What is the most powerful magic stone?
Stones are witnesses of human life from its beginning to the very end. They only seem to be silent neighbors, but to those who “listen” to them, they can tell a lot. 17 640 March 20, 2023 In ancient times, there were many cults around the world, including the cult of witches, where rituals involving gems were performed. Stones were treated as living beings, as they believed that they contained divine energy that could help a person and give him protection. A little later, already in the Middle Ages, they were associated with the character and fate of a person. This has been preserved in the modern world, but in order to recharge with the energy of stones, you need to know about the characteristics and properties of each (read also: Signs of a witch: 4 appearance traits that indicate the presence of magical abilities – do you have them?).
Amethyst is a favorite stone of royalty because of its unusual purple color. It was also often used by sorcerers and fortune tellers, as, in their opinion, it had healing properties. Interesting folklore stories are also associated with amethyst. There is a myth about the nymph Amethyst, who was heading to the Temple of the Goddess Diana. On her way she met the angry God of wine and fun, Dionysus. Noticing the girl, he unleashed hungry tigers on her. The goddess, trying to save Amethyst from cruel death, turned her into a transparent stone. Dionysus immediately repented and sprinkled wine on the statue of the girl. This resulted in a beautiful soft purple color. An amulet made from Amethyst, according to magicians, brings a feeling of peace, protects against negative influences, protects against the evil eye and damage, and helps to improve family and work relationships. The stone has many healing properties. For example, it relieves muscle pain and spasms, improves blood circulation, and eliminates problems with the cardiovascular system.
Diamond is the most popular stone in the world; it has been known for more than 5000 years. The ancient scriptures listed places illuminated by diamonds, they were like new bright planets. Diamonds appeared in Rus’ relatively recently and were often called “Adamants”. They were mentioned in Slavic folklore as stones of the Gods. It is believed that diamond wards off illness, protects against witchcraft, invigorates and pleases. It is especially suitable for strong and confident people. For medicinal purposes, the stone is worn close to the heart, as it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Agate is not classified as a precious stone, but it is also very popular. In ancient Rus’ it was used for rituals: the stone was infused in water for three days, and then the resulting drink was drunk by the expectant mother. Our ancestors believed that this would make childbirth easier. Agate was also a stone for travelers, as it protected a person from thunderstorms and quenched thirst (read also: Black teeth and deals in the steam room: 5 customs of Ancient Rus’ that will seem crazy to you). The most important magical properties of agate are associated with harmony in human life. It protects from negative emotions, protects from the cruelty of people around and adversity. It helps people who suffer from insomnia.
Emerald was often used by magicians and sorcerers to communicate with spirits. With the help of the gem, they could recognize the future. There are also many legends associated with emeralds. One of them is associated with the island of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. It says that when creating the Earth, God gave people an island, which became famous not only for its good fertility, but also for the presence of green stones under the bowels of the earth. He did this because people reproached him for unequal settlement. Some received fertile lands, while others were doomed to a miserable existence in the desert. In Rus’, emerald was called “Smaragd”. The Slavs believed that a rich green stone could give a person peace of mind. Healers used it to treat heart disease, mental disorders and even epilepsy.
Ruby is often found in various legends. It was a stone of power and testing, and was identified with the blood of monsters. The ancient Slavs called the gem red yakhont. They believed that he drove away nightmares, protected them from evil spirits, and even helped them find love. Knowledge about healing capabilities came from Ancient India. It was believed to cure paralysis and epilepsy.
Amber is a symbol of purity, protection and reconciliation. Jewelry and amulets were often created from the honey-colored stone, which was also called “Alatyr”. In Rus’ it was a common gem that was used as incense. The ancient Greeks have a legend associated with amber. A young man named Phaeton wanted to ride a fiery chariot, but lost control and fell into the Eridanus River. The water nymphs lifted his body and laid it on the shore of the earth. Clemena, Phaeton’s mother, wept bitterly over her son’s grave. Her tears, falling into the river, froze and turned into amber. However, for many peoples, amber is associated with positive energy, which is why it is also used in healing. It was worn by mothers to strengthen the immune system, as well as to ensure that their child grew up healthy and kind.
Black Tourmaline
The most mystical stone of its kind. Its second name is “witch stone”, as it is in demand among black magicians and esotericists. The mineral is capable of not only healing, but also activating occult rituals, so you need to be very careful with it. The main abilities of black tourmaline are protection against radiation and pollutants. Very useful for cleansing and neutralizing your own negative thoughts and internal conflicts.
