What minerals to drink every day?
Vitamins are vital substances, the lack of which causes malaise, and in the case of severe vitamin deficiency – various diseases. A person should regularly receive a whole range of vitamins in quantities that meet daily physiological needs. In this article we will figure out what vitamins we need and why and where we can get them.
The value of vitamins
Vitamins play an important role in metabolic processes occurring in the body. Lack of vitamins causes dangerous diseases such as scurvy, rickets, beriberi, xerophthalmia, pellagra, and anemia. Our body is not able to create reserves of vitamins for a more or less long period, so we need to replenish their deficiency every day. There are, of course, exceptions – fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, which are actually deposited in fatty tissue and the liver. The body cannot accumulate other vitamins. It is not so difficult to replenish the deficiency – we consume most of the vitamins ready-made, with food, some are synthesized in the intestines thanks to the microorganisms living in it.
Natural and synthetic vitamins
Vitamins are divided into synthetic and natural. By natural we mean those that we get from food. Synthetic vitamins are substances obtained by industrial methods. Many people prefer natural vitamins as they are more beneficial. Intuitively, this sounds more than reasonable. In fact, there are several subtleties here. Both vitamins are synthesized – some in nature, others in factories. Chemically these are identical compounds. Most of the time, the selection of agricultural plants was carried out based on productivity and plant resistance to disease. Agricultural crops were primarily supposed to feed as many people as possible, and utility was secondary. That is, the vitamin content in natural products may be low. Synthetic vitamins were created precisely in order to compensate for the lack of certain substances in the body. When using only natural products, it is very difficult to obtain the amount of vitamins the body needs. According to Japanese scientists, in order to provide the body with a full set of vitamins it needs, a person’s daily diet should consist of no less than 39 different foods. The quantity of these products is another challenge. For example, the Ministry of Health recommends eating at least 24 kg of fish per year, which is half a kilo per week. Considering the price of seafood, grocery shopping, and cooking, fish oil capsules seem like a more attractive way to get your “fishy” vitamins. There are natural products that have the properties of multivitamin preparations. These are sprouted seeds of cereals and legumes. Such products include wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, peas, beans, and soybeans. Multivitamin complexes are an easier and cheaper way to compensate for general vitamin deficiencies. However, vitamins from natural foods are actually healthier, in the sense that they contain micronutrients in their most active forms. That is, vitamins are better absorbed. Therefore, if you are lacking one or more specific vitamins, it is quite possible to solve this problem with diet.
The most important vitamins
Modern science knows 13 types of vitamins. They have a letter designation: vitamin A, B vitamins – there are 8 of them in total, vitamins C, D, E, K. Long-term lack of some of them leads to serious health problems. Let’s talk about these vitamins.
Vitamin A, retinol
Vitamin A is most important because it maintains the normal physiological state of the skin and mucous membranes. Most often, a lack of vitamin A is felt in the winter-spring period: a person quickly gets tired, the immune system weakens, the skin becomes rough, hair loses its shine and falls out easily. Also, the need for vitamin A increases with heavy physical activity, great nervous tension, and infectious diseases. The main sources of vitamin A are animal products. Animal liver, fish, fish oil, caviar, and dairy products are especially rich in it. Foods high in vitamin A:
- liver;
- eel meat;
- ramson;
- viburnum;
- garlic;
- butter;
- broccoli.
Vitamin B1, thiamine
This vitamin is widely distributed in nature. People receive the largest amount of it from plant foods. Thiamine is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Early signs of vitamin B1 deficiency are tingling and numbness in the limbs. In severe cases, multiple inflammations of the nerves develop. Often, with a lack of vitamin B1, shortness of breath is observed even with little physical activity.
Natural sources of vitamin B1:
- pork;
- nuts;
- oat flakes;
- potatoes;
- asparagus;
- yeast.
Vitamin B9, folic acid
B9, or folic acid, is vital for growth and the development of the circulatory and immune systems. It stimulates and regulates hematopoiesis, helps increase the number of leukocytes, and forms red blood cells.
During pregnancy, this vitamin plays an important role in the normal development of the embryo. Its deficiency during pregnancy can lead to premature birth. Also, a deficiency of folic acid in the mother during pregnancy often leads to severe fetal defects.
It is important to know that vitamin B9 is easily destroyed by cooking and exposure to light.
Vitamin B9 is found in the following foods:
- buckwheat and oatmeal;
- avocado;
- oranges and other citrus fruits;
- strawberries;
- spinach;
- asparagus;
- cabbage;
- beet;
- carrot;
- tomatoes;
- beans;
- soy.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid
A person constantly needs vitamin C – the body does not synthesize or accumulate it, but at the same time actively consumes it.
