What kind of person loves pink?
Good day, residents of the Crafts Fair! In general, everything where pink is present looks somehow special. Why? Let’s look at the color pink from a scientific point of view, let’s look at its psychological aspect. Pink is the color of life, of all living things. Pink color means romance, kindness, love, passion. The paler it is, the stronger the expression of love. Causes a feeling of comfort, calms, relieves obsessive thoughts. He is fueled by an aura of innocence and purity. The mixture of red and white combined seemingly absolutely incompatible manifestations of such feelings and emotions as aggression and purity of mind, thereby calming the first of them and giving strength to the second. Therefore, pink color in psychology has always been considered as one of the most effective elements of color therapy and it is almost always used in cases where it is necessary to reduce the intensity of passions, or to help a person cope with irritability and anger, since pink dulls aggression and nervousness. From time immemorial, pink was considered the color of innocence, love and tenderness, carrying within itself an exclusively feminine principle. And this attitude towards him had very good reasons. After all, it is a woman, who has a more subtle nature of feelings, who is much better able to smooth out rough edges in any conflict situations than men. And it is not surprising that already in childhood, young representatives of the fair sex, when choosing clothes, an accessory or even a dress for a doll, are instinctively drawn to this particular color, without even really realizing why they are doing it. The program of motherhood and care for offspring embedded in them at the genetic level is unthinkable without manifestations of love and tenderness, and according to color psychology, pink is their direct personification. However, the meaning of pink in psychology, as a symbol of tenderness and femininity, is not unitary and different people can perceive it differently. After all, the perception of any color is subjective and each person can have their own associations with this mix of red and white, both positive and negative. And there are many women who, for example, like pink flowers, but who will never buy themselves a pink dress or bag, because on a subconscious level they understand that for self-realization and emotional comfort they need completely different colors. It’s all about the psychological state of each individual person in a particular period of time and the tasks and goals that he sets for himself at that moment. According to psychology, pink color in clothes is chosen by people who are prone to a certain immaturity, who prefer to depend on others and who do not feel any particular desire to take on any responsibility. The color pink is limitless, but it has a drawback: it is quite rare in everyday life. Yes, this color cannot be called universal. But in combination with white it looks more than wonderful: white makes it softer, more romantic and gentle. Chromotherapy recommends pink for those who find it difficult to calm down. Those who love pink are always in a dream world, soft, and sincerely believe in miracles. Admirers of pink dream of sublime and endless love, strive to create home coziness and comfort. They are gentle and relaxed, and their “meeting” with reality is quite difficult, since they live with rose-colored glasses. “Pinks,” unfortunately, tend to let people down, even those they value very much. They almost always overestimate their capabilities, their promises are usually just an illusion (they promise much more than they can deliver). Fans of pink are extremely lucky: they are said to live to a ripe old age. Pink is one of the most delicate shades that Mother Nature gave us, designed to delight our eyes and tune the pulse of lovers to a romantic wave. And finally, I would like to say a few words about jewelry. Pink jewelry is suitable for those who like to flirt and have a sweet and playful character. Pink jewelry gives a feeling of spring. Most often, such jewelry is worn under bright, colorful dresses – they are designed to emphasize the feminine nature, bring joy and arouse a certain interest of others. Most people associate the color pink with tenderness, innocence, naivety, romance and femininity. Sometimes it is associated with some frivolity and frivolity. Today we will take a detailed look at the meaning of the color pink in psychology, find out what associations it causes, how it affects the psycho-emotional state and what kind of people like it.
The meaning of pink in psychology
- creating a feeling of freshness, home comfort and tranquility;
- relaxing effect that improves the quality of rest;
- creating a relaxed festive atmosphere.
The color pink symbolizes rebirth, the awakening of nature, flowering, and the emergence of new life. In human relationships, it denotes kindness, friendliness, tenderness, romantic experiences and love. This is a pleasant color that has a calming effect on the psyche and improves mood. It can even affect your physical condition, improving blood circulation and having a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.