The second name of the gem is adularia. It received this name because it was first discovered in Switzerland on Mount Adula. Legend has it that the moon goddess gave the gem to people. According to Hindu mythology, the stone was born from the solidified moonlight by the deities Vishnu and Lakshmi. Important properties of moonstone: it calms the mind, awakens dreaminess, softness and tenderness, and promotes the development of imagination. The healing properties of moonstone: it helps relieve renal colic, treats the kidneys and urinary system.
Residents of Ancient Rome and Greece used morion to make mourning paraphernalia. In the Middle Ages, the mineral was popular among alchemists and occultists. In Russia, the stone became known in the 18th century, when the development of the Ural deposits began. The miners were very afraid of him, because they thought that he fed on grief. Morion is able to relieve a person from drug and alcohol addiction, but the consequences of its use can be unpredictable.
It is also a stone of clairvoyants, an important attribute of magicians and soothsayers. Ancient peoples believed that this was nothing more than petrified ice, because it always, even in the midday heat, remained cool. Rock crystal is also necessary for predicting the future and communicating with spirits (read also: Hellish Helen Duncan – the last witch of Britain, whom even Churchill was afraid of). It helps strengthen the immune system and makes life easier for people who often play sports. Alena Rachkova
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A bit of history
Since ancient times, stone has been invariably present in human life. Even primitive people made tools, weapons, and household items from natural stones. Then they began to be used as a building material for the construction of houses and other structures. Since ancient times, precious stones and jewelry made from them have been considered one of the best. Jewelry processing methods gradually became more complex. Modern tools and technologies make it possible to make a real work of art from a precious stone. When it was discovered that various minerals have magical properties, they began to be widely used to perform ritual ceremonies. Magic stones are still used to this day to make amulets that help protect the home and the person himself from the aggressive influence of the environment and people with evil intentions.
More about lithotherapy
Lithotherapy is a branch of alternative medicine that uses the healing and magical properties of stones. The earliest mentions of this were found in surviving papyri of Ancient Egypt. The healing properties of stones and minerals were widely used in the countries of the Ancient East – India, Japan, China. The main direction of lithotherapy prescribes the use of the magical properties of minerals to activate the chakras – the energy centers of the human body. There is a certain system that determines which mineral should be used in a particular case. Among magicians and healers, such treatment of patients has always been popular. Special massage is also used to treat certain ailments. During this procedure, magical minerals are used to influence and stimulate a specific organ. During the procedure, blood flow to the affected area of the body is ensured. Lithotherapy is used not only to treat diseases, but also to improve a person’s psychological state. Belief in the magic of minerals helps you get rid of depression, bad mood and bad thoughts, as well as recover from severe stress. Of course, conservative medicine does not recognize lithotherapy as a full-fledged method of treatment. However, there are many people who believe in the magic of minerals.
Stones in feng shui technique
Magic stones are widely used in Feng Shui. She recommends placing some minerals at certain points in your living space. This allows you to nullify the flow of negative information entering the living space from the outside. Another direction of feng shui technique recommends drinking water charged with certain stones. They impart their healing properties to water, which improve the health of the human body in the process of drinking and cooking. Washing and a general bath with the addition of charged water improves the condition of the skin, helps to heal small external wounds, abrasions, and scratches.
Stones in folklore
Belief in the magic of stones has led to their widespread use in folklore. In fairy tales and legends, magicians and wizards always have magic stones, with the help of which they perform their miracles. Numerous signs and beliefs associated with minerals exist among all peoples of the globe. Therefore, all kinds of amulets, talismans and amulets made from stones have been widely popular among different segments of the population since ancient times. Many such products are passed down from generation to generation, protecting the family. In folklore, there are many options for exactly what shape magic stones should be. A talisman with a through hole found on the banks of a river or sea is considered especially successful.
How to make a stone magical?
There is a special technique for imparting magical properties to a stone. After completing all the prescribed manipulations, a person will receive a talisman that will protect him and bring good luck. To make friends with a stone, you need to squeeze it in your palm and warm it with the warmth of your body. The positive emotions and pleasant sensations that a person experiences at this moment indicate that the procedure was successful. Next you need to thoroughly clean the stone. For this we use:
- salt;
- water;
- land;
- light – solar or lunar.
The choice depends on the element to which the selected mineral belongs.
The cleaned stone must be customized for the future owner. First, it is charged with positive energy. To do this, place it on the palm of your hand and gently squeeze it, tuning it to your own biofield.
As a result, a person receives a talisman that will take on all the negative energy directed at the owner. To do this, you must always keep the stone with you – wear it as a decoration, put it in your pocket, etc. To prevent it from losing its magical properties, its energy must be periodically cleansed, removing accumulated negativity.
