Mineral Review

What is the difference between serpentine and jade?

Jade is a hydroxysilicate of calcium, magnesium, iron, which has a variety of colors. Jade is a sacred stone of ancient China. The properties of this stone are unique and encourage a person to change his essence and behavior. Jade is the engine of our behavior. It will darken in the hand of a person who persists in his delusions. Jade is credited with the ability to protect the owner from otherworldly forces, ensure longevity and family well-being. It is recommended to wear jade beads. Jade jewelry in a silver frame will protect you from the evil eye. Red jade protects its owner from natural disasters, lightning, earthquakes and fires. The name “nephrite” comes from the Greek words nephros – kidney and lapis – stone. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: kidney stone, maorn stone, toir stone, jade, Canadian jade, pounamu. In the old days it was believed that this stone could cure renal colic. Genetic classification. Metamorphic (jade belongs to the group of amphiboles, the name of the group was given by Gayui due to the unusually variable properties of the minerals included in it). Composition
Fine-grained needle-shaped aggregate of amphibole, iron, various impurities – sodium, aluminum, chromium. Physical properties:
a) color: ranges from gray (and even milky white) to grass green, can be yellow, blue and black. The color intensity varies depending on the content of iron oxides (FeO) in the mineral. Brown streaks often present are the result of iron oxidation along cracks in the stone. A pale, highly translucent variety of jade with a greasy sheen is highly valued.
b) hardness: ranges from 2,90 to 3,02,
c) density: 3,5 on the Mohs scale, therefore, jade is as hard as ordinary glass, but softer than quartz,
d) degree of transparency: in thin plates it is translucent, but most often jade is opaque (although there are exceptions),
e) other properties: viscous, polishes well; when polished, it always acquires a greasy sheen. Features of education. Most of the studied jade deposits are located in places where intrusive (igneous) rocks intruded into serpentilites. Known rare deposits where jade was formed as a result of the action of magma on magnesium-rich sedimentary dolomites.
Jade deposits are known on all continents. Our major industrial sources of raw materials were the Ulan-Khodinskoye (now depleted) and Ospinskoye deposits (East Sayan group), Khamarkhudinskoye and Khokhyurtovskoye (Dzhida group), Buromskoye and Golyubinskoye (Vitim group). Deposits and manifestations of jade are also known in the Polar Urals (Nyrdvomenshor), Kazakhstan, Tuva, etc. Foreign sources of jade include China (Kuen Lun Range, Pamir), USA (Montana, Alaska, Washington, California), Canada, Myanmar, New Zealand (New Zealand material is distinguished by its high quality; it is translucent and has good coloring and is considered one of the best in the world), Brazil, Mexico, Poland. Jade resources are still far from depleted. Applications
There is no ornamental stone in nature that is more viscous and tensile than jade. This property is due to its fibrous structure. It was this feature that ancient masters used to make rings, bracelets and even various tools from jade. Later it became one of the favorite stones of the peoples of Southeast Asia. Jade is widely used for making household and religious items. Since ancient times, figurines have been highly valued; they were deified, served as objects of worship, and as fetishes. Jade tiles in the East with appropriate inscriptions served as an indication of the high birth of their owner. Among the burial places of the Far East, archaeologists find sarcophagi surrounded by jade plates (their number sometimes reaches several thousand). Mummies were decorated with such plates, connected to each other with gold wire – according to prevailing beliefs, this ensured eternity for the spirit of the deceased. Lamps for fragrant oils, figurative compositions, bas-reliefs, and vessels were made from jade. Several millennia BC, jade took a strong place in Chinese culture. Already in the second millennium BC, the Chinese achieved a high level of processing. Insignia of nobles, magnificent carved items (vases, table sculptures), household and religious objects, and various decorations were carved from jade. Jade was endowed with all sorts of supernatural properties, not only healing, but also cultic. White jade was especially prized. Plates made of it, covered with fine carvings, were hung from a headdress or belt; while walking, they emitted a melodious ringing, scaring away evil spirits, according to legend. Chinese stone-cutting art is characterized by images of various mythological animals (dragon, hydra, unicorn, etc.). The art of stone carving in China reached its peak in the 17th-18th centuries. At this time, bowls, vases, goblets, incense bottles, chess, various table decorations, and animal figurines were made from jade. Openwork jade products, in particular balls, are traditional for China. Jade in China was valued very highly, once even higher than gold. For example, the winners of the competition were given scepters: the first place winner was made of jade, the second place winner was made of gold, and the third place winner was made of ivory. Jade was used to make plaques equivalent to certain coins that were legally circulated in the domestic market. Jade was called the stone of heaven and earth, wisdom and eternity. More than two thousand years ago, the great Chinese thinker Confucius noted the value of jade as a symbol of virtue. The writer Hiu-Chin compared the properties of jade with the spiritual qualities of a person: soft natural shine with kindness, strength with courage, etc. In European countries, in particular in Russia, jade was used relatively little, and products made from it are generally distinguished by simpler (compared to Chinese) forms, even products from the famous Faberge company. At the Peterhof lapidary factory from the middle of the 19th century. they made decorative vases, bowls, writing utensils, paper knives, brooches, etc. Many jade items from this time are kept in the Hermitage. Nowadays, jade is used in the stone cutting and jewelry industries. Sets of standard replicated products (shot glasses, vases, bracelets, rings, pendants) are made from it. In this case, huge losses of stone occur, obviously due to the mechanized production process. Medicinal properties
Since ancient times, jade has been considered almost a panacea for any disease. The stone was worn on the body for the treatment and prevention of absolutely all ailments. Medieval alchemists and healers used powdered jade to make various medicines or simply recommended taking it orally with water. It is believed that jade helps with diseases of the night and urinary tract. Pregnant women are advised to wear jade products on their bellies to facilitate childbirth. There is an opinion that jade powder can cure diseases of the stomach and intestines. Beads and bracelets made from this mineral normalize sleep and relieve insomnia and nightmares. In many countries around the world, jade balls are used to massage the body and face. Plates of this mineral are applied to sore spots to relieve pain from bruises, sprains, and rheumatism. They are able to cure inflammatory processes in the body. Jade affects the heart chakra and solar plexus chakra. Magical properties
Jade is one of the most popular minerals used in religion and magic. In China, since ancient times, it has been believed that jade has five main virtues. He is the stone of Heaven and Earth, Wisdom and Eternity. The ancient Aztecs used jade knives for human sacrifice. Buddhists believe that the heavenly throne of Buddha is made of jade. Sumerian priests used jade objects as magical tools. The ancient Mongols, who conquered such a strong country as Rus’, decorated their clothes and weapons with jade. In addition, jade is a stone of intelligence, good intentions and virtue. The great sage Confucius considered this stone a symbol of humanity. Jade is a mineral for people born under the signs of Virgo and Libra. He gives these people good luck in business. A jade bracelet worn on the right hand brings family happiness to Virgos, and can prolong life for Libra. Talismans and amulets
Jade is a talisman for scientists, a symbol of intelligence and military courage. A person who carries a small jade figurine with him will be more successful and faster than others in moving towards his intended goal. A ring with white jade is a talisman that brings success in professional activities; it also protects family happiness. Amulets made from jade are best suited for warriors. They protect the owner from injury, give courage and the desire to win. In November 1997, the Guinness Book of Records recorded a unique discovery in China, in Sichuan County, of jade blocks weighing 260,76 tons and measuring 7,95 x 6,88 x 4,1 m. The stone was first discovered on June 22, 1960. lay, according to government orders, in the same place for 32 years! In 1992, he was transported to the city of Aiman, where they decided to build a Buddhist temple and sculpt a Buddha statue from the block. In November 1995 the park was opened.
source inmoment.ru

