History of use

What stone accumulates energy?

Beyond the visible and tangible lies a world filled with secrets and wonders, which has attracted the attention of mankind since ancient times. One of these mysteries that has inexhaustible appeal is the magic of stones and minerals. As carriers of mysterious energy, stones have been shrouded in myths, legends and beliefs for centuries. From ancient shamans to modern healers, the energy of stones and minerals has always aroused and continues to arouse deep interest.

The power of stone: from antiquity to the present day

In ancient times, stones occupied a special place in the lives of many peoples, and this relationship has survived to this day. Despite cultural and geographical differences, many civilizations ascribed similar properties and meanings to stones, which were reflected in their rituals, art and daily life. For example, it was believed that carnelian could give its owner good health, jasper could make childbirth easier for a woman, and onyx could inspire and bring good luck. This belief has survived to this day. In many ancient cultures, stones were considered powerful amulets, capable of protecting against evil spirits, negative energies, and even physical danger. They were used as amulets and talismans that people carried with them or placed in their homes for protection. In addition, healing properties were attributed to the stones. Ancient peoples believed that certain stones could cure diseases, improve mental health, and even help prolong life. For example, quartz was often used for healing and cleansing purposes.

The magic of stones: the power of natural energy

The effectiveness of natural stones is manifested in their ability to exchange energy with a person: the stone “charges” the owner with its natural energy, while simultaneously absorbing the negative emotions that have accumulated in him. In addition, the stone acts as a kind of “shield”, collecting negativity directed at its owner, and also helps to concentrate and improves mental state. And for this it is not at all necessary to carry it with you all the time; interior stone products are no less effective, protecting not only the owner, but also his family. You don’t need to think about how to charge the stones with positive energy – nature has already done this, and she has had enough time for this. Natural stones accumulate energy over thousands and millions of years, and its supply is inexhaustible. Nevertheless, there are many ways to enhance the properties of a stone, and first of all, you need to choose the right talisman. There are no strict rules to follow, choosing a talismanic stone is an intimate and personal process that can vary depending on individual beliefs, goals and preferences. Here are some recommendations to help you choose a stone that will become your reliable assistant:

  1. First of all, determine what you want to use the stone for. It could be protection, luck, love, health, calm, concentration and so on. Each stone has its own unique properties that correspond to different aspects of life. Thus, granite can change life for the better and develop intuition, while marble protects against evil forces and gives harmony in relationships with a loved one.
  2. Focus on your feelings: it is believed that the stone should “choose” you, and not vice versa. Visit a stone store or show and see which one catches your eye. Listen to your feelings and intuition.
  3. You can choose options that match your zodiac sign or Chinese horoscope. Each sign is traditionally associated with certain minerals that can enhance its positive qualities or compensate for its shortcomings.

It is very important that you have a sense of personal connection with the stone. If a stone evokes positive emotions or memories in you, this is a good sign.

Using natural stones in the interior is a way to create a comfortable and harmonious space, charging with positive energy and inspiration. And even from a scientific point of view, this is considered favorable, because the stones do not contain harmful chemical additives and toxins, which makes them safe for health. And the aesthetic appeal and unique pattern created by nature itself will make your home harmonious and beautiful.

Before a date, put rose quartz in your pocket, take citrine for an exam, and get a tiger eye for a conversation with your boss.

All this, some people believe, helps to attract love, concentrate better, or become more decisive. Stones and crystals are supposedly also useful for health: to do this, they need to be applied to various points on the body or massaged with them.

Although stones have been credited with healing and even magical properties for thousands of years, it seems that this belief is now experiencing a new round of popularity.

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What are “power stones”

In general, stones, minerals and crystals are not the same thing: they differ in chemical and physical properties.

Stones – These are non-metallic rocks, often heterogeneous in composition.

Minerals consist of one substance, have a certain particle structure and natural origin.

Crystals – solids whose particles are arranged in a crystal lattice. They are not necessarily natural; there are also artificial crystals.

But in Russia, a common name has stuck for all of them – “stones of power”, or “energy stones”. While in English-speaking countries they are more often called healing crystals – “healing crystals”.

Each “stone of power” is assigned certain properties. For example, amethyst should protect against stress, citrine should improve attention and memory, lapis lazuli should promote good luck at work, and rose quartz should awaken feelings of love. There are even stones for quite specific situations: it is recommended to take tiger’s eye for negotiations where you need to show persistence, and carry malachite with you when resolving financial issues.

Malachite, the color of a thousand-ruble note, is considered a stone of financial luck. It is recommended to take it with you if you go to the bank for a loan, to a meeting with investors, or to buy a lottery ticket. Source: livemaster.ru

There is even a method of treating diseases and healing the body with the help of stones, it is called lithotherapy. To improve your health, lithotherapists advise not just keeping the stones with you, but doing a massage with them, applying them to certain “energy points” on the body, or placing them on sore spots.

