Myths and legends

What is the power of opal?

The opal stone has an amazing, almost mystical beauty. He tirelessly attracts glances, captivating those watching. The unique color gives this marvelous mineral its uniqueness. It seems that millions of multi-colored rainbow sparks seem to flash and go out on its surface. This unusual ability of opal is due to its high water content. In other words, the mineral is a kind of gel. Tiny balls of rock are constantly moving inside him. This allows the marvelous stone to bestow its colorful tints on those around it.

Short description

According to its physical properties, opal is a solid hydrogel of silicon oxide. It is similar in quality to quartz, but differs from the latter in its variable moisture content. The amount of water in the rock ranges from 0,4 to 32%. The properties of stones, as well as their jewelry value, largely depend on the concentration of the liquid. Noble opal should contain from 6 to 10% water. Such specimens are especially prized by jewelers. The more moisture a mineral contains, the more transparent it is. A stone that dries completely becomes completely opaque. At the same time, it loses its properties, may crack and even crumble. The name of the minerals is translated from the Saxon language as “gems”. Indeed, for their stunning beauty they have gained enormous popularity in jewelry. Opals are often used to make earrings, brooches, bracelets, and pendants. Framed by precious metal, the mineral looks simply magnificent.

Opals: facts from history and events of our days

The love for precious opal stones was passed on to modern people from our distant ancestors. The ancient Roman writer Pliny called the mineral “the love of a youth.” And the Roman senator Nonnius, who had real wealth – a magnificent ring with a large opal, ended his life in poverty and exile. He never agreed to exchange his beloved item for the untold riches that Mark Antony promised him. An insert of a luxurious gem was present in the crown of Emperor Constantine, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire. The noble person firmly believed in the magical properties of opal. Constantine believed that the mineral protected the power, life and honor of its owner. He also had no doubt that the gem was capable of making its owner invisible in case of special need. This belief was the reason that in medieval times opal gained fame as a talisman for robbers and thieves. Aristocrats turned their backs on the noble stone for a long time, which had a bad reputation. He was considered the main attribute of black magicians and alchemists, the “eye of evil.” A few decades later, the precious stone opal came back into fashion. He was especially popular with blondes. Blonde ladies believed that jewelry made from an unusual stone could make blond hair even more beautiful. The reigning people could not remain indifferent to the beautiful mineral. Various types of opals were held in special esteem by the Italian Medici family, Queen Victoria of England, the Frenchwoman Josephine Bonaparte and the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Gems gained particular popularity throughout the world after rich Australian deposits were discovered. To this day, about 90% of specimens are mined in this country. It was here that the largest representatives of the species were found – black Australian opals. But this discovery was not the most unusual. In 1909, experts discovered in one of the opal mines the skeleton of a reptile resembling a snake. Its length was about 15 cm. But the most unusual thing was that the skeleton was completely opalized, all its parts were replaced by pebbles. The original find was sold to a private collection.

Types and colors of opals

  1. Fire opal is a yellow opal with a bizarre play of color. This group also includes samples of the closest shades: red, orange, wine yellow.
  2. Girazole is a colorless, almost transparent mineral. Some representatives of the species have a milky white or pale blue tint.
  3. Cacholong in appearance resembles shimmering pearls. This white opal captivates and enchants with its luxurious silvery-milky tints.
  4. Royal stones are those with truly amazing contrasting colors: red opals with a rich green border.
  5. Hydrophanes are opals whose appearance changes depending on the environment. If such stones fall into water, they become translucent and acquire an amazing shine.
  6. Harlequin opals have an amazing variegated surface. They combine all the colors of the rainbow.
  7. Hyalite stone, which is another type of opal, is completely transparent. Visually it is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary glass.
  8. Wax opal looks exactly like its name. The pebble has a waxy surface of a dim yellow hue.

Minerals of milky, orange-red and blue shades are most often used in jewelry. The latter are called black because of the color saturation. A gem is assessed by its level of opalescence—the play of color.

Some people consider dendroopal to be a separate species. Such a stone really exists, but it is a type of agate. It is classified as opal by unscrupulous sellers and jewelers who want to increase the price of their products. Therefore, if you are offered to buy dendritic opal, be more careful.

