What removes zeolite from the body?
Zeolites are a group of aluminosilicate minerals. Their origin is sedimentary-volcanic. They are mined all over the world, our Urals has the largest deposits, and deposits in Africa, Iceland, and Japan are also rich in zeolites. More than 50 types of mineral are known, the most common and used in various fields is clinoptilolite.
Properties of the mineral
- adsorption. Thanks to the crystal lattice, they manage to bind nitrates, radioactive and heavy metals, and other toxic substances and compounds;
- catalysis – acceleration of chemical reactions;
- ion exchange. Zeolites are porous, they are able to absorb certain molecules (for example, water) and release mineral components.
Zeolites are able to work as a kind of “molecular sieve”. Their pores and internal cavities have clearly defined dimensions, which allows them to absorb or filter out various substances. For example, they rid water of radioactive elements (strontium, cesium), but “pass” other components. They are also capable of absorbing liquid or toxins in a significant volume – half their own.
Areas of application of zeolite
Due to its unique properties, the mineral is actively mined in nature and actively processed, and its artificial analogue is also synthesized. It is in demand in many areas of our lives.
In industry, zeolite is used in a number of industries:
- construction, as an additive to concrete mixtures, giving them strength and ensuring rapid hardening;
- chemical – zeolites are used as mineral fertilizers or their components that improve the structure: they prevent caking of bulk compositions and give strength to granular fertilizers. As a result, the shelf life of raw materials increases. They serve as an environmentally friendly replacement for toxic phosphates: to improve consumer properties, they are added to the compositions of washing powders and other detergents;
- oil production and oil refining. The mineral is added to raw materials to remove sulfur, desalting and dehydrating components from it, and serves as a catalyst for oil distillation;
- housing and communal services – zeolite is used in water purification, both drinking and waste water. Water in pipelines loses its hardness after contact with it.
Technical zeolite is also used as a filler in the production of rubber, plastics, leather and eco-leather, leatherette, and oilcloth. Containers for vegetables and fruits are made from it – the so-called zeolite cardboard. Products stored in such containers have a longer shelf life. If you add it to raw materials for paper production, it will turn out breathable paper that absorbs odors. Clinoptilolite with white color is used to produce food wrapping paper.
Zeolites are used in situations where it is necessary to eliminate moisture over large spaces (this also applies to production areas).
Zeolite is widely used in major agricultural sectors:
- in crop production – it is extremely in demand as a raw material for the production of fertilizers and mineral additives to them – it enriches traditional fertilizer compositions due to the iron, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and other microelements it contains. Agricultural crops and green manure fertilized with preparations containing zeolite practically do not absorb substances that harm them from the soil, are less prone to diseases, and are characterized by high yields. Soils, saturated with necessary microelements, restore structure and fertility. In arid regions, long-acting zeolite preparations are in maximum demand – after all, they retain soil moisture necessary for the growth and development of agricultural plants;
- livestock farming Zeolite is added to feed for farm animals – thanks to this component, food for sheep, pigs, cattle, and poultry is enriched with useful minerals, becomes suitable for long-term storage, and is not affected by mold. Animals’ absorption of nutrients increases, they gain weight faster, suffer less from various diseases, and perform their reproductive functions better. Zeolite is also found in veterinary drugs – it accelerates the detoxification of the animal’s body. When keeping poultry and livestock, the mineral serves as a component of bedding – to absorb moisture and unpleasant odors;
- fish farming – fish farm owners add zeolite preparations to artificial reservoirs. This is done to disinfect them – the products help fight pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria) and toxic ammonium compounds.
In the agricultural industry you simply cannot do without zeolites!
Protection of the environment
Natural zeolite is given the main “rescue” role in situations that are critically dangerous for wildlife:
- unexpected leaks and spills of chemicals (especially for oil and fuel oil);
- contamination of soil and water bodies with radionuclides and heavy metals;
- emissions of ammonia, carbon monoxide, methane, and other gaseous compounds hazardous to human health and the environment;
- contamination of water in wells, swimming pools, and other man-made reservoirs with toxic substances.