Although some lithotherapists also offer rather unusual procedures, for example, steaming the face in a water bath, after placing a stone in one of the containers.

Facial rollers and gua sha massage scrapers are also usually made from natural stone – quartz or jade. Sellers on marketplaces promise to relieve swelling, lighten dark circles under the eyes, and smooth out wrinkles, even deep ones. But if you buy a plastic or glass roller, it supposedly won’t help. Source: wildberries.ru

Proponents of lithotherapy explain its work this way: stones can accumulate natural energy, and then give it to a person at the right time. Moreover, according to these beliefs, the most energetically powerful stones are also the most valuable stones, such as diamond and emerald. At the same time, it is believed that if there is too much negative energy around a person, the stone somehow draws it towards itself, therefore, for headaches, lithotherapists advise lying with quartz or turquoise on the forehead. The stones are also loved by supporters of conspiracy theories about the dangers of 5G networks: they use shungite to protect against “harmful radiation.”

You can use the stone endlessly – unless, of course, it breaks in the process. Adherents of this technique are confident that the energy reserves in stones and minerals will not run out, but in order for them to work correctly, they must be periodically washed under running water and kept in sunlight and moonlight.

How “power stones” and “healing crystals” became popular

People have believed in the healing and magical properties of stones for thousands of years: it is known that ancient Egyptian priests, medieval alchemists and oriental healers used stones and minerals. True, in different parts of the world different effects could be attributed to the same stone. For example, in Ancient Greece, amethyst was attached to glasses or worn on the body as protection against a hangover, and in Ancient China, it was placed near the front door of a house to attract wealth.

Interest in stones either grew or almost disappeared. In the 1970s, they were remembered again due to the heyday of the New Age movement in the United States: then many esoteric concepts became popular – energy practices, astrology, numerology, Reiki palm technique and “healing crystals.” By the way, sometimes it is advised to look for your “stone of power” precisely in accordance with your zodiac sign: for example, it is supposedly useful for Scorpios to acquire opal and aquamarine, and for Aries – zircon and rock crystal.

At the end of the 2010s, there was a new surge of interest in esotericism in the United States, including “healing crystals.” Celebrities played an important role in this: model Miranda Kerr, entrepreneur Kim Kardashian, singer Adele and actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who has now switched to selling wellness products – including stone products – in her Goop store, have admitted their belief in stones .

Around the same time – in the late 2010s and early 2020s – the passion for stones again captured Russians: sets for all occasions and zodiac signs appeared on marketplaces, and spa centers began offering massages with stones, even diamonds. In Yandex, “properties of stones” are now searched an average of 145 thousand times a month, and “magical properties of stones” – 54 thousand times.

A set of crystals from the Moscow brand Quarz, which was founded by former employees of an advertising agency, a glossy magazine and a fashion store. The price for a set of three stones, selected according to the zodiac sign, is about 3000 rubles. Source: goldapple.ru

How the beneficial properties of stones were tested

Although supporters of the theory about the properties of stones refer to science, scientists themselves are skeptical about this belief. American journalists asked several experts in the field of mineralogy about ways to transfer energy from stone to person and received a unequivocal answer: it is impossible. A stone is an ordinary object, and it does not produce any “energy flows”.

Some people claim that they actually feel a positive effect after contact with stones and minerals, but this can be explained by the placebo effect, which was confirmed by one experiment. In the early 2000s, scientists invited 80 people to meditate briefly with a “healing crystal” in their hands, but half of the experiment participants were given real crystals to hold, and the other half were given glass pieces.

Then people were asked what they felt, and in both groups there were those who felt warmth spreading through their bodies and palms. Regardless of what a person received – a crystal or a piece of glass – the “energy flows” were felt only by those who, before the experiment began, admitted their belief in the power of the stones.

By the way, mineral experts note that most of the “healing crystals” now entering the world market from China and India are fakes made of glass or plastic, or simply cheap artificial stones that are passed off as valuable natural ones. But this also does not prevent modern adherents of lithotherapy from feeling the positive effect of wearing or applying such stones to the body.

When stones and crystals help

You shouldn’t expect any magical or healing properties from the stones, but sometimes they are really useful – however, there is no mysticism in this. You can use stones, for example, to relieve anxiety using grounding techniques. Its essence is to switch attention from your internal state to something external, for example visual images or tactile sensations.

In a moment of acute anxiety, you should take a small pebble in your hand – it doesn’t have to be a “healing crystal”, even road rubble will do – and try to study it. You need to feel the texture of its surface, temperature, weight, size and mentally describe all this in as much detail as possible.

Moreover, if stones on your desktop, in your pocket or as a bracelet lift your spirits, you should not refuse this pleasure. Thus, mineralogist Jeff Post from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, although he is sure that the stones do not have any healing or magical properties, does not deny that they can bring joy: they are simply pleasant to look at, like flowers.

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