What is the difference between Belomorit and Adular?
Moonstone – a type of potassium feldspar. Chemical formula: K[AlSi3O8] Mohs hardness: 6-6,5. Origin of name. Another name is adularia, pearlspar, orthoclase. Color. For its unusual iridescent white color with a bluish or yellowish tint, it was called “moon spittle” or “moon foam.” Popular varieties: In general, under the name “Moonstone” they often mean not only it itself, but also another iridescent mineral – belomorite, spar-plagioclase, which is mined in Russia on the White Sea. Unlike adularia, belomorite is opaque, very soft and easily exfoliates, pearl-blue in color, the iridescence is often “zonal”, with pronounced stripe boundaries. Adularia moonstone is mostly mined in Sri Lanka, and is always cut in the form of a cabochon. Origin. Moonstone was very popular in ancient times in the East, in Muslim countries, India, Burma and Ceylon; the great Avicenna mentioned it in his recipes as a miraculous remedy, and in Arabic texts the beauty of a girl is compared to the radiance of the moon. But in Europe it was “out of fashion” for a long time, although in the old days it was actively used by fortune tellers and magicians. Medicinal properties. As a healer, adularia has a powerful effect on the body, which is why it is worn so that it touches bare skin. It relieves epileptic seizures, calms, stops outbursts of uncontrollable anger and aggression, normalizes sleep and provides clear and vivid dreams, and treats sleepwalking. The mineral is energetically connected with the water element and effectively removes stones, tumors, seals from the body, “washes out” toxins, and can alleviate the suffering of the patient even in the last stages of the development of a malignant tumor. It is useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, jaundice, dysfunction of the endocrine glands and hormonal imbalance. The stone cleanses the blood and lymph, relieves swelling and inflammation, feverish conditions, and improves heart function. Magical properties. Moonstone was identified with the art of prediction – Chaldean magicians placed adularia under the tongue to see the future, and today occultists recommend placing the stone under the pillow to receive prophetic dreams. Energetically, adularia has been a love talisman since ancient times. A brooch with a moonstone, worn at heart level, will attract true love to you and awaken a deep reciprocal feeling in your soul; this stone is an excellent “therapy” against loneliness. It immediately reacts to the cooling of feelings: it fades, changes saturation. Moonstone is filled with special power during the full moon – then it spreads waves of peace, tranquility, tenderness and love around itself. It is recommended to leave it on the windowsill on the night of the full moon so that it is “saturated” with the moon’s rays and restores the energy given to the owner. And in the first lunar days, the stone can strengthen the owner’s intuition, even to the point of clairvoyance. It is useful for people with a stormy, unstable temperament, conflict-prone, to wear an adularia on their left hand – this makes them more tolerant, more sociable, calmer, and protects them from useless breakdowns and releases of energy “into the void.” On the right hand, such a talisman will be useful for those who pursue a creative path – writers, artists, musicians, designers; it awakens imagination and gives inspiration, revealing all facets of talent. At the same time, the adularian is very susceptible to human attention, responds well if the owner talks to it mentally or out loud, regularly looks after it or just sometimes silently contemplates it, in a word, does not treat it like a meaningless trinket. The stone is useless for rude, insensitive people – it develops the internal qualities only of those who initially gravitate toward sophistication, beauty, and creativity. Legends and beliefs. There are many legends about moonstone. It is said, for example, that a white spot appears on its surface, growing as the moon’s brightness increases until the full moon. The sages noted that during the new moon the stone becomes colder and seems to be filled with moonlight, beginning to shine noticeably brighter, and as the lunar disk decreases, the shine fades until the next new moon. How a piece of rock can so strongly reflect the course of the lunar month is still unknown, but in India adularia has become a sacred stone that brings happiness. In the ancient chronicles of various peoples, this stone was called “petrified moonlight.” The ancient Indians worshiped the sparkling crystal and considered it a talisman that controlled life. In the photo: moonstone. The ancient Hindus believed that the gem helped to see the future and prevent mistakes. In Rus’, the mineral was called “peacock” because of its endless silver-blue tints. Many believed in its magical nature, but exact science has proven the opposite – moonstone is exclusively of earthly origin. Adular. This is the same moonstone that fascinates with its bluish-silver glow and creates a unique three-dimensional depth. The optical effect that the gem has is a type of iridescence – adularization, which means the ability of the crystal to emit a bluish glow similar to moonlight. The flickering occurs due to the thin-lamellar structure of the mineral. The whole secret is that light, falling on a stone, passes through refraction and is therefore scattered in the eye.
