What kind of people is moonstone suitable for?
Moonstone is considered one of the most beautiful minerals on the planet; we will consider the magical and healing properties of this gem in the review. The reader will learn about the deposits of the bluish gem, where it is used, and how to distinguish a unique mineral from a fake. Let’s talk about how to wear jewelry with moonstone, what it means for the weaker and stronger sexes, and how it helps to gain peace of mind.
Moonstone – properties and characteristics
Moonstone is a natural gem characterized by an unusual pearly glow, similar to the light of the Moon. The stone belongs to the family of iridescent feldspars. In ancient times, people considered this mineral to be a frozen ray of light from the Moon, they revered and prayed for it, and considered it a powerful talisman.
Physical and chemical properties
- density – 2,6 g/cmXNUMX. m;
- hardness on a ten-point Mohs scale – 6,6;
- the mineral is fragile, destroyed due to mechanical stress;
- translucent;
- has a silky, calm glow.
According to their chemical composition, there are potassium and calcium spars. The first category includes microcline, orthoclase, and sanidine. Calcium minerals are represented by labradorite, albite, oligoclase and other varieties. This classification is of interest to specialists, and it is important for true connoisseurs of stones to know an interesting criterion of authenticity.
Iridescence is considered a unique property of the stone. When a bright ray of sunlight is directed at the gem, pearl shimmers become noticeable. This quality helps to recognize a fake; artificial jewelry is not capable of iridescence. The photo cannot convey this wonderful effect.
Various names for moonstone
Gemstones are usually distinguished by shades and characteristics. All varieties require cutting, which will make the color and shimmer of the stones as impressive as possible.
- adularia is a white translucent spar with a blue glow. Adularia is mined in regions of volcanic activity. When the magma heats up to 700 degrees, moonstone crystallizes. Crystals can also form in compounds of silicon and potassium with oxygen. Traditionally, the adularia is framed in silver. Cabochon is considered the best cut for adularia. This processing method allows you to obtain a smooth polished surface without edges. Typically, a cabochon is shaped like an oval or a circle;
- belomorite looks like pearls, its name refers us to the White Sea, on its shores academician A.E. Fersman discovered this beautiful gem. It is used to make unique talismans for good luck, love and fidelity. Belomorite looks advantageous when cut from cupronickel and nickel silver. Belomorite resembles a beautiful weightless cloud;
- Labradorite has a magnificent color. Initially, black stones are mined; after processing, a blue tint appears – a distinctive feature of Labradorite. The name of the gem was given in honor of the Canadian island of Labrador, where moonstone deposits were discovered;
- Sanidine is a rather rare transparent stone with greenish, yellowish or blue tints; it is used to make jewelry. The main deposit of sanidine is in India.
These are the main types of stone; in addition to them, microcline is known; porcelain products are made from it. Plagioclase, an ornamental stone, and albite, which has found practical application in the manufacture of ceramics, are known.
Where is moonstone mined?
The first deposit was discovered on Mount Adula, located in central Europe. In the 20th century, rich deposits of lunar crystal were discovered in Sri Lanka. A little later, production began in the USA, Tanzania and India. Currently, stone mining is also underway in Russia.
Known deposits
There are not many places to mine stones; they are found next to gold-bearing veins, where rock crystal and hematite are mined. In Russia, deposits of the lunar mineral are located in the northern part of Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula. Belomorites are mined in these places. Gems can be found in the Southern Urals and Baikal. Sometimes deposits are discovered by accident during the extraction of other rocks.
The fragile stones are mined without special equipment; they are collected by hand, using chisels and picks to break off the crystals from the coarse spar.
Applications of moonstone
A wide range of magical qualities, magical appearance and accessibility of the gem make it popular among jewelry craftsmen and designers. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces or various inserts are made from this mineral. Almost any jewelry known on the jewelry market can all use this energy gem. For men, they make tie clips, cufflinks and rings.
For the production of women’s jewelry, as a rule, adularia are used, for men’s jewelry, labradors are used. Silver is most often used to cut this stone; this precious metal also gives off a lunar, coldish light.
Moonstone – what it looks like, varieties and colors
In Russia, a unique blue-white mineral is most often found, without flashy shine. Its structure is heterogeneous; small flickering highlights are visible, which shimmer with a beautiful reflection. The stone is almost always cool, even if you hold it in your hands for a long time, the temperature will not change. A special feature of the lunar mineral is its extraordinary silky surface.
