What is the difference between charoite and amethyst?
Beautiful precious and semi-precious stones have always been and remain not only objects of luxury and wealth, they have a certain mystical energy that magically affects its owner. Lilac-colored stones such as amethyst and charoite are no exception. They are considered one of the most popular gemstones in the world. Sapphires, tanzanites and spodumene are hard to mine; they also have a lilac hue. Spodumene with purple hues has been mined since 1902. Jadeite is considered a semi-precious stone; it also has a lilac color, which is probably why it got the name lavender stone.
To obtain a lilac stone of a lighter shade, artificial stone creation is often used.
This is how purple jasper was created; it is most popular in the Urals. In Siberia and Brazil they also mine semi-precious stones, where chalcedony is mainly found. It is believed that lilac stones are sources of wisdom and knowledge. They conceal extraordinary mystical power and give their owner a strong character, firmness in decisions, and help to achieve the development of highly spiritual and moral qualities. Not a single magical ritual takes place without the participation of stones; they are considered mandatory attributes for communication with the spiritual and unknown world. Each such mineral is capable of giving its owner wisdom, purity and fairness in decision-making.
Lilac Amethyst
Amethyst is a very popular lilac colored precious mineral. Its properties include a charge of positive energy; it greatly increases the good aspects of character, while helping to eliminate shortcomings in it. This stone is truly considered the stone of alchemists, philosophers and sages. It can positively influence the growth of knowledge, purity of mind, activates talents and helps improve memory. Thanks to amethyst, a person can find his soulmate, strengthen the power of love, establish friendly relationships and join the friendly ranks of the team. It is advisable to always carry amethyst with you, because it helps people increase the gift of eloquence and improve communication skills, if necessary. This stone is able to pacify the intensity of passions that for some reason began to boil in a person and prevent him from thinking correctly. The gem helps you sleep soundly and peacefully, relieves insomnia and annoying nightmares.
Lilac Charoite
Charoite is also considered very famous among purple stones. They gave it this name in honor of the Chara River, on the banks of which the main deposits of these wonderful and beautiful stones were found. This mineral has enormous power, it is even capable of accumulating heat. Thanks to this mineral, a person who always has it with him can learn to use intuitive qualities. You can also use it to establish a connection with the other world. The owner of the stone is able to become a calmer and kinder person.
Lilac Tanzonite
Tanzanite as a lilac-colored mineral was discovered not so long ago, so it is considered the youngest among gemstones. It was also named after the place where it was found. Its main location is believed to be in Tanzania. This stone has been mined since 1967. It is believed that its volumes at its location are not large. Apparently, this is why it is very highly valued in the jewelry market compared to other lilac-colored minerals. But unlike them, tanzanite has a bright purple color, which makes it a truly unique stone. Its crystals can have a positive effect on the eye muscles, relieving tension, even if you look at this stone for a short time. People who want to increase the flow of cash and capital should always have it with them. It helps the owner understand commercial matters, brings confidence and peace of mind in the future. Any woman who wears it will always be in the center of everyone’s attention, will attract men’s gaze and will retain her youth longer.
Lilac Spodumene
Spodumene, or kunzite as it is also called, is also a lilac stone, but it has a more pinkish tint. Spodumene is not often found in Europe, so it is highly prized among gem lovers. This stone and its crystals become even more beautiful after being cut into diamonds. This gem is well mined in countries such as Brazil and Afghanistan. This is where the largest samples are mined. Kunzite can improve emotions and is a talisman. After a difficult breakup, the stone helps to quickly heal all emotional wounds and sets a person up to search for a new, pure and mutual love. It is advisable to wear this stone for people suffering from excessive nervousness; it improves the emotional background. The stone combines both pink and purple colors, which is probably why it brings harmony to the heart and mind, helps to find a compromise in solving many problems where logic in thinking is required. With the help of products made from this precious stone, you can forget the failures of the past and tune in to the best in the future. It helps you enjoy every minute, relieves melancholy and sadness, and returns fun and meaning to life. Kunzite is able to accumulate heat and energy, which is why it is so indispensable during difficult periods in the life of its owner.