The influence of pink on the psyche
This delicate and soft color can dramatically reduce the level of aggression, almost instantly causing an angry person to calm down. It creates a relaxed atmosphere, improves mood and adds optimism, helps cope with stress from disappointments and unfulfilled hopes. It’s not for nothing that pink is one of the so-called “antidepressant colors” in psychology. Under its influence, a person leaves unpleasant memories in the past and tunes in to a bright future.
Pink color enhances the romantic mood, so it can be used to create an intimate atmosphere. Like red, it has a stimulating effect, awakens sexuality and enhances libido, but does not make a person irritable. When surrounded by pink things (or on pink bed linen), sexual desires are directed more towards tenderness than towards passion. In addition, this color increases the level of trust, so it is great for couples who have some tension in their relationship.
The meaning of pink for women
Most people associate pink with femininity, so it can be considered the main feminine color. Psychologists say that girls who love the color pink have the following character traits:
- Femininity, playfulness. These girls like to feel like real women – beautiful, desired and loved. They love handsome male courtship and are not very worried about gender equality issues.
- Sensitivity. Lovers of pink are usually quite vulnerable and painfully experience any unsightly actions towards themselves.
- Daydreaming. The saying “Looks at the world through rose-colored glasses” appeared for a reason. Girls who like the color pink are very dreamy, good-natured and naive by nature.
In modern cinema, lovers of pink are usually portrayed as naive and spoiled ladies, usually with childish character traits. Psychologists say that they are indeed characterized by some infantilism. They can, like children, not notice important things, and give great importance to meaningless little things.
Importance for men
We have already repeatedly mentioned the stereotype according to which pink is an exclusively feminine color. Most people think that it suits stylish girls, but should not be present in a man’s wardrobe. However, if the image is chosen well, then a man can easily wear a pink thing and look very stylish at the same time.
Pink adds romance to a man’s look. Many men love it and would gladly wear pink things if they weren’t afraid of looking stupid and being ridiculed by friends and colleagues.
Pink color in a men’s wardrobe can be in such things as a shirt, jacket or even an entire suit. In principle, a pink shirt will suit almost any man, so there is no need to be afraid of looking stupid. But you need to be careful when choosing a jacket – a good sense of style is required here. Pink suits are usually worn by representatives of creative professions, who, as a rule, have an excellent sense of style.
Pink color in the interior
Traditionally, children’s rooms for little girls are decorated in shades of pink. Perhaps this is partly why many women have this color evokes such warm emotions, a feeling of serenity and carefreeness. However, it calms and pacifies not only due to memories and childhood associations. He has this effect naturally. Therefore, people facing stressful situations at work should add a little pink to the interior.
The main thing is not to overdo it. A white suspended or suspended ceiling with pink inserts will look quite appropriate and harmonious. You can also hang wallpaper that has pink patterns. If you don’t need to make any repairs, you can hang a picture on the wall or buy pink pillows for the sofa. By the way, this color visually expands the space, so if you add it to the interior, you can make the room more spacious and free.
What kind of people like pink?
Typically, pink lovers are kind and peace-loving people who oppose any form of violence. If a girl surrounds herself with pink, most likely she wants to feel her femininity and loves male attention. In addition, if a woman suddenly starts wearing pink things, this may mean that right now she feels the need for male support and protection.
While studying the meaning of the color pink for humans, psychologists found that people who like it are usually dreamy people. They believe, or at least want to believe, that miracles happen. They are characterized by some infantilism, and it is very important for them to have a corner in which they feel comfortable and protected. Also pink is popular with talented and creative people, representatives of creative professions and simply extraordinary individuals.
In relationships with others, pink lovers are very friendly and sociable. Almost always they are extroverts, easily communicate with strangers and quickly become close to new friends. Usually they are so positive that others are involuntarily drawn to them. Interestingly, a passion for the color pink is often accompanied by high self-esteem, increased emotionality and the ability to find compromises.
Pink color in psychology is considered soft, gentle and calming. It appeals to dreamy and slightly childish individuals, while women are more inclined to it than men. This is largely due to established stereotypes according to which pink is a purely feminine color. However, many men like it and look quite stylish in a men’s wardrobe (provided that the combination of shades is well chosen). But even men who are not confident in their sense of style can buy themselves a few pink shirts without fear of looking ridiculous in them.