Therapeutic properties

What is the name of red carnelian?

CARNELIK is a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz (chalcedony), colored orange and reddish by iron hydroxides and oxides, microinclusions of goethite and hematite. English name: Cornelian, sard Other names (synonyms): Akik, akint, wackler, demion, Canary stone, carnelian, carnelian, Cambay stone, lincurium, sard, smazene New items with Carnelian in the product catalog Products containing Carnelian are presented in the following categories:

  • Stones and minerals,
  • Decorations,
  • Products and souvenirs,
  • Beads made of stones,
  • Stones in esotericism,
  • Books
  • class Oxides (oxides, hydroxides, V [5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodates)
    • subclass Oxides (oxides) of metals
      • Silica family
        • mineral Quartz
          • Chalcedony variety
            • Carnelian variety
              • Carnelian variety

              Varieties: Carnelian (carnelian) – red and orange-red carnelian.
              Sarder is a brown-red carnelian.
              Lincurium is an orange-yellow and yellow carnelian.
              Sardonyx (from the Greek sardolith – stone from Sardis) is a banded brown-red carnelian (chalcedony) onyx.

              Composition (formula): SiO2
              Color: Red, orange, yellow, orange-red, pink
              Trait Color: White
              Transparency: Opaque, translucent
              Cleavage: Very imperfect (absent)
              Fracture: Conchoidal
              Luster: Waxy, pearlescent, dull
              Hardness: 7
              Density (specific gravity), g/cm3: 2,59-2,61
              Carnelian creates cracks in rocks, forms geodes, nodules, and sinter formations.

              Carnelian is a beautiful jewelry and ornamental stone, characterized by excellent physical properties, easy workability and interesting red-brown shades. Thanks to its external beauty, affordable price and wide distribution in nature, carnelian has not lost its popularity among jewelers, collectors and artisans for many centuries.

              Carnelian is an excellent ornamental material. Rings, brooches, beads and bracelets are now made from this unusual stone. The affordable price of carnelian makes it possible to produce original and inexpensive interior items and decorative items from it – boxes, balls and bottles. Original inserts into brooches and gems are also made from carnelian.
              Jewelry, interior items and decorative items made of carnelian not only evoke admiration for their attractive appearance, but also delight numerous buyers with their attractive price. On our website you can buy carnelian from different regions at very different prices, which depend on the quality of the stone and its size.

              • healing of wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions
              • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
              • normalization of the cardiovascular system
              • improve metabolism
              • relief from headaches and toothaches
              • increasing potency and treating infertility
              • blood purification and anemia treatment
              • correct hormonal imbalance
              • improve your mood
              • protect from quarrels
              • reduce anger levels
              Interesting Facts

              In ancient times, carnelian was one of the five most expensive precious stones, surpassing even sapphires and diamonds in value.
              Today, the price of stone has fallen due to the development of its numerous deposits in the world.

              Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony with a soft amber color. This stone is opaque, but seems to glow at the surface. It resembles frozen sweet caramel, something very warm and pleasant. Shades of the stone vary from red to orange-yellow, but it is always a warm, warming color. It seems that when you put it in your palm, you can feel the warmth of little Sun. No wonder in Ancient Egypt they called carnelian “sunset frozen in stone”. This stone was formed as a result of volcanic eruptions, and therefore is, in fact, part of solidified lava.

              Carnelian is a special stone for the Russian intellectual elite. Poets, writers, and artists dearly loved carnelians, often finding them themselves in the Crimean bays and bays. They made warm “suns” their talismans, composing legends and poems about them, keeping them in memory of happy times and romantic adventures. Large carnelian in a gold frame – favorite talisman and amulet of A. S. Pushkin. It was about this stone that he wrote the poem “Keep Me, My Talisman”! Not only Russian poets loved this stone. For example, Goethe wrote: “The carnelian talisman is given to those who believe in goodness. ”. “Flamingo color and sun flame and purple antique cry – a mysteriously magical stone with the gentle name carnelian”! Anne Pigeon.

              Physical properties of carnelian.

              • Formula: SiO2.
              • Syngonia: trigonal.
              • Hardness (Mohs scale): 7. (On a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is the hardest stone, diamond).
              • Density: 2,6 – 3,5 g/cm3.

              Carnelian is one of the types of chalcedony. Its warm orange-red color is due to iron compounds. Shades can be brown, brown, yellow.

              Sometimes carnelian is combined with agate and quartz – then a stone called “sardonyx” is obtained – with white waves on an orange background.

              Carnelian was formed as a result volcanic eruptions. This is not difficult to guess by looking at the stone: it very much resembles a piece frozen hot lava. The origin gave the stone its warmth and pleasant shades of orange-red.

              History of carnelian.

              The name of the stone comes from the Greek«sardolith» – “stone from Sardis” (the capital of ancient Lydia, the territory of present-day Turkey). In Russian, carnelian is often translated as “rejoicing heart”. Also, this stone is called “carnelian” from the word “karnis” – meat). “Blood agate” is one of the ancient names of the stone.

              Carnelian was known to ancient people who lived 60 thousand years BC Talismans, amulets, beads, seals and figurines were made from the beautiful warm stone. The Arabs carved prayers and passages from the Koran on the surface of the stone. The Prophet Muhammad himself said that “whoever wears a carnelian in a ring is in prosperity and joy.”

