What is thorium in simple words?
Comes from Lat. thorium “thorium”, from prop. Thor “Thor” (Scandinavian god of thunder), further from the Proto-Germans. form *thunr- “thunder”, goes back to the Proto-Indo-European. *taron-.
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Translation [edit]
See also [edit]
H | He | ||||||||||||||||
Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne | ||||||||||
Na | Mg | Al | Si | P | S | Cl | Ar | ||||||||||
K | Ca | Sc | Ti | V | Cr | Mn | Fe | Co | Ni | Cu | Zn | Ga | Ge | As | Se | Br | Kr |
Rb | Sr | Y | Zr | Nb | Mo | Tc | Ru | Rh | Pd | Ag | Cd | In | Sn | Sb | Te | I | Xe |
Cs | Ba | * | Hf | Ta | W | Re | Os | Ir | Pt | Au | Hg | Tl | Pb | Bi | Po | At | Rn |
Fr | Ra | ** | Rf | Db | Sg | Bh | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Nh | Fl | Mc | Lv | Ts | Og |
Uue | Ubn | ||||||||||||||||
* | La | Ce | Pr | Nd | Pm | Sm | Eu | Gd | Tb | Dy | Ho | Er | Tm | Yb | Lu | ||
** | Ac | Th | Pa | U | Np | Pu | Am | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No | Lr |
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
Morphological and syntactic properties [edit]
Semantic properties[edit]
- chemical element with atomic number 90, designated by the chemical symbol Th, thorium ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Synonyms [edit]
Antonyms [edit]
Related words[edit]
Closest relationship |
Phraseologisms and stable combinations [edit]
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thorium m. Chemical radioactive element, grayish-white, shiny, relatively soft metal.
thorium m. chemical thorium
thorium noun, number of synonyms: 5 • actinide (14) • actinide (16) • ionium (2) • metal (86) • element (159) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS.V.N. Trishin.2013. . Synonyms: actinide, actinoid, ion, metal, element. look
Thorium – see Zirconium, Cerium.
(Th) – radioactive chemical. element III gr. periodic table, atomic number 90, mass number 232. Discovered by Berzelius in 1828. Natural Th is an almost pure isotope of Th 232 . Currently, isotopes with mass numbers from 223 to 235 are known, of which the long-lived ones are: Th 228 (T1/2= 1,91 years), Th 229 (T1/2 = 7540 years), Th 230 (T1/2 = 8,10 4 years), Th 232 (T1/2 = 1,42 10 10 years). The Th isotope is often used for research purposes 234 (T1/2 =24,1 days) is a β-emitter isolated from uranium preparations. Natural Th is the most commonly used isotope of Th. 232 . According to chemistry properties, it is a typical tetravalent element, due to which it is almost not affected by the redox environment. Th is characterized by the formation of complex compounds with coordination numbers of 8 and 6, of which the most stable are fluoride and sulfate. Most Th compounds are poorly soluble in aqueous solutions (ThO2,THF4,Th(C2O4)2 etc.), therefore its migration ability in nature is insignificant. Contains in the earth’s crust. on average 8·10 -4 (wt.% or wt. conc., %) Th. Forms minerals – monacite (thorium and rare earth phosphate), thorite (thorium silicate) and thorianite (thorium and uranium oxide). These minerals are found together with feldspars, quartz, beryl, and zircon in pegmatite veins, greisen, and granites. Monazite is concentrated in placers. The main raw material for the production of Th is monazite. Th is widely used in nuclear engineering and power engineering. A. D. Iskanderova.
Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. — M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengoltz et al. . 1978 .
Th (from the name of the thunder god Topa in Scandinavian mythology; lat. Thorium * a. thorium; Mr. Thorium; f. thorium; and. thorium ), – radioactive chemical. element of group III periodic. Mendeleev system, at.sci. 90, at. m. 232,0381, belongs to actinides. Natural T. consists of ch. arr. from one isotope 232 Th (T1/2 14,00·109 years). B is insignificant. quantity also present 228 Th (T1/2 1,913 years) and four short-lived isotopes. There are 18 known arts. isotopes of T. with mass numbers from 213 to 236. T. was discovered in 1828 by Sweden. chemist I. Ya. Berzelius.