Where are beautiful stones mined?

Opals are classified according to their method of origin. There are 2 possible types of genesis:

  1. Sedimentary stones are formed during physical and chemical processes occurring in the earth’s crust. Australian opal belongs to this variety.
  2. Hydrothermal rocks form when magma cools and crystallizes. This group includes the beautiful Ethiopian opal.

The most beautiful gems can be found all over the world. At different times they were mined in different parts of the world. Deposits were found in the Czech Republic, India, and Hungary. Today, pebbles are mined in Mongolia, Indonesia, the USA, Brazil, and Turkey. And the most popular are gems mined in two countries:

  1. Australian opal has a unique, simply enchanting beauty. The largest deposits are located on the continent; approximately 95% of the world’s mineral reserves are concentrated there. The natives believe that the Creator himself gave them such a generous gift. One day he descended from heaven to bestow the highest knowledge on humanity. Where the Creator stepped, beautiful shining stones immediately appeared. They were opals. The scientific version of the origin of gems is less prosaic. According to it, millions of years ago, when the territory of the continent was covered by numerous sea lagoons, sedimentary rocks, remains of animals and water enriched with silicon accumulated in their voids. It was they who contributed to the birth of minerals.
  2. Ethiopian stones are formed in basalt and rhyolite rocks. The stones fill numerous cracks and veins. Most of the crystals have light shades: yellowish, gray, white, light orange. Much less common are saturated fiery, orange, golden-red colors. The real highlight of the species is the chocolate mineral. As the name suggests, it has a deep brown tint. And the most valuable are the noble species, which are distinguished by high transparency and rich play of light.

Japanese gems are especially original. Their peculiarity is that such samples are not obtained in the natural environment, but are grown in laboratories. Artificial and natural minerals are practically no different from each other. In any case, a non-professional will definitely not detect the difference. However, man-made opalite has brighter, more saturated shades. The variety of stone colors is amazing.

What magical properties does a magic stone have?

The magical properties of opal have been known since ancient times. Our distant ancestors believed that a magical gem was capable of accumulating human emotions. That is why it is recommended to wear it during successful periods of life. The properties of minerals largely depend on their shade, so you need to be extremely careful with your choice. The following must be remembered:

  1. A black gem can harm those with a weak character. Its peculiarity is that the stone increases the craving for vicious and forbidden pleasures. In addition, the mineral is able to “reward” the owner with fear of the dark.
  2. White and pink opal are more benevolent. They are recommended to be worn by creative individuals, as the stones promote the development of artistry. In eastern countries, opals of these shades were common in the world of magic and were considered powerful amulets that reliably preserve family happiness and love. In addition, people believed that they were able to protect against dangerous diseases, theft and the elements.
  3. Fire and Moon opal are ideal for entrepreneurs. The stone helps develop business. You don’t have to carry it with you. You can put the talisman at work, for example on a shelf in a store. In this case, the influx of buyers is guaranteed.
  4. Green opal helps healers and doctors make correct diagnoses. It speeds up the patient’s recovery even with severe illnesses.

In order for a stone to perform its functions well, it is important not only to choose it wisely, but also to wear it correctly. If the bracelet or ring is constantly on one hand, the effect is reduced. It is better if the owner periodically moves the jewelry from one limb to another.

The magical properties of the stone will be enhanced if it is set in silver. White noble metal has a beneficial effect on the abilities of the mineral. A black or dark blue stone set in gold is traditionally considered a talisman for magicians. It gives people with strong energy the gift of foresight. For some, it even helps to sense danger.

The healing properties of an amazing stone

The ornamental stone is valued not only for its magical, but also for its amazing healing properties. An amazing gem is able to have a positive effect on almost all systems and organs. Our distant ancestors used it to treat a variety of ailments. It was believed that:

  1. The semi-precious stone helps normalize the functioning of the human immune system. It activates protective properties, allowing you to quickly recover from flu and colds.
  2. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It literally absorbs negative energy. The person gradually calms down and relaxes. At the initial stages, psycho-emotional and then sexual tension goes away.
  3. Ancient healers recommended wearing blue opal for people suffering from thyroid diseases. They believed that the magic mineral had a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and also contributed to the normalization of the excretory system.
  4. Another ability of the amazing smoky stone is to increase appetite. It helps you feel the true taste of food and enjoy it. For this reason, the mineral was often used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and for serious digestive problems.
  5. Rainbow opal is often used to treat arthritis and other bone diseases. Its ability to eliminate inflammatory processes and stimulate cellular regeneration is used here.