              In Turkey and Persia, the stone was framed in gold and the owner’s name was carved on it. And in Ancient Egypt it was believed that carnelian stone of the goddess Isis. It was believed that it was very strong amulet, which protects against all dangers. Many products with carnelian were found in the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamen. Carnelian was valued very highly in those days – on a par with diamond and emerald.

              In ancient Greece, stone was considered talisman of a successful marriage. Wedding gems were made from it.

              In the Middle Ages, it was customary to divide the stone into male (brown-red) and female (orange). The red color symbolized masculinity, even aggression, by analogy with blood and meat, and orange symbolized softness, warmth, and femininity.

              The names of many Russian writers, poets, and artists are associated with carnelian. In Crimea, in the Koktebel region, there is an extinct volcano Karadag. This is an amazingly beautiful and poetic place that gave the world Tsvetaeva’s poems and Voloshin’s pastel watercolors. Carnelian Bay at the foot of the volcano, he sorts through warm pebbles in the sea waves, delighting passers-by with unusual finds.

              Maximilian Voloshin built a house in these places, and searching for carnelian became one of his favorite pastimes. They came to visit him Korney Chukovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Mikhail Bulgakov. Voloshin infected all of them and carried away the “stone disease”. They wandered along the water’s edge for hours, looking for carnelians. And the pebble, found by Sergei Efron and given to Marina Tsvetaeva with a declaration of love, forever remained for her a sacred memory and keeper of that passion. And today it is kept in the Tsvetaeva Museum in Moscow.

              Carnelian deposits.

              Carnelians can be found in areas of volcanic activity. Most often, the locations are placers, river spits, and beaches. The Gobi Desert is famous for them Mongolia. In Russia, these gems are found in Yakutia, Transbaikalia and Crimea. On the peninsula, Carnelian Bay is known in the Koktebel area.

              Brazil and Uruguay boast deposits of good quality carnelian.

              How to care for carnelian jewelry.

              Carnelian is a soft stone, its hardness on the Mohs scale is 6,5 – 7. This must be taken into account in order to prevent scratches and chips. Handle your jewelry with care. For storage, it is better to have a separate compartment in the box or a soft bag so that other jewelry does not scratch it.

              Remove items with stone before doing household chores, washing dishes, or doing laundry. Do not allow cleaning agents, detergents or cosmetics to come into contact with it. Do not take the stone to the gym or to the beach.

              You can clean carnelian in warm soapy water using a soft cloth, such as flannel, or a cloth napkin.

              Magical properties of carnelian.

              Carnelian is a powerful positive amulet and talisman, one of the most powerful among all precious and ornamental stones. The energy of the volcano, its warmth and healing power, forever embodied in the mineral, endowing it with strong healing abilities. People have long believed that this stone brings good luck, wealth. The Arabs believed that it perfectly protects against envy and the evil eye, and protects against the machinations of enemies and negativity.

              Carnelian is considered powerful aphrodisiac and a love amulet. It will attract feelings into your life, and the marriage union will strengthen, preserve and fill it with warmth, love and passion. This is a stone of happy relationships and successful marriage. It is not without reason that in Ancient Greece wedding gems were made from carnelian.

              Orange mineral is a talisman and symbol of creative people, merchants, businessmen, traders, artisans. He attracts success and prosperity into the life of the owner. The stone gives strength and sharpens creativity.

              Cornelian harmonizes the atmosphere around himself, and makes the owner’s disposition more calm, promoting complaisance and humility. He extinguishes anger and irritation, puts you in a favorable mood. If quarrels are frequent in your home, get jewelry with carnelian – it will reduce tension and lift your spirits.

              Medicinal properties of carnelian.

              Carnelian has a powerful healing effect on the body. to his with warmth it seems to penetrate the body, healing it and giving it energy and strength.

              It is interesting that in 1942 in Omsk, in the evacuated hospital there was not enough medicine and a certain doctor Badigina resorted to lithotherapy using carnelian. It was noted that as a result “carnelian therapy” The patients’ temperature decreased, swelling and wounds disappeared.

              Healers had previously treated wounds and ulcers with the orange mineral. To do this, the stone was heated and applied to the sore spot for several minutes during the day. They say that the swelling went away in 2-5 sessions. Of course, this method should be used with caution, but it does a good job of illustrating the healing effects of the stone on the body.

              Carnelian has a beneficial effect onthyroid gland. Beads and pendants with this stone affect her even more than amber. In addition, it strengthens immunity, treats kidney diseases.

              Mineral removes headache, strengthens a heart, treats nervous diseases, hypertension, heals the gastrointestinal tract. Ayurveda says that the orange color of carnelian stimulates work endocrine system, improves blood circulation and skin color.

              Carnelian is useful pregnant women. It makes bearing a child easier and brings happiness to the newborn. Also, the stone is capable make labor easier. In Armenia, women during childbirth were even laid on carnelian pebbles.

              As we can see, carnelian is one of the most powerful healing stones, having a wide range of effects on various diseases of the body.

              To whom carnelian suits according to their zodiac sign?

              Carnelian suits almost all signs according to the horoscope. It will become a particularly powerful amulet for Virgo, Taurus and Gemini.

              The soft warm light of this caramel-colored stone warms and pleases the eye. This stone is not a precious stone, but its beauty and energy can rival that of a cold diamond. It is not for nothing that carnelian is one of the strongest and most powerful healing stones and amulets. The life-giving power of volcanoes froze forever in his heart! Replenish your jewelry collection with carnelian jewelry, and you will bring grace, beauty and harmony into your life!

              Author: Anna Solovyova.

              Photographer: Inna Kubareva.

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