Mineral Review

What stone cleanses from negativity?

I started working on a bracelet-amulet for one girl who suspects that she has been damaged, which led me to write this post. Perhaps it will help people who have encountered negative influences, but contact magicians, sorcerers, etc. afraid. I will not describe esoteric terms in detail, so as not to overload the text; if anyone wants to know about them, let me know and I’ll add them. I will try to return to this post after a while and report whether the girl managed to get rid of the spiteful critic and find good luck and health. Jewelry-amulets made from stones are able to protect their owner from negative energy from the outside.
If you feel that someone wishes you harm, you have a series of failures and illnesses, the person you interact with (colleague, boss, fellow student, etc.) tires you and makes you unhappy. Then perhaps you are faced with a negative energy impact in your address, popularly called the evil eye, damage, energy vampirism. You can protect yourself from such influences in an active or passive way. Active means resorting to the help of a person with special abilities or skills, or independently performing a series of rituals. The passive way is to strengthen your energy with the help of an amulet or talisman.
Let’s take a closer look at the stones that can protect you from negativity:
Agate – this semi-precious stone is considered the best amulet against sorcerers and black magicians. It is able to protect against a strong energy attack and nullify the attempts of energy vampires to piss you off. Agate absorbs evil emotions and thoughts directed at you. No wonder Tibetan monks use agate to make their famous amulets – Dzi beads.
Jet – is also a powerful amulet against dark forces, absorbs negative energy and bad thoughts that people around you consciously or unconsciously direct at you. It is often used by magicians themselves.
Cat’s Eye – a universal stone against the evil eye and damage, and in addition to this, the keeper of the family hearth and marriage ties.
Eye of the Tiger – can save you from many real dangers, from dishonest and evil people. It perfectly protects its owner from energy strikes. Many psychics say that when trouble approaches, the stone becomes a little heavier or warmer. For example, if there is a person next to you who has cast a spell on you or simply treats you very badly in his heart. Such a change in the stone is a warning sign, listen to it, because even people who are not gifted with a magical gift can feel it.
Moonstone – is able not only to resist harmful energy influences, but also to cleanse the space around you from harmful otherworldly entities and formations.
Chrysocolla – best suited for women as a stone that protects against the evil eye and damage. It drives away nightmares, phobias and protects from foreign negativity.
Malachite – recommended to use to protect a child from the evil eye. He will also protect him from the effects of witchcraft and even disease.
Black onyx – one of the most powerful amulets. It is capable of not only protecting its owner from powerful witchcraft, but also returning evil to the ill-wisher.
Rhinestone – in itself is not a talisman, but if you charge it, it becomes one. Often, rock crystal is used in conjunction with another stone in order to enhance its protective properties by feeding it with the energy contained in the crystal. Bracelets – amulets can be complemented with religious symbols close to you, for example: a cross, a Dzi bead, a Celtic or Slavic symbol, etc.
General recommendations
It is necessary to remove negative energy from the amulet; to do this, it must be kept in running water, if this does not harm the product (a stone is fine, but it is harmful for metal parts). Or keep it in the cold for several hours (in winter on the balcony, at other times in the freezer). Otherwise, an excess of negativity can cause the destruction of stones. In my store there are examples of bracelets made of moonstone, agate, onyx and malachite. The energy centers of our body, located along the spine, are responsible for various aspects of life. According to yogis, each of the seven chakras is associated with certain organs and emotional states. When one of them is blocked, you may feel unwell, tired and even aggressive. However, such problems are easily solved with the help of natural stones. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE Stones for clearing the mind
@witchlandia For example, if you feel dissatisfied with your life and miss intellectual challenges, you should pay attention to the Sahasrara crown chakra, which is responsible for our state of mind, awareness and enlightenment. Using the right gems, you can get rid of anxiety, fear of the unknown, have a positive effect on the level of mental harmony and put your thoughts in order. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE

Stones for clearing the mind


Amethyst is a stone of wisdom and tranquility, which has become famous among lithotherapists due to its positive effect on human brain activity. Experts say that it is ideal for those who live under stress or worry about a lack of purpose in life, because it helps cleanse the aura, strengthen relationships with the Universe and protect yourself from negative thoughts. In addition, the mineral activates intuition, leading its owner to clearer thinking and an expanded perception of the world. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE Amethyst: description of the stone
ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE Amethyst can relieve headaches, migraines and improve your mood, which also proves its connection with the crown chakra. The stone is suitable for most people, except for those suffering from acute psychological illnesses – for example, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

white agate

White agate is a symbol of optimism, kindness and happiness. Esotericists say that this crystal reduces stress levels, helps get rid of anxiety and worry, strengthens the immune system, and stabilizes both personal and professional relationships. Thanks to the magical influence of the mineral, it becomes easier to concentrate on your own feelings and experiences, which also has a positive effect on relationships with loved ones. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE White agate is able to protect all zodiac signs from negative emotions, but not everyone can use it. For example, doctors prohibit the use of the mineral by pregnant women and people who have blood problems, because it can increase the risk of blood clots.

clear quartz

Clear quartz is considered a universal crystal that can affect all chakras, including the seventh. Thanks to the magical properties of the gem, you can bring balance to the Sahasrara, improve the connection between the brain and heart, and find answers to troubling questions. The mineral also helps in finding your purpose, protects against negativity and improves concentration. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE Transparent quartz: description of the stone
ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE Transparent quartz is suitable for anyone who strives for spiritual growth and wants to improve their relationship with themselves. However, if a person suffers from epilepsy or diseases of the nervous system, he should consult a doctor before using the stone, as it can provoke restlessness or anxiety.


Lepidolite has a calming effect, so it is often used to stabilize energy in the seventh chakra. The stone helps its owner increase intellectual abilities, increase self-esteem and clear the head of negative thoughts and doubts. In addition, according to esotericists, even the most inveterate pessimist, with the help of the magical power of a gem, is able to acquire a positive outlook on the world. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE Experts recommend the use of lepidolite to anyone who suffers from insomnia, anxiety and lack of energy. However, it should be noted that people with diseases of the heart system and problems with blood pressure are better off choosing another option, since the gem can cause headaches for them.


Since ancient times, lithotherapists have used moonstone to work with the crown chakra, because it helps balance energy at a deep level, reveals the hidden potential of its owner, activates intuition and reveals the best qualities. The mineral increases the natural attractiveness of its owner, attracts love and prosperity, and also helps to be more attentive to other people’s emotions. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE
@witchlandia Moonstone has healing properties that can normalize hormonal levels and relieve premenstrual syndrome. Experts do not recommend using crystal for those who struggle with depression, as it can intensify emotions.


Labradorite helps to find the right solutions even in the most difficult situations, as it increases self-confidence, develops intelligence and intuition. According to experts, it protects against negativity by repelling negative personalities from its owner and strengthening his energy field. Thanks to the magical properties of the gem, you can improve memory, reduce stress levels, achieve a state of deep relaxation and focus on your inner feelings. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE Labradorite is suitable for people who strive to realize their full potential. However, if you suffer from hyperactivity or bipolar personality disorder, you should choose a different stone, as this mineral can increase the symptoms of diseases.


According to esotericists, selenite was created by the ancient Greek goddess of the Moon so that mortals could reduce stress, anxiety and other negative feelings that interfere with good relationships with the Universe. Perhaps that is why it symbolizes peace and tranquility. It is believed that the stone attracts prosperity into life, strengthens self-confidence and cleanses the crown chakra of accumulated energy, thanks to which spiritual practices reach a new level.

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