The serpentine stone can easily incline the subtle nature of these people to temptation, clouding the mind and heart.

Those who are suitable for the mineral can wear it without fear; those signs that may not survive must avoid even approaching the tempter. But there are situations when the serpentine and the zodiac sign are neutral to each other. In this case, you can wear jewelry, but with caution, wearing it only on those days when the person is in a good mood. If mental instability occurs, it is better to hide the product away.

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