The properties of vitamin C are diverse. The most significant of them is participation in protein synthesis. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the functions of the central nervous system. Ascorbic acid supports the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. It weakens the effects of various allergens, stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, and accelerates wound healing.
A lack of vitamin C leads to decreased mental and physical performance, lethargy and an increased incidence of acute respiratory diseases.
The main natural sources of vitamin C:
- rosehip berries;
- black currant berries;
- lemons;
- oranges;
- Red pepper;
- green onions;
- dill;
- parsley;
- nettle.
Vitamins of group D
Vitamin D is formed in the human body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation: it can be synthesized during sunbathing or when irradiated with a quartz lamp. For residents of mid-latitudes, 1-2 weeks of sunshine is enough to satisfy the body’s annual requirement for vitamin D.
Vitamin D is essential for normal heart function. It regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
Vitamin D deficiency in children is manifested by general slow development and the threat of rickets. In adults, vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis.
List of foods rich in vitamin D:
- fish fat;
- Cod liver;
- pink salmon and other fatty fish;
- black caviar;
- egg yolk;
- goat milk;
- butter;
- hard cheeses.
Historical information
Throughout its history, humanity has constantly encountered symptoms of vitamin deficiencies. The cause of this phenomenon was attributed to infections.
Avitaminosis was glorified by sailors. During the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, when ships became larger and voyages began to last for months, hundreds of thousands of sailors began to die from scurvy. There were no refrigerators at that time, and there was nowhere to store perishable vegetables and fruits, so they were not taken. And they contain the most important vitamins for humans.
Sailors regularly died from vitamin deficiency. But this is precisely what led people to understand the benefits of vegetables and fruits. Scottish physician James Lindt was the first to use citrus fruits to prevent scurvy in 1747.
It took another century and a half to create the first synthetic vitamin. Vitamins in crystalline form were first isolated by the Polish scientist Casimir Funk in 1911. He came up with the name – vitamin (from the Latin Vita – life).
A woman’s health, her well-being, the stability of the internal organs and systems are often determined by the balance of essential vitamins and microelements. Some of them are synthesized by the body on its own, others come from outside. Many substances are present in food, but not all and often not in sufficient quantities. Good supplements – high-quality vitamins for women and balanced mineral complexes – can make up for the resulting lack of vitamins and minerals. They maintain health and normalize hormonal levels, are necessary to improve tone and strengthen the immune system, maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system and all organs.
What vitamins should women under 30 take?
Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and amino acids seriously affects health. Vitamin deficiency often provokes problems with women’s health, reduces performance and quality of life, and negatively affects reproductive function. This is especially true for young women. In the period up to 30–35 years, the body is actively functioning, it is ready to bear and give birth to a child. It is important to maintain the functioning of the immune and nervous systems, monitor your appearance, and maintain the health of your internal organs.
What vitamins does a woman under 30 need? Young ladies pay attention to balanced vitamin and mineral complexes, including:
- Beta carotene. Able to support the health and normal functioning of the ovaries and mucous membranes. Necessary for normalizing eye function, skin regeneration mechanisms and sebaceous glands.
- Vitamins for women of group B. All 8 vitamins of this group are extremely necessary and important for the body. They become active participants in the process of generating energy, starting normal metabolism, maintaining and strengthening the immune system and nervous system.
- Vitamin C. Eliminates the premature appearance of age spots. A powerful antioxidant ensures the normal functioning of connective and bone tissues; it is also necessary to improve immunity.
- Tocopherol. This is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process, stimulates the production of female hormones, and helps prevent the growth of tumors.
- Calciferol. It is this component that is necessary for normal calcium absorption. It protects the body from inflammatory processes, heart and vascular diseases, and greatly reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
High-quality women’s vitamins should be supplemented with a number of essential microelements (iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, zinc, etc.). Good vitamin complexes include vitamins A, C, E, B12, which are also involved in the process of hematopoiesis and restoration of hemoglobin levels. This composition, along with important microelements, can strengthen hair and nails and promote rapid tissue regeneration. It is also used when planning pregnancy.
What vitamins should women take at 30-40 years old?
After thirty years, a change in hormonal levels occurs, which is often accompanied by weakness and fatigue, the appearance of irritability, insomnia, and headaches. In order not to take medications, you need to take care of strengthening the body with the help of supplements. This is due to the body’s constant need for vitamins. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, maintaining appearance, preventing diseases, and strengthening the immune system.