In the free state, T. is a silver-white ductile metal, which is characterized by face-centredness at temperatures below 1365°C. cubic lattice (a=0,5086 nm) – α-Th, and at higher ones – body-centric. cubic (a=0,411 nm) – β-Th. Density 11300 kg/m 3 , melting point 1750°C, boiling point 4200°C, molar heat capacity 27,33 J/(mol K), specific electric. resistance 18,62 * 10 -4 (Ohm m), temperature coefficient of linear expansion 11,3 * 10 -6 K -1 , thermal conductivity 35,6 W/(m K). Paramagnetic, transition rate to the superconducting state is 1,4 K. Easily deformed in the cold.
In most compounds, T. is characterized by an oxidation state of +4, but there are also +2 and +3. Powdered T. is pyrophoric, fades in air, and becomes covered with a film of dioxide in boiling water. Reacts with fluorine, and when heated – with hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide. Easily dissolves in hydrochloric acid and aqua regia, slowly – in nitrogen, sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. Toxic, MPC 0,05 mg/m 3 .
Cp. content of T. in the earth’s crust 1,3 * 10 -3 % by weight, with magmatic g.p. (acidic) and sedimentary (1,8 * 10 -3 % and 1,1 * 10 -3 %, respectively) contain significantly more T. than magmatic. average (7 * 10 -4 %), main (3 * 10 -4 %) and especially ultrabasic g.p. (5 * 10 -7 %). Known approx. 120 minerals containing T., the main ones being thorite, thorianite, monazite, orthite, zircon, apatite. Natural waters contain very little T. (1-2 * 10 -9 %), and therefore T. migrates weakly in the hydro- and biosphere.
Extract T. Ch. arr. from monazite placers. Metallic T. is obtained using calciothermic. reduction or electrolysis of ThO2, ThCl4 and ThF4.
T. used in electronic and electrical engineering. industry for the manufacture of cathodes and filaments of electric lamps, as a catalyst in organic. synthesis, for alloying magnesium alloys used in rocket and aerospace applications. technology. Literature : Seaborg G. T., Katz J., Chemistry of actinide elements, trans. from English, M., 1960; Ryabchikov D.I., Holbreikh EK, Analytical chemistry of thorium, M., 1960; Thorium, trans. from English, M., 1962. S. F. Karpenko.
Mountain encyclopedia. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky . 1984-1991 .
THORIUM (new Latin thorium). The metal, obtained in the form of a lead-gray powder, burns with a bright flame when heated, turning into torina. Dictionary of foreign languages. look
(lat. Thorium), Th,-radioactive chemical. element of group III periodic. systems of elements, at. number 90, at. mass 232,0381, belongs to actinides. . look
Th (from the name of the thunder god Topa in Scandinavian mythology; lat. Thorium * a. thorium; n. Thorium; f. thorium; i. torio), is a radioactive chemical. element of group III periodic. Mendeleev system, at.sci. 90, at. m. 232,0381, belongs to actinides. Natural T. consists of ch. arr. from one isotope 232Th (T1/2 14,00V·109 years). B is insignificant. 228Th (T1/2 1,913 years) and four short-lived isotopes are also present. There are 18 known arts. isotopes of T. with mass numbers from 213 to 236. T. was discovered in 1828 by Sweden. chemist I. Ya. Berzelius. In the free state, T. is a silver-white ductile metal, which is characterized by face-centredness at temperatures below 1365 °C. cubic lattice (a=0,5086 nm) – О±-Th, and at higher ones – volume-centric. cubic (a=0,411 nm) – OI-Th. Density 11300 kg/m3, melting point 1750V°C, boiling point 4200V°C, molar heat capacity 27,33 J/(molV·K), specific electric. resistance 18,62 V * 10-4 (OhmV m), temperature coefficient of linear expansion 11,3 V * 10-6 K-1, thermal conductivity 35,6 W/(mV K). Paramagnetic, transition rate to the superconducting state is 1,4 K. Easily deformed in the cold. In most compounds, T. is characterized by an oxidation state of +4, but there are also +2 and +3. Powdered T. is pyrophoric, fades in air, and becomes covered with a film of dioxide in boiling water. Reacts with fluorine, and when heated – with hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide. Easily dissolves in hydrochloric acid and aqua regia, slowly – in nitrogen, sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. Toxic, MPC 0,05 mg/m3. Cp. the content of T. in the earth’s crust is 1,3 B * 10-3% by weight, with magmatic g.p. (acidic) and sedimentary (1,8 B * 10-3% and 1,1 B * 10-3%, accordingly) contain significantly more T. than magmatic. medium (7B * 10-4%), basic (3B * 10-4%) and especially ultrabasic g.p. (5B * 10-7%). Known approx. 