It is known that after the Chernobyl disaster, one of the drugs that helped save people was zeolite in powder form. People (residents of radiation-contaminated areas, rescuers) who took this drug were able to more easily cope with the dangerous consequences of radiation.
Studies of the effect of zeolite on the human body have shown that its use produces positive clinical effects. Mineral:
- increases stress resistance;
- removes heavy metals from the body;
- normalizes the functioning of the immune system – improves metabolic processes (carbohydrate, protein, lipid);
improves reproductive function; - promotes activation of intestinal biochemistry;
- optimizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
- has antianemic, antisclerotic, antitoxic, hepatoprotective effects.
Zeolite normalizes the balance of micro- and macroelements – and thus stimulates the so-called autoregulation processes in the body. In simple terms, it pushes the body to function in the most optimal mode for it.
Clinical trials of zeolites were conducted – people who took them in a certain regimen and dosage experienced improvement in many painful conditions. In particular, the drug, which normalizes lipid metabolism, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and strengthens the vascular wall, significantly “inhibited” the development of atherosclerotic processes.
Natural zeolite (55%) is included in the dietary supplement – the drug “Litovit”, which removes toxic substances from the body, normalizes mineral metabolism, helps with insomnia, gout, overweight or underweight. The mineral can also be found in medications for intoxication and flatulence.
It is also in demand in cosmetology – as a component of therapeutic mud, rejuvenating and cleansing masks, and anti-cellulite scrubs.
Domestic sphere, household
Zeolite comes to the rescue in a variety of situations at home or work:
- is a component of household filters for water purification, helps soften it;
- used as a fertilizer in indoor floriculture – decorative house plants also need microelements, and the mineral improves the structure of the soil, making it “lush” and forcing it to “breathe”;
- used as a component of litter for cat litter boxes – instantly absorbs moisture, prevents the spread of “odors”;
- zeolite chips in linen bags are used as an absorber of excess moisture in the refrigerator, bathroom – the mineral absorbs excess moisture and does not allow mold to form;
- zeolite helps keep home aquariums of any capacity clean – with it the water will not bloom, and the water will not be contaminated with waste from the inhabitants;
- fabric bags (and even old socks) with zeolite crumbs help wet shoes dry faster and not “scent” the atmosphere.
Zeolites are truly an exclusive and extremely useful creation of nature due to their amazing versatility.
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What is zeolite
Zeolite is a mineral of sedimentary-volcanic origin that has three key beneficial properties: sorption, ion exchange and catalysis. The name of the mineral comes from the Greek words “ZEO” (boil) and “Lithos” (stone), which means “boiling stone”. The structure of zeolite is a three-dimensional aluminum-silicon-oxygen framework consisting of SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedra, between which there are cavities and channels of size 0,4 ,XNUMXμm filled with K+, Na+, Ca++ cations and water molecules. Cations and water molecules are loosely bound to the framework and are easily replaceable, due to which the zeolite structure acts like a sponge, without destroying the framework itself during ion exchange and dehydration.
The most common of all known zeolites, clinoptilolite, is used for medicinal purposes. Of all natural zeolites, clinoptilolite has the highest rate of metabolic reactions, which explains its beneficial healing properties.
How does zeolite work
- Zeolite crystal lattices are similar to cells (chambers), inside of which there are positive ions, which are very important for the body. Positive ions, such as Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, etc., in the process of ion exchange are easily replaced by also positively charged toxins from the body, which are then firmly held by the crystal lattice and completely eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract .
- This occurs as a result of a natural detoxification procedure that removes 100% of all harmful substances from the human body. Zeolite binds 40% of heavy metals already in the gastrointestinal tract, and connects with 60% of toxins in the blood, at the cellular level.