How to distinguish a real moonstone from an artificial one and a fake
The gem is counterfeited quite often, using glass or plastic of a cloudy shade. You can distinguish a fake from an original by following simple rules.
Artificial Moonstone
Before purchasing, you should check whether the mineral is artificial. If it has the following properties, the buyer is faced with a fake.
- Lightweight, jewelry made from it weighs almost nothing. Once you weigh the pebble in your hand, if it is weightless, it is likely that it is a fake;
- Without defects, natural stones do not have a uniform structure. Cracks or bubbles are visible in the natural mineral;
- There is no iridescence effect, that is, a bluish glow. The effect appears when viewing the gem at an angle of 10–15 degrees.
It would be a good idea to check your purchase in a laboratory, if possible. The test is carried out using an X-ray machine; under the influence of X-rays, the real mineral begins to luminesce.
Medicinal properties
From time immemorial, people have known about the healing qualities of the stone. It is believed that moonstone heals the digestive system, is beneficial for metabolism, improves metabolism, enhances the effect of vitamins, and helps cope with illnesses and injuries.
The gem improves a person’s psychological state and promotes a feeling of confidence. In addition to psycho-emotional effects, it develops brain activity, cleanses the blood and body of waste and toxins.
Moonstone – magical properties
Our ancestors gave the stone magical properties, the magic has been confirmed in practice
- Acts as a talisman for verbose and unrestrained people who find it difficult to control their emotions.
- This type of stone is given extrasensory properties. This quality is especially relevant for women who begin to see prophetic dreams.
- The mineral helps to get out of depression, cope with mental trauma, and love experiences. An adularia amulet promotes a positive outlook on life.
The main property of stones that are named after the Moon is to be a talisman of strong love.
Rituals using lunar mineral
In ancient medicine, amulets with moonstones were used during childbirth. They relieved pain and accelerated the natural process of the birth of a child. In ancient times, a talisman with a stone of lunar origin accelerated the movement of fluids in the body, that is, it improved blood circulation and other processes beneficial to health.
Our ancestors believed that magical stone amulets help eliminate aggression, cope with fears and mood swings.
Esoteric cleansing
Moonstone is a gift from nature, capable of absorbing positive and negative energy, so the crystal needs to be cleansed of accumulated energy from time to time. There are several ways to purify lunar mineral.
- Place a glass of spring water next to the moonstone and leave for several days. It is believed that the crystal gives a negative charge to the water. The water is poured away from the house.
- Cleaning is carried out in a silver vessel, the ring or talisman is kept in a silver container, the energy turns from negative to positive.
- Another way is to bury the mineral away from home for 3–5 days, during which time the earth will absorb the accumulated negative energy. The main thing is not to forget the place where the crystal was hidden.
Moonstone – who suits it according to their zodiac sign
Astrologers believe that the stone is suitable for bright people who are not afraid of difficulties, who have the will and desire to achieve their goals. This is a talisman for Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and also Taurus.
Moonstone – properties for women and men
The stone has energy that affects women and the stronger half of society in different ways.
- Leos become self-confident and can solve complex problems. The amulet gives men self-confidence, and women improve relationships with their life partners. Ladies wear an amulet in the form of a ring on their left hand – closer to the heart.
- The talisman helps Virgo find her soul mate. It is difficult for Virgo to do this on their own, since the sign is demanding of itself and the people around it.
- Libras become calm and reasonable. Libra girls wear pebbles to quickly start a family.
- For the weak and strong halves belonging to the sign of Scorpio, the gem helps to find harmony in feelings and actions. Scorpio women become calm and balanced and begin to think positively.
Other zodiac signs are also compatible with this mineral. Taurus understands the world around them better, Capricorn’s business brings in more income, and Gemini’s health becomes stronger. Cancers wearing jewelry with labradorite or belomorite will soon go on a trip.
Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius are not recommended to wear this magical stone; its element does not suit the listed signs in terms of its energy.
The stone is considered by some esotericists to be feminine, but it also has a certain meaning in a man’s life. A talisman with belomorite or adularia is able to unleash creative potential. Writers, artists and people of other creative professions love the stone for its properties. In the last century, the lunar talisman was worn by gamblers; they believed that the little thing would help them win a difficult game.
Moonstone compatibility
Over the course of using the mineral, it became clear that it goes by different names and combines differently with different types of stones. Understanding the compatibility of a gem helps to acquire a reliable amulet that will protect a person throughout his life.