Moonstone deposits
The moonstone got its name from the Swiss Adula mountain range, where it was first found. Today, this gem is quite rare and therefore is so in demand in jewelry. Moonstone is formed in ore, quartz and alpine-type veins, in rock cracks and magmatic depths. Jewelry-quality gems are mined in India, Sri Lanka, New and North Zealand, Australia, Tanzania, Madagascar, and the USA. In Russia, a mysterious stone is found in Siberia, the Urals, Chukotka, Irkutsk region, in the Baikal region and on the White Sea coast. In the photo: Adula mountain range in Switzerland.
Physico-chemical properties of adularia and types of moon stones
- Chemical formula – K[AlSi3O8];
- Color – colorless, light gray with a bluish-silver tint;
- Gloss – glass;
- Transparency – shines through;
- Hardness on the Mohs scale – 6,0 – 6,5;
- Density – 2,56 – 2,62 g/cm3;
- Refractive index – 1,525;
- The fracture is uneven, stepped;
- Cleavage – perfect;
- The system is monoclinic.
Earrings “Bold transformation”
Moonstone (16) 2,63 carats
At first glance at the designer earrings made of white gold, made in the shape of salamanders studded with precious stones, it becomes clear that such jewelry will be the best addition to the look of a fan of original and unique jewelry creations.
Perfectly executed silhouettes of reptiles are encrusted with transparent sapphires and diamonds, which gives the figures a special luxurious appeal. The matte gloss of moonstones weighing a total of 2,63 carats, cut into cabochon shapes, looks very intriguing in the iridescent shine of first-order crystals.
Among ancient peoples, the salamander symbolized bold transformation. Exclusive earrings will help the owner transform even a formal outfit into an interesting look that will arouse everyone’s admiration.
Set “Moon Treasure”
Ring: Moonstone 39,56 carats
The incredible precious stones that took center stage in the highly artistic white gold set were found in the bowels of the earth. But their radiance is mesmerizing, like the light of the full moon, giving rise to powerful ebbs and flows.
Such a poetic association contributed not only to the appearance of the beautiful name of the gem – moonstone, but also to many colorful myths, one of which can safely be called the dizzying jewelry set “Moon Treasure”.
Emphasizing the cold and, at the same time, “graceful” glow of three large stunning minerals, Maxim Demidov’s masters surrounded them with transparent diamonds sparkling in unison and contrasting stars – the brightest spinel.
All crystals, united by a common energy, look surprisingly harmonious in an openwork complex frame, whose lines wind among the precious stones, like the sand of lunar deserts through the fingers of the first astronauts who set foot on its surface.
For many millennia, people have dreamed of reaching the moon. And these days only a few can boast of this achievement. But the stylish owner of an exclusive masterpiece with a trio of majestic minerals of a delicate shade weighing a total of 78,19 carats will be able to feel the full power of the majestic planet – so close and so far.
Ring “Bold Transformation”
Moonstone (13) 2,26 carats
The solid working background and creative imagination of Maxim Demdiov jewelers allow them to create jewelry that, without a doubt, can literally transform a lady’s image.
While most jewelry houses tritely “play” with the image of a snake, Ural jewelers paid attention to another reptile with very interesting grace and positive centuries-old symbolism. This elegant salamander ring is truly stunning. Studded with numerous diamonds and sapphires, the jewelry plays with rainbow tints, among which matte moonstone cabochons with a total weight of 2,26 carats look very textured.
The ring, bright with its non-trivial design, will pleasantly distinguish its owner even among true connoisseurs of jewelry.