Tips for stone care

What is the name of red iron ore?

Hematite – widespread iron mineral Fe2O3, one of the most important iron ores. Several morphological varieties of hematite are found in nature: iron mica (outdated syn.:specularite), red glass head (“bloodstone”), iron rose. Synonyms: hematite, iron shine (obsolete)


The color of hematite is black to dark steel in crystals and cherry red in cryptocrystalline and powdery varieties. Trigonal system, ditrigonal-scalenohedral type of symmetry. The shapes of the crystals are chunky or flat, as well as lamellar, arranged like rose petals (“iron rose”). The luster is semi-metallic to metallic in crystals. Opaque. The color of the trait is characteristic cherry-red, from bluish-red to red-brown. Hardness 5,5 – 6,5. Fragile. Density 4,9 – 5,3. There is no cleavage, the fracture is semi-conchoidal or step-conchoidal in crystalline varieties and unevenly splintered in cryptocrystalline varieties. Slowly dissolve in hydrochloric acid.

Diagnostic signs

Processed hematite is similar to morion, black flint, jet, obsidian, from which it differs in its strong metallic luster, high density (much heavier than similar minerals and any synthetics), and red streak color. Solid but fragile. In order to distinguish hematite from a fake or other stone, you need to press it over unglazed porcelain or earthenware, and the hematite will leave a red mark (the color of the line!).


In nature, hematite is a widespread mineral, often forming large clusters and ore deposits. Common in volcanic rocks, most often found in hydrothermal veins. It occurs as a contact-metamorphic mineral along with magnetite in skarns. It is present in large quantities in Precambrian metamorphosed banded iron ores – Krivoy Rog (Ukraine), Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Russia). As a product of alteration or weathering, it is formed as a secondary impurity in iron-containing minerals such as magnetite, limonite, siderite. As a finely dispersed impurity, it is dispersed in many sedimentary rocks and clays (causing their red and pink-red color).


Cast iron is smelted from hematite ores. Hematite is used in tempera painting as a mineral pigment, in the production of oilcloth, linoleum, red pencils, artistic fonts, and durable colored enamels. As an ornamental stone, it has been used since ancient times to this day for the manufacture of inexpensive polished inserts and small carved items, as a material in glyptics. Hematite can be obtained artificially.

Legends and superstitions

It is argued that volumes can be written about the healing properties of hematite, that it is a stone of magicians and spellcasters, protecting against evil forces. Many different qualities are attributed to him, incl. and those that are not serious to talk about. According to amulet traders, wearing items made of hematite “protects against astral attacks”, “bewitches fans, promotes the fulfillment of immodest desires, calms anger, helps with diseases of the blood, spleen, kidneys, genitourinary system, treats nervous diseases, vaginal tumors, impotence, frigidity , and stops any bleeding.” But it should be noted that no evidence of this has been established either from a scientific or medical point of view. Some of these performances have become very popular because. are promoted by dozens of Internet resources (,, and many others) and are successfully introduced into the consciousness of impressionable people who are far from geology. And although such judgments do not have any objective scientific evidence, they are in demand by the public, allowing someone to make good money from misconceptions and ignorance. The outstanding Russian mineralogist V.I. Stepanov regarded such reasoning as “scholastic nonsense.”


  • Article about hematite in GeoWiki
  • Hematite in the database (English)
  • Hematite in the database

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


The name of this mineral is derived from the Greek word haimatites – “like blood”; Presumably, hematite was so named because of its brown color, since this variety became known to people earlier than the dark gray one. It was also believed that large deposits of hematite were blood that spilled onto the ground at the sites of great battles and was absorbed into it. This is where another name for hematite comes from – bloodstone. Others are also known – iron shine, red iron ore, iron rose.

Hematite is an iron ore. Its powder was used in painting with mineral paints, especially in icon painting – as a red pigment. Hematite is also known as an ornamental stone – it can be processed into cabochons, and small figures can be cut from it. The Hermitage houses similar items – for example, gems and seals of the Sumerian kingdom.

Geological certificate

The composition of hematite is iron oxide Fe2O3, it may also contain impurities of titanium, aluminum and some other elements. Single crystals of hematite are quite rare, but sometimes you can find a beautiful formation – an “iron rose”. This is nothing more than an intergrowth of plate-like crystals in the shape of an outlandish metal flower. In the form of crystals and dense formations it can be dark steel in color, in powder and loose varieties it is red-brown. It has a semi-metallic luster and is quite heavy. Hardness on the Mohs scale is 5,5-6,5 (a knife scratches poorly or does not scratch at all). A correct diagnosis is that on a plate of unglazed porcelain hematite gives a characteristic cherry-red color, and hematite should not be attracted by a magnet.

Hematite deposits are known in the Urals (Baikal deposit), Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Brazil, Italy, South Africa, USA and other places.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that hematite normalizes blood and pressure, helps with various ailments with blood vessels, and helps normalize the functioning of the liver, kidneys and spleen. It can also help with hormonal disorders. In lithotherapy, it is recommended to apply hematite to areas with insufficient vascular patency. Wearing bracelets and rings made of hematite can contribute to good health. However, it is not recommended to use this stone for high blood pressure.

Magical properties

Hematite has long been considered an ideal amulet for male warriors, and they often took a small hematite stone or figurine with them as an amulet. It adds strength and courage, instills self-confidence. Hematite will help maintain optimism and the will to win. Hematite will also protect against negative energy directed in your direction. It is able to strengthen the owner’s magical intuition and save him from sudden outbursts of anger.

Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra

In system Feng Shui Hematite has projective Yang energy. It strengthens the influence of the Fire element and weakens Metal. The stone is used for grounding, balance and calming practices. At home, it is recommended to place it in the sector of life path and career (northern sector of the bagua), or in the creativity sector (in the west). Hematite is considered an ideal mineral for a study or home office, and is also good for the front door. Hematite figurines of animals you sympathize with are suitable for home decor

In Vedic architecture Vastu Shastra hematite could serve as a coral replacement for the planet Mars (direction – South). In Indian tradition, hematite corresponds to the chakras Muladhara и Svadhisthana.

For zodiac signs

Hematite is best suited for signs such as Cancer и Scorpio. It is suitable for other signs, provided that this person closely interacts with a variety of magical practices. However, it is strictly contraindicated for Gemini, Libra, Virgo and Pisces.

Amulets and Talismans

A variety of jewelry has long been made from hematite – rings, earrings, pendants; cut out figures, pyramids, balls. Often this stone is used as a magical amulet, or in any endeavor that requires strength and perseverance from a person. The hematite talisman is able to protect its owner from evil spirits and damage. It is recommended to have hematite with you during important negotiations.

It is best to wear hematite set in silver. Men are recommended to wear rings or rings on the index finger of their right hand, women – on their left hand. Hematite beads and neck jewelry will help prevent thyroid diseases. Wearing hematite earrings will benefit your eyes and vision.

It is worth considering that hematite can get very hot in the sun, so you should not wear it close to the skin in very sunny and hot times.

Other products made from this stone:

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