What ointment can cure bursitis?
Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial bursa, accompanied by the accumulation of exudate. The disease can affect both large and small joints, although the former is much more common. The inflammatory process most often occurs as a result of injury, but infection through the bloodstream is also possible.
Causes of bursitis
As a result of injury, the infection penetrates into the joint cavity, where pathogenic microorganisms begin to grow. It is possible that the pathogen may enter the blood stream from nearby foci of infection. In this case, the cause of the disease may be osteomyelitis, furunculosis, bedsores, and so on. People with a high risk of injury are most often affected, that is, athletes, heavy workers and others. With constant injury to the joint, the process may begin to become chronic.
Symptoms of bursitis
The first sign of the disease is the appearance of swelling at the site of injury. The tumor can reach 8-9 centimeters in diameter. It is soft, painful to the touch, and there is also fluctuation, which indicates the presence of fluid in the cavity. In addition, there is an increase in temperature, swelling of the surrounding tissues, and difficulty moving in the area of the affected joint. High temperatures cause weakness, nausea, headaches and other symptoms of intoxication. It should be noted that these symptoms are characteristic of acute bursitis, when the disease develops abruptly and requires emergency treatment. Chronic bursitis occurs with less severe symptoms. As a rule, this is the presence of a slight swelling that does not cause pain and does not limit movement in the joint.
Diagnosis of bursitis
Diagnosis is carried out using examination, palpation, radiography and bursography. In some cases, ultrasound examination, puncture of the bursa, and angiography are prescribed.
Treatment of bursitis
Treatment of the disease can be carried out either conservatively or surgically. In the first case, rest is prescribed and the immobility of the joint is ensured. If there is pain, painkillers are used. Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed. Thermal procedures are mandatory, for example dry heat or a heating pad (at a medium heat level) on the area of the affected joint, as well as compresses with Vishnevsky ointment. These procedures allow you to reduce the amount of exudate in the cavity of the bag. With a long course of the disease, the formation of calcium deposits in the cavity of the bag is possible. They cause severe pain and cause limited mobility. This condition often requires surgery to remove calcium deposits and fluid. After this, the above-described conservative treatment is carried out.
Tips for bursitis
If bursitis occurs, especially when this disease has already occurred, you should know what measures will help cope with pain and reduce signs of pathology. At the first sign of pathology, ice should be applied. It will reduce swelling and relieve some pain. After a couple of days, you can move on to thermal procedures. In this case, you should only use a medium mode, for example a warm compress. Despite the pain, try to massage the joint and knead it to maintain mobility. Regular aspirin will help cope with the pain. Remember that without a certain amount of exercise, calcium salts are deposited, which can lead to a complete loss of mobility. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, and also to avoid exacerbations of bursitis, you should perform daily exercises for the affected joint. It is better to learn about exercises from a specialist in therapeutic exercises, since increased loads will cause pain and only worsen the condition.
Prevention of bursitis
To prevent bursitis, excess load on the joints should be avoided. Work in one position should alternate with light exercises. It is recommended to visit the fitness room 2-3 times a week. You should also promptly treat all inflammatory diseases, especially those that occur with the formation of a purulent process. Bursitis – inflammation of the synovial bursae of the joints. It occurs most often in the area of the elbow, shoulder, knee and ankle joints. The disease can be acute or chronic. Bursitis can be caused by pathogenic microbes, or be of a non-infectious inflammatory nature. The most common causes of bursitis are:
- bruises and injections in the joint area;
- damage due to friction;
- infectious lesion;
- metabolic disease
- atritis or gout
- uncomfortable shoes
- excess weight
- immune diseases
In the initial stages of acute bursitis, the articular and periarticular tissues become saturated with serous fluid, and exudate accumulates in the periarticular bursa. With purulent bursitis, pus can break into the surrounding tissues, fistulas outward, into the joint cavity, forming purulent arthritis. With injuries or constant physical activity, the wall of the periarticular bursa becomes thicker and rougher, leading to limited mobility in the joint, as well as relapses of the disease. Very often, the beginning of calcareous bursitis is the deposition of salts in the wall of the periarticular bursa.
