Tips for stone care

What kind of amber is considered medicinal?

The ancient Greeks called amber “electrum,” which translated means “I protect.” The ability of this stone to become electrified, inexplicable to them, evoked awe. They attributed these phenomena to supernatural forces and endowed the stone with magical and healing properties. And in our time, studied and decomposed by scientists into molecules, the sun stone evokes no less admiration and love for it.

History of use

In archaeological excavations of ancient settlements, scientists find various artifacts made of amber. These were amulets against the evil eye, images of the head as a remedy for headaches, or large pieces for religious ceremonies. During the study of Egyptian mummies, plates of amber were discovered under their skin. It is assumed that they were placed there to slow down the decomposition processes. The ancient Roman scientist Pliny, in his treatise on the surrounding world in the 1st century AD, indicated that amber has beneficial properties for delusional states, in amulets it protects children, and in the form of drinking it helps with genitourinary problems. He mentioned that it helps in the treatment of ear diseases, decreased visual acuity, and throat diseases. During the Middle Ages, the healing properties of amber were forgotten and used as decoration. With the advent of the Renaissance, interest in amber increased. Scientists began to conduct research on its benefits. In those days, white stone, ground into powder, was especially recommended as a panacea for all diseases. It was even used to treat animals, fumigating them in stables with sick horses.

Basic properties

  • its density is almost equal to that of sea water, so it does not sink in salt water;
  • it feels warm to the touch, instantly warming up in your hands;
  • has the property of becoming electrified by friction;
  • flammable, when burning the smoke smells like pine needles;
  • easy to process;
  • direct sunlight causes its color to change to a darker and more opaque color.

The largest amber deposit is located in the Kaliningrad region. A mineral processing plant is located next to it. But for medicinal needs, untreated stone is more suitable. Besides, it costs less.

What can be treated

The range of diseases that can be treated with amber is quite wide. According to doctors, amber and its derivatives will be useful in treating:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • lung diseases;
  • thyroid gland;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, joint pain;
  • radiculitis.

Beneficial substances, in particular acid, which are part of unpolished amber, when heated from contact with the skin, saturate the body. At the same time, succinic acid acts as a biostimulator. Therefore, unpolished amber can help overcome depression or have a preventive effect by having a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Amber has an unusual, but experimentally confirmed, property of restoring energy and raising a person’s vitality. It is believed that unprocessed sunstone has the ability to absorb and remove radioactive isotopes and various toxins from the body. This helps prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Amber, regardless of color and degree of transparency, has unique beneficial properties. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive jewelry in order to fully use the healing qualities of the mineral. To do this, you can purchase products from unprocessed mineral, which retains its beneficial qualities to a greater extent and has a more reasonable price.

Buying unpolished amber will be a good protector against illness and depression and will bring peace and prosperity to your home.

What is raw amber and what does it look like? Why isn’t all amber processed? physical characteristics Medicinal properties Magical properties Application Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign? Is it possible to process amber at home? Untreated stones have always been given special importance, since it was believed that any processing (cutting, polishing, refining) conceals the healing power of the mineral. Raw amber, which is also called wild, is included in the list of healing stones. Today, untreated samples are purchased by both collectors and connoisseurs of such jewelry.

What is raw amber and what does it look like?

Amber is a fossilized solidified resin (resin) of coniferous trees. It is not a mineral because it does not have a crystal lattice. It is classified as a mineraloid. More than 90% of world production comes from Baltic amber (succinite). The unique feature of this formation is that nature itself worked on the processing – sand and sun created the color and pattern, sea water polished it.
Each sample of amber is unique, therefore, despite the ease of processing, jewelers often prefer to leave it in its original form, choosing only a suitable frame. In addition, such samples have a special aesthetics. At the same time, many of them are opaque, but upon contact with the body and clothing, a slight polishing occurs, increasing the degree of transparency over time. Such amber is washed before creating jewelry with it. The crust is either not sanded off at all, or is preserved to the maximum, only emphasizing the interesting texture – roughness, unevenness. For beads, it is drilled and sometimes adjusted in shape and size so that the elements do not differ greatly in decoration. There are several varieties of unprocessed amber: transparent, cloudy, bastard, bone and foam.

Why isn’t all amber processed?