To eliminate the possibility of negative effects of age-related changes on health, after 30 years of age it is recommended to take minerals and vitamins for women, which contain nutrients important for the body. Active supplements must contain:
- vitamins for women A, C, E, B – they are necessary to increase the body’s protective function, strengthen the nervous system, and protect it from exhaustion;
- tocopherol, retinol – required to maintain the beauty and health of hair, nails, skin;
- phylloquinone – necessary for normalizing blood clotting;
- chromium, zinc, phosphorus – the body will need to normalize metabolic processes, strengthen the nervous and reproductive systems, and build new cells (which is especially important for women who have reached the age of 35).
Among other equally important components, it is especially worth noting calcium, magnesium, iron, boron and cholecalcipheol. Such components are necessary to restore the body, strengthen bones, heart muscle, and blood vessels. It is important to understand that taking antibiotics, coffee, alcohol, sleeping pills, and smoking reduce the level of absorption of nutrients. A balanced complex of vitamins for women helps compensate for their deficiency.
What vitamins should women take at 40-60 years old?
Exhaustion of the body over the years and after stress, pregnancy and childbirth, everyday work, and taking various medications becomes inevitable. Special vitamins for women help support the body and eliminate the formation of shortages of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other vital components.
Most often, women’s vitamins for women aged 40–60 years are antioxidant complexes that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, eliminating fatigue and ensuring the functioning of the nervous, respiratory, genitourinary, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems. To maintain women’s health, it is necessary to additionally take vitamin and mineral supplements, which include the following compounds:
- vitamins A, C, K, E, B12, D;
- lignites;
- omega xnumx;
- magnesium, calcium, iron, boron, magnesium, potassium, etc.
It is important to understand that the gradual decline of ovarian function can appear as early as 40 years of age, which will immediately affect the condition of the skin. They lose their elasticity, the hair turns gray and the first signs of approaching old age appear. A complex of vitamins for women is necessary to maintain visual acuity, strengthen blood vessels, improve the condition of the skin, normalize sleep and general condition. After 45 years, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes that include vitamin D3 and calcium. This will eliminate the likelihood of osteoporosis and strengthen bone tissue.
What vitamins should women over 50 take?
Menopause often occurs during this period, but this does not at all characterize the onset of old age. Pronounced changes often appear only after 70 years. To help the body stay strong and resilient, maintain health and well-being, take women’s vitamins. It is important to eat a diet with plenty of fiber, calciferol (1100 IU) and calcium (1500 mg). With retirement, the need for vitamin complexes increases. They must contain the following substances:
- Vitamins for women D, B6, E, B12, B9, A, K. They strengthen the heart, blood vessels, are necessary for bone tissue, muscles, and the prevention of a number of diseases. These include arthritis, osteoporosis, amnesia, heart failure, thrombosis, and disruption of the nervous system.
- Iron (20 mg), calcium (1200 mg), magnesium (500 mg) – taken every day.
Vitamins for women are constantly needed. To eliminate the risks of developing various pathologies, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes in courses in the fall and spring. Information on the duration of use can be found in the recommendations of the drug manufacturer. To choose the right vitamins for women, you need to study their composition and pay attention to the advice of your doctor.
Popular women’s vitamin complexes
The best vitamins for women help fight hypovitaminosis. To choose the right one in a virtual pharmacy, they study its composition, instructions and the characteristics of the condition of their body. Vitamins are selected together with the attending physician. Most often, the doctor recommends:
- SOLGAR. A huge selection of complexes allows you to choose the ones that are suitable for your health and age. Among the popular multivitamins are those for those who lead an active lifestyle, are preparing for motherhood, or require help after an illness or stress.
- “Orthomol.” A line of products in the form of granules, drinking liquids, capsules. Helps maintain health at different ages.
- “Vitrum”. The components include macroelements, vitamins, and microelements in the dosage necessary to maintain health. For young women, products are offered in the Beauty line, for mature women – in Beauty Elit.
- “Dopelhertz.” Provides health maintenance in adulthood, when the body needs help during menopause, as well as for the prevention of osteoporosis and various heart diseases.
Among the available remedies are vitamin preparations “Duovit” and other formulations that can be taken at any age.
Please pay attention to the following products
- Medicines and dietary supplements
- Medical cosmetics
- Orthopedics
- Medical products
- Intimate goods
- Optics
- other
- Cosmetics and hygiene
- Mom and baby
- First aid
- Medical devices and diagnostics
- Healthy eating