120 minerals containing T., the main ones being thorite, thorianite, monazite, orthite, zircon, apatite. Natural waters contain very little T. (1-2B * 10-9%), and therefore T. migrates weakly in the hydro- and biosphere. Extract T. Ch. arr. from monazite placers. Metallic T. is obtained using calciothermic. reduction or electrolysis of ThO2, ThCl4 and ThF4. T. used in electronic and electrical engineering. industry for the manufacture of cathodes and filaments of electric lamps, as a catalyst in organic. synthesis, for alloying magnesium alloys used in rocket and aerospace applications. technology. Literature: Seaborg G. T., Katz J., Chemistry of actinide elements, trans. from English, M., 1960; Ryabchikov D.I., Holbreikh EK, Analytical chemistry of thorium, M., 1960; Thorium, trans. from English, M., 1962. S. F. Karpenko. look
“. Unrefined thorium is an extremely pyrophoric gray powder. It is obtained by electrolysis of fluorides or reduction of fluorides, chlorides or. look
thorium (Th) – (Thorium) is a chemical radioactive element (metal) with atomic number 90 and atomic mass of the most common and stable isotope 232. Only eight, mostly short-lived, isotopes of thorium are found in nature. Natural reserves of thorium are several times greater than those of uranium. thorium-232 – (Thorium-232) – natural isotope of thorium with atomic weight – 232. The only widespread isotope of thorium in nature, half-life 1,4 * 10 10 years. Thorium-232 undergoes nuclear fission under the influence of fast neutrons and can be used as a breeding material to produce uranium-233. a chemical radioactive element (metal) with atomic number 90 and the atomic mass of the most common and stable isotope 232. Only eight, mostly short-lived, isotopes of thorium occur in nature. Natural reserves of thorium are several times greater than those of uranium. Nuclear energy terms. – Rosenergoatom Concern, 2010 Synonyms: actinide, actinoid, ionium, metal, element. look
[on behalf of the thunder god Thor in Scandinavian mythology] – chem. radioactive element from the actinide family, symbol Th (lat. Thorium), at. n. lookTHORIUM
(Dan. Thorium), chemical. element III gr. periodic system, refers to actinides. Radioactive, the most stable nuclide is 232Th (half-life 1,4*. see
THORIUM (symbol Th), a radioactive metal, an element from the ACTINOID group, discovered in 1828. The main ore is monazite (phosphate). Metal is used in photography. look
THORIUM (lat. Thorium) – Th, a chemical element of group III of the periodic table, atomic number 90, atomic mass 232,0381, belongs to the actinides. Radioactive, the most stable isotope is 232Th (half-life 1,389.1010 years). The name is from the name of the god Thor. Silver-white metal; density 11,724 g/s m³ , melting point 1750.C. It is extracted mainly from monazite. It is used for alloying alloys, as a getter in the manufacture of electric lamps. A promising nuclear fuel in which 232Th could be converted into uranium 233U. The latter can participate in a fission chain reaction. ThO2 is a fireproof material.
. look
THORIUM (lat. Thorium), Th, chemical element of group III of the periodic table, atomic number 90, atomic mass 232, belongs to actinides. Radioactive, the most stable isotope is 0381Th (half-life 232·1 years). The name is from the name of the god Thor. Silver-white metal; density 389 g/cm1010, melting point 11 °C. It is extracted mainly from monazite. It is used for alloying alloys, as a getter in the manufacture of electric lamps. A promising nuclear fuel in which 724Th could be converted into uranium 3U. The latter can participate in a fission chain reaction. ThO1750 is a fireproof material.