Of course, the healing properties that the opal mineral has are impressive. However, you should not rely only on his help. If you experience any ailments, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Which zodiac signs does opal suit?

This amazing stone is considered the patron of two zodiac signs:

  1. Capricorns are recommended to wear a beautiful gem in order to soften certain character traits: uncertainty, tediousness, selfishness, increased anxiety. The magic mineral can relieve the owner from frequent stress and depression. By nature, Capricorn is a zodiac sign characterized by calmness and equanimity. According to these characteristics, it is very similar to opal. However, the peaceful calm of the mineral is strikingly different from the fears of a person hiding behind a mask of equanimity. A suitable opal will help Capricorns compensate for their lack of self-confidence and teach them to open up to loved ones.
  2. Libras, like opals, are friendly. They do not recognize negativity in relationships between people. But at the same time, the stone, like the representatives of these zodiac signs, symbolizes impermanence. People often suffer from a lack of harmony, the deficiency of which can be compensated by the gem. Libras are characterized by frequent mood swings and an unbalanced character. And opal helps soften these sharp edges and achieve balance. The gem perfectly protects representatives of the sign from going to extremes. It helps to apply mood swings in the creative field.

Of course, the significance of opal stones in astrology is enormous. Any sign can wear these beautiful minerals. In each case, gems will help and protect.

What care does opal jewelry need?

Natural minerals contain from 6 to 10% water. Such a high liquid content is due to the fact that the noble opal stone has a very porous structure. In this regard, gems perfectly absorb not only moisture, but also other substances: cosmetics, perfume, hairspray. Of course, all these means cause serious damage to the stone. In addition, opal cannot boast of great hardness, like, for example, diamond. This means that the stones are easily exposed to external influences and can be scratched.

To ensure that jewelry with marvelous minerals lasts as long as possible, owners should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Jewelry with opal inserts should not be worn at the same time as other jewelry. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the stones due to friction.
  2. It is recommended to store opals and jewelry with them in separate boxes with a soft finish or in small bags. The gems should first be wrapped in soft cloth. In this case, they will definitely not be harmed.
  3. It is recommended to remove jewelry before using deodorant, perfume or hairspray. You should not wear them when applying makeup either.
  4. It is necessary to carefully wash your jewelry periodically. Warm water in which a non-aggressive detergent is dissolved is perfect for this procedure. It is best to clean with a soft toothbrush or cloth. You need to be extremely careful not to harm the stone.
  5. Jewelry should be removed when washing hands and face. Excess moisture can negatively affect the shade of the mineral.
  6. From time to time it is necessary to lubricate the pebbles with a soft cloth slightly moistened with glycerin. This procedure helps to maintain the necessary moisture content of the opal and prevent dehydration, preventing the formation of cracks.

If you follow these simple recommendations, opal will retain its qualities and impeccable appearance for a long time. Luxurious jewelry with a marvelous mineral will delight you for many years.

Everything about Opals is unique. Their crystalline structure is unlike anything else in nature: millions of tiny spheres tightly packed into an amorphous mass. Their colors and finishes are so eccentric that we had to come up with new words and phrases for them – opalescent, iridescent, iridescent, opalescent and many more.

This exotic gemstone not only contains all the colors of the rainbow, but it can also contain up to 20% water! They can be transparent, translucent or opaque, all colors in one gemstone or one dazzling color, green, yellow and orange on a white background or red, blue and purple on a black background – the variety is endless.

Carved opals found in a cave in Kenya and mined in Ethiopia date back to 4000 BC, and every ancient culture from east to west and all the way to prehistoric Australia has legends and myths associated with this magical gemstone.