With names
Esotericists believe that adularia and satinites are suitable for people with any names. The stones will work best on Daniil, Gleb, Flor and Timur. Rais, Seraphim, Elena and Daria should take a closer look at amulets made of lunar jewelry; it has a positive effect on girls and women with these names.
With other stones
Adularia is a valuable stone, somewhat similar to amethyst, sapphire or onyx. In combination with other minerals, it has a positive effect on owners of moonstone rings, earrings or pendants. The gem should not be worn in combination with garnet or malachite, ruby or jasper. The stones do not match in color and structure.
Topazes, emeralds and diamonds are not at all suitable for this type of jewelry. Gems are negatively charged during the full moon, when the lunar mineral, on the contrary, comes into force. Other stones can be worn with lunar stones without fear.
Amulets, talismans, amulets made of moonstone
Objects with magical powers were revered in ancient times. Now interest in them has awakened again, especially strongly in talismans, which can be a raw lunar mineral or an amulet – an object that contains a lunar pebble.
Amulets protect not only a person, but also an apartment, a dacha, a car and many other objects. The amulet brings happiness, good luck, health, and protects against dark forces.
Moonstone Jewelry
The mineral is very popular among jewelers because of its attractive appearance and mysterious glow. In expensive private collections you can find tiaras and brooches made from this natural material. In many cultures, the gem is associated with femininity, so it is mainly used to make jewelry for girls and ladies of middle and older age.
Modern jewelry surprises with its unusual, slightly cold beauty. It is customary to give earrings, rings or beads made from natural minerals on the third wedding anniversary.
Stone care
To preserve the external, healing and magical qualities of the stone, you need to constantly care for it. The mineral is fragile and is afraid of various types of influences, so jewelry with it should be removed before doing household chores. It is better to clean jewelry with a soap solution; especially often you need to clean the joints of the stone with the cut.
How to Wear Moonstone
The lunar mineral is best worn in a ring or as a pendant around the neck. The gem is cut from silver or white gold.
For style
Jewelry with a large stone looks great with business suits, classic dresses or casual clothes. Rings with stones go well with jeans and warm sweaters made with chunky knit.
For energy
The stone is worn on the right hand and is believed to bring a lot of energy to its owner. Large stones are worn on the left hand, closest to the heart. It is believed that this way you will be able to find your soulmate faster. Beads made from lunar gems are a source of good mood and vigor.
What does it mean to dream with a moonstone?
If a person dreams of a moonstone, it means that income will soon increase, the family will be replenished, and someone will give an expensive gift. If you dream that the decoration has been removed, this means that you will be able to sell the goods at a great profit. Losing a product leads to envy; if it falls apart, it means a quarrel in the family; if it gets lost in a dream, it’s time to rest, it’s worth going on vacation.
How to choose the right one, how to wear it correctly?
Knowing the basic properties of the mineral, you can distinguish a fake from a natural crystal. The stone should have a slightly iridescent blue tint; it is never completely transparent and is not too light in weight. Before purchasing, it is advisable to read the information about this product. In this case, you will be able to choose jewelry with a natural gem, and not a fake. You can wear a stone like any beautiful jewelry, the main thing is that you like it and feel comfortable and confident.
What does the cost depend on?
The price of minerals depends on the deposit where they were mined, on the size, as well as on special qualities that only professional jewelers can determine.
Above we have listed ways to cleanse bad energy. You can clean a moonstone in the truest sense of the word. For these purposes, it is enough to wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in a soap solution. After cleaning, the jewelry is washed with running water.
One of the ancient minerals with which many legends and mysteries are associated. Its magical glow will leave few people indifferent. But not everyone can find a stone a reliable talisman. Sometimes moonstone properties is absolutely negative. It is important to simply know who it is suitable for, how to choose and what to wear with products that contain this unique gem.
The cost of a stone depends on its variety, shade, transparency, quality and size. The most valued is adularia (natural stone), which is mined in Sri Lanka, Burma and India. This is a stone that is characterized by such effects as asterism (star effect) and cat’s eye.
The fact what does moonstone look like with the cat’s eye effect, known to many. But it is worth recalling this enchanting effect in one image.
The magical properties of the stone
The mineral has been used by humans since ancient times. Had moonstone magical properties throughout its centuries-old existence. It is shrouded in many legends that have survived to this day and have a completely reasonable interpretation. It is best to wear moonstone jewelry when the moon is full. Experts say that when the moon is waning, such products are simple jewelry. They should not be considered a talisman; they lose their qualities when the moon is in a similar phase.