Symptoms of bursitis
The most basic symptom of bursitis is inflammation and swelling in the damaged area. However, there are other common symptoms that not everyone knows about:
- Enlargement of the damaged area due to the accumulation of excess fluid;
- Aching pain that sends impulses to the limb. The attacks are usually worse at night. With prolonged immobility of the body, swelling will increase;
- Deposition of salts in the joint capsule and joint contracture;
- Severe swelling;
- Redness of the skin in the affected area;
- The blood begins to rush strongly to the body;
- The patient’s temperature rises to 40 degrees;
- Weakness in the body and malaise;
- Attack of nausea;
- The volume of lymph nodes increases.
Treatment of bursitis
Treatment of bursitis always complex, comprehensive, includes both drugs and local procedures, as well as measures for conservative therapy and surgical intervention in advanced or complicated cases. Acute bursitis from the very beginning of the disease requires fixation of the affected joint; a tight bandage on the joint will help to avoid tissue swelling. Compresses with various agents, Vishnevsky ointment, are placed on the joint. Treatment of acute serous bursitis To avoid complications, you need to start as early as possible. At the beginning of treatment of chronic bursitis, a puncture of the periarticular bursa is most often performed to remove exudate.
The cavity of the bag is washed with special solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics. Traumatic bursitis requires the introduction of a solution of hydrocortisone and antibiotics into the cavity of the periarticular bursa. It is important to prevent infection from entering the bursa, otherwise purulent phlegmonous bursitis may occur. With purulent bursitis, the number of punctures and lavages of the joint cavity depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of complications.
Today The Medicine Clinic is ready to offer its patients more effective and modern treatment for bursitis. The essence of the method is to use plasma lifting and laser therapy in the treatment of the disease.
Laser therapy for bursitis
The use of laser in the treatment of bursitis is considered one of the effective methods of treating this disease. Laser therapy quickly eliminates the inflammatory process and returns normal motor activity to the joint
In our “Medicine” clinic, when treating bursitis, our specialists use laser both superficially and intra-articularly.
Laser therapy involves a special effect on areas of the body through laser radiation. The laser can be different, but infrared is most often used. The radiation is insignificant, but has good permeability.
The laser beam affects the body through heating soft tissues, as well as neurovascular nodes, stimulating their regeneration. Thanks to this, blood circulation is accelerated, the spine is strengthened, and tissues are cleansed of toxic and waste accumulations. In the treatment of joint diseases, infrared laser has proven itself best. Its light penetrates deeply into the tissue, approximately from 6 to 8 cm. The radiation of the infrared laser affects the bone, warming it up to 2,5 cm.
In our clinic, patients suffering from bursitis are offered a course of intravenous laser irradiation of blood.
During intravenous irradiation of blood, a laser beam acts on the blood through a thin light conductor that is inserted into a vein. Intravascular action of low-intensity radiation allows you to influence the entire blood mass. This leads to stimulation of hematopoiesis, strengthening of the immune system, increasing the transport function of the blood, and also helps to enhance metabolism.
Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) is a modern method of light therapy, which is based on the low-intensity impact of a laser beam on leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells in the cardiovascular system.
A course: 3 – 5 sessions
Procedure time: 15 minutes
Frequency determined individually depending on the nature of the disease.
Intravascular laser blood irradiation (ILBI) | 1 manipulation | 700 |
Laser treatment of the senile membrane | 1 manipulation | 1 000 |
Plasmolifting in the treatment of bursitis
Another technique that has proven itself in the treatment of bursitis and is widely used in our clinic is plasma lifting. The introduction of autoplasma into the affected joint helps reduce inflammation and stop degenerative disorders. This effect is achieved due to the formation of new blood vessels, due to which the blood supply and nutrition of the damaged areas is enhanced many times over. The patient notices that the pain gradually goes away, the functioning of the joint is normalized, and rehabilitation is much more effective than during the traditional therapy regimen.
Plasmolifting for bursitis of the knee joint, according to patient reviews, almost immediately reduces the intensity of pain and relieves inflammation. In addition, it increases the effectiveness of complex treatment of the disease and speeds up the rehabilitation period.
Single dose: 1-2 ml.
A course: 3-5 injections intra-articularly
Interval: 7 – 10 days
Support course: Once every six months
PRP joint therapy with alflutop | 1 manipulation | 6 000 |
PRP joint therapy | 1 manipulation | 5 000 |