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Delivery cost: 400 rubles Serpentine stone is one of the most beautiful minerals. In addition, it is called serpentine due to its external features: the mineral resembles snake skin due to original stains across the entire surface. The name of the stone also comes from the word serpens, which means “snake”.

Description of the stone

In appearance, serpentine is often confused with jadeite or jade, but it has a softer structure. The main color of the stone is green and all its shades; red and green serpentines are less common. This mineral has a matte or waxy luster. As a rule, serpentine is characterized by opacity, but in some cases it can be translucent. The mineral has perfect cleavage and relatively low hardness; it is easy to polish and various types of processing. The fracture is usually uneven and even conchoidal.

Its natural origin makes the serpentine mineral suitable not only for decoration, but also for treatment. Its properties have been studied for centuries and are confirmed by facts.

  • antigorites;
  • ophite, otherwise serpophyte.

The first mineral exfoliates perfectly, the second has a transparent but dense structure. Serpophyte is considered a noble variety of serpentine. Its special structure is explained by the high water content in the mineral. They belong to the chrysotile category.

Deposits of this mineral are found in the vicinity of rocks where the concentration of asbestos is quite high. In Russia, rock deposits are located in the Orenburg region, Transbaikalia, the Urals and the North Caucasus, where asbestos deposits are located. Like all chrysotiles, serpentine seeks precisely such places to form. Associated minerals are olivine, bronzite (bastite), garnet (pyrope), chlorites, chromite, magnetite, magnesite, opal, chalcedony.

What does the mineral treat?

The spectrum of therapeutic effects of serpentine, or serpentine, is quite wide. The balls that are made from it are successfully used both for healing broken bones and for eliminating persistent insomnia. In the first case, the stone must be periodically rolled over the problem area, in the second, you must look at it carefully every day before going to bed.

It has been proven that serpentine can warn its owner about an approaching illness: in this case, it heats up unnaturally and literally burns the skin.

Interestingly, many pharmacists use serpentine utensils to prepare medications, believing that this enhances the effect of medicinal substances.

Serpentine (video)

How to use?

Serpentine can not only be used for medicinal purposes, but also worn as a talisman. It is believed that it is most suitable for such zodiac signs as Capricorn, Virgo, and is contraindicated for Pisces and Cancer as emotional, stress-resistant individuals.

In ancient times, stone amulets were worn as a talisman against snake bites and to attract success. As for the latter, in the modern world there are people who believe in such properties of serpentine. In addition, it is believed that the mineral strengthens the spirit, gives it perseverance, and charges a person with positive emotions.

However, in ancient times this mineral was inaccessible to mere mortals; it could only be used for personal purposes and for rituals by special people – magicians and sorcerers. They already knew then that the stone cleanses the human astral body of various impurities and toxins. As a result, headaches and joint pain go away, and significant relief occurs almost immediately. A person gains freedom of thought and action.

Serpentine is often used to make decorative interior items. This applies to ashtrays, stands, clocks, figurines, and wall tiles. Minerals of the serpentine group are formed primarily through the chemical alteration of magnesian olivine, orthorhombic and monoclinic pyroxenes. Rocks consisting mainly of the described minerals are called serpentinites. Among them are garnet (pyrope), bronzite, iron-poor (yellow, green) and nickel-rich serpentinites.

Thus, serpentine is not only a beautiful mineral that is appropriate in jewelry, but also a stone that has truly magical properties. Serpentine helps a person get rid of many diseases, adds health and well-being. This is a great purchase and a great gift for any occasion. In such a wide use of serpentine.

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