In order to endow the adularia with magical properties, it is necessary to hold it under the moon during the period when the celestial body begins to grow. He is strongly connected with the Moon. That is why this “recharging” is considered the best.
The owner of jewelry containing moonstone has the following qualities:
- epiphany;
- calmness;
- luck;
- success in love and family life.
But in order to fully use the magical properties of the mineral, you need to know some tricks that allow you to use the stone to your advantage.
1. Choose a mineral in accordance with your zodiac sign. If astrologers are categorical, then there is no point in experimenting. In this case, the jewelry will remain just beautiful jewelry.
2. You can find love and preserve it for many years if the active adularis (charged under the Moon) is located in the area of the heart.
3. A ring with a moonstone, located on the ring finger of the left hand, will bring peace. It is quite difficult to get such a person out of patience.
4. Creative people often suffer from the lack of a muse. A small ring with a mineral on your right hand will help bring it back.
5. In order to quickly make important decisions that will bring a positive result, you can carry small rosary beads with stones or a bracelet during negotiations and transactions. It is not necessarily a bright and expensive mineral. Pearlspar is ideal for this purpose.
During the period when the Moon is full, the stone has the most powerful magical properties. It is best suited for people who were born under the luminary in its full phase.
Some clairvoyants use gray moonstone, which can activate their abilities.
Regardless of the shade of the stone, the mineral normalizes Yang energy. Therefore, it is often recommended for company managers who need to control their own psyche and understand the emotional state of employees.
For many centuries, the mineral was used by Tibetan monks in the treatment of the following pathologies:
- epilepsy;
- liver and kidney disease;
- mental disorders.
The monks made no secret of this and offered to use the properties of the mineral to women to enhance reproductive abilities and assist in childbirth. In addition, adularia can help with the following diseases:
- gastrointestinal pathologies;
- stones in the kidneys and pancreas;
- insomnia;
- oncology;
- cardiac pathologies.
There is no official confirmation that the mineral helped get rid of diseases. But traditional and folk medicine recommends its use in complex therapy. In order for the stone to gain healing powers, it is necessary to follow several rules for its storage and use.
1. In the freezer, a stone can forever lose its magical and healing properties.
2. A white spot on the surface indicates that the mineral is currently saturated with lunar energy.
3. You should not wear it at a time when the moon is waning. The most active stone is during the full moon. This moment should not be missed to recharge it. It is enough to keep the decoration on the windowsill, which is illuminated by the light of the moon.
4. It is advisable that when wearing jewelry the stone comes into contact with the skin and it is best if this happens in the area of the heart.
There is a belief that moonstone is a natural psychotherapist. Its powerful energy can relieve depression, relieve stress, and calm surging hysterics. Despite such a number of positive magical and healing characteristics, it is not advisable for everyone to use it.
Who is moonstone suitable for?
There are only a few zodiac signs that can feel the full power of the mineral’s effects on themselves. For others, this is simply not available or the impact of the stone will be minimal. Some useful tips from astrologers and healers will help you determine whether it is worth making or purchasing jewelry for yourself.
It is better to use adularia for people with a balanced character. Those who are suspicious and capricious should choose other minerals, since the stone only activates negative traits.
Representatives of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius should not use the stone. He will become a reliable companion for all other signs in business, love and well-being.
1. Cancers are most able to feel the positive influence of adularia. Especially if a person was born during the full moon. An amulet made of moonstone will attract good luck, relieve the effects of the evil eye, and fill the house with prosperity. In combination with silver, the effect of the mineral is enhanced.
2. Such a talisman will help Pisces find family happiness, and unmarried girls will find true love. In general, the mineral helps the fair sex more, as it is considered a feminine stone.
3. Products made from selenite (a type of mineral) will help Gemini. This will help get rid of frequent depressive moods and find ways out of crisis situations.
4. For Libra, amulets made from moonstone bring harmony to family relationships, have a beneficial effect on the results of negotiations, relieve unnecessary nervousness and add decisiveness before important transactions. Even a small talisman present on your desktop will definitely bring good luck.
5. Virgos are recommended to wear blue moonstone jewelry. It will give harmony, career growth and happiness in your personal life.
In the room where the baby sleeps, it is enough to place a small amulet near the crib or on the windowsill to normalize night sleep and protect against the influence of negative energy.
It is best to use the magical properties of moonstone for people who do not hold negative thoughts in their heads, do not envy the successes of others, and in no case wish harm to anyone. That is why astrologers recommend purchasing the mineral only for positive people, otherwise its magical power may turn against the owner.
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