Opal of Virtue

  • Eye Stone
  • Cupid’s Stone
  • Love, passion, desire
  • Freedom and independence
  • Liberation from prohibitions
  • Self-confidence and realizing potential
  • Creativity and spontaneity
  • Wealth and luck

Opal color

“Your love has passed through me, and now I feel my mind as something like an opal, that is, full of strange indefinite shades and colors, warm light, quick shadows and intermittent music.”

James Joyce wrote this about opals a hundred years ago, and his words convey some of the almost unsettling beauty of opal. Look deep into an opal and you can literally get lost in its core as first one color flares out, then another, not just side by side, but appearing one after the other, as if in a three-dimensional fantasy.

Such a colorful gemstone means that opals can bring all the healing benefits of color therapy – from sunny, uplifting yellows and oranges to soothing and soothing blues and everything in between.

Special opals can display all colors, but many others have a dominant hue, and it is this color that hints at their physical and emotional impact:

  • Mostly green – rejuvenates and restores, treats heart pain
  • Predominantly yellow – encourages ingenuity and creativity.
  • Mostly red – increases confidence and sexuality
  • Predominantly white color – calms and brings good luck
  • Predominantly black – protection and grounding

Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Opal

There is a huge selection of opal gemstones from the rare black opals to the more common white version, but they all have an amazing play of colors in an endless variety of shades. EXCEPT, of course, single-color opals—like fire opals and pink opals—and color-changing opals, which change color from one color to another as you move from outside to inside.

In general, opals are believed to inspire creativity, inventiveness, spontaneity and self-expression. They can help you let go of your stifling inhibitions, freeing your wild and adventurous side. It is a passionate stone associated with love, desire and lust.

Opals with a particular dominant color can have a strong effect on certain emotions – see the section above on “Opal Color” and “Can Opal Unblock Chakras?” section below.

Physical Benefits of Opal

In medieval Europe, opals were known as “eye stones” as they were believed to be effective in treating the eyes. Wearing or keeping opal meant that you were resistant to all eye diseases, and soothing eye washing with the opal elixir was supposed to work wonders on sore eyes.

Opal regulates insulin levels in the body, helps remove toxins and restore the liver. It helps with childbirth and PMS, and also stimulates the bladder, kidneys and lymph nodes.

They relieve muscle tension and pain in the lower back and abdomen. They are said to be able to improve memory and stimulate nerve endings that can treat disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

People suffering from anxiety or panic attacks may want to keep opal with them as it speeds up recovery from long-term illness or surgical procedures.

Opal and chakras

According to ancient Hindu beliefs, as well as many modern philosophies, we have seven sacred points in our bodies that influence our physical and mental well-being. These points are called chakras and are centers of energy running from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

These chakra points have their own special color and gemstones of the same or similar color can be used to unblock or realign the problematic chakra.

Because opals can be found in any color – sometimes in one spectacular gemstone – they can be considered the ideal chakra stone.

Can opals unblock chakras?

Yes, opals can help with all chakras

If your opal is a dominant color, it can be associated with one chakra and used to unblock or realign it. Let’s look at a few examples:

  • Black/Boulder Opals – Root Chakra – Enhances feelings of security and confidence
  • Fire opals – the sacral chakra – increases sexuality and fertility.
  • Mainly yellow opals – solar plexus chakra – treats problems with the liver, stomach and gall bladder.
  • Mainly green or pink opals – heart chakra – reduces jealousy and discontent
  • Mainly Blue Opals – Throat Chakra – improves communication and throat and thyroid problems.
  • Predominantly purple opals – Third Eye Chakra – Increases determination and faith.
  • White opals – crown chakra – treats headaches and migraines

Find out which chakra seems blocked and then use the appropriate color opal to heal. Find yourself a quiet place to lie down with the gemstone placed in the Chakra location. Breathe calmly, relax and let the opal get to work.

Is opal a birthstone?

“October is the opal month of the year. This is the month of glory and maturity. It’s picture month.”

Henry Ward Beecher was from a prominent abolitionist family.

Yes, Opal is the official gemstone of October.

Opal and Zodiac

Opal is not really associated very well with any particular zodiac sign, but since it is the birthstone of October, it has similarities with Libra and Scorpio.

