What kind of people wear a ring on their index finger?
Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time. Let’s look at the meaning of rings on women’s fingers and how to wear them correctly. They are valued for their beauty and nobility, as an accessory that completes an image; they are seen as talismans with magical influence. What do the rings on a woman’s fingers mean? According to psychologists and astrologers, jewelry can tell a lot about its owners, and both the wearing of rings on the fingers and the jewelry itself are important. Rings sometimes play a mystical role in life. They are often used in magical rituals. Therefore, knowing the meaning of the rings on the fingers is useful for every woman. Modern girls wear 2-5 rings on 1 hand. According to anthropologists, the desire to wear many rings on your fingers at the same time is an ancient instinct. This habit was formed due to the fear of losing family jewels. In addition, in the Middle Ages, rich people, having strung rings on their fingers, could use them at any time as a bargaining chip or a gift. To prevent the abundance of rings from looking vulgar, you must adhere to the following rules:
- put accessories made of the same metal on 1 brush;
- do not combine jewelry with costume jewelry;
- avoid variegation.
Two rings made in the same style on one finger look like a single piece of jewelry. It should be noted that wide, massive products look ridiculous on short and chubby arms. Often women have a question: on which fingers should they not wear rings? You can do it on anyone, even on everyone at the same time. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and appropriate.
Large – finger of Venus
What does a ring on a girl’s thumb mean? In ancient times, women thus adapted to wear the jewelry of their dead husbands in memory of them. Nowadays, wearing a ring on your thumb is a desire for freedom and independence, characteristic of a modern strong-willed girl. A ring placed on the thumb speaks of perseverance and energy. It is difficult to convince such a woman. She may be dissatisfied with the sexual aspect of her life and have a desire to assert herself in it.
Wearing rings on the thumb is typical for a woman with a non-traditional sexual orientation, and depending on its location, others can perceive different signs: on the left hand it indicates readiness to have a girlfriend, and on the right hand, that she already has a partner. However, this meaning of wearing rings on the thumb is not relevant today, since such accessories are in trend. They are made from metal, ivory, leather and stone, come in a variety of styles, and many confident girls like them. It should be noted that a silver ring with a cold-colored stone helps develop insight and get rid of excessive practicality. Gold jewelry with a red, orange or yellow stone will enhance logical thinking. Typically, more than two rings are not worn on the thumb.
Index – symbol of Jupiter
Symbolizes strength and power, people pointing and leading. If you wear it constantly, your self-esteem increases. Rings are most often worn on the index finger of the right hand by people who are vain and striving for leadership. Over time, they may develop a need for fame and arrogance. The ring on the index finger of the left hand is worn to develop and realize abilities. It is especially necessary for girls with low levels of self-esteem. Gold and tin have the greatest impact. On the index finger of the left hand, the decoration will be clearly visible, so if desired, you can arrange a demonstration. Some women specifically look for rings for him. Massive accessories with stones speak of the hysteria and unpredictability of their owner.
If a ring is worn on the index finger, there should be no other jewelry with stones on the hand. Minerals of blue, blue and turquoise colors in a silver frame are recommended.
Middle – under the sign of Saturn
What does the ring on it mean? Psychologists say that its owner wants to show not only the decoration, but also herself – the most irresistible and important. The more massive the rings on the fingers, the more narcissistic and vain the woman is. A modest accessory speaks of self-esteem. They are often worn by those who believe in magic and fate. Rings on the fingers of Saturn on both hands mean a tendency to thoughtfulness, detachment from everyday bustle. Simple and compact decorations are very convenient. The talisman ring has a positive effect on your reputation and protects you from gossip. A family ring on the middle finger emphasizes the connection with ancestors, but it is not recommended to wear them all the time. Purple and black stones are most suitable for him. A wedding ring on the finger of the right hand indicates that its owner is engaged, while on the left – about widowhood.
Nameless – finger of the Sun
Wedding rings indicate a woman’s marital status. She herself emphasizes the fact of marriage or engagement by wearing a ring on her right hand. Often a ring with a stone is worn along with it, wanting to emphasize the special meaning of marriage. Unusual wedding rings (with notches or stones) are chosen by people who do not allow passive relationships. They want a vibrant married life. The ring on the ring finger of the left hand speaks of widowhood. A miniature piece of jewelry with a ruby protects the family from quarrels and betrayals; an unmarried girl, with its help, on a subconscious level can indicate a sensual and dreamy nature and a desire for passionate love.