The magic of lilac stones
All gems are capable of restoring the nervous system, so it is advisable to wear them in difficult moments in life. They can help you out of any depression, as they charge a person with good positive energy and help you find a way out of any difficult situation. It is advisable for all people who bear enormous responsibility every day to carry lilac stones with them. If the goal is to increase your psychic gift or develop your creative inclinations, you should again choose a purple stone that will help you realize all your plans, realize your potential in the profession and achieve recognition from your colleagues. All magicians and mystics who practice and try to open the third eye in themselves must use the services of purple stones to increase their strength and manifest the hidden mystical gift in themselves. Such zodiac signs as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius can use stones to cool their inner ardor. Fire signs can pacify their temper, aggression, become softer, develop the inclinations of wisdom, slowness in actions and deeds, and calm anger and malice. Pisces and Virgo women, thanks to the influence of purple stones, become even more feminine and peaceful.
Lilac talismans
Kunzite is considered a children’s talisman; it is advisable to give it to children once at birth to reduce the effects of childbirth and stress. Kunzite also helps lovers. It helps young people find happiness and build strong relationships with loved ones. It is advisable to wear it on the chest, so it is better to wear it as a decoration, then it can completely protect its owner from the evil eye. Amethyst received this name for a reason; translated from Greek it means “sobering.” It is believed that it can help cope with bad habits, eliminate addiction to alcoholic beverages, and protect the owner from dangers.
Since the stone can reduce the effects of alcohol, famous people love to wear it.
Charoite is considered a very powerful talisman – it helps to regain lost strength, restores the functioning of the mind, and calms a person’s mental background. This stone can become a source of inspiration and helps fight laziness and apathy. It does not allow negative energy to approach a person, therefore it protects its owner from unforeseen actions and thoughts of ill-wishers. He is also able to protect children by sharing positive energy with them. Tanzanite is considered a strong talisman; it is capable of protecting everyone – its owner is a man or a woman. The lilac mineral helps in all endeavors and carries a huge amount of happiness. It is able to have a positive effect on the skin of the face, protects against colds and illnesses. Calmness, joy, and financial well-being will return to the family again. It is he who helps its owner strive to new heights.
Amethyst is a purple semi-precious stone that is a type of quartz. Due to its beauty, the mineral has gained great popularity in jewelry. But it is often confused with other, similar purple gems. Jewelers identify 7 crystals, which are most often mistaken for amethyst.
Almandine spinel
The dark purple crystal is included in the category the rarest gems in the world. It is distinguished by its noble radiance, rich hue and incredible purity. It was once considered a symbol of power.
Almandine spinel is formed in rocks as a result of a sharp increase in temperature. The purple color is due to the oxidation of chemical elements. The differences between it and amethyst can only be found upon careful examination.
At first glance, this mineral is visually very similar to amethyst, but in addition to its purple color it also has white blotches. Lepidolite is densely welded formation of individual particles. Each gem flake is quite flexible and can be easily separated from the “common” stone. It is this unusual property that sets the mineral apart from amethyst.
Deep purple tourmaline mined in Nigeria. According to legends, it is a powerful talisman for an unmarried girl. It is believed that with the help of tourmaline, a representative of the fair sex will meet the ideal man and build a strong relationship with him.
Unlike amethyst, the crystal is found in the form of a long thin bar
The structure of the gem resembles a prism. Tourmaline is not uniform in color, as its purple color shimmers with other shades.
This is an incredibly beautiful and rare gem that was discovered for the first time in 1967 year. Tanzanite very fragile, so not all masters undertake to refine it. But those who managed to process it created real works of art.
Tanzanite has many amazing qualities. For example, it is characterized by pleochroism – the ability to change shade depending on the viewing angle. Amethyst does not have this property.
The semi-precious stone has a wide range of applications. Created from a gem necklaces, beads, bracelets, earrings and rings. Often on sale there are kits consisting from several products. In addition to jewelry, fluorite is used in industry. It is used to create souvenirs, tableware and decorative elements. Fluorite is mined in Tajikistan, Europe, Canada, USA and Russia.
Unlike amethyst, the stone is easily scratched and has a less pronounced shine.
Crystal color palette varies from lilac to purple. Gray and purple specimens are sometimes found. One of the largest apatite deposits is Kola Peninsula. In jewelry, only clean small samples are used, which are almost impossible to distinguish from amethyst without a professional.
Charoite is a unique and rare crystal that seems absolutely fantastic. It is found in lilac-violet colors. It is believed that the color of a gem is associated with the presence manganese impurities in the composition. The stone is characterized by smooth tints from lavender to violet tones.
Amethyst is a semi-precious stone that has many similarities with many gems. At first glance, it may seem that they are impossible to distinguish. In fact, each sample has its own distinctive features and properties.