How to restore and clean opal

Opals are one of the most delicate gemstones, so special care must be taken when cleaning and recharging.

DO NOT leave in the sun for too long as they may fade, crack or fade.

DO NOT clean in salt water as the chemicals may destroy the opal.

Opals can be cleansed in fresh spring or tap water, lightly smudged with sage or incense smoke and left in the moonlight to recharge – again, keep in mind that sudden changes in temperature are known to damage opals.

Not too rough, the opal can be charged using the traditional Native American method by rubbing it between the palms.

You can program your opal to help you in a specific way by finding a quiet corner, holding the opal in your hand, and focusing your attention on the stone and your desire.

Try not to let other people handle your opal or any other crystal as this may interfere with your connection with it.

Remove all opal jewelry at night to give your body a break from the energy of the gemstone.

Where to place Opal

Most opals have water energy and this is traditionally found in the northern part of the house. Keep opals there to improve your career and life path.

Fire opals have more fiery energy (not surprising) and they are located in the south of a home or room and a gemstone placed there will enhance passion, action and energy.

If you work in the creative industry, keeping one of these on your desk or in your pocket can help bring innovative ideas to life.

How to use opal

There are many ways to use opals throughout the day to achieve maximum spiritual benefits.

The easiest way, of course, is in the form of decoration. Opal gained its fame due to the fact that it was worn as beads or amulets as early as 4000 BC, and rings, pendants or earrings with opal kept it closed all day.

Be aware of the predominant color of the opal, as this will indicate which chakra will be most affected – red for the root chakra, blue for the throat chakra, and so on.

Sometimes it may be inappropriate to wear expensive jewelry, so opals can be carried in a pocket, purse or purse. They can influence you from there and can always be contacted when you need extra reassurance.

At home, the house can be decorated with opals or placed on chakra points during relaxation or meditation.

Opal and wealth

Opals have been a symbol of wealth and status for thousands of years, so wearing them as jewelry can certainly give an impression of wealth and power, which can attract investment and interest.

Opals can also give you the self-confidence to achieve your goals, as well as the creativity and innovation needed to achieve success. These gems can help you recognize opportunities that others cannot and put you in the right place at the right time to make the most of those opportunities.

Can I use opal for meditation and yoga?

Opal is an amazing gemstone for meditation, calming the body and focusing the mind, two ideal traits to contemplate as meditation begins with clear and calming thoughts.

Precious opals enhance emotions and enable deep inner work through their intense spiritual energy.

Fire opals harness vibrations of ecstasy and can induce a passionate state of enlightenment.

Boulder opals promote connection with the spirits of the earth and plants.

Opals can be used in a similar way to enhance a traditional form of yoga, and judging by the number of yoga studios using opal in their name, they are a popular yoga crystal.

Can I wear or wear Opal every day?

We all respond differently to the spiritual power of gemstones. Some of us can wear the most powerful crystals every day without any problem, while others find certain gemstones too disturbing.

Opals are one of the most powerful and stimulating gemstones that have been used for thousands of years for their spirituality and strength, so it is possible that they may take some getting used to.

I suggest wearing or holding the opal for a day or two, if you are feeling a little down or overstimulated, put it away for a day or two until you feel strong enough to wear or hold it again.

A few words about the delicacy of opals. Opals can be chipped or broken relatively easily, so carrying them in a bag or pocket every day is a nuisance, but a well-protected jewelry design or a soft, cozy bag should keep them safe.

Goddess Opal

Opal is associated with two goddesses of the ancient Mediterranean, Cardea, the Roman goddess of the loop.

“Loop” I hear you say, the Romans had goddesses for everything?

Perhaps, but the hinge represents the door to your home, and Cardea will protect your family and children from evil spirits trying to cross the threshold.

Opal also honors the Greek goddess of spring, Persephone, who brings new life and fertility.

Can I help my pet with Opal?

Gemstones such as opals can affect the health and well-being of our pets just as they can affect us. Jasper gemstones, for example, are great for calming an aggressive dog.