  1. Wild amber has a unique texture that gives jewelry a special aesthetics and originality.
  2. Untreated samples contain more succinic acid, which has beneficial properties.
  3. During processing, the mass of the mineraloid decreases. This is critical for large (more than 1 kg) collection and exhibition samples.

physical characteristics

Wild amber has the same physical properties as processed amber, with the exception of transparency – the former is most often opaque. Hardness ranges from 2 to 2,5 on the Mohs scale. The density is 1 g/ml. Unprocessed amber is also fragile and electrified.

The color of untreated samples is most often cognac, honey yellow, toffee, and brown. It can be red, milky white, greenish. Samples typically contain varying amounts of inclusions in the form of air bubbles, pieces of bark, algae or insect fragments.

Medicinal properties

Raw amber is also called medicinal because it contains a lot of succinic acid, which has beneficial properties. They especially prefer to wear beads and large pendants with it, as they believe that it helps with diseases of the thyroid gland and inflammatory processes in the throat. Amber beads are also useful for those people who earn money with their voices: singers, announcers, actors, etc.

Among the medicinal properties of succinic acid, they note the benefits for asthenic conditions, the ability to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, protect the liver from overload when disposing of toxic substances coming from food and alcohol, etc. At the same time, it does not accumulate in the body. For amber to have an effect, it must be in direct contact with the body, and not through the frame.

Inhalation of essential oils emitted by heated (for example, in warm water) wild amber helps to alleviate bronchopulmonary diseases. Some people also use it as a compress to relieve joint pain and migraines by applying it to their temple.

In any case, lithotherapy cannot act as an independent method of treatment, but only as a supplement to doctor’s prescriptions.

Magical properties

At all times, people believed that amber, including unprocessed amber, has magical properties: it protects the owner from other people’s negativity and envy, brings peace and prosperity, teaches a person to enjoy the simple things in life and let go of the past.

The mineraloid is credited with the ability to help creative people – it gives them inspiration, as well as those who are used to relying more on the heart than on the mind. With the help of amber, the likelihood of finding a solution in a difficult situation increases, and it is much easier to endure the ups and downs of life.

It is believed that jewelry made from this natural formation is useful for pregnant women to wear for successful pregnancy and delivery. A piece of amber under a baby’s pillow preserves sleep, removes fears, and facilitates teething. It also helps adults sleep better. Helps women maintain health, youth and beauty.


Unprocessed amber has the same wide application as that which has been cut and polished, namely, it is used to create jewelry and interior decor, as collectible specimens and amulet.

Most often you can find amber beads, pendants and bracelets. Rings and earrings are also inlaid with raw inserts. Unprocessed amber is also used in alternative medicine.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Astrologers do not make distinctions from the point of view of the horoscope for stones that have undergone and have not undergone treatment. It is believed that amber is especially suitable for Leos, acting as a talisman for them, but in general it “gets along” with all signs of the zodiac.

Perhaps Taurus is not recommended to wear amber jewelry for too long, but it is not strictly contraindicated. In representatives of this sign, the stone gives rise to too much ambition and obsession with material things.

For Leos, amber will help increase strength and power, give stamina and balance. It emphasizes the brightness and individuality of its owner, helps in professional activities, allowing you to easily move up the career ladder.

Is it possible to process amber at home?

Unprocessed amber is cheaper than that which has passed through the hands of jewelers. Sometimes it is bought in its original form and processed at home, since this does not require complex tools or special skills.

  1. The samples are washed to remove the dark crust, which is oxides.
  2. Then the surface layer is ground off and weathered.
  3. Processing is carried out with a file or electric sharpener.
  4. After peeling, remove the patina crust and continue the procedure on the transparent side.

Further operations with the workpiece are reduced to shaping, for which a file and sandpaper are used, grinding and polishing. To sand the sample, spray it with water and use alternately coarse and fine grit sandpaper. Polishing is preferably carried out on felt wheels, which are mounted on an electric sharpener, using goya paste.

Since amber has significant viscosity, it is processed at increased rotation speeds. To remove the outer oxidized crust and give the workpiece an approximate shape, you can use a knife, a triangular file, chisels and sandpaper.

Read also about amber
raw amber

Raw amber What is raw amber and what does it look like? Why isn’t all amber processed? Physical characteristics Medicinal properties Magical properties Application Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign? Is it possible to process yant?

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