– (lat. Thorium) – Th, a chemical element of group III of the periodic table, atomic number 90, atomic mass 232,0381, belongs to the actinides. Radioactive, the most stable isotope 232Th (half-life 1,389.1010 years). The name is from the name of the god Thor. Silver-white metal; density 11,724 g/cm3, melting point 1750.C. It is mined mainly from monazite. It is used for alloying alloys, as a getter in the manufacture of electric lamps. A promising nuclear fuel in which 232Th could be converted into uranium 233U. The latter can participate in a fission chain reaction. ThO2 is a fireproof material. look
1) Spelling of the word: thorium2) Stress in the word: t`orium3) Division of the word into syllables (word hyphenation): thorium4) Phonetic transcription of the word tor. look
(from the name of the thunder god Thor in Scandinavian mythology; lat. Thorium) Th, radioactive chemical. element III gr. periodic systems, at. n. 90, at. m. 232,0381; . look
Spurius Torius – Roman. political figure, adv. Tribune 111 BC e., who passed the law according to which various categories of occupied lands (see Ag. see
-ya, m. Chemical radioactive element, grayish-white metal (used in nuclear energy as a raw material for producing nuclear fuel). [By name. look
Spurius – Rome. political figure, adv. tribune 111 BC, who passed the law, according to which there are various. occupier categories lands were transferred to private ownership. look
root – TOP; ending – IY; Base word: TOR Calculated method of word formation: Unsuffixed or other ∩ – TOR; ⏰ – IY; The word Thorium contains words. look
Rzeczownik thorium m Chemiczny tor m
(element) Toriy, -riyu; (simple substance) thorium, -riu – thorium nitrate – thorium bromide – thorium iodide – thorium carbonate – thorium phosphate – thorium fluoride – thorium chloride Synonyms: actinide, actinide, ionium, metal, element. look
m, chem. toryumSynonyms: actinide, actinoid, ionium, metal, element
m chemical tório mSynonyms: actinide, actinoid, ionium, metal, element
torii, torii, torii, toriiev, toriiu, toriiyam, torii, torii, toriiu, toriiami, torii, toriiyakh (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”). Synonyms: actinide, actinoid, ion, metal, element. look
(Thorium; Th) radioactive chemical element of group III of the periodic table D.I. Mendeleev; atomic number 90, atomic weight (mass) 232,038; relates look
thorium* * *thorium m.thorium, Th* * *thorium Synonyms: actinide, actinide, ionium, metal, element
(2 m), Ave. about that/riiSynonyms: actinide, actinide, ionium, metal, element
THORIUM, Th, radioactive chemical element of group III of the periodic table, atomic number 90, atomic mass 232,0381; belongs to actinides; metal. Isolated by J. Berzelius in 1828.
. look
m. chem. torio m, Th
(Thorium), Th, radioactive chemical element of group III of the periodic table, atomic number 90, atomic mass 232,0381; belongs to actinides; metal. Isolated by J. Berzelius in 1828. view
thorium (Thorium; Th) is a radioactive chemical element of group III of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic table; at. number 90, at. weight (mass) 232,038; belongs to actinides.
m chemical 钍 tǔ Synonyms: actinide, actinoid, ionium, metal, element
t’orium, -ya (chemical) Synonyms: actinide, actinoid, ionium, metal, element
(Thorium; Th) radioactive chemical element of group III of the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev; at. number 90, at. weight (mass) 232,038; belongs to actinides. look
thorium, -i Synonyms: actinide, actinide, ionium, metal, element
Stress in the word: t’oriiStress falls on the letter: oUnstressed vowels in the word: t’oriy
فقط مفرد : توريم (Th) ، عنصر شيميايي با عدد اتمي 90 و جرم اتمي 232.0381
thorium – thorium nitrate Synonyms: actinide, actinide, ionium, metal, element