In theory, an opal could be used to help an animal with a problem – say, a boulder opal for an insecure cat – however, with such an expensive and delicate gemstone, I think others might be a better choice.

Opal Elixir

Elixirs from precious stones are easy to make. Place the clean gemstone in some fresh mineral water and leave for an hour or two – in the moonlight to invigorate it a little. Remove the gem and you will receive an elixir imbued with the power of your specific crystal.

(Be aware that some gemstones may be dangerous if submerged in water)

The elixir can be sipped cool from the refrigerator, made into an herbal tea, placed in a bath for a relaxing rinse, applied to affected parts of the body, or placed in a mist bottle and diffused throughout a room, office, or entire home.

Opal has a long association with the eyes, so a soothing eye bath in opal elixir would be fantastic at the end of a long day.

Opal elixir restores depleted emotional strength and replenishes our creative energy.

Opal and dreams

In ancient times, opal with magical symbols or words carved into its surface was used to banish nightmares.

Seeing opals, especially fire opals, in a dream is considered an omen of good luck, signifying imagination, creativity, and inspiration.

If you are given an opal in a dream, it could mean that your intentions will be misunderstood and you need to explain yourself more clearly.

What gemstones are suitable for opal?

Although some say that opals should not be used in combination with other stones, I am not sure about this. I believe that garnet and opal together make a very reliable team, and the combination of opal and lapis lazuli can bring good luck and prosperity.

As a general guide, some types of crystals may work well together:

  • Gemstones of similar color
  • Gems with the same element
  • Gemstones with the same zodiac association
  • Gemstones with the same chakra association
  • Gemstones of the same mineral group

By following this guide, fire opals and fire agates will work together just like opals and quartz.

Opal and workplace

Anyone working in creative fields such as film, fashion, design, marketing etc will benefit from the innovative and creative properties of opals – keep one on your desk, in the studio or nearby when you’re out and about.

Opal pendulums

Pendulums are a fun way to reveal hidden truths. Hang the crystal on a string or chain and ask a series of yes or no questions to tap into your subconscious. The movement of the pendulum will reveal all the answers.

To swing in a way that can be easily interpreted, the gemstone needs to be quite massive, so I would suggest that a boulder opal might be ideal. The ironstone base rock is grounding and the opal material is great for connection.

The pendant can be used as a pendulum, as well as an interesting and beautiful decoration.

Opal and EDS

Our modern world is full of computers, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers and interactive TVs, and as a result we are bombarded with harmful electromagnetic waves.

Gemstones may provide some protection from this invisible smog, but opals are not really a gemstone I would recommend, I would suggest something like malachite or amazonite.

Black tourmaline and black onyx are known to act as a barrier to these harmful waves, so black opals can likely work in a similar way.

Final Thoughts on Opal

“They have a softer fire than a ruby, they have the radiant purple of an amethyst and the sea green of an emerald, all shining together in an incredible union.”

Pliny, Roman naturalist and philosopher, described opal in the first century AD.

There are very few gems that have more myths and legends about them than opals.

The ancient Greeks said that these were the tears of joy of Zeus after the defeat of the Titans, the Australian aborigines claim that the Creator came to earth on a rainbow, and where he landed, the stones turned into opals, and the Hindus have a similar legend where the jealous Mother Goddess The rainbow turned into opal.

For thousands of years, they were considered lucky and could give their owner all sorts of magical powers, such as invisibility, reading minds, healing the blind, and turning hair golden blonde.

Then, in the Middle Ages, in certain parts of Europe they gained a reputation for being unlucky, bringing plague and being associated with the “evil eye.” J. K. Rowling’s book, Sir Walter Scott, in which a cursed opal brings bad luck, sealed the opals’ fate and their value and popularity plummeted.

Opals began their triumphant comeback first with the admiration of Queen Victoria, who wore opals and loved to give them as gifts, and then with the discovery of stunning gems in the then British colony of Australia.

Following the arrival of the first package of intensely vibrant opals from Queensland to London in 1889, gemstones once worn by Mark Antony and Cleopatra, Napoleon and Josephine, gods and goddesses, kings and queens soon reclaimed their place at the top of the gemstone spectrum. tree.

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