How to find your stone
All the positive properties of natural stones are most clearly manifested in relation to a person born under a certain zodiac sign. Each of them, as is known, belongs to 1 of the 4 main elements – Water, Air, Earth or Fire. The primary elements of water include such signs as Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. These are people with well-developed intuition, a high level of intelligence and vivid imagination.
Stones, the hue of which can change, will help representatives of the primary element of Water realize their ideas. Their color range includes many options – from white to intense purple.
The primary element of Air is the signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Dreamers and romantics are often born under these signs. They are almost not interested in everyday problems. People of the primary element of Air spend a lot of time improving their personal qualities and self-improvement.
A good help for such a person is an amulet or talisman made of translucent or matte stones. The color can be soft pink, pale blue, gray and blue.
The primal elements of the Earth are Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Under these signs, people are generally born who are calm, practical, and self-confident. They strive to bring all their undertakings to their logical conclusion.
A talisman made of matte stone will help such people increase their success in life. It can be green, yellow, brown or brown, black or white.
The primary element of Fire includes such signs as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. People born under these signs are distinguished by a strong and decisive character. In some cases they can be quick-tempered and even quite aggressive. Crystals from golden to bright red, especially transparent ones, become talismans for them. It is precisely such stones, according to magicians and psychics, that concentrate the power of Fire.
Gemstones are natural minerals that are quite rare. They are distinguished by high strength and unusual beauty. As a rule, these are shiny stones of an interesting shade and shape. The aesthetic appearance and magical properties of minerals are noticeably improved after their jewelry processing. Jewelry made from them retains its beautiful appearance for a long time.
The magical and protective properties of precious stones increase noticeably over the years. Especially if jewelry, amulets and talismans made from them are inherited by blood relatives.
The chemical structure of an inorganic gemstone remains unchanged. Organic ones include agate, pearl or amber. They require additional processing, proper handling, storage under certain conditions, otherwise a change in their chemical composition can lead to deterioration in appearance or even destruction of the structure of the stone.
Properties of some stones
The stone should evoke only positive emotions – this is a prerequisite. We should also not forget that the maximum benefit to the owner comes from a mineral that corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac according to the horoscope, or at least to the element to which the sign belongs. When choosing a stone, you need to take into account gender, age, date of birth and personal preferences:
- Diamond. It was widely used to treat patients in Ancient India. Among modern magicians and lithotherapists, it is still considered the most powerful of the precious stones. For a diamond to show all its protective and healing properties, it must be natural and of good quality. In this case, the diamond must be personal property. A foreign mineral can be hazardous to health. Diamonds help with diseases of the cardiovascular system and improve brain functioning. When preparing to become a mother, women have long tried to acquire a diamond to facilitate childbirth. However, if you have hypertension, diamond can be dangerous.
- Turquoise. This mineral can easily be destroyed, so it must be protected from high temperatures, acids and all kinds of aggressive influences. Careful treatment will help preserve the original beauty and healing properties of this stone for a long time.
- Sapphire will be useful for colds, central nervous system dysfunction, hypertension and heart disorders. Water infused with sapphire is good for washing the eyes for various diseases. Wearing a ring or pendant with a deep blue sapphire will help you find peace of mind and get out of a stressful situation. With its help you can overcome various fears and/or phobias and cope with laziness.
- A good quality ruby will help cure cardiovascular and joint diseases, blood diseases and neuropsychic disorders. With its help, you can significantly improve memory and blood supply to the brain. The stone can be used as an antidote. Constantly wearing ruby jewelry will help overcome insomnia and depression.
- Emeralds have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. With their help, you can treat heart and inflammatory diseases, burns, psoriasis, and diabetes. Owners of jewelry made from them gain life wisdom, determination and the ability to earn money.
- Larvikite. The mineral was first discovered in Norway in the Larvikfjord. It is an igneous rock belonging to the feldspar family. It occurs from dark gray to dark blue. Black specimens are also known. They may have shimmers of steel or blue. According to the Zodiac, larvikite belongs to the water element. This is the stone of people born under the sign of Aquarius. It is their larvikite that especially carefully protects them from the effects of negative energy, stimulates brain activity, the desire to achieve a goal, and spiritual strength. A talisman made from it will help you in your studies and career advancement. Larvikitis is of great importance for patients who have suffered a stroke. It stimulates the body’s regenerative forces, improves brain functioning, and normalizes blood and intracranial pressure.
When planning to purchase a new piece of jewelry, you should study its magical properties in detail so as not to make a mistake when choosing a stone. By clarifying the meaning of the mineral and its properties, you can get not just a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also an effective talisman or amulet that will give strength in difficult times and protect against many dangers.