Most often, women wear a ring on their ring finger. Ordinary decoration speaks of a calm character and an even attitude towards people. Pretentious and extravagant are characteristic of creative people who prefer pleasure and luxury. If the ring fingers of both hands are ringed, then the girl is at the peak of positive emotions. You cannot have someone try on the ring from your ring finger. In this case, your personal space turns out to be too open. On which finger should the bride wear the ring after getting engaged? During an engagement among Slavic peoples, it is worn on the right hand. On the wedding day, the bride takes it off so that she never wears it again. It becomes a family heirloom and is passed on to children.
Why do people wear wedding rings on the ring finger? One version is this: if you put your hands in a lock and begin to lift them in pairs (index, middle, and so on), you will find that the ring fingers do not come off the lock, thereby symbolizing strong bonds.
The meaning of finger rings for spouses, as a symbol of fidelity and love, is as important for modern people as it was a thousand years ago. What finger should I wear the ring on after a divorce? The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Mehdi advises hiding and storing it as a sign of respect for the past. If a woman wants to get her ex-husband back after a divorce, she wears the wedding ring given by him on the ring finger of her left hand.
The little finger is a symbol of Mercury
The ring on the little finger is often worn by coquettes who are prone to intrigue, subject to frequent mood swings, but always satisfied with themselves. They are usually very gambling, often sexually available. The ring on the little finger emphasizes the peculiarity of people associated with art. If this person is not creative, he has other talents and claims social significance. His specialty is his communication skills and ability to persuade. However, you should be careful with him, as he can be cunning and lie. Wearing expensive jewelry on the little finger of the left hand is not recommended, as this can lead to loneliness and poverty. On the right one you can wear one ring made of any metal, but green and yellow stones are preferable.
How to choose a jewel
The ring always attracts the eye to the hand, so it should be well-groomed. For colored minerals, you need to choose a suitable shade of nail polish. In addition, accessories should be combined with clothing. Before ringing your fingers, think about how the jewelry will suit the occasion. For business style clothing, scattering of stones is unacceptable, even if they are an imitation of precious ones. Everyday jewelry should feel like a natural complement. Wearing massive and sophisticated rings with a light dress or sportswear is prohibited. Eye-catching and unusual jewelry is suitable for a formal occasion. You can wear stones of 2-3 colors with your evening dress.
Before choosing a piece of jewelry, you should determine which finger it will be worn on. You should go for fitting in the evening. At this time of day, the hand swells a little and becomes fuller.
When choosing jewelry, you need to take into account the age and structure of the hand. Massive jewelry looks better on the hand of an elderly lady. The glance from the ringed finger does not switch to the skin, which reveals one’s true age. Delicate rings look better on the finger of a young girl. Women’s hearts at any age are drawn to jewelry.
In our enlightened times, few people attach any importance to the symbolism of jewelry. And in vain: our ancestors were endowed with special wisdom, given to them by the power of many generations. They knew that wearing a ring on the index finger or any other finger could help the owner gain certain qualities, correct his destiny, and, if necessary, protect him from danger.
Let’s figure out whether it is possible to wear a ring on the index finger and what consequences this can lead to. We will not forget about material matters, that is, fashion trends as applied to the design of jewelry and their location.
A ring is a difficult decoration
We are used to hearing the expression “difficult decoration” when referring to wedding rings. Of course, this is true: the sacred amulet of marriage is of particular importance in preserving the family and increasing marital love.
But this phrase can be used in relation to almost any ring, not just an engagement ring. The shape of the ring is a symbol of infinity, a reference to the eternity of all things, the cycle of life.
The ring symbol is found in almost all known cultures. It is highly revered: even our distant ancestors, who just emerged from the caves, wore rings. The oldest ring-shaped artifacts found by archaeologists date back to the Upper Paleolithic era.
The ring is the only jewelry invented by mankind that has full and constant contact with the body. And it is located interestingly: on the finger, that is, at the place where numerous energy flows pass.
As a result of all of the above, we can summarize: the ring serves as a natural “fuse” for the human aura (in any case, esotericists believe so). It preserves a person’s internal energy and protects him from negativity coming from the outside. And over time, the ring acquires its own inner strength.