- First of all, zeolite removes lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic from the body. This first stage lasts about 4 weeks or longer. The zeolite then removes pesticides, herbicides, mycotoxins and other harmful chemicals such as yeast, fungi and mold.
Useful Properties
- Is an additional source of useful minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium) Performs detoxification of the body (heavy metals, pesticides, toxins)
- Helps neutralize free radicals
- Helps in deactivating radioactive Cesium and Strontium
- Helps maintain blood pH alkalinity between 7,35 and 7,45
- Neutralizes allergens from food and drinks
- Keeps the immune system strong
- Helps in flushing away sand and kidney stones
- Helps mitigate the effects of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Helps in regulating cholesterol levels
- Helps in reducing lactic acid levels during active sports activities
- Helps quickly suppress viral, bacterial and fungal infections
- Helps increase serotonin levels (the happy hormone)
- Normalizes sleep
Why should you take zeolite?
- Residents of modern megacities are constantly exposed to a huge number of unfavorable factors such as air and water pollution, poor-quality food, carcinogens, and toxins. As a result of the accumulation of various products of a polluted environment in the human body, various diseases arise.
- Entering the human body through the digestive system, zeolite acts as a sorbent that absorbs harmful compounds, as well as a donor of useful elements found in the pores of its crystal lattice: calcium, potassium, magnesium. Having absorbed harmful compounds due to the ion exchange reaction, it is completely eliminated from the body along with them.
- As a result of taking zeolite, the body is cleansed of viruses, allergens and carcinogens, the mineral has a positive effect on the immune, endocrine, and digestive systems, restores vitality, and promotes rejuvenation.
- As a result, the body is “alkalinized,” while free radicals are neutralized and radioactive, carcinogenic and other harmful substances are eliminated.
- Modern medicine copes quite well with many diseases, but nature can often help restore and maintain human health. Thanks to its mineralogy and structural structure, the natural mineral zeolite has such truly magical properties.
- Particularly affected are people working in hazardous industries, as well as people living near such enterprises, in areas with unfavorable ecology, as well as near solid waste dumps and industrial landfills – sources of environmental pollution.
Natural zeolite is a versatile cleansing and detoxifying agent that can be used in a variety of ways:
- With the help of zeolite, it is possible to clean vegetables and fruits from toxic materials used in agriculture when growing crops, as well as from harmful substances used to increase the shelf life of products. To clean, dissolve a tablespoon of zeolite in 5 liters of drinking water, immerse fruits or vegetables in the zeolite solution for 1 hour. After this, drain the solution and fruits or vegetables can be eaten without additional rinsing.
- Natural zeolite can be used in the preparation of homemade cosmetics, such as creams or masks. Recipes for making creams or masks are quite varied. Zeolite is added to the base of the cream and serves to cleanse and detoxify the skin, improving its elasticity, relieving irritation and eliminating the consequences of skin diseases: infectious or fungal infections.
- Zeolite can be taken orally in the form of an aqueous solution.
How to take Zeolite
Fill the included heaping plastic spoon with zeolite | Place the zeolite in a glass beaker with water | Stir the zeolite into the water using the plastic spoon supplied with the zeolite. | Drink the contents immediately glass, without waiting for sediment to form |
Prophylactic dose 3-5 g. in a day.
- People with poor health: 6-10 gr. in a day.
- The daily dose is divided into 2 or 3 doses and taken half an hour before meals.
- Dilute the required amount of zeolite in 200 ml of water. The amount of zeolite in a plastic spoon (supplied) without a slide is 1 g, with a slide 2 g. Use immediately without waiting for sediment to appear. Increased fluid intake (from 2 liters) is recommended during the day. For people taking medications, the break between taking zeolite and taking medications should be at least two hours.
Zeolite is recommended for all categories of users. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 3 years of age, are advised to consult a doctor.
Pay attention!
- Do not stir zeolite with a metal spoon! Use the plastic spoon included in the zeolite box!
- When diluting zeolite in water, do not wait for it to settle, drink right away!