There are many signs associated with rings – much more than with any other jewelry combined. A cracked or darkened ring indicates that the jewelry honestly fulfilled its protective function and protected the owner from hostile forces. And someone else’s ring should not only be worn, but also tried on with caution: it may retain an imprint of the aura of the permanent owner, which is not very friendly to other people.
Rings are often used in all kinds of rites and rituals. Experts in occult practices sometimes contain sorrows and misfortunes in them in order to transfer them to other people (random or deliberately chosen).
You can believe all of the above or be skeptical about all subtle matters. However, it is better to carefully select jewelry, without neglecting its implicit symbolism.
Index finger: what palmistry says
The index finger is ruled by Jupiter. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter is the head of all gods, ruling over Parnassus. The ancient Greeks called him Zeus and placed him at the head of all the Olympian gods. And among our Slavic ancestors it corresponded to Perun the Thunderer, who was replaced by Elijah the Prophet with the advent of Christianity.
All these pagan gods were united by many characteristic features, but the main thing was the absolute supremacy over the entire world: not only the other gods and humanity, but the entire Universe.
These were formidable and willful deities, identified with both the creative and destructive powers of light, fire and the sun. They not only rewarded the worthy, but also mercilessly punished apostates. The integral attributes of Jupiter, Zeus and Perun were the fiery chariots in which they rode across the sky, as well as thunder and lightning, which they disposed of at their own discretion.
A well-developed (strong and long) index finger indicates a person cut out to be a leader. In powerful and ambitious people, this finger is almost always much longer than the ring finger.
The same length of the ring and index fingers indicates a calm, balanced character. But a short index finger signifies a nature with a subtle mental organization, easily falling under the influence of others.
In light of the above, a ring on the index finger can enhance some positive character traits:
- leader’s kachestva;
- determination and will to win;
- the ability to take responsibility for decisions made;
- the ability to please people;
- the ability to quickly recover from life’s setbacks.
However, you need to understand that pagan gods are by no means a model of morality, especially from a modern point of view, and exaggerated dignity easily turns into a disadvantage.
Therefore, an incorrectly selected ring on the index finger can lead to negative consequences: manifestations of hysteria, unmotivated aggression, extreme cruelty, and intolerance of other people’s opinions.
Ring on the index finger of the left hand
A ring on the index finger of your left hand means that in front of you is a person who is striving with all his might to win recognition from others, to somehow stand out, to realize himself creatively or professionally. If it does not affect the interests of others, then why not?
A ring on the index finger of a man’s left hand means that in front of you is a man who considers himself irresistible. He strives to dominate everywhere and in everything, sometimes to the detriment of himself and others. However, you cannot deny him energy, love of life and attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.
A girl can also wear a ring on her index finger, from all points of view. Moreover, if she wants to see herself in leading positions in the family, at work and in other areas of life. This is how many socialites, businesswomen, and housewives wear rings while holding their husbands and children under their heels.
Such ladies often develop “excellent student syndrome”: they are extremely afraid of doing something wrong. Hence some hysteria, attacks of jealousy and extreme categorical judgment.
However, if we are talking about right-handers, then wearing a ring on the left hand is interesting only from the point of view of psychology and fashion. According to the postulates of palmistry, a ring on a passive hand cannot have a noticeable effect on a person’s character and actions. The left hand signifies everything that is given to us from birth and destined from above.
If you are not particularly keen to change something in your own character, but really want to wear a ring on your index finger, it is better to put it on your passive hand. True, energetically powerful jewelry (with an ambiguous history or strong stones) can have an impact on a person in this case too.
The meaning of the ring on the index finger of the right hand
The ring on the index finger of the right hand means essentially the same as on the left: the desire for power, leadership, building a career, and so on. However, most of us are right-handed, which means that the right hand is the leading one, responsible for our volitional decisions and actions. Therefore, the choice of jewelry for the right hand should be taken as seriously as possible.
A ring on the index finger of a woman’s right hand means that she does not want to be a gray mouse. She wants to be the center of attention, delight men and make women jealous. Or maybe she doesn’t give a damn about other people’s opinions: she is absolutely self-sufficient.
She is a successful businesswoman, freelancer, creative person with absolutely non-standard views on art. Or maybe she’s just a wife and mother, accustomed to keeping everything under control.
A man with a ring on the index finger of his right hand is usually an extraordinary person who despises conventions. He was created to be free and to command.
But you need to understand that such jewelry on the hand of a person engaged in serious business can alert potential partners. Perhaps he is prone to external brilliance, is emotionally unstable and likes unjustified risks?
But for a creative person, free to express his own ideas and choose ways to implement them, this decoration will help in gaining self-confidence.
If you wear a ring on the index finger of your right hand, you can develop leadership qualities. However, you need to understand: no decoration can create a miracle unless a person puts his own effort into it.
Wedding ring on the index finger: is it right?
The usual position for the Orthodox wedding ring is the ring finger of the right hand (for Catholics and Protestants – the left). However, these principles are not supported in all cultures.
For example, during a Jewish wedding, organized according to the ancient way of life, the groom puts a ring on the bride’s index finger. Moreover, this should be a smooth ring of the simplest possible design, but always made of noble metal, so that you can immediately determine its value.
By the way, Jewish men who adhere to ancient traditions do not wear wedding rings – it is not customary. And for married women, wearing them all the time is not necessary.
Let’s return to Christian traditions. It is extremely rare to see a wedding ring on the index finger of our fellow believers. Usually the reason for his non-standard position is explained simply: the person has lost weight, the ring has become too big, and it has been moved to a thicker index finger.
In everyday life, it is the index finger that bears the greatest load: it takes an active part in most everyday manipulations. Therefore, for most people, constantly wearing a ring on it is simply inconvenient. Try taking the wedding band to a workshop to reduce its size. Or you can simply “prop up” her smaller ring.
As an alternative to wearing wedding rings that do not fit, we can recommend moving them to a chain or gaitan. Wearing a wedding ring as a pendant is now fashionable!
Which ring to wear on your index finger?
Throughout the history of Mankind, rings on the index fingers were worn by people in power: monarchs, generals, nobles, rich merchants, and so on. Such decorations have never been secret symbols, understandable only to initiates, because the index fingers are always visible.
Usually these were rings with large stones that served as amulets and talismans. The second option is the seals that were used to seal transactions and certify documents.
Such rings can still be worn on the index finger, but you need to take into account several points when choosing a metal:
- Silver. Lunar metal gives stability and helps reduce the intensity of passions (for example, get rid of attacks of jealousy and outbursts of aggression). Therefore, a strong person, but overly power-hungry and aggressive, can be recommended to wear silver rings.
- Gold. If you want to develop self-confidence, healthy careerism, the ability to manage people and other leadership qualities, choose a gold ring. However, you need to understand that this metal can endow an energetically weak person with excessive pride, selfishness and intolerance to criticism.
- Copper. The fashion for copper jewelry is gradually gaining momentum. And this is not surprising: in addition to its unique aesthetics, this metal is endowed with healing properties that are recognized even by official medicine. Wearing a copper ring on your index finger will help in the prevention and auxiliary treatment of gastrointestinal and liver diseases.
- Platinum. This is an absolutely fantastic metal. Unlike gold, platinum is unable to accumulate energy: it always remains neutral. But it can soften the properties of strong minerals and balance their impact on the energy of the carrier.
- Tin. This is a lightweight, fairly soft and outwardly inconspicuous metal that is not used for making jewelry on an industrial scale. However, rings made of pewter (a tin-based alloy) can sometimes be seen among the works of artisans. And it’s worth decorating your index fingers with them, if only because tin is the metal of Jupiter.
You need to be extra careful when choosing a tin ring. The alloy should be intended specifically for making jewelry, because technical pewter contains lead, which is harmful to health.
From the point of view of design and fashion trends, you should wear bright rings on your index fingers: thin headbands or rings with small stones are aesthetically inferior in this position. But solitaires, massive signets, armor rings, wide openwork models and now fashionable composite jewelry look great.
And it is better to select stones in accordance with the tastes of Jupiter: red, blue, light blue and violet. Rings with aquamarine, turquoise, charoite, blue topaz, sapphire or lapis lazuli are suitable for everyone, without exception. But you need to be more careful with red stones: on the one hand, they activate vital energy, on the other, they provoke manifestations of lust for power and aggression.
You can’t wear a ring on your index finger in only one case: if it gets in the way or you don’t like it. Everything else is possible and necessary, because first of all you need to listen to your own feelings.
Among other things, Jupiter is responsible for spiritual growth, intellectual development, physical strength and material well-being – in a word, for all the components of human happiness. So wear rings on your index fingers without fear and be happy to